37. Chapter Title At The End.

Disclaimer: The story that I have written here takes on the names of real people, but it is not intended to represent them or make any commentary on them whatsoever. This story is entirely fiction, and it should be viewed entirely as such.

I own nothing but my original characters and works. If you recognize it from somewhere else, surprise, it isn't mine.






Recap of the previous chapter -

Mark finishes the final touches for the first Volume of TLOR and hands out the casting list for Knives Out to Wendell and Kevin. The duo leave for a meeting with Evelyn, where they discuss the casting process.

A few days pass as Kevin and Wendell sift through the audition taped to cut down the numbers actors for the live auditions. Mark holds a meet up with Mr. Kim, who is actually the friend of David Boggins. Mark finds him perfect for the job.

In Mark's internal monologue, we see that he has completed another Hidden Achievement. This one rewarding with a Unique skill, one very useful for public figures and celebrities.

Later, Mark is seen to be happy with progress made, but is irked by Universal's dragging out the deal in order to force Mark, to hand over the IP of Jurassic Park.






~ Mark's POV ~



Date: April 30th, 1990, 5 days later.


Location: At his office in Eidolon HQ.


Time: 9:08 am.



Mark was properly dressed, ready for his fourth and hopefully, his finally meeting with Universal. Throughout the exchange that his negotiation team had with the Universal representatives, Mark could clearly see their malicious intentions for his IP.

It had made him smile when he was informed, he had even laughed at their audacity. Mark already had made a contingency plan, and the only way universal could save itself was by not crossing his line.

He had a few more minutes before he had to leave for the appointed meeting. So he was writing a letter to someone, he had made a new friend recently.

Even helped them out when he found out that they were in a bind, all the while from the comfort of his desk.

The efficiency of the operatives at Overwatch was really noteworthy. It didn't even take them 3 days to find the person he was looking for.

He had established a channel of communication between himself and his unnamed friend by delivering letters through the Watch's network of operatives.

He had helped them to acquire a decent, well paying job and had even got them situated in a safe neighborhood where he had already bought an apartment.

They weren't willing to stay for free, so he was charging them rent at a discounted rate. With each letter, he could feel that his slow approach was making an impact on their mind.

He was slowly winning them over, making them trust him more and more, even though they had never met him. It was a kind of practice for him, after all, trying to manipulate someone just through words, was manipulation of the highest kind.

So it's a win-win situation, he got to practice his manipulation skills, and they got to better their lives after a life altering incident.

He could feel that his friend was feeling more positive and upbeat lately, just from the letters he had been receiving. He wrote down vaguely about his shift in career paths as well.

Mark then congratulated them for successfully landing the job as they were on a probationary period till recently. He ended the letter with some kind words and wished them well and to enjoy the present he had sent.

After completing the letter, he took it and placed it in a book of the public library of Eidolon. Then he called a number on a burner phone and cut the call after two rings. This would alert the operative planted in Eidolon that a letter was ready for delivery.

This way of indirect communication through just leaving missed calls and constantly changing burners had been developed by David paranoia about how to maintain contact with Mark. After thinking about how to escape the sights of the Alphabet Agencies of the USA.

Done with that, he was then picked up by Evelyn for his meeting at Universal Studios. He had only gone to the first meeting as courtesy demanded, and then just sent a negotiation team on his behalf.

He could already guess what decision Universal was going to take, but he still held out hope of not having to waste his time on their stupid power plays. As he didn't want to reveal his competence and capability to his competition.



~ Third Person POV ~



We see a boy in his mid-teens walking down the road with his friends. They were discussing recent releases in the world of fiction. He was arguing against his friend, defending his idol, Marc Spector, it was a hill he would gladly die.

His friends were saying that now that he had become a director, he would have less time to focus on his novels. So either their quality was going to drop or the rate at which they are released. They said that they should be grateful he didn't just stop writing all together.

But he just couldn't agree with their views. He was a fanboy of Marc Spector, having read his books growing up. To him, Marc's books have accompanied him through his childhood, Ben 10 being his absolute favorite.

He still held out hope, especially because of the surprise Marc had promised in the preface of his new book. He had talked with Adam, the owner of his local bookstore.

Adam had told him that the newest book would be out today and that he would save a copy for his most favorite and loyal customer.

They finally reached the bookstore and joined the huge line of hopeful Marc Spector fanboy's and girls looking to buy his new book before it got sold out. After spending over an hour waiting, they finally got to the counter.

