Chapter 212: Food

Jake approached the two recruits, using his daze skill to subtly manipulate their thoughts.

He planted the idea that they were being recruited for a secret mission.

The shapeshifters, eager to prove themselves, were easy to control.

With a few well-placed words, Jake convinced them that they were about to participate in a high-level operation—posing as none other than Dr. Mei and Dr. Pan.

Once they had shapeshifted into the two doctors, Jake took the next step.

He fabricated evidence that suggested the shapeshifters were behind the soldier's earlier attack on the general.

It was a simple but effective ruse—planting a few false records and subtly altering the memories of the lower-ranking guards to support the story.

With the groundwork laid, Jake used his influence powers again to place the shapeshifters in a state of induced coma.