5. Exploring the System Shop.

Disclaimer: The story takes place in an Alternate Earth with a slightly different timeline of events. So people may be born early, some may be born a few years later or maybe not at all.

This gives me more freedom to write characters as I want, also the characters in my story are obviously not an accurate portrayal of their characters.

Please remember that this story is a wish fulfillment story set in Urban Hollywood with some Fantasy elements because of the system's shenanigans so please don't take it too seriously.




Recap of the previous chapter –

Mark explores the system's functions. He learns of his different directorial skills and gets to know how far he still is from the other Hollywood's legendary directors. He swears to one day discover all the systems hidden functions and secrets and achieve his goals and dreams.



~ Mark's POV ~


April 11th, 1990, same day, 01:53 pm, in his apartment.


Mark had gotten himself some Indian food as lunch from a nearby restaurant. He loved the different spices and flavours of that cuisine. But he specifically told them to go light on the oil and butter and to use ghee if possible as the later was healthier option and could be easily burnt through exercising.

After finishing his meal he went back to continuing his conversation with Vani.

'So, Vani, what can I buy from the system shop?' Mark asked.

[Well Mark, as you are currently at the start of your journey, there isn't much variety in the shop]

[But what it lacks in variety it makes up for it in quality, currently the shop has only 3 items available]

[System Shop -

Category: Consumables - These are the 1 time use items that expire upon usage. Like the Event modifier and the knowledge script. The knowledge script is available for purchase in the system.

A Knowledge Script - Select any one movie/tv series to know everything about how to produce or direct them. (Grade E - can be used once) Price: 2.5 points.]

'Vani why does it say produce or direct, isn't it supposed to be both?' Mark asked, thinking whether this change happened because of the lower grade of this particular knowledge script.

[Yes, Mark, you guessed right. Due to a lower grade of the item, the functionality has been downgraded as well.]

[This is a common feature of most items that can be acquired through the system. For example, an S rank knowledge script allows you to not only select 7 different movies but also gives you the knowledge regarding the production process, directing as well as acting knowledge regarding said film, you can choose to have the acting know-how of up to 3 different characters for each movie/tv show.]

[Now coming onto the much better Item Category: Skills - These are unique skills which give their user abilities which are beyond the means of a normal human being.

As the shop expands in the future, more items and skills will be introduced. Normal lifestyle skills like martial arts, singing, dancing, etc. will also become available for purchase.

Character Evaluation (A-Tier skill): This skill allows its user to see through any lies and always know what kind of intention the other person has towards the user. (Can later on be upgraded to unlock relationship manager tab)

(Unlocks more skills through evolving that happens with repeated use)

Price: 50 points]

'Woah, that's like a supernatural ability, so if I get this, then can nobody ever deceive me, Vani?' Mark asked with clear joy on his face. Why wouldn't he be happy to get the chance to buy this skill?

Hollywood is infamous for its under the table practices, shady deals, the backstabbing, the betrayals suffered from the people they once called their friend just because the other person wanted to advance their careers.

People have been burnt so badly that they either left the industry forever or they killed themselves, unable to deal with the pain and stress. And with just this miraculous skill, he can avoid all of that ugly business. Sign him up, no matter how much it costs, he will buy this skill no matter what.

[So I can see that you really liked the skill but hold your horses, because there is another one left, and this one is a special one. It will really help you in fulfilling your other dream.]

[ Category: Unique Skills –

Harem King's Template (A-Tier Skill): This skill allows its user to slowly become the Harem King. Comes with various misc. Skills to help you woo your lady, keep the harem in harmony, etc. It also provides a passive boost to the user's charisma, stamina, vitality, libido and life span.

Price: 80 points]

'I am so happy that I could cry, and I actually feel like crying. As bad as I want to buy this skill, I need the •character evaluation• skill more.'

'I can't just think with my lower brain, even though the miscellaneous skills added to the Harem King's Template would be a great addition to my seduction techniques.'

'Also, the passive boost is just too good to pass up on. Argh! Why didn't I try to do more, maybe I would have enough points to buy them both.'

'Well, it's no use crying over lost opportunities now. Vani, are the prices of these skills permanent, or will they rise in the future?' Mark asked, hoping that it wouldn't rise, so he can buy the Harem King skill as soon as possible.

[Sorry to disappoint Mark, but the prices you see on these two items are after applying the first purchase discount.]

[Without the 50% off first purchase discount, the two skills are priced at 100 HP for the •Character Evaluation• skill and 160 HP for the •Harem King's Template• skill, respectively.]

'Ah, I really feel poor now, I won't be able to buy even one of these skills if not for this discount.' Mark said, sounding helpless yet inwardly thankful to whichever ROB had been thoughtful enough to provide this discount.

*Hmm, now that you think about it, would it not be more economical to buy the more expensive • Harem King's Template • skill which has better discount value than the •Character Evaluation• skill?*

He turned to look at the devil mini-me sitting on his left shoulder, probably conjured up teenage hormones to lure him into buying the Harem king skill.