Normally a bookstore gave the freedom to their customers to select which book they wanted to buy from their shelves but because of Marc's popularity and the demand for his books.

Fights have broken out before between bickering customers over who gets to buy the last book in stock. Because of this, they had to implement this counter sale style to curb the pandemonium that the release of Marc Spector's book brought.

"Only one book per person," said the countertop salesman. This was another rule that had to be implemented to stop people from bulk buying Marc's book, then trying to sell them at an up-charge for a profit.

After he and his friends had gotten their hands on the new book. They couldn't hold in the excitement, they immediately went to the house of a friend which was closest to the store.

After settling down, they tore up the paper wrapping to reveal the book cover. It was another marketing gimmick to create a sense of surprise and raise anticipation.

The salesperson had told them to read the preface like the newspapers, but he also told them a secret surprise. He told them to check the last page of the book, as in about 20 of the books published, there would be a golden ticket.

Each holder of the golden ticket would get to not only meet Marc Spector himself. But also got to bring along friends and family for a tour of his studio «Eidolon» and the set of his new movie that was in the process of filming.

He was super excited, the cover of the book looked absolutely amazing. It showed a hooded figure with some kind of magical artifact floating above the palm of his hand, surrounded by 4 more magical artifacts that were floating on their respective pillars.

This looked like a very important scene from the book. As much as he wanted to instantly head to the back of the book to see if he had gotten the golden ticket.

He curbed his excitement and turned the page to the preface. What he read blew his mind, his joy knew no bounds as he smiled and laughed to himself while continuing to read the preface. It read -



I have always thought that all my stories are the blessings of the Lord. How they come to me, how they develop in my imagination, how I see them, everything, is His blessing. But He has blessed me beyond my capacity.

I simply cannot write faster than a book every one or one-and-a-half years. And at that pace, I will die before I write down all the story ideas that He has already blessed me with. I cannot carry these stories with me to my grave, for that would be a sin.

Hence, the idea of a Writers' Association. It was a suggestion from a close friend, and it made eminent sense to me. I will be working with a team of writers, to whom I will relay the complete story, and the research material to be read.

They then write the first draft, which I will then work upon. So, the genesis of the story and the final writing will be done by me, while a team of writers drives the first draft.

We have tried our best to ensure that the books from the Immortal Writers' Association would feel like reading any other book of mine.

But we wanted to honestly state, upfront, that these books are a result of a team effort, and not just my sole work. The writers in the Immortal Writers' Association are paid upfront, regardless of the fate of the book.

Their names are on the back cover as well, if they choose it. Or if they choose to remain anonymous, for whatever reason, then the co-credit is given to the Immortal Writers' Association.


He was ecstatic, as this would increase the rate at which his Marc would be able put out novels exponentially. His mind was starting to go off in tangents, but he controlled himself, his friends had also finished reading the preface.

Carl, the pessimist of the group, had already assumed the worst in this, saying that the quality of the book might drop, or it might not even feel like a Marc Spector book anymore.

He immediately shut down that argument by asking a question, "It's Marc Spector, bro, do you really think that he would allow the quality of his work to drop?"

They all unanimously shook their heads, even pessimist Carl did, after coming back to his senses. Marc had never let down his readers, always writing quality content, with unique themes and fresh ideas.

He asked, while turning the pages, if anyone had gotten the golden ticket. The rest of the two replied in negative, while Carl stated what the exact probability of them getting one was and how it was a statistical impossibility.

His eyes widened, and his hands shook, he almost dropped the book as he looked at the ticket. It was a light golden color and seemed to glow as it reflected the light in the room. He said, in shock and awe, unable to believe his luck.

"I.. I got it.. I got it, guys.. I got the golden ticket."

He started jumping around in excitement, he felt his dreams had come true, an immense joy came over him as the fact that he would get to meet his idol Marc Spector hit home.

His trio of friends hugged him, screaming in excitement and joy as well. They knew that him winning the golden ticket meant that they won as well. After all, the winner was allowed to bring up to three of their friends along with up to four family members.



~ Mark's POV ~


Date: April 30th, same day.


Location: At the meeting room, at the Universal Studios.


Time: 11:29 am.



Mark had been waiting patiently in the meeting room, with his team of negotiators. The excuse for this delay had been that a few of the executives were running late, but he saw easily saw through their power play.

