Chapter 6 100 Sit-Ups, 100 Push Ups, 100 Squats, and a 10 Kilometer run!

Upon hearing the ding of success, Johnny checked on his manipulation point counter.

Manipulation Points: 163

'300 points huh… I think that was a worthwhile investment. I won't have to worry able scaring her off now…' Thought Johnny. 'I still have leftover points, unlike last time…'

Johnny took a few moments to think up ideas for his remaining points, but in the end, he decided to save them for now.

'I'm sure I'll think of something later. No need to get too greedy right now…'


Early the next day, Johnny sat up on his bed with a look of irritation evident on his face.

"Rent was due yesterday, so now I'm down to only $214…" He stated out loud upon checking his bank balance.

[Looks like you need a job dumbass. Or next thing you know, you're gonna be on the side of the street fucking cracked out homeless women for points.] Said Aurora with a mocking tone.

Johnny's expression darkened upon hearing this. He really didn't want to be homeless. As much as he hated his cramped apartment, at least it had a roof and 4 walls. Not to mention he didn't want to catch some kind of STD from a crack whore…

"Alright," He spoke with newfound determination. "I'm gonna fuck this girl even if it's the last thing I do!"

[This dumbass…] Aurora facepalmed at Johnny's vigor.

After his short motivational speech, Johnny got up and headed for the lobby. He was dressed casually today, only wearing some loose shorts and a tank top, not expecting to go out anywhere.

Upon his arrival in the lobby, Johnny frowned when he didn't spot Samantha sitting at her usual clerical desk.

'Maybe she is on break.' He thought with some hope.

[No dumbass. She was probably scared by the shit you pulled yesterday: most likely called in sick to avoid you.] Aurora theorized.

'Damn… Hopefully, she won't avoid me for too long, or I don't know what I'm going to do.' But just as he finished that thought, the blond woman from the other day walked in from outside.

Once again, she was clad in workout clothes, sweat still dripping off her forehead.

'Wait… who says I can only pursue Samantha? If she is going to avoid me, I can always try for someone else…' He thought gazing at the blond's fit figure.

'I only have 163 points, so it can't be anything drastic. But perhaps I can guide this blonde in a different way…' Johnny thought with anticipation.

'The blond woman in front of me will have full trust in me for matters relating to physical fitness.' Immediately after that thought, Johnny heard the ding of completion.

Smiling, he checked on his point status.

Manipulation Points: 1

'Wow, that was lucky… Hey Aurora.'

[What do you want dumbass.] Aurora said with disdain.

'I don't think there was any way in hell I should have been able to change her mind in that way for just over 160 points. Did I level up or something?' He asked.

With a long sigh, Aurora answered. [There are no levels to the CSMS. The cost to change someone's common sense varies from person to person. So if you use something familiar to a person per se, it will cost less. This isn't always the case, but it is for that blond you just manipulated. I'm surprised you realized… dumbass.]

With this newfound information, Johnny patted himself on the back. 'I can't believe I thought of something like that. You can't call me a dumbass for much longer Aurora.' He thought as he walked up to the blond woman walking back to her apartment.

"Umm excuse me." He blurted out.

The woman turned around with an expression of amusement upon spotting Johnny. She found it hilarious that this loser was about to hit on her.

"Can I help you?" She asked with a tantalizing smile.

After confirming his words one last time, Johnny spoke.

"I couldn't help but notice you just got done working out. Looks like you did some running correct? I'm actually quite knowledgeable in umm… cooldown stretches… and was wondering if you'd like some help…" He asked without much confidence.

Realization crossed the blond woman's face before a sigh of appreciation escaped her mouth. "Oh my god! You have no idea how long I've been searching for someone like you! Yes, I just got finished with a 10km run, 100 sit-ups, squats, and push-ups, and have been in dire need of proper cool-down techniques."

Johnny stood stunned for a moment. 'There is no way that just worked.' He thought before speaking again.

"Well, that's wonderful! Do you mind if we do them in your apartment? Mine is a little cramped…"

"Mine is small too but I don't mind. Let's go!" The blond woman said with eagerness, as she began heading for the stairwell.

When they were going up the many flights, the blond woman was climbing ahead of him, giving Johnny a full view of her rear end.

It was jiggling and bouncing up and down with every step, causing Johnny to become almost hypnotized. She didn't have a particularly large behind, but it appeared very toned due to her tough workout schedule. A routine like that was hard enough to cause someone's hair to fall out…

Gulping and shaking his head, Johnny looked down, trying not to fall prey to the woman's lovely cake.

'Focus Johnny. Hold your lust in…'

After enduring the ruthless torture that was walking behind a woman up the stairs, the blond woman and Johnny arrived at her apartment.

Entering, Johnny was surprised to see it was quite empty, or at least the living area was. The bedroom door was shut, leaving him to only fantasize about seeing a woman's room with his own eyes.

Without any words, the blond woman walked over to a cabinet and grabbed a couple of yoga mats, placing them on the floor in the center of the room.

"Shall we get started?" She asked in a voice that made blood rush to Johnny's member…