78. A Theme, A Fairytale and Finding One's Worth.

Disclaimer: The story that I have written here takes on the names of real people, but this story is based in an alternate earth with some changes in its timeline.

This story does not intend to represent the celebrities/real people or make any commentary on them whatsoever. This story is entirely fictional, and it should be viewed entirely as such.






Recap of the Previous Chapter –

Joanne was just in a happy mood to finally meet Mark face to face. Her waiting came to an end as Mark entered the cafe and introduced himself. She found herself immediately attracted to him, especially his eyes. They got to talking, with jo pouting about him pushing her to join in a writing competition which she obviously wasn't ready for.

He just tells her that he wanted to give her the push so she could finally start and let go of her procrastination. She tells him about her life, her work, how Jess her child is doing, her ideas for expanding the world of Harry Potter, etc. They later head out to the king's Cross station to see the place where the idea of Harry Potter was first conceived.

Chris is seen working on a set, trying to gather more experience as he wants to improve himself. He learns a lot of what not to do as a director because the one he was working for had many flaws unlike Mark. But his work is cut short because he gets a call from some old friends, they want to meet up and celebrate Knives Out's success.

When he finally meets them, they tell him about their idea to start a games publishing company. He asks them if they had decided on a name, they reveal it to the very same as the guild which they played in on their DnD playthroughs called Wizards of the Coast. They ask if Mark could be their investor and Chris promises to talk about it with Mark.






– Quotes of the chapter –

A person who doesn't know their worth, will never know if they are underestimating or overestimating themselves

— TheRamenLord.


~ Joanne Rowling's POV ~


Date: Thursday, 20th September, 1990.


Location: In her apartment, in London.


Time: 06:43 am.


Last night definitely had been one of the most embarrassing moments of her life. Even as she ate the breakfast made by Mark, her thoughts constantly wandered back to the events of last night.




~ Flashback Begins~

Last night. 3PP POV.



She had taken him to see the platform on King's Cross station which, according to her plan for Harry; would be his first real step into the world of magic.

Well not exactly his first, as his first would be the shopping trip that the half giant took him on to get his school supplies; that would be his first step into the world of magic.

But she felt like this one was far more important as it was also the moment where he would make his two most important friends - Ron and Hermione.

So it made sense for her to take Mark here, who was one of her most precious friends. After spending some time wandering around the station and her rambling her plans to him.

Gathering courage she didn't know she had in herself, she asked him, "Mark would you like to meet Jess? Also I really want to show you my progress with the story."

She looked at him with hopeful eyes, knowing that he was super busy as he was on a business trip but she still wanted to get closer to him, wanting him to meet her child and see if he would accept her.

"Of course, I would love to see that little ball of sunshine." Turning around he replied with a fond smile on his face.

"But first I need to make a phone call. I had something special prepared for Jess but it's a bit too big to carry around. I will tell them to deliver it to your address." He told her as he went to a phone booth to make a call.

'YES! YES! YES! YES! HE SAID YES!' She screamed and jumped in joy internally, outside she was just stone faced trying to mask her joy and happiness.

Seeing how thoughtful Mark was towards Jess really brought her mind to a place that filled her with hope that maybe Mark could be the "ONE".

Her thoughts were broken by Mark's comment as he came out of the booth. "Okay, all done. They should get the gift to your doorstep in an hour, that leaves us with enough time to shop a little and make our way there as well."

"Shopping?" She asked surprised as that wasn't in their plans.

"Yup, you didn't think the book was going to be my only gift to you, did'ya?" He asked with a teasing smile.

"I did." She replied giggling as it was an inside joke of Mark only sending books as presents except for the ones he got Jess.

"My lady, you hurt my feelings. I am not a cheapskate. I will tell you that." He replied with an overexaggerated British accent.

She laughed at his imitation of the British accent.

"Of course, my good sir." She replied as she hugged his arm and gathered all the courage inside her to go on the offensive.

Adopting a flirtatious tone, she said, "You bought out GWG, a household name around this side of the pond on a whim. How could I.. dare insult your wealth, I wouldn't want to slight a man of your stature now would I, sir?"

Her tone and her closeness did things to his shaft, but his self control still allowed him to maintain decorum.

"Be careful what you ask of Ms. Rowling." He replied his voice rough as he grabbed her waist tight against him.

"Maybe it's what I want." She replied back liking where this was going.

