22. Future Plans and A Cunning Trap.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works. If you recognize it from somewhere else, surprise, it isn't mine.


Recap of the previous chapter –

Peggy and Joseph express their opinions on the script of Knives Out. Mark was satisfied with their answers and felt like his movie had a good shot at being a hit in the box office.

Mark then informs the members of the group about their roles and responsibilities while working under him.

And at last thanks them for putting their faith in him and joining his new studio that is just in the nascent stages of its development.



~ Mark's POV ~


April 15th, 1990, same day, 11:53 am, in the meeting room.

Mark was quite satisfied with the current discourse, he thought about his next step going forward, his plans for the future.

He paused for a while, resting his head on his tented fingers. After thinking for a while in silence, he gave his instructions to the assembled group.

"Moving on, Evelyn, can you give me a date on which the core team can be brought together at the earliest?" He asked looking at her with hopeful eyes, expecting an early date as he didn't really want to delay the filming too much.

She answered promptly, "they can all be arranged for a meeting on the 18th at the earliest."

"Hmm, the renovation might be partially done by then." He muttered under his breath as he thought about the studio.

"Good, then we can have a small meet and greet with them before the pre-production starts. And bring the media in on it using my name to launch my studio and film together" He said having an epiphany to use brand of Marc Spector he had built till now for his benefit.

"We will hold a small inauguration event in celebration of the establishment of our entertainment group. It would be my first public appearance so the media will just eat it up." He said and then noticed the look being given by the people assembled in front of him.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you all. I already bought and renovated the place where our studio will be." Mark said with a sheepish grin.

He looked at Jess and said "surprise" while waving his fingers like a kid.

Peggy and Mel chuckled slightly, while the men held in their amusement watching their boss act so childish.

It was endearing for them to see the close relationship he had with his friends despite being the boss.

"You're going to take us to see it first thing in the morning tomorrow." Jess said with her eyes narrowed, and arms crossed, pouting.

"Of course." Mark replied happily, glad that she wasn't upset with him for keeping secrets.

"Evelyn, do you remember the property I told you about at the 1000 Flower Street?" Mark asked to see if she remembered.

"Of course, you even bought up the surrounding lands and buildings. You told me that its going to be where you are starting Eidolon Entertainment." Evelyn said remembering their previous conversation.

"Yup, that place will be my future base of operations. It's got lots of space, so we can build the dual studio model there with no issues regarding future expansion."

Mark looked towards Jess and Mel, "guys when you go back please let the others know about this news as well."

"Also, I won't be able to join you guys for lunch or dinner tonight due to some prior commitments." He said to let them know of his absence.

Uncle Steve had called Evelyn, when he couldn't contact Mark, and asked for a meeting to finalize all the paperwork regarding the establishment of Eidolon Entertainment.

He was ecstatic to finally start his own studio, something which he hoped to build into an entertainment empire. Later through which he would rule Hollywood and influence the masses with his works.

He said, looking at Evelyn again, "Evelyn, my workload has just grown out of control. I need an assistant or manager to delegate work that doesn't need my presence."

"I can't continue to micro-manage everything if I'm going to start directing films as well and write my novels as well on the side."

"I know, I have you with me, but you aren't responsible just for me. So could you please look into hiring a personal assistant for me?" Mark requested gently trying to make her feel as if she was not doing enough on his behalf.

"Any preferences?" Evelyn asked while trying to hold in her displeasure at failing Mark. She took out a small notepad from her breast pocket to note down exactly what he was looking for.

He thought about his requirements briefly and laid them out succinctly.

"I would prefer someone who has good knowledge about the ins and outs of Hollywood, has decent knowledge about the copyright laws and can look into acquiring IPs for me or even help me in registering mine. Most important of all, they have to be reliable and trustworthy."

While he was at it, Mark thought about hiring a driver as well.

He said with a sigh, "could you also look into hiring a driver for me, this L.A. traffic is killing me. It would be even better if he could serve as my bodyguard as well."

"Someone who is reliable and trustworthy, can handle a gun fight and is discreet about their employer's business would be appreciated." He finished his list of requirements, while thinking about the kind of mess he might get involved in later on.

'It is better to have it prepared and not need it, than to need it and not have it prepared,' it was a motto he always followed from his past life.

"So, a personal assistant and a driver cum bodyguard. I will get some options for you by tomorrow or the day after to select from." Evelyn replied with acknowledgement.

"The rest of you," Mark looked specifically at the writers while saying this, "will be wrung dry though, I will be hiring more screenwriters to work under you guys."

"They will be responsible for the screenplays of my films, but it will be your responsibility to guide them to present a finished and well-made script."

Howard raised his hand to ask a question, "will these hired screenwriters also be joining us at the Immortal Writers Association?"

He said further explaining the cause of his query, "because with just the five of us excluding you boss, there is no way we'll catch up to the pace you are churning out stories."