He already told his team to be calm and if they delay over 30 minutes than the appointed meeting then they would simply walk out of here. He had informed the secretary was overseeing them of the same.

There were just 30 seconds left to 30 mins deadline Mark had set. He had already packed up his documents and was eyeing the clock on the wall. The very instant the second hand hit 12, he got up and ordered his team to do the same.

As he was walking towards the door to exit, it opened from the outside and the group executives walked in. Pretending to not realize their fault, they asked why Mark was leaving.

Mark replied in a cold tone, "you guys might not value your time, but I do, and I'm done sitting around. So I am leaving, as I've other things to do as well, and this was all the time I could afford to spend on this meeting that they couldn't even bother to show up on time for."

The executives just gave a fake smile as one one them came forward and tried to make excuses.

"Oh, we were so just so busy, that we lost track of time. But it's okay, now that we're here, the meeting can still be held Mr. Spector.

Mark had a predatory grin on his face as he thought, 'if they really wanted to play this game, then I shall play them to death.'

He told them in a nonchalant voice, "I already gave you my time, but you couldn't respect it and I can't afford to waste any more of time. This meeting is over."

With that statement he started walking out again, but a gentleman in his mid 40s grabbed his arm to stop him as said, "Marc, just lis-"

Mark didn't let him finish, as he stared at his arm and asked to take his hands off of him, as he didn't like his personal space to be invaded.

The man removed his hand and apologized. He told him that they got off on the wrong foot, he apologized again for the wasted time and requested Mark to come back to the meeting.

The other executives were more vindictive and said that he should know his limits' about who he can and can't afford to offend. Mark just stared down at the guy, and after a brief moment of silence.

He asked him, "do you really think Universal is the only studio that I contacted for such a deal?"

His one question shut down the noise that came from the execs who wanted to teach Mark a lesson. They looked flustered yet remained quiet at a signal from the older gentleman who seemed to be in-charge.

Mark also finally recognized him as the man introduced himself. He was Ronald Meyer, the current President and Chief Operating Officer at Universal Studios Inc. He urged Mark to come back to the negotiation table.

Mark told him that it would cost him, that he had no time for such dumb power plays. An exec in particular seemed furious and embarrassed by his comments.

Mr. Meyer replied that he was misled about the meeting time.

Mark told him that it's not his problem that he couldn't control his employees.

Mr. Meyer asked what it was going to cost him to bring back to the table.

Mark simply replied with the names of the studios that were willing to agree to the deal that he had proposed to Universal. He told him Warner was even willing to allow him to invest 30% of the movie's budget and become an executive producer.

One of the executives spoke up, saying that it couldn't be true and that he was just bluffing.

Mark looked him straight in the eye and said, "I don't bluff, I make plans and I don't plan to be bullied by some idiots in suits who can't even properly tie their shoelaces."

He told them that Warner was just the one with the best offer for now and if they wanted to make Jurassic Park they would have to offer him a better deal.

Mr. Meyer told him that they would offer him one and turned around to glare at the guy who planned all this stupid power play to mess with Mark. His cold glare had the guy so scared that he couldn't even meet his eyes.

They went back to the table, Mark sat at the center on his side, and Mr. Meyer did the same at his. They just stared at each other, Mark knew that because of their stupid power play and him having more options than just universal, he had the edge on this deal.

So he just kept his cool and stayed silent. Ronald just sighed and took this one as his loss, but swore inwardly to punish the idiot for his dumb move.

He started the conversation by talking about his appreciation for Jurassic Park and that they would be willing to give it a $60 million budget for the movie.

Mark said that Warner had offered an $80 million for the budget with him investing 30% of the budget for 15% of the global box office, along with being able to partly own the Jurassic Park IP.

"I was only able to get such a great deal because of your tardiness. So I guess I should be thanking you." Mark said with a smile so obvious on his face that even they could tell through the mask.

Ronald sighed again, thinking about whose disastrous idea it was to drag out the deal. He told Mark that they couldn't match that offer, but they could give him something else, his previous demands could be met.

He was willing to offer Mark $1 million dollars for his Screenwriter fee and 10% of the global box office as well without making any investment. But he wanted the complete rights for the IP of Jurassic Park. He also agreed to all of Mark's previous demands.

Mark told him that even though he wasn't a businessman, he wasn't naive. He knew the value of an IP like Jurassic Park and explained how with just selling Dinosaur merchandise they will earn enough to surpass the global box office.