"Maybe.." He replied and then looked away not wanting to go further without making his dating situation clear with her.

She could tell that he wanted to tell her something but couldn't because it wasn't the right place or maybe the right time.

Mark instead took her to a well reputed boutique, it was filled with high class fashion and the super rich of populace looking as if they walked out of a magazine.

"Why are we here Mark?" She asked, feeling a little uncomfortable in this opulence and extravagance.

Mark, seeing how it was making her feel, decided to change locations.

"To buy you a gift obviously. But maybe.. this isn't the right place. Wait, I will take you to another, you'll love it there." He replied as he turned around and led her out of the place.

Seeing her posture relax and her taking a sigh of relief, he knew he did the right thing. But he also knew that he would have to slowly get her used to the high society life.

They quickly hailed a cab to a more subtle and quaint boutique that sold high quality products but was mostly empty as it was invite only.

"What might you be looking for, sir?" A saleswoman politely bowed as she asked for the reason for his visit.

He just showed her a card that Rose had gotten him when he said about his mission to woo a woman in London. "I am looking for a dress for someone special." He said as gestured towards Joanne.

She blushed a bit at his remark but stayed silent.

The woman nodded and said, showing them the large display of clothes, "please follow me, sir, madame. We have a wide range of apparel for you to peruse, suited for all kinds of occasions."

"And if any of our readymade garments don't catch your interest, we can even have something custom made in a week's time by our master tailor." She gestured towards a woman standing at the back talking to a couple showing them a few designs.

"Excellent." It was all he said as she took them through the paces.

Trying different dresses as Mark filled her in on the details and what kind of a dress exactly he is looking for.

When the saleswoman left to find another dress, unable to hold in her curiosity, Joanne finally asked, "Mark, what is this dress for? I don't think my visit to the GWG would require me to wear a dress."

"Well it is my gift to you and also for the premier of Knives Out tomorrow. I would like for you to be there, by my side, Anne. To walk the red carpet with me but not with Marc Spector but rather just Mark Spencer your friend."

"Just two random people in a crowd there to enjoy the premier of a movie. What do you think? Are you up for another night out?" Mark asked, nervously waiting for her to accept.

She blushed and said, "I would love to be there Mark, thanks for the invite and for the dress."

"Aa. Aa. Thank me later, we still haven't decided on your dress yet." He didn't accept her thanks yet as the dress was still left to be found.

To shift the topic and help pass time while they waited for the saleswoman to come back, he asked her if she had read his novel "Knives Out" and if yes then what are her thoughts about it.

"Of course, I have, Mark." She answered and explained her thoughts on it. "I think that it is a beautiful story with many nuances and hidden messages but also a very simple theme and a protagonist whom you cannot help but root for."

"I also loved the way you wrote the story in such a way that both Blanc and Marta shared the role of the main character. It was brilliant and also provided an interesting perspective where one roots for the supposed murderer."

She couldn't see because she had her back turned to him but Mark had a happy grin on his face. "Thanks, I was 13 when I wrote it so there were a lot of mistakes that my editor had to help me out with. But it is one of my favorites because of Marta."

Unknowingly he had given her an idea on how to frame Harry as a character whom the audiences can empathize with.

"My goal with her was to create a character whom everyone could relate to in one way or another. To build her personality in a way that anyone who read about her story would immediately root for her like you said."

"And on my quest to write such a character I found it somewhat difficult, yet it wasn't like I hadn't written likable or lovable characters before but it was definitely the first time that I was deliberately trying to do so."

"But while trying to flesh out her character, I learnt it's also surprisingly easy and actually very simple. You just need to make them be sincere, honest and good people at heart. Those traits are something people love to see in their heroes."

Hearing that finally clicked the missing puzzle in her mind for Harry, the theme around which she was going to build Harry's story. It could be summed up in two simple words – Sacrifice and Love.

After their impromptu analysis and breakdown of Knives Out and her also having an epiphany about Harry, the saleswoman had finally arrived with a beautiful blue dress in hand.

Before she had even put it on, Mark said, "Yes, this is the one. Anne, give it a try."

She just nodded and entered the changing room to put it on.

Mark turned to the saleswoman and thanked her, "thank you, for your help. I know we aren't buying much. But when I am back here the next time, I will definitely remember this place."