Mark said freely, "Well you guys are just the first wave of recruits, and also I am looking for quality not quantity."

"But yeah, I have my eyes peeled for any potential recruits. I am planning to have around 10 to 12 more people in the IMA, but to find them is going to be a tough task."

"Okay, that's it for today, you guys have your work cut out for you. We meet again at the inauguration event of our studio, where you all will be assigned your proper work areas."

"Howard, Tony, I want both your answers regarding your pick of the list on the inauguration day."

"I need to leave now, I hope you all have a beautiful day." Mark wished them well and stood up from his seat. He gestured Evelyn to follow and went towards his room.

"Eva, we are going to need better organization of our workflow, if we want to achieve our goals. The current state of affairs can't be continued, we need to do better." He told her with a frown.

"I know, Mark, I will look to draw up a new contract for you with CAA. You want me to still be your agent and manager, right?"

"Obviously." Mark replied with a face that was asking her 'who else'.

He continued by saying, "You are one of the few people that I know of Eva, who isn't family but still always has my best interest at heart."

That response just melted Evelyn's heart. She knew about how much Mark trusted her but hearing it straight from him. Just made it more special, her cheeks went red as she blushed.

Mark just gave a warm smile at seeing her reaction.

She shook her head to cool off and steered the conversation back on track to the CAA contract renewal discussion.

"I will try to get as many benefits for you as possible, but the thing is that you still aren't a big name in Hollywood, so it's going to be a difficult thing to pull off."

Mark thought about that predicament for a while as they walked along towards his room. After a while, he came up with a brilliant plan.

"Eva, what if I use the negotiation with universal as a chip to raise my importance in CAA's eyes."

"You mean, you want to get the CAA involved in your negotiations?" Evelyn asked him, unable to understand his plan.

Mark explained his reasoning. "Yeah, earlier from my contacts, I had come to know that the Creative Artists Agency (CAA) isn't in a very good spot recently. With Mr. Meyer being appointed as the head of MCA and Mr. Ovitz leaving the agency for the greener pastures of Disney."

"On top of that, with Mr. Moloney's drug addiction becoming a topic of gossip in Hollywood." Mark said in a drawl with a sly smirk on his face.

Evelyn's face lit with a smile as it finally clicked in her head. "Mark, this could actually work as I have seen many agents defecting to rival agencies with their clients, CAA is barely standing on its last legs now."

"Yup" Mark said, popping the P with a smug grin on his face.

He continued nonchalantly, "if they don't make any big moves now, to show that they still have what it takes to be called the best in Hollywood."

His smile got wider, as he laid out his prediction. "Their own clients will lose trust in them and jump ship to rival agencies. Further adding fuel to the fire, if anyone at CAA wants to put it out, they will need to do a show of force."

Mark was feeling happy at the timing of this incident, as he could take advantage of it. Then eventually, through sharing some benefits, he can have the entirety of CAA in his pocket. And the best thing about it is, they will gladly let him take it.

After all, it's a win-win situation for both of them, just that the good people of CAA don't know it yet. If all goes according to plan, then in just 10 years.

He will make Evelyn - THE HEAD of CAA, with him having full control of the organization's resources through her.

Evelyn had understood Mark's intentions with just a single look on his face. After all, Mark wasn't hiding his thoughts behind the "good guy mask" that he wears in front of the world.

She felt her heart skip a beat, the butterflies in her stomach, but most of all the dampness in her panties from her arousal, feeling afraid that she might leak right through them.

She had been aroused from the moment Mark had revealed his impossible dream, which to her obsessed mind just seemed like an inevitability.

For she believes in Mark like a devout priest believes in their god. That anything is possible if their god just simply wills it so.

She is obviously not the most stable person, but she was definitely the most loyal person in Mark's group.

Everyone has a little bit of crazy in them, Evelyn just found hers early on and that obsession has just grown stronger with time.

After all, it is said there is no emotion stronger in this world than love.

Her Mark obsessed, yandere-esque train of thoughts broke as he called out to her.

They had already reached his room, while she was lost in her own world.

Mark said, opening the walk-in closet. "Eva, I got some beautiful cocktail dresses here. We are going to meet Uncle Steve in an hour, go get dressed, and I will go change into something nice as well.

"Tonight is very special, after all." He said with a wink and then left for the shower.




{Author's Note: And that's all for today thanks for coming here and reading my work. I hope you liked it. Sorry about missing a chapter yesterday. This is no. 1 of my promised 3 chapters.

This is what I call a build up chapter. I planted the seed of Mark's scheme against the CAA. Slowly in the future chapters I will show how Mark will influence Hollywood through using the CAA.

If you like my work please throw a power stone my way so my book can climb the rankings and add my book to your library/collection. I hope you all have a beautiful day

Update schedule for this book: 1 chapter every 2 days.}