How Do You Feel About Spiders?

It took just over two and a half weeks for Jun Li to finish up whatever he had going on, and we could leave Earth.

Honestly, the time seemed to both drag on and go too fast at the same time.

I wanted to show the guys more of Earth and take them to other countries so that they could see the true beauty of the planet I had called home for 19 years. But Doctor Deshaye, Emily as she preferred to be called, insisted that I meet her every day in her office so that she could monitor the health and wellness of the babies.

As much as I bitched and complained, I really wasn't that upset over it. There were a few times I felt more like a science experiment than a patient, but they were few and far between.

And the guys put a stop to it fast.

We all expected me to be in labor by now, but even though I looked like I was about to pop any second, the guys inside of me weren't in a hurry to come out and greet us.