"Your patronage is our reward, sir. It was my pleasure to be of service. It's always such a delight to help such a lovely couple as you two." The saleswoman replied with professionalism but at the end she broke character and gave him a genuine smile.

"We aren't a couple.. yet. I hope to be with her one day." Mark replied with a hopeful tone.

"I see, well I will definitely be rooting for you both. Will ther–." She was politely asking if he would need anything else but stopped as the door opened and out walked an angel.

Mark held his breath as his heart skipped a beat.



A few seconds ago, Joanne, who was about to open the door could faintly hear his words, it made her heart race. She couldn't believe her ears, but she remembered the look in Mark's eyes when they flirted earlier.

'There is definitely something that Mark hasn't told me yet.' she let go of that thought and walked out. Watching him hold his breath as she stood there was definitely one of the highlights of her day.

"Yup, this is the one." He said with his arms crossed gaze at her from head to toe with a mesmerized look on his face.

"Why this one?" She wanted to know what sold it for him, was it the revealing neckline, the way it hugged her curves, or was it something completely different.

Mark walked over and stood behind her as they both looked at a full-length mirror and answered, "It brings out the blue in your eyes, they stand out even more."

He looks in the eye as he says "they look even more beautiful."

After they shared a moment, he turned to the saleswoman, "could you please get us a complimentary pair of heels for the dress."

"Right away, sir." She left right away.

After being recommended a simple yet elegant 4 inch heels with an ankle hoop which was coming up in fashion trends now, Mark decided to take their leave.

They once again hailed a black cab to Kingston where Joanne's (Mark's) apartment was in, he had bought a few apartments here as an investment after wanting to help her find a good home.

Stepping out of the cab, Mark paid for the cab as he saw a guy walk up to him. He was casually dressed with a hoodie, with a plain forgettable face.

Joanne was a bit spooked seeing him make a beeline towards Mark.

But Mark wasn't as he had recognised Tom at first glance; he was one of his newly hired bodyguards.

"Any problems, Tom?" He asked as Tom got close.

"Nothing worth noting, sir. There were a few paps staked out in front of your decoy hotel." He replied casually while his eyes assessed the people behind Mark to see if he was being followed.

"Good, let them hang. Tell Steve to make a few appearances by the balcony to keep them hooked." Mark ordered with a vicious smile on his face, he really didn't like the intrusive papz of Hollywood.

London paps were bit more polite sometimes but it didn't mean he was going to be generous enough to give them a scoop.

"Also tell Rose to contact GWG and let them know of my intent to visit them tomorrow morning for a meeting. Hmm, tell her I might bring someone with me as well." As he gestured towards his companion.

"It will be done, sir." Said the bodyguard as he left after hearing Mark's orders.

Mark looked at her and said, "Don't be afraid it's just my bodyguard, after all one can never be too over prepared."

She just nodded her head after thinking how high profile Mark was already as he felt the need to hire security guards for himself.

Mark being the gentleman he was helped her carry the bags and followed up the stairs. Her apartment was on the second floor.

"I hope the stairs aren't too much of a trouble?" Mark asked chuckling because even though he was the guest. He was also the landlord so he felt like it was his responsibility that they weren't being inconvenienced.

"No, no, it's fine. I could definitely use the exercise. That desk job earns me really well, but doesn't leave much time for other activities."

"Just conceptualizing Harry's story and taking care of Jess takes the rest of my day."

"Unfortunately my time with Jess is also cut down a lot nowadays, I can't spend as much time with her as I want to. But sacrifices have to be made." She said with a forlorn look on her face as they climbed the flight of stairs.

"You don't have to. You have me now. I know your talent, anne, you're definitely someone who I would want to invite into the Immortal Writers Association."

"It's a group of writers who either help out in fleshing out my rough drafts into stories so that my productivity rises."

"Yeah, I read about it in the preface. It's how you're able to release nearly 5 books in just this year."

"Yup and I am not done, there's more to come. Also the writers are free to work on their original stories as well. Every writer is rewarded with many benefits; a monetary stipend, free housing, education and healthcare benefits, etc."

"But there's more.. These are just the benefits I can provide you. Being a part of the IWA also makes you a part of, in my humble opinion, a group of elite writers. With whom you can freely communicate with to bounce ideas off of each other or even ask for advice."

"We got Ben Parker, our resident expert in world building and crafting a deep lore for a story. You could ask him about any problems with Harry's story."