The money to be made from opening a real life Jurassic theme park is also another gold mine which would help boost the popularity of their already existing theme park.

Ronald Meyer fell silent for a bit, he thought, by looking at the young age of 20 of his opponent. He would be able to fool him into a good deal for universal and also acquire the IP, but that seemed more like a pipe dream now.

Mark had come completely prepared for the negotiation, with offers from rival studios to threaten Universal with. Ron's hands were tied, he needed universal to make a good buck from the IP of Jurassic Park.

But he also couldn't let go too many advantages, as it would make him look weak in front of his subordinates. Something which he couldn't afford after just becoming the president of Universal Studios.

After a back and forth for about half an hour, they finally decided on the following offer. Mark would be giving the IP to universal in its entirety, but he would gain 10% of the profits made by Universal through any means, and he would get also get 10% of the global box office.

His demands had to be changed, though. So now he had 5 years of Universal's channels for the domestic marketing and distribution of his films and 10 years, for the international marketing and distribution.

But Mark would have to pay universal upfront for the marketing, and Universal would only get the distributor's cut of the profits.

Ronald went with this approach as he doubted Mark's own films would be profitable, as he was still just an amateur director with almost no experience.

Mark couldn't be more happy, as he would get over 55 to 60% of the profits from the box office of his movies. As the cinema chains took around 15-20% and the rest would be Universal's distribution cut.

He made a few extra demands of his own as he was handing over the rights of his IP. He requested that he was to be screenwriter for all of the Jurassic Park movies, and he would only accept Steven Spielberg as the director for this movie and any sequels filmed in the future.

Ronald agreed with him being the screenwriters for any Jurassic Park movies, but he countered on Steven being necessary as the director for any future sequels.

He knew that Steven would raise his price and ask for an even larger share of the box office. He told Mark about James Cameron and many other great directors who had the ability to make Jurassic Park a huge success.

This rebuttal soured Steven Spielberg's mood, who was also present for this meeting, but was watching silently from the sidelines.

Before he could speak up, Mark interjected, and he said that he trusted Steven's vision. That he was the only director who he would be willing to be let direct Jurassic Park, other than himself.

The logistics of such a movie would be beyond him, or else he wanted to serve as the director. This had been a topic of discussion between Mark and Steven before when Mark visited him before.

Steven didn't mind his comment and was glad that Mark had so much faith in his ability. The way Meyer spoke of him as just another cog in the machine, didn't sit right with Steven but the way Mark treated him made him realize how much Mark valued him as a director and as a friend.

His decision to create his own studio became even more firm as he promised to remember this casual dismissal from Meyer.

Mark had fulfilled his secondary objective of sowing discord between Steven and Universal, as this would accelerate the creation of DreamWorks.

Mark would then slowly work on making Steven join Eidolon with DreamWorks as a subsidiary studio.

After some tense moments, Ronald agreed to the deal, and they signed an agreement of the same. Finally, with the deal done, they celebrated with some champagne.

Obviously Mark didn't drink, he just accompanied Ronald Meyer as he commended him on his quick thinking and being able to get more options for himself to fall back on.

Mark replied in a slightly hoarse voice, "Mr. Meyer, beneath this mask, lies more just a man of flesh and bones. Beneath this mask, is a plan, and a well-prepared plan is half the battle, already won."



Chapter Title: 38. A Pen-pal, The Preface, The Golden Ticket and Mark's final meeting with Universal.



{Author's Note: I have gotten some requests from my readers to show Mark's fans reacting to the news of him becoming a director and the release of his new book. So this chapter was rewritten to include that.

The unnamed pen-pal that Mark is conversing with through letters is an important plot point. And i feel like gambling again, you guys already already guessed correctly on the actress playing Marta Cabrera (Answer: Salma Hayek).

Now I CHALLENGE you guys to GUESS the pen-pal of Mark's, the correct answer will win you guys an additional chapter and also be allowed to choose an actress or model to be written in as member of Mark's harem. Good luck my fellow readers there are almost no clues so this should be a wild guess. (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)

Once again, thanks for reading my work. I am entirely motivated by interaction, suggestions and feedback. So please leave a comment or review and I will probably write faster.

If you like my work please throw a power stone my way so my book can climb the rankings. Slurp some nice ramen and I hope you all have a beautiful day

Update schedule for this book: 1 chapter every 2 days.}