91. A Date Worth Remembering. (I) (R-18)

Disclaimer: The story takes place in an Alternate Earth with a slightly different timeline of events. So people may be born early, some may be born a few years later or maybe not at all.

This gives me more freedom to write characters as I want, also the characters in my story are obviously not an accurate portrayal of their characters.

Please remember that this story is a wish fulfillment story set in Urban Hollywood with some Fantasy elements because of the system's shenanigans so please don't take it too seriously.




Opening Author's Note: Sorry for being a few days late with uploading this chapter, I was actually preoccupied with rewriting the first chapter of this book and also pre-writing some of the Marvel movie easter egg stuff.

It's still not good but I guess it's in the "okay" category now. If you guys could, I would really appreciate it, if you could go and read the first chapter and let me know how the new rewrite turned out. I have added in some new stuff as well.

I have gotten a lot of ideas here from you guys, many have also said that they can't wait for the Killing Joke well. I can confidently say that it won't be too long now as I will be wrapping up the Japan tour in the next chapter. Hope you guys like it and comment if you have any new ideas.

At the bottom of the chapter you guys will see an author's note with a request. If you guys could fulfill it I will be really grateful. Thanks for reading and I hope you like this chapter.




Recap of the Previous Chapter –

Mr. Kim was thinking about his employment with Mark and how different Mark was from a regular 20-year-old Hollywood celebrity. Instead of partying and wasting his time on drugs, booze or women, Mark instead was completely focused on the grind.

He thought back to how proficient Mark had gotten in MMA through sparring with him and his subordinates. The speed at which he was progressing was just unbelievable. The POV then changes to Mark, and he is shown thinking about the same things and marveling at the prowess of the HK skill.

Mark then spars with Tom, where he uses an unnamed ancient Chinese martial art that he never used before to accidentally hurt him despite holding back on his strength. He then duly compensates him for the injury caused, and they then realize that Mark had pre-planned this because he wanted to give him money for his sisters' tuition fees.

Mark then goes to meet Mr. Hayao Miyazaki, and offers him two prepositions, one where he offers to buy Studio Ghibli outright and the other where he wishes to partner up with Mr Miyazaki and co-own Studio Ghibli. Mr Miyazaki thinks about it a little and decides to take the second offer, and with that, Mark becomes a co-owner of Studios Ghibli.




– Quotes of the Chapter –

Knowledge is power.

If it is not applied

properly to create,

let there be no doubts,

It will destroy.



~ Salma Hayek's POV ~

(Mark's second girlfriend)


Date: Wednesday, 26th September, 1990.


Time: 06:18 pm



They had just wrapped up the press interview. The way the reporters reacted to Mark speaking Japanese so perfectly was always gonna be funny to her.

Watching their jaws drop, despite knowing that he already spoke Japanese, just made it funnier. Maybe it was the fact that Mark was American and white, or maybe it was the reason why Mark learnt in the first place.

Mark had told them that the main reason he even started learning Japanese was so he could read Manga and watch the OG version of anime. As finding the translated version of some of the less popular manga was very difficult.

'Yeah, it definitely was the manga and anime comment.' She giggled as she caught up with Mark and Johnny walking ahead of her.

"What are you guys talking about?" She asked, just trying to make conservation and to forget the jitters she was feeling because Mark had told her that he was taking her out on a date.

She didn't know why, but she was really happy that the "spark" in their relationship was still going strong, it meant that it wasn't just a fling, a momentary lapse in both their judgment.

All the things they did together - the weekly dates, thoughtful gifts, the personal lessons where she learnt so many new things, the surprise quizzes – made her feel like what they had was special.

She could tell, he was slowly helping her grow beyond just being an actress. So that when she eventually felt like retiring, it wouldn't feel like her time was over.

Instead, it would be like a new stage in her life where she got to try out this new thing she always wanted and currently that was production; and she was certain with Mark by her side she would get there eventually.

This trust and confidence that she had in him made her feel like their relationship was growing stronger as she found newer things to love about him.

Whenever she knew that Mark was gonna take her out on a date. It just made her day, like no matter what life threw at her, she would be able to keep smiling because she had her man by her side.

Mark shared a look with Johnny at her question and indicated that he was leaving it up to him to decide how he wanted to answer the question.

She raised her eyebrow at Mark, questioning what was up, to which he just shrugged, deflecting.

'Hmm, looks like it's something personal.' she thought to herself.

