Chapter 40 Questions

After Janet left, Johnny made himself a quick meal and after eating, started conversing with Aurora. He had some things he wanted to ask her, and thought now would be a good time.

'So Aurora, I know it's been a while since I've received this system, but I have a few questions I'd like you to answer.' Johnny said to Aurora.

[Lay them on me dumbass. About time you started questioning things.] Aurora replied with an approving tone, something that Johnny had rarely heard from her before.

Taking a deep breath, Johnny started his questioning. 'So, I know there are things I do that you disapprove of, but would you ever, or could you ever, stop me from using the CSMS in a certain way?' Johnny asked with some hesitation, concerned that if he went to far there could be consequences.

Aurora took a moment before answering…

[No. I can't stop you from doing anything, and even if I could, I wouldn't. The system you have is a test of sorts, so every way you use it is data that the universe will use in other areas. It would be counterproductive to stop you from using the system in a certain way.] Aurora said, surprisingly not insulting Johnny in the process.

Hearing Aurora's words, Johnny only ended up having more questions. 'So you're telling me, I'm just a Guinea pig for the universe?'

[Yes.] Aurora replied briefly.

Knitting his eyebrows, Johnny questioned some more. 'But… what would the data even be used for?'

[There are some questions I can't answer. This is one of those questions.] Aurora spoke sternly.

Johnny felt himself almost get angry, but calmed himself and cleared his head, attempting to ask a better question.

'Well then… Am I the only person in the world with this system?' He asked, half expecting Aurora to not answer him.

Contrary to Johnny's thoughts however, Aurora answered in a peculiar way. [If you mean the only human on Earth, then yes, you are the only one with this particular system. However there are other beings across the universe with a similar system. But… You aren't the only human on earth that received a system from the universe.]

Suddenly, Johnny felt his heart drop. So many bombshells were just dropped on him that he didn't know how to react. The fact that aliens were just confirmed to be real was honestly not even the most shocking aspect. The hardest hitting thing was that… there were other people out there with a system…

Taking a deep breath, Johnny took a few moments to compose himself before he said, 'Wh-what the fuck… You mean to tell me there are other people out there that can do some crazy shit just like I can?'

[Sort of. No one has the same system as you. Everyone that has a system, has had their's tailored to their specific personality.] Aurora informed, causing Johnny to feel a bit less anxious. At least there wouldn't be anyone changing his common sense… well, he hoped not.

'Then… How many are there? And should I be concerned with them coming after me?' Johnny said, prompting Aurora to reply.

[I can't tell you how many there are. But just know, it isn't many. As for them coming after you, you won't have to worry about that. I was going to tell you eventually, but if you intentionally attack someone you know has a system, you will die. The same goes for them.] Aurora said, causing much of Johnny's paranoid thoughts to subside. Thankfully he wouldn't have to worry about getting attacked for doing something despicable… However he was still going to steer clear of any would be system holders he'd encounter in the future.

'That's… that's good. But, why give so many people systems? I mean, what is the purpose?' Johnny asked, still confused on why systems were a thing in the first place.

[I cannot speak on that matter, however you will find out eventually. Be patient and continue earning your achievements and completing quests. You'll learn the truth one day.] Aurora stated, causing Johnny to frown. He didn't like having information held from him, but unfortunately couldn't do anything to change that.

Sighing, Johnny checked the time and realized it was getting late. Looking at the time, he decided to stop questioning Aurora and headed for the door to his apartment. 'I need to fuck someone to get my mind off this shit…' Johnny thought while walking down the halls of the apartment complex.

Arriving in front of a door, Johnny knocked on it and waited for an answer.

"Oh hi baby!" A silver haired woman said before embracing Johnny; her large breasts pressing against his chest as she kissed him.

Pulling away, Johnny admired Samantha's body… She was wearing a cute pink night gown, causing Johnny to have conflicted thoughts of fucking or cuddling her.

"Samantha, let's have sex." Johnny said briefly and nonchalantly, like it was a casual thing to say.

"Oh, okay!" Samantha replied enthusiastically, happy to have Johnny fuck her. The first time they fucked, Johnny had to manipulate her into having sex with him. But now, even if Samantha wasn't manipulated by the CSMS to have sex whenever he asked at night, she would still have sex with him as she was completely in love and subservient to him.

Entering Samantha's apartment, Johnny smacked her ass as they walked to her bedroom, causing the big breasted woman to let out a surprised moan.

As they arrived inside her room, Johnny got on the bed and pulled down his pants, exposing his erect dick. "Suck me off." He said, not minding his words at all.

Samantha didn't care however, as she slowly crawled onto the bed and over his lap, wrapping one of her hands around his pulsating cock. 'I can't wait for him to fuck me…' Samantha thought before closing her mouth around Johnny's dick tip and sucking, playing with it using her tongue in the process.