Chapter 14 M is for, MILF?!

Johnny, getting a little peeved at all the comments on his body, thought, 'Let's see what you can say now bitch?'

Thinking deeply, he used the CSMS to manipulate people's perceptions.

'Upon checking my I.D., it's only normal for anyone to recognize me as an extremely reputable yoga instructor.' He thought and heard the ding of success.

Giving a confident smirk, Johnny walked up to the desk while Vanessa and Olivia were still arguing.

"I'm telling you, he helped me with cooldown stretches and was amazing!" Vanessa said, recalling their cooldown stretches together.

"Yeah, they all start out that way, and th-" Olivia paused as she saw Johnny toss an I.D. card at her.

"What's this?" She said as she picked up the card with curiosity. As she inspected it, her eyes suddenly became wide in realization, before she apologized to Johnny.

"I'm so sorry for the misunderstanding Instructor. I hope you can understand that I'm just one individual and do not represent the whole of this establishment. We would be more than happy to have you work as an instructor here." Olivia spoke while bowing in an apologetic manner.

Giving a triumphant grin and putting on an air of confidence, Johnny replied. "Oh, no worries. I'm aware of the image my body conveys. But let this be a lesson to never judge a book by its cover."

Her eyes twitching a bit, Olivia stood up straight again and said. "Indeed I will try not to. But Instructor, I must go get one of the owners if you want to work here. Only with their approval can you hold sessions and receive payment…"

Nodding Johnny said, "I thought as such. If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you to please fetch them for me."

"Absolutely." Olivia said, quickly rushing off in a particular direction.

[Not bad dumbass. But that change was quite expensive. You might want to check your points before you attempt anything else.] Aurora advised.

Frowning, Johnny looked at his status, only to almost shout in alarm.

Manipulation Points: 1250

'What?! That cost 1300 points?! Ho-why?!' He thought with disbelief.

[Because it was a broad change. You made it so that ANYONE who looks at your I.D. has their common sense manipulated. Thankfully, you added the condition of I.D. and also just had them think of you as a fitness instructor. I have to say, even though it was expensive, it was a smart use of points. Good job dumbass.] Aurora complimented.

'Still… I thought I'd never use so much of them on a single change…' Johnny thought with a sad expression.

Noticing his expression, Vanessa misunderstood and spoke up. "I'm sorry you have to deal with this instructor. It's just that the women here have all had bad experiences with men in the past, and end up treating all of them badly. But I promise once you show your skills, they will warm up quickly!"

"I understand. Thanks, Vanessa." Johnny said before spotting Olivia walking back with someone else in tow.

Walking next to her was a tall, mature woman. Johnny thought she was perhaps in her 40s. She wore leggings and a sports bra, leaving toned abs in view for all to see and admire. She had long brown hair, and glasses, and exuded an aura of authority. But best of all was her massive breasts, surprisingly even larger than Samantha's.

'A MILF!' Johnny exclaimed in his mind. He held a preference for young women like Samantha, but couldn't deny the appeal of an older woman.

The MILF walked up and stood in front of Johnny with a smug expression on her face.

"I'm sure you have some credentials if you are what you say you are a young man." The woman spoke rudely.

Grabbing his I.D., Johnny handed it over and stammered out, "Y-Yes of course."

Inspecting the card, the tall woman's expression remained indifferent before she handed it back and spoke.

"It seems you have at least some credibility, but that won't be enough." Said the MILF.

His expression turning sour, Johnny asked, "W-What else do I need?"

Her eyes looked him up and down, the tall woman then spoke. "I need to see proof of your skills. Follow me into the private session room. My decision to employ you will be based on your ability to impress me." As she finished speaking, she turned and walked towards the back of the building, causing Johnny to follow.

'Shit, I don't know any actual techniques… What am I going to do?' Johnny worried.

His I.D. only made people perceive him as an instructor, not actually give him the skills of one. Perhaps he could fool an inexperienced person with his skills, but not someone as experienced as an owner of a gym.

'Think Johnny, think! What can I change to help my situation…' He pondered.

Suddenly thinking of an idea, Johnny spoke in his head.

'Whenever I snap my fingers, it's normal for anyone in the same room as me to trust my physical fitness judgment and anything I do relating to physical fitness completely.'


'Yes! It worked!' Johnny thought with surprise. He had no doubt it cost him a pretty penny but felt it was worth it.

Checking his status, he confirmed his suspicions.

Manipulation Points: 50

'Damn… I knew it would be expensive but for it to leave me like this… Well, at least this will help me get a job.' He considered.

[I hope so.] Aurora said.

After using up his points, Johnny and the MILF arrived at a room in the back and entered. What lay behind the door was a large open room. Different colored mats were positioned evenly across the floor, and one mat stood at the front of all of them.

"This is our yoga room. If you are hired, it's where you will be holding sessions. Now, let's get down to business…" She said while looking at Johnny with an evaluating gaze.