Chapter 38 Move In?

Putting on a face of realization, Johnny tapped into his best acting skills and replied. "I… I feel the same way. I never knew my real mother, but…"

[Really? I didn't think you'd ever stoop this low dumbass. You're mother died not too long ago, but now you're using the CSMS in an attempt to fix your mommy issues? Absolutely insane…] Aurora said in a disappointed tone. She couldn't believe Johnny would think up something so crazy in pursuit of sex…

'Shut up and let me live my life. You gave me the power to change anyone's common sense however I'd like, yet you sit there and complain when I use it how I want. I'm doing the quests and earning achievements, so just sit back and watch.' Johnny countered.

However, before he could continue arguing with the voice in his head, Janet's eyes started watering and her lip quivered. "I… I'm so sorry I ever left you… son." The redhead women said before embracing Johnny in a deep hug.

Feeling the lovely woman's embrace, Johnny almost felt bad… But then got an idea after hugging her for a few moments. "M-mom… I know this is a bit of a shock, so why don't we discuss it more at your house?" Johnny asked with a soft voice.

Pulling away, Janet looked at him with tears in her eyes. Wiping them away with her hands, she tried her best to compose herself before speaking. "Y-yes. That would be fine. You can ride there with Melissa and I."

After her words, Janet turned around and left the building with Johnny in tow. When Melissa saw Johnny again, she had the same abrupt realization in her eyes for a second before becoming quiet. Even during the car ride to their house, Melissa didn't say a word and only silently contemplated what Johnny being her brother meant…

'I… I've had sex with him, and not only that, I've become addicted to the taste of his cock. My master… turned out to be my brother?!' Melissa exclaimed to herself, feeling many emotions. She didn't really know what to do… I mean, who could even guess such a thing?!

As they sat during the short ride to Janet's house, Johnny could guess what Melissa was thinking and only thought it was hilarious. 'Ha… She definitely is freaking out over fucking her "brother", little does she know I have no intention of stopping with just her…'

As they arrived at their destination, Johnny, Janet and Melissa got out of the car. Johnny looked up and was pleasantly surprised to find quite a large, modern house. 'Wow, I didn't expect them to be so well off. Then again, I never asked Janet what she does for work.' Johnny thought before following Janet inside.

Upon entering, Janet led Johnny and Melissa into a very expensive looking dining room. After gesturing for them to sit, she then grabbed some tea and sat down with them, ready to start their conversation.

Pouring herself a cup, Janet took a deep breath before speaking. "So, Johnny… I'm sorry I never realized it sooner. But I guess better late then never. I'd like to take this time to… get to know you better if that's okay."

Looking over at the redhead woman, Johnny nodded and replied in a serious tone. "Of course. I feel the same way. Did you have any particular way in mind?"

Looking a bit hesitant, Janet took a moment to respond. "Yes… I now it is a bit pushy.. But I'd like to ask if you'd move in with us. I'm sure both myself and Melissa would become a lot closer with you in that way."

When the words left her mother's mouth, Melissa eyes shot open in shock. "Move in? Mom, I know we are related but we just met him not too long ago! Isn't that a but much?" She questioned frantically.

"Now now Melissa… It's only right that we offer him a chance to live with us. After all, he should have lived here his whole life! Don't worry about anything happening, we are family now after all!" Janet replied enthusiastically.

Hearing her mother, Melissa couldn't find any words to retort and instead got up and stormed to her room in frustration.

'I don't know what she's so upset about. I mean, now she can suck my dick pretty much whenever she wants…' Johnny thought before speaking to Janet in a kind and thankful tone.

"I'd love to move in here with you all. However, if Melissa is too upset about it I'm not sure if it's a good idea…"

"Oh nonsense." Janet brushed off. "She'll come around eventually. I'm sure she's just a little shocked upon finding out she has a brother after all these years. You know, she has always asked me why I didn't have any more kids, as she's always wanted siblings. Even though this isn't in the most ideal circumstances, at least she won't be an only child anymore."

Putting on a smile, Johnny thanked her and got up. After their conversation, Janet drove him back to the apartment complex, as Johnny didn't intend to stay the night at their house.

As they arrived, Janet followed Johnny into the building, much to his confusion. "What are you doing?" He asked as she walked with him.

"Well… I just thought I'd walk you back to your apartment, and perhaps see how you've been living all this time. Call it motherly instincts or whatever, but I must understand the full scale of what you've been through without me." The mature redhead woman said with a serious look.

Giving her a short glance, Johnny shrugged and continued walking to his apartment. As they walked, he could hear behind him Janet scoffing and scowling in displeasure, clearly disapproving of conditions of the apartment complex.

Johnny tried not to pay any heed to her reactions and quickly arrived and entered his apartment. Upon entering, Janet looked around with a terribly apologetic expression. "You… I can't believe you have to live like this." She said in shame.

After listening to her comments, Johnny had an idea and spoke to the CSMS in his mind.

'Because of her guilt as a mother, Janet will feel as if she has to listen to my every request in an attempt to make up all these years of neglect. She won't feel uncomfortable or offended at anything I ask of her, as she understands that doing anything I say is the only thing she could possibly do to make it up to me.'
