Chapter 35 Titties…

As Melissa was struggling to swallow All of Johnny's cum, she was feelings many different sensations. Both her pussy and mind were drowning in pleasure and she could barely even think straight. 'I love it!!!' Melissa thought as her whole body quivered and shook with pleasure.

Watching her finish up and start to collapse, Johnny quickly got up and grabbed her. "I can't have you falling asleep in here too, get out now." He said sternly, not wanting to deal with 3 unconsciousness women.

Not wanting to irritate her master any further, Melissa gathered herself and headed for the door. As she was leaving, a sad expression crossed her face as she thought about what just happened. 'If only I was one of his girlfriends, maybe he would actually love me back… But all I am to him is a cum dumpster…' Melissa thought with longing.

With the petite redhead gone, Johnny laid back on the bed next to Vanessa and thought about the events that just took place. 'Wow… I just fucked two women and get my dick sucked by a third… Thank you Common Sense Manipulation System.'

As if answering his thoughts, a pink and blue screen appeared in front of Johnny.

{Achievement Earned: Competition! Have two or more women compete over you! 200 Manipulation Points have been added to your status!}

{Achievement Earned: Threesome! Have sex with two women at the same time! 300 Manipulation Points have been added to your status!}

{Achievement Earned: Back to back! Cream pie two or more women one after another! 400 Manipulation Points have been added to your status!}

{Achievement Earned: Cleaning Service! Have someone clean your dick off after having sex with a different person! 200 Manipulation Points have been added to your status!}

{Achievement Earned: Total Domination 2/???! Have a woman become completely subservient to you! 500 Manipulation Points have been added to your status!}

{Achievement Earned: Total Domination 3/???!Have a woman become completely subservient to you! 500 Manipulation Points have been added to your status!}

"Holy fuck!" Johnny exclaimed upon reading all of the achievements. He had never earned this many achievements all at once, and by god he was elated. 'So many Manipulation Points! I can do anything!' Johnny thought with excitement.

[Indeed. Don't spend them all in one place though dumbass.] Aurora advised.

'I would never…' Johnny thought with sarcasm…

Shaking his head, Johnny still had a hard time believing his eyes and decided to check on his status for the first time in a while, most likely because the author didn't feel like tallying up all the achievements and points…

{ Johnny Dumbass }

Age: 21

Height: 5 ft 11 in

Weight: 170 lbs

Manipulation Points: 2600

Achievements completed: 38/1000

Quests Competed: 1

Money: $900

Bodies: 3

Minds Altered: 9


Looking at his status, Johnny knitted his eyebrows as he saw the Manipulation Points. 'Hmm… I thought I'd have more considering all the achievements I've earned… But I guess I have been using the CSMS quite frequently. Well, at least I completed a shit ton more achievements. 38 already?! Awesome…' Johnny concluded, before turned over and falling asleep. Tomorrow was Monday which meant he had to go back to "work".


"Should we wake him up together?" Vanessa whispered to Samantha. The two women were standing near the bedroom door and looking at the passed out man. They had both woken up before him, yet didn't know if they should wake him up just yet…

Thinking for a moment, Samantha checked the time. "No… We still have plenty of time before the he has to leave for work. Instead, let's make him breakfast!" Samantha spoke with enthusiasm.

Hearing her words, Vanessa perked up and headed for the kitchen, while Samantha prepared for something else…


Feeling warmth caress his face, Johnny's eyes opened slowly, only to widen when he was faced with a lovely pair of tits. A little confused, he groggily looked up and saw a beautiful silver haired girl smiling at him. "Good morning baby." Samantha said kindly after meeting his gaze.

Grinning as he realized the situation, Johnny pushed his head into Samantha's bosom, prompting her to embrace him. 'Titties…' Johnny thought with glee. He truly did love boobs…

Laying there for a minute, Johnny's fantasy was broken when Samantha pulled away from him. "Baby, as much as I'd love to lay here with you… We both have to get ready for work. Vanessa is waiting in the kitchen for you, and I have to leave." She said with reluctancy.

Groaning, Johnny rubbed his eyes and got up, heading into the kitchen to eat the meal Vanessa prepared. As he entered, Vanessa had just set down plates full of eggs and bacon and upon spotting him, smiled. "Good morning baby. I've made you breakfast. I hope you like it." The hot blond said while sitting down to eat.

After sitting down and starting to eat, Johnny bid Samantha farewell as she left for work, while he and Vanessa stayed to eat.

With it just being the two of them, Johnny's thoughts started to wander as he saw how Vanessa was dressed. It didn't really register before as he was still half asleep, but she was still in her panties and bra, not having changed yet as she didn't have any clothes in Johnny's apartment. 'She can't blame me for what I'm about to do…' Johnny thought as they both finished their breakfast and got up to clean their plates.

As Vanessa started washing the plates in the sink, Johnny approached her from behind and reached one hand around to grab her tits, and the other down to her pussy.


Vanessa moaned out abruptly before speaking out softly. "Baby… We don't have much time before the yoga session starts! I still need to go back to my apartment and get ready!"

A lustful grin crossing his face, Johnny leaned in and whispered ominously into the blond's ear. "Than we must be quick. Don't worry though, if we use your ass, I'm sure it won't take long…"