*He is not wrong, you know? If you buy the Harem king skill now rather than later. You would be saving 80 HP. That can be used to buy 16 knowledge scripts or to give any of your direction skill stats a significant boost.*

He turned to see the angelic mini-me nodding his head, agreeing with the devil mini-me while explaining just how much he would be saving by buying the Harem King skill first.

"Aren't you supposed to fight against the devil and make me try to see the light or something?" Mark asked, sounding amused.

*Well, what can I say? He makes a fair point. It is, what it is, can't argue with such an astute observation. The math checks out, brother, I got nothing more to say.*

Mark snorts and chuckles at his childish fantasies, 'okay enough playing around. The idea of buying the harem king skill immediately, while it sounds good and will also save 80 points. But it won't be providing me any immediate benefits.'

'Whereas the character evaluation skill will allow me to correctly judge the character of any individual that I have to deal with.'

'It will help me discern lies from the truth, identify the loyal people who can be hired for my yet to-be established studio with the goal of nurturing them to form the backbone of my organization,' Mark clearly evaluated all the pros and cons of buying one skill over the other.

No matter how he looked at it. For him to be able to form a better production team and organization, he need the character evaluation skill.

'Forgive me, brothers, but I must delay the holy quest of building my harem. To all the harem enthusiasts watching, please don't flame too hard in the comments.' He joked about his current problems.

[Mark, who are you talking to?]

'Nobody, Vani, I was just making a meta joke, yeah right, like my slice of life could ever be made into a novel. No shot.' Mark thought, not even in his wildest dreams could he imagine that his life was already a novel.

'Ok, Vani, I am ready. Please purchase the • Character Evaluation • skill for me and use 12.5 HP to buy me 5 knowledge scripts. Lets, save the rest, for now as I will need to observe further to understand whether spending HP on my stats to boost them is the right way to go.' Mark asked in his head, making his purchase.

[Executing the purchase…


-50 HP

Character Evaluation skill has been added to the Unique skill tab, please call out the skill name to observe the new skill or use it.


-12.5 HP

Knowledge Script x5 has been added to the list of available items you can use. To use it, just say or think of the phrase "use knowledge script," with the intent of using one.

And a system window will appear with a search bar. You can search the movie/tv series you are looking for through its name, genre or even by year of release.

After finding it, press select, and everything there is to know about either producing or directing the movie/tv series will be uploaded to your brain.

Time taken between different works is different some taking a few minutes, while some might even take an hour. Precaution: It's best to use this item while laying down on a couch or bed. My advice is that you should at least sit down on a comfortable chair with a head rest.

It is not recommended to use it skill while standing up with no support. As the deluge of information can easily knock you off balance and cause injuries.

Remaining Hunting Points – 30]

'Okay, let's see this special skill at work. Who should I use it on? Hmm? Maybe on my friends to see how the system evaluates them. And to actually see just how loyal they are to the group and me.'

'Character Evaluation' Mark called out in his mind.

[Unique Skill - Character Evaluation (A-Tier) (Active):- This skill allows its user to see through any lies and always know what kind of intentions the other person has towards the user.

(Can later on be upgraded to unlock relationship manager tab)

Usage restriction: Can only be used on a person within 10 meters of the user.]

"Vani this usage restriction wasn't mentioned before the purchase," Mark asked, thinking this would severely limit the abilities potential.

[Well, Mark, usage restrictions aren't mentioned on any items and can only be seen after the item is purchased. But if an item has a severe restriction that the current user, you can't use it all. Then it won't even be displayed in the shop list or it will come with a warning for the same.]

'I guess I will have to wait for some time to be able to use this skill then.' Mark consoled himself.

'Hey Vani you mentioned before how the system shop is only bare bones currently and later on it will expand its catalog. Can I do something to speed up the process?'

Mark asked in anticipation, as he knew that this shop is going to be his trump card in the future, so he needs to work hard to develop it faster.

[The shop's catalog expands with its user's growth. As you accomplish more things in your career and Hollywood life, more things will slowly unlock.]

[Like as you create more films or tv shows. Skills relating to direction will be unlocked for purchase. Like fight choreography, musical numbers, Stunt choreography etc.]

[As the technology available to you improves, even more skills like green screen, motion capture directing, etc. can be purchased and learned.]

'Hmm, looks like, I have to work even harder in the future now. I have got so much to work on now.' Mark thought.

'Oh yeah, I almost forgot about it. But how do I upgrade my •Character Evaluation• skill? It doesn't show any point requirements or such.' Mark asked, hoping that the skill upgrade requirement wouldn't be too much of a hassle.

[Well, sorry to disappoint, Mark. But to upgrade your skill, you need an upgrade ticket, which can only be acquired through completing hidden achievements. They are one of the random rewards you can possibly receive from completing the achievement.]




{Author's note: I am partially motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a comment or review, and I'll probably write faster.

If you like my work please throw a power stone my way so my book can climb the rankings and add my book to your library/collection. I hope you all have a beautiful day.

Update schedule for this book: 1 chapter every 2 days.}