"Hmm you really need a name for this book of yours. Have you thought of any?" Mark asked as they climbed up the final steps to the second floor.

"Not really, as I was busy deciding on a central theme I want to focus on for Harry's story and talking with you helped understand what should be the theme of Harry's story." She wasn't really thinking of a title, instead her focus was on deciding on a central theme.

"What did you decide on?" He was curious to see if it was still the same as before or if his meddling had led to any changes.

"Sacrifice and Love." She answered with a resolute look on her face.

"I really can't wait to read your first draft now. But that will come later.. For we have finally arrived." He said in a jovial tone as he glanced at the wrapped up stuff toy that came up to his chest in height.

"It's too big." She muttered as the gift came into view.

"That's what she said." Mark immediately quipped without missing a beat.

She glared at him with narrowed eyes but he could see the telltale signs on her face that she liked his joke no matter how crass.

"Not in front of Jess. Capeesh?" She was dead serious as she said it.

"Yes ma'am!" Mark gave a mock salute.

After a tense silence they both burst out laughing. Mark handed the bags and picked up the gift as she opened the door.

They could hear some footsteps approaching the door, as it swung open Mark saw a cute young girl dressed in a giraffe onesie move towards Joanne and it was the cutest thing Mark had ever seen in his life.

"Mom, mom, you home?!" She asked coming forward with arms stretched out asking for a hug.

"Yes, honey, I am home. But look at who I have here…" Jo replied with a fond smile.

"Who?! Who?!" She exclaimed as she jumped in joy.

Putting aside the bags, she knelt down as she brought her in for a hug and pointed at Mark as she said, "It's your friend, Mark."

"Mark?! You are Mark?!" She asked, happy to meet the person who sent her so many wonderful things.

Mark put aside the gift as well as he knelt and introduced himself, "Yup, I'm Mark. Nice to meet you. Did you like my gifts?"

She vigorously nodded her head.

"Well your mother has told me that you have been on your best behavior so I brought you a special present. Do you want to see it now?" He asked with a fond smile on his face as he rubbed her chubby cheeks.


"What do we say when somebody does something for us, baby?" Joanne asked her daughter sternly.

"W-we say tha-thank you." She said to her mom and then turned towards Mark as she said to him this time, "Thank you, Mark."

"You're welcome, but doing something nice for good children like you is a reward in itself. Here, open it." Mark said as he turned around to move the gift forward.

"Can I open it now?" She asked looking at her mom for permission.

Mark's heart was melting and he just had a bright smile on his face.

He had seen a glimpse of the darkness humanity had to offer in Philip Schofield and many more that the watch had apprehended but when he watched such joyous innocence it filled him with hope for the future.

"Of course baby, Mark brought it for you. Go ahead, open it. Do you want mom to help?" Joanne couldn't help but ask, wanting to help her daughter.

"Naw, I got it. Momma." She said trying to act grown-up. But it only came off as cute and adorable.

She ripped the wrapping in layers as she walked around the huge gift unraveling it in layers.

Slowly the gift was revealed it was her most favorite animal in the world.

"A GIRRAFFE! Yay!" She shouted in excitement as she hugged it and rubbed her face all over it.

"Thanks Mark!" She said as she turned towards him and went in for a hug.

Mark hugged her back and got a bit emotional as he kissed her head and said, "Your welcome, angel. It's a called body pillow that you can hug as you go to sleep." He decided on this gift after coming to know about her difficulty to sleep from Anne in the letter.

"Mark, could you please tell me a story before I go to sleep?" She requested with those big innocent eyes of hers, Mark just couldn't say no.

Mark looked up to see if Anne had any objections but her eyes were also begging him to tell her child any story so she would go sleep happy.

He smiled and nodded at her and then looked at Jess as he replied, "ofcourse, dear, but which one do you want to hear?"

"A fairytale, one with a prince and princess." She immediately replied as it was her favorite kind of story.

He asked if she would like to hear Cinderella or Ariel. But she shook her head cutely and asked for a new story.

When Joanne looked like she was going to stop her, Mark just smiled at the little ball of energy booped her nose.

"Okay, I will tell you a new story but you have to promise me that you will not tell this story to anyone else."

"It will be a secret between you and me." Mark said as he raised his pinky finger towards her.