"You don't have to tell me if it's something private." She told Johnny, as she didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

"Nah, you'd find out about it later anyway. It's just.. I have decided to get my drinking under control," he confessed, slightly embarrassed.

"You! You're jok.." she stopped mid-sentence as she realized that Johnny looked serious.

"Oh, sh*t, you're actually serious?!" She exclaimed in shock.

Johnny just nodded as they kept moving.

"Is it because of Winona?" She asked with an excited smile, as her shock turned to excitement.

"Nope, it's because I told him a secret so dangerous that if he let it slip while drunk, it might ruin both his and River's career." Mark butted in, nonchalantly replying to Salma's question.

"What the hell! Mark, normally people send their friends to a sobriety group or something. You–" she was speechless at Mark's action.

"It's fine, Salma; I asked him to do it, actually." She turned around, surprised, as she gawked at him.

"I guess this lawsuit was a good thing, it put quite a lot of things into perspective for me."

"It made me realize that I had a problem and running away from it won't help anyone. Not me or the people around me." he said with a forlorn look on his face.

"Don't be sad, John; I am glad you are working on yourself." She patted his arm.

"Thanks, Sal. As for what we're talking about.. I was telling Mark about trying warm sake yesterday at a bar last night." he replied sheepishly.

"What?! Bu-" She exclaimed and was about to reprimand him when Mark pulled her hand and stopped her.

"It's fine, Sal. Sake has a lower alcohol content than Jin and rum; it's just a little stronger than beer, and he didn't drink much anyway." He told her in his deep voice that it just calmed her instantly.

"Oh." she muttered and turned to apologize to Johnny.

"It's fine, Salma. It just shows that you care." He stopped her before she could even speak, with a kind smile.

He chuckled a bit as he spoke with a content and happy look on his face. "Hehe, I didn't think taking on this job would change my life so much."

"I became popular overnight, made new friends, deepened my relationship with Noni, and now I have even started working on my worst habit." He chuckled a bit and said with a grateful smile, "Life couldn't be better."

"Thanks, Mark, for this opportunity and for looking out for me." Mark just waved him off, not wanting to take any credit, despite doing so much for Johnny.

She really liked that part about him—the part that wanted to look out for his friends and family. The fact that he would be a great father one day flashed through her mind, and she really looked forward to raising a family together.

She blushed suddenly, taken aback by her thoughts of raising a family together, Mark noticed it and decided to tease her, "What dirty thought are you cooking up in your head now, babe?"

"N-nothing," she tried to deflect, but couldn't really hide her red cheeks.

Mark just leaned forward and whispered in her ear with a teasing smile. "It's ok, I will get it out of you at night anyways."

She just pouted at him, as they got into a car after saying goodbye to John.

"So, what have you planned for tonight?"

"That's for me to know and you to slowly find out as the night unravels itself." he smirked at her as the cab took them to a clothing store that Mark looked up earlier.




Mark actually wanted to buy a few Kimonos and Yukatas for the lovely women in his life. Salma, who was with him, would serve as a live model, to see how the dresses would look on a non-Asian person.

As for Eva and Anne, he already knew their body proportions, like the palm of his hand. He had chosen this establishment because of their huge variety of apparel and large, spacious displays with many "try-on" rooms.

These rooms were going to be a nice place to explore something new, he had been wanting to try out with Salma.

"Hello, sir. Welcome to Kimono Suzunoya Shinjuku Saboten. How may I be of help?" A sales woman approached them and bowed slightly as she welcomed them to the store.

She did so in English, noticing that they were foreigners despite the mask. She slowly went through the words, showing her inexperience with the foreign language.

Mark replied in fluent Japanese, putting her immediately at ease and also hiding his intentions from Salma. He told the woman that he was looking for kimonos and yukatas for 3 women, 2 pairs each of both items, so 12 items in total.

It was a big purchase, and he promised her that he would leave her a fat tip on top of the sales commission if she was willing to leave them alone in the changing room for 20 to 30 minutes.

She schooled in her expressions on hearing that and replied, "Sir, if you have sex in there, it will cost you extra as I will need to clean up after you."

Mark just nodded his head in agreement, even though sex wasn't on his mind. He just wanted to tease his slut and get ready for the main show of the night.

It was something he had planned months ago. He really did love it when a plan just came together perfectly.

Seeing him nodded in agreement, she smiled and took out a notepad to write down his instructions.

Mark then told her the measurements of Eva and Anne's bust, hip, waist and height, while also explaