chapter 38 dating rumors

Charlie smile and grab the book looking at all the sign as cherry frown.

" don't frown pumpkin look at what I got you" " ah a cat" she quickly took the cat playing with it as simon came to Mirabel.

" this really bad,there is rumor spreading that they saw you with a guy that you are in a relationship it gone viral" " just send someone to take down the photo make the person beg for releasing a false rumor "

Mirabel don't want anybody to know about her relationship or her whereabout only her,Tracy,simon and her family know where she live.

" OK but be care next time" " OK,when will grandpa plane land" Roshan had a private jet Mirabel often use the plane because of her twin she was thinking of buy her own.

" it will be landing in an hour" " OK" " Cherry & Charlie will be leaving in 30 minute go and get dress" " OK" Charlie said walking to his room.

" mum can Leo come with us" " who is Leo" " my cat,pls" " OK" " yes" she walk to her room " am sorry for calling you but my babies can't stop asking of you"

" no worry am just shooting my photo shoot and their is no way that am missing their birthday for anything " " I should go before they start arguing on what to wear" Tracy sat down and Mirabel went inside.

" so what are we wearing today to meet grandpa " " I was thinking of our round neck and long trouser" Cherry said " OK" they went to their room and wore their matching cloth.

' OK let go" Mirabel carried Cherry while Tracy hold Charlie as they enter the car and the driver drove to the airplane Tracy and Mirabel wore nose mask.

as they quickly walk to the plane and went inside the plane took off they arrived at los Angeles a black car came to pick them.

as they arrived at Roshan mansion and got down they went inside the house " grandpa" cherry said running to her great grandpa and hug him.

" ha my sweetpie" he carry her and walk over to Charlie patting him on his head " grandpa I want to shown you something " she of down and walk to the guard carrying their bag.

" hi sir my pet cage give it to me" the guard give her the cage she took out Leo out and ave him he cage back she run to her grandpa side.

" grandpa see aunty Tracy brought it for me I named him Leo " " wow it cute just like you" " ah" Charlie scoffed "" am sorry Mirabel but I will love to chat but am super sleepy " " OK go and sleep" Tracy walked to her room.

Mirabel dial her someone number as he pick up " hi babe" " hi Dave I know we haven't spent a lot of time together lately but my brother is opening a hotel àt California in 4 day so I was hoping you can come so we can spent time together you don't have to worry I already book our room I hope you are not busy "

" hmmm OK I will come" " thank Darling you are the best" after the incident 3 years later they met their self and start dating


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