"Like a pinky promise?!" She asked, having the time of her life, the kind stranger who wrote them letters was finally here and he really gave the best gifts.

"Exactly." Mark replied with a smile and intertwined his pinky finger with hers and made the promise.

"So who's the princess?"

"Well she is not exactly a princess, but you will have to hear the whole story to understand it." He replied with a teasing smile.

"Tell me! Tell me! Please!" She begged, pulling his hand.

"Well this story is called Beauty and the Beast. Come, I will tuck you in and then tell you all about it." He glanced at Anne for help who just stared in shock at how good Mark was with kids.

She nodded and came over to Jess. "Come, honey I will tuck you in and Mark will tell you his story." She grabbed her gently and lifted her as Mark grabbed the giraffe body pillow and followed her to Jess' room.

The walls were baby blue in color with giraffes drawn all over them.

"She sure does love giraffes heh." Mark whispered to her as she tucked in Jess and Mark gently put his gift right beside her.

She immediately hugged it close to her and stared at Mark, silently nudging for him to begin the story.

"Before we begin you got such a good friend here with you now. Won't you name him?" He asked, pointing to the body pillow.

"Um. Ho-how about giffy?" She asked him in turn

"Giffy?" Mark asked back amused with her choice of name.

"Yup, giffy, my new friend." She hugged it even closer.

"I can see where she gets her naming sense now." Mark whispered to Anne as he teased her.

She just smacked his arm and told him to hurry up and start the story.

Mark nodded and then began to recite the rough draft that he had drawn up for Ms. Woolverton mixing a few jokes in between to liven up the mood.

"Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away. There lived a …"



Mark had barely made it past the halfway mark before he saw Jess doze off to sleep. He and Anne carefully tiptoed it out of there as they made their way to the living room.

"Thanks for accepting her request, Mark." She thanked him sincerely for putting up with her child

"It's no big deal. Plus seeing her enjoy the story was a treat and I got to test out my script on its intended target audience." Mark replied, waving off her worries as he got something out of it as well.

"Script?" She asked, confused.

"Yeah, it's a script for an animated movie of mine coming out next year. What did you think? That I came up with on the spot? I am good, Anne, but definitely not that good." Mark said, giving her the context.

"Nah, I was just wondering why I have never heard of this story before, as I have actually read almost every one of your works. But I never came across a fairytale, especially not one with such a Cinderella-esque theme and style." She replied wanting to know why and how he came up with it.

"Well it's because I came up with it a few days ago. So it's not very polished yet but we still have a year to work out all its kinks." Mark replied, brimming with confidence.

She asked him if he would like to have a drink and he obliged but as they kept drinking things took a turn for the worse as she in her drunken bravado decided to confront him head on about liking him and wanting to sleep with him.

"I am sorry, Anne. But I can't accept." Mark firmly replied.

"Why?!" She exclaimed, her voice cracking at her outburst.

"Shhh, don't shout, we just put Jess to sleep." Mark tried to get her to calm down.

"Is it about her? You don't want me because I am a single mother?" She asked with some tears falling down her eyes.

"No! No. What are you saying Jo? Please listen to me carefully." He exclaimed but then changed his tone on a more gentler voice to soothe her.

"You're drunk, so if I sleep with you now. It will be like taking advantage of a defenseless woman." He began to patiently explain his point.

"Also I really, really, like you and eventually I want to be with you as well. I don't just want a one night stand between us, Anne. As that will just make things awkward."

"There are still something's you don't know about me, things that I still ain't sure about if it's the right time to tell you or not. But, when you know the whole truth and still decide to stay by my side."

"Then and only then can I wholeheartedly accept your feelings." He hugged her and she cried silently, laying her head on his chest.

After a few moments she fell asleep on his shoulder and she had no recollection of Mark putting her in bed and tucking her in. He didn't take advantage of her as it would be wrong so he just went to the guest bedroom and slept in too tried to get back to his hotel room.



~ Flashback ends ~



"How do you like your eggs?" He asked her as he poked his head out of the kitchen to see if she was eating.

"Huh?" Was her articulate response, truly the skills of a professional writer shining through. It wasn't really a surprise when he concernedly asked her again.

"Are you still hungover?"

"No. No. I'll be fine. Just a little dazed." She replied while her mind churned negative thoughts about how he had completely forgotten about the incident.

