chapter 41 flashback

3 day later

Mirabel & Tracy had dye there hair and they are now going to California " grandpa bye I'm going to miss you grandpa" cherry said

" grandpa I will miss you too" Emily said Charlie didn't like this romantic stuff they were doing and didn't care he just when inside the car Dennis saw him and shake his head he wave to his grandpa and he wave back too.

the guard are struggle carrying cherry and Emily bag doing there stay at Roshan house.

They make there grandpa go shopping with them cherry brought so many cloth for herself and Leo too she so many cloth and toy for Leo to play with Emily brought so many cloth too and a play house for her doll and a lot of toy.

Dennis and Charlie are not interested to buy cloth Dennis brought a VR game while charlie brought lone survivor, little nightmare, Amnesia: the dark descent,until dawn,blood borne, dead space, SOMA,F.E.A.R,condemned: criminal origin a horror video game.

" Emily,baby let go you will see your greatgrandpa soon" Mirabel said " OK bye" they said and ran into the car " bye grandpa"

Mirabel wave at him Mike,Flora,Tracy and Mirabel entered into the car.

Then driver drove them to their grandpa private jet they entered the plane cherry & Emily sat together Charlie sat alone playing is game and Dennis sat alone too and slept off Mike, Flora, Mirabel, Tracy in front of their self and the plane took-off

" sister cherry am hungry " " don't worry that why am your eldest sister I will get something for us to eat" " OK" she call one of the flight attended " ma we are hungry' " OK what do you want to eat "

" I will have ube brownie and white chocolate brittle and she will have" " gorman chocolate with rice pudding" " thank God that their grandfather tell her to get some sweetly ingredients or I will be in trouble and what ube Brownie and rice pudding " she thought

" OK it will be ready in 20 minutes " " OK ma" " I will be surprising the twin I am planning their birthday party it will be different from some other birthday that happen " " what do you mean brother their 5 birthday is very memorable right Tracy "

Tracy face the other side " Flora " " it good but it too much" " no it not"


It there 5 year birthday Mirabel turn the whole place into candy land even the pool there is full of chocolate the whole place was candy even the cake is full of candy they cut the cake and candy started fell for the cake when the party ended Tracy and Flora had to apologized to the guest parent for too much candy.


" it not that much I just want to give them to have the best birthday ever" " and nobody complain about but it too much" Mike said " hmmm OK fine,maybe it just a little too much"


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