Chapter 1 Common Sense

Johnny stood in his small, cramped 1 bedroom apartment with a solemn look on his face. Nothing seemed to go his way in life, yet he felt he had done nothing to deserve this treatment. He had been rejected by any and all girls he ever tried to pursue, leaving him to question if love was even real. But it was more than just being a virgin loser, he couldn't hold a job either. Just recently he got fired from the only job he was able to find work at, a run-down gas station.

"You bring the mood down wherever I put you Johnny." His asshole of a manager said. "It's just bad for business."

Yet even worse than the aforementioned events, his mother, the only person he could call family, died just yesterday.

'Why do I even try?' Johnny thought to himself with pity. 'Everything I do ends in failure, and the only person who believed in me is dead. I don't even deserve to li-'

Before he could finish that sentence, a loud ding could be heard as a pink screen with a blue outline appeared in his vision.

As his eyes lay on the screen, an alluring female voice sounded out.

[Congratulations! You have been selected by the universe to be the beta tester of our new program called: Common Sense Manipulation System! You have been chosen because of your miserable life and virgin status! But do not worry young man, with this system you can finally become someone worth a damn! Fame! Money! Beautiful women! The possibilities are endless!]

'Am I hallucinating?' John thought dumbfounded. He waved his hand at the screen but it simply passed through. However, it abruptly changed and the female voice sounded out again.

[No dumbass you aren't hallucinating, and stop touching me!]

Startled, Johnny yanked his hand back and dropped the rope in his other. He wasn't sure if what he was seeing was real, but he definitely just heard a female voice.

"Can you hear my thoughts?" He asked out loud.

[Yes dumbass. I'm an envoy of the universe! Something like reading thoughts is natural for a being of my status. Now, that you have been selected for our new program, don't you want to hear about the details?]

Still skeptical, Johnny decided it wouldn't hurt to hear the voice out before ending it.

[Well finally you have come to your senses. The Common Sense Manipulation System, or CSMS for short, is exactly as it sounds, you can manipulate the common sense of others.]

"That sounds… hard to believe." Johnny said, still not convinced of his own sanity.

[You… you know what fine. Walk downstairs to the desk clerk and test things out. There is no way you won't believe me after.] The voice said with arrogant confidence.

With a scoff, Johnny walked out of his apartment and down a few flights of stairs. He lived on the third floor, but this shitty apartment complex didn't even have an elevator, causing him to climb up and down stairs more often than he'd like.

He entered the lobby and laid eyes upon the desk clerk. She was a young woman with silver hair and best of all, large breasts. They seemed to be trying to escape her low-cut t-shirt, causing Johnny to get a little aroused at the sight. Currently, she was sitting cross-legged looking at her phone. A short black skirt and pantyhose adorned her slim legs, sending all kinds of signals to Johnny's virgin mind.

'Wh-what do I do now?' Johnny asked tentatively.

[Think of an order, or maybe something to change the way she thinks. Like I said before you can control someone's common sense. The sky is the limit.] The voice spoke.

Thinking deeply, Johnny wanted to make it something obvious but also useful. He couldn't even begin to think of all the possible uses for such an ability but wanted something that could turn his loser life around.

Coming to a conclusion, Johnny thought to himself. 'It is common sense for the woman in front of me to show me her boobs whenever I ask.'

[Dumbass…] The voice sounded out again. [You had the chance to change her common sense in any way and you thought of that? You could have said something like, 'You will obey my every command,' or 'You will now fall in love with me.']

A little confused, Johnny asked, 'Don't I still have the system? Why can't I just change her common sense again?'

[God I can't stand this dumbass, why did I get selected for this damn job…] The voice said in frustration. [Alright listen, I gave you one freebie to test out the system. Normally you have to earn points to use its abilities, and even then you can't change someone's common sense completely until the later stages. The chance I gave you just now had the ability to entirely rewrite someone's brain, but all you used it for was to see her breasts…]

Realizing his mistake, Johnny suddenly felt very regretful about his love for boobs. But then came to notice he still didn't even know if this system actually worked.

'Okay, lady shut up now. Time to see if you are really what you say you are.' He said rudely as he walked up to the clerk's desk.

As he arrived in front of the desk, the gorgeous, big-breasted beauty looked up from her cellular device with annoyance as she laid eyes on Johnny.

"Can I help you?" She said with all the attitude in the world.

Getting a little angry at the way she spoke to him, Johnny quickly thought about testing the system before he had a concerning thought.

'What if it doesn't work? Then I will have just sexually harassed this woman… Actually, now that I think about it, I was gonna end it all anyway. If this doesn't work then I'll just do that.' He concluded.

Mustering up what little courage he had left in his loser mind, he asked unconvincingly, "Can I please see your boobs?"

However, much to Johnny's disbelief, the young woman simply rolled her eyes and unbuttoned her tight shirt, letting her massive pale jugs fall out, no longer contained in their cotton prison.

An audible gulp could be heard from Johnny as he laid eyes upon her juicy melons. It was the first time in his life he had seen a woman's tits through his own eyes and not on a screen, and boy was it amazing. Her pointy nipples were a bright pink, and her breasts sat well, not sagging in any way due to the young woman's age and vitality. They were round and bouncing, causing Johnny to wish he could just bury his head in all their glory.

'It actually works!' He shouted internally, anticipating all the wonderful things he could accomplish with this power.