"Well I hope you are still coming for the tour of GWG?" He asked her in a hopeful look on his face and despite the events of last night she couldn't find it in herself to refuse him.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." She replied, taking a sip of the water and finally beginning to eat her breakfast.



~ Chris Metzen's POV ~

A Few months back.



If someone had asked him a year ago what were his plans after finishing highschool. Then joining Eidolon, becoming a beta tester of the MCAW and working under one his idols was definitely not even in his wildest dreams.

The offer had come out of nowhere when he had been invited by a letter for a personal interview that arrived at his door. It was weird to be honest as he had only participated in a few highschool level talent shows and competitions till then.

But he didn't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, so he grabbed the opportunity by the head and made his way to L.A. after consulting with his parents.

They were skeptical at first as well but the document was legit and they had even talked with a customer care exec. at Eidolon to confirm the letter's legitimacy.

It was his dad who drove him to L.A. for his personal interview with Mark Spencer himself. Saying that he was nervous and filled with dread would be an understatement.

But his dad still encouraged him to face whatever may come with confidence, after all they had invited him. Maybe they saw something in him that even he hadn't yet.

After a brief talk with the receptionist about his reason for arrival he was given the go ahead. While his dad had decided to stay outside in the parking lot saying that it was his fight now.

The walk to the waiting area outside Mark's office, just seemed to amplify his internal warring emotions. But the moment he sat down and took it all in, he seemed to relax.

The waiting area was filled with a calming and soothing music with an entire wall being covered by an artificial waterfall.

There were small bonsai trees and plants strategically placed to give one the feeling of being in nature.

But the best thing about his wait was the tea he was served, he didn't know what kind it was but it was green and delicious.

His nervousness and tension seemed to fade, leaving behind a look of content and peace on his face. After a moment of introspection, he couldn't be more grateful towards Mark and his company.

To go this far just so the people meeting him can relax and be unbothered by him, it spoke volumes about the man he was going to meet.

'They say, "Never meet your heroes," it is in fact a very sound advice as nobody can ever live up to the pedestal we fans put them up on and meeting them only leads to disappointment.'

But, Mark Spencer, was a man cut from a different cloth. He turned out to be all Chris imagined and more, never having seen the man, he bravely walked in when his name was called out by the beautiful red-haired secretary who introduced herself as Rose.

"Sir, there is a Chris Metzen out here to meet you, he had a personal interview scheduled with you today. Yes. Of course. I will get it ready. In the meantime I'm sending him in." She said on the phone and then waved him in.

He still knocked as he didn't want to be impolite.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Come in." He heard and entered the room.

It was tastefully decorated, but it didn't feel like the person who it belonged to was trying to show off. He saw Mark get up and wear a mask on his face as he entered.

He had his back turned to him the whole time, so couldn't get a proper look at his face. But he saw that he was quite tall and muscular, dressed in a well-fitted white dress shirt.

It showcased his impressive physique, he could see his muscly back and broad shoulders with ease, he never imagined that Spencer the renowned author would have the body of a Greek god, that he only saw in movies or magazines.

"Hello, Mr. Spencer. It's an honor to finally meet you, sir." He said as he came closer.

"Don't be so stiff, Chris. It's just an interview and call me Mark. Being called Mr. Spencer just makes me feel old, I'm only 20 ya'know." Mark replied casually, gesturing for him to have a seat and he himself sat down.

"I hope I didn't disturb you, Mark?" He asked frankly, as he had seen him stop working on his desk on something.

"Nah, it's nothing urgent, just me drawing up some plans for the entrance of my company into the Videogames industry." He replied casually, waving off his concern.

"You're thinking about entering into Videogames as well?!" He said in excitement and to Mark it like it was both a question and a statement.

"Ofcourse. I want to explore the different ways a story can be told or experienced. Currently we are at a very important moment in the Videogames industry that will redefine Vidiogames as we know it."

"Do you know the first videogame to feature a real story in its gameplay?" Mark asked as if quizzing him.

"Um.. was it Donkey Kong? No. Wait that was in 81. Hmm, before that.. yeah, Adventure." He looked down at he muttered, trying to remember.

He looked up st Mark, confident in his reply, "Adventure was the first videogame to feature a real story in its gameplay, it came out in 1979."

"You're right, Chris. Good job." He replied complimenting him.

