Chapter 17 Girlfriend?

{ Johnny Dumbass }

Age: 21

Height: 5 ft 11 in

Weight: 170 lbs

Manipulation Points: 800

Achievements completed: 16/1000

Quests Completed: 1

Money: $314

Bodies: 1

Minds Altered: 4


"800 Manipulation Points, not bad at all…" Johnny thought. Getting points was much easier now than it was just a few days ago.

"I also have a somewhat stable source of income, so rent shouldn't be a problem. Now I just have to earn more money by acquiring some clients…"

[Did you have anything in mind?] Aurora inquired, curious as to what creative solution Johnny would come up with.

"Of course I do. It's-" Johnny stopped as he heard something

*Knock Knock*

'Who would be knocking on my door at this time?' He thought while running to the front of his apartment.

Opening the door, he saw a stunning silver-haired woman wearing business casual attire.

"Samantha? What are you doing he- wait… how did you find my apartment?" Johnny asked, realizing he never showed her where it was.

However, she didn't answer immediately as she leaned in for a kiss. 'Oh, I almost forgot about that change.' Johnny thought as he savored the sweet taste of Samantha's lips.

Backing away, Samantha started curling her hair and said cutely, "I looked it up on the clerical computer… But that's not important right now. What did you mean when you said we weren't a couple this morning? I thought that when you have sex with someone… you have to marry them…"

[How naive… You got yourself a good one, someone just as dumb as you.] Aurora observed.

Ignoring her, Johnny thought for a moment about how to approach this. 'Wow… she seems to genuinely think you have to marry the first person you have sex with. I have no idea why though… Now the question is… should I date her? Or let her down lightly…'

After a second to ponder, Johnny made his decision and spoke. "Well… Samantha… I suppose this is something we are going to have to discuss. Please, come inside." Johnny said while beckoning her in.

With an expression of confusion, Samantha stepped into Johnny's apartment and followed him to the bedroom.

Entering, Johnny said, "Have a seat, there is something I must explain."

Curiosity and worry crossed the big-breasted beauty's face as she sat on Johnny's bed. "W-what's wrong?" Samantha asked.


Letting out a loud sigh, Johnny began spouting his usual bullshit. "The reason I didn't consider us a couple… is well.. I often see other people."

Knitting her eyebrows, Samantha asked for clarification. "What do you mean?"

"Well… I'm someone who doesn't like to be tied down to just one partner. As such you aren't the only woman I'm going to have sex with if we are in a relationship. I wasn't sure if you'd be comfortable with something like that, so I didn't consider us a couple."

Samantha, upon hearing this, lowered her head.

Noticing her downtrodden expression, Johnny spoke again. "But of course, if you are okay with me seeing multiple people… I'd be happy to go out with you. However, you yourself cannot see anyone other than me. I'm sorry but it just doesn't align with my principles…"

Looking up with anger, Samantha suddenly burst out. "How does that make any sense?! I LOVE you! I just want us to be together… No one else."

However before she could get any more heated, Johnny changed something.

'It's only common sense for Samantha to be okay with me seeing other people. You have to be accepting of those you love after all.'


Samantha's expression suddenly changed, she no longer looked so distraught, and she spoke up. "I-I don't know what came over me. I guess I forgot that it's normal to be accepting of those you love. I'm sorry…"

Putting on a smile, Johnny approached Samantha and hugged her. "It's okay… It happens to the best of us."

After a brief moment of embrace, Johnny backed away and asked. "So… let me ask you Samantha. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Samantha's expression quickly shifted into one of happiness as she shot forward into Johnny's arm. "Yes! I love you Johnny!"

Letting out an amused chuckle, Johnny said, "I love you too Samantha…"

The new couple stood for a moment, basking in their new partner's warmth…

After their embrace, Johnny broke away and spoke. "Samantha, or should I say, babe… Would you like to go on a date tonight?"

Her eyes lighting up, Samantha replied enthusiastically. "Absolutely! Where are we going to go?"

"I recently heard about a new romance movie that was pretty good. Want to go to the theater and watch it?" He asked.

Smiling, Samantha agreed, and after some more planning, left to go get ready.

Back by himself, Johnny had a pink and blue screen appear in front of him once more.

{Achievement Earned: First Girlfriend! Get yourself a girlfriend for the first time! 300 Manipulation Points have been added to your status!}

'First girlfriend huh? This only marks the beginning of my harem…' He thought while rubbing his hands together with an evil grin.

[God you are such a dumbass.] Aurora said when Johnny did this.


A couple of hours later, Johnny found himself waiting in the front lobby. He was once again wearing his purple button-up shirt and pants, not giving any mind to Aurora's insults about his choice of style.

[I'm telling you, if she didn't have her common sense manipulated, Samantha would think you look like a bag of ass!]

'Well, I guess we'll never know bec-' Johnny's thoughts were cut short as he laid eyes on Samantha's curvy figure entering the lobby.

She wore another sundress, however this time it was yellow, contrasting greatly with her silver hair. Her face had plenty of makeup, and her eyes had cute little earrings hanging off them. Best of all was her hair, which was recently curled, giving it a fluffy look.

'How the hell did I pull her…' Johnny thought before embracing Samantha and giving her a deep kiss.