Chapter 323: Cleaning Up

"Boss Su has given you food and protection. She has done nothing but help this base. And you stand here, spreading rumors and doubt?"

Li Qiang sneered.

"I'm just saying what everyone's thinking. Why should we trust her? What if this is all just a trick? She's not one of us, Leader Ge. She could be planning to kill us and take over all the land for free!"

A few nods of agreement came from the crowd, but most people seemed torn, unsure whether to side with Li Qiang or remain loyal to Su Jiyai.

Ge Chunli took a deep breath and spoke again, this time with a calmer, more measured tone.

"I understand your concerns. I really do. But look at the facts, Li Qiang. Boss Su hasn't taken anything from us—she's only given.

Food, protection, stability. What reason do we have to doubt her when she's already proven herself?"

Li Qiang scoffed. "So, we're just supposed to follow her blindly? Like sheep?"

"No," Ge Chunli replied firmly.