But then grew serious as he leaned forward to make his case. "Now think about it, that game came over a decade ago. We have better consoles now, better developers, we can create a game that will allow the players to experience our stories first hand, to live them."

"Thats the end goal, but for now we must first have story that worth making into a game and that's why you're here Chris." He finished explaining in his end goal but without really going into any details, being ever cautious and paranoid.

"So tell why should I hire you Chris?" He finally asked going on the offensive.

"Huh?" He was surprised by the sudden question.

"Why. Should. I. Hire. You. Chris?" He asked enunciating ever word.

"I know why. I know you worth, your talent. But do you? Have ever really pushed yourself?" He asked staring him down daring him to lie.

He was silent of a moment but then answered, "No, sir. I haven't."

"Good, at least you're honest enough to admit it. It means you still have hope, always remember Chris." He said with such conviction at Chris only looked on seriously as if Mark was about to impart some ancient wisdom.

"A person who doesn't know their worth, will never know if they are underestimating or overestimating themselves."

"Now you have just finished highschool. But I have a proposal for you, I want you to participate in a workshop that I am setting up. It will teach you everything you need to know to become a good storyteller, except for that spark of creativity that just can't be taught."

"But wait there's more, you will also have to work on creating a draft for a book of mine while collaborating with a friend of mine who is a writer as well. So do the writer's crash course and work with her on the story."

"What do you think are up for it?"

And even though, Chris couldn't see Mark's face, his instincts told him of the dangerous smile hiding beneath that mask. But it still didn't deter him from the golden opportunity that has being handed to him on a silver platter.

He knew that his future work hours would be hectic and maybe even borderline crazy. But it would catapult his career and make him into one of the best at what he wanted to do in life.

Instead of wasting his time study for a master's degree he might not even use in his lifetime. He now had the opportunity to get on the job experience and by learning in this Workshop even improve his existing skills and learn new ones.

"How much would you pay me and what benefits are you offering?" After thinking about it for a moment he asked the most important question.

"The workshops' free, your boarding will be taken care of us as well, free healthcare and dental plan when you complete the workshop but its compensation will depend on how well you do."

"You will also be given a fixed stipend which you can negotiate for later but don't worry it is set taking into consideration of cost of living in LA so you will be fine. It will also be raised when you officially join the IWA."

"And when you complete the draft of the story I will have you be working on. You will be paid again and when it goes for sale you will be given a cut of the royalty as well."

"But all rights will be owned by me, as the original idea for the story was mine. If you don't have any problems with terms I mentioned then welcome on board, so do you think are you in or are you out?"

"I am definitely in, sir. Those are some unbelievable benefits you are offering me and I would be a fool if I said no to such a great offer. The opportunity to learn in your workshop and work alongside a professional is truly a god sent. Thank you so much, sir." He said thanking him from the bottom of his heart.

"But. Um.. Sir. You said I will be working with your friend.. How good is she?" Chris with a bit hesitation as he didn't want to be rude or offend Mark.

"Well, she is a real New York bestseller. If you catch my drift?" Mark said with a "if you know, you know" kind of look on his face.

He just nodded in understanding and Mark said, "Her name is Melissa, she is great, I will introduce you to her later."

And thats how his first meeting with Mark Spencer ended and his journey to test himself and prove his worth at Eidolon began.

~ Flashback ends ~






{Author's Note: And cut, now the story will be diverging with you guys being show two parts the main part will be Mark that will be atleast 2/3rds of the chapter and the smaller would be a short POV of a side character or more. Also as you read, Mark didn't sleep with Jo yet.

He doesn't just want to sleep with her but instead wants her as a part of his harem. I know a few may not like this but Ms. Rowling has created one of my most beloved stories so I want to give a happy life in my book. So yeah, her progress with Mark will be a little slow.

Now the reason why I was unable to post of over 3 days beyond my schedule, well I was in a family get together with most of my extended family invited. So I couldn't find the time to write in between.

But I do have a good news taking this break has allowed me to gain some good ideas for my next few chapters and also about where I want to take this story in general. There will be a poll again in 2 weeks time to decide on the next female celebrity to join Mark's harem.

Anywhos', moving on, thanks for reading my work. I am entirely motivated by interaction, suggestions and feedback. So please leave a comment or review and I will probably write faster.

If you like my work please throw a power stone my way so my book can climb the rankings. Slurp some nice ramen and I hope you all have a beautiful day. (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧}