Chapter 32 Melissa the cuck

Upon hearing Johnny's words, Melissa felt her heart quiver. She was greatly addicted to Johnny's dick, but due to the CSMS's influence, also loved him. Watching him fuck 2 other women in front of her didn't feel very good.

'I… I wish I could be his girlfriend… But I don't think he'll let me. Unfortunately, he only thinks of me as his personal cum dumpster…' Melissa thought with a downtrodden expression.

Noticing the sad look on her face, Johnny caressed Melissa's chin and spoke. "Don't look so sad… After all, you get to have an early taste on my cum now don't you?"

Looking up into his evil eyes, Melissa's face lightened up a bit after remembering the great pleasure she felt from sucking Johnny's cock. 'I guess it isn't so bad after all…' She thought.

Finished with their conversation, Johnny grabbed Melissa's hand and lead her into the apartment. But once they entered, Johnny didn't spot Vanessa or Samantha in the main room, and headed for the bedroom. But when he opened the door, blood quickly rushed to fill his manhood.

Sitting seductive next to each other on his bed was none other than Vanessa and Samantha, both stark naked.

"Hey baby…" The two sexy women said in unison.

'Wow…' Thought Johnny.

Still a little stunned, Johnny took a second and voiced his thoughts. "Wow… I didn't expect to find this waiting for me."

Smiling, Vanessa replied. "Well what did you expect? You teased both of us so much, surely you didn't think we'd leave without you fucking us right?"

Samantha nodded in agreement, still feeling dissatisfied from having her sunscreen rubbing session interrupted.

A grin appearing on his face Johnny replied. "Of course not… I just didn't think you'd be so brazen about it. However, give me one second to sort something out."

Grabbing Melissa, who was still standing behind him, Johnny got a chair and put it in a corner of the room facing the bed. Pointing at the chair, Johnny looked sternly at Melissa and commanded. "Sit here and watch. I don't care if you masturbate or not, but don't leave until I tell you to or you won't get to suck my dick."

Frantically nodding, Melissa obediently sat down. Even if she didn't want to be cucked like this, she wouldn't give up the chance to taste Johnny's cock.

Turning back to Vanessa and Samantha, Johnny noticed their apprehensive expressions.

"Why is she here?" Vanessa asked, looking at the redhead sitting in the corner. She was fine fucking Johnny alongside Samantha, as she was his original girlfriend, but now there was another girl? Just how many women does this guy fuck?


'I really don't feel like explaining all this…' Johnny thought, tired of constantly explaining all of his relationships.

'It is completely normal for the women of my harem to accept any other women I bring into my harem. This includes having them watch each other have sexual interactions with me.'


The two women sudden had a change in expression, before they practically ignored Melissa sitting in the corner.

'That should solve that. Shouldn't have been too expensive on Manipulation Points either…' Johnny thought after speaking to the CSMS.

[You are really becoming lazy. You could have easily convinced them…] Aurora commented.

Rolling his eyes, Johnny ignored Aurora, as he only had one thought on his mind now. "Alright ladies…" Johnny said as he looked back and forth between the naked blond and naked silver haired woman. Taking off his clothes, Johnny walked up and laid down in the middle of the bed. "Whoever can make me cum fastest using their mouth gets fucked first." He said with confidence.

[You definitely can't cum twice that quickly…] Aurora said, confused as to Johnny's ideas.

'Not yet… But what about after this?' Johnny replied while speaking to the CSMS in his mind.

'It's now normal for me to have full control over my erections and sperm production.'


Feeling the change to his body and mind, Johnny quickly started producing more sperm in preparation for the coming sexual intercourse.

Smiling, Johnny spoke to Aurora as the two women played Rock Paper Scissors to see who goes first. 'Now I can cum and keep going as much as I want.'

[Dumbass…] Aurora said with annoyance before becoming silent, letting Johnny enjoy his women in peace.

Vanessa won the short game they played, prompting her to crawl up to Johnny's cock and plant her lips around it. Samantha, having lost, only shrugged her shoulders and laid next to Johnny, staring to kiss him as his dick was sucked. 'At least I get to make out with him now…' She thought, savoring the sweet, tantalizing taste of Johnny's lips.

Licking Johnny's cock up and down, Vanessa tried her best to make Johnny cum. Jerking him off with her hand and swirling her tongue around his dick tip, Vanessa felt his manhood twitch a little. 'He likes that.' She observed, moving her tongue and hand faster.

'She's not bad…' Johnny thought as he reached orgasm, sending think ropes of cum all over Vanessa's mouth and face.

She didn't seem to mind, only licking the semen off the sides of her mouth with a confident expression. 'There is no way Samantha can beat that.' Vanessa thought.

Sitting in the corner, Melissa felt every fiber of her being wishing to jump out and lick the cum off of Vanessa's face. But, she unfortunately knew that such an action would destroy her master's trust and sever her chances of getting to suck his dick. 'Just be patient Melissa. All I have to do is wait a little longer and I'll finally get to taste his amazing cock…' She thought, holding herself back.

Breaking away from kissing Johnny, Samantha felt trickles of liquid running down her legs. 'I love his lips…' She thought before she started rubbing her pussy.

With his vision no longer obscured by Samantha's lovely face, Johnny noticed Melissa struggling in the corner and grinned. 'She can barely keep herself under control just seeing my cum. Utterly insane…' He thought, still amazed at the potential of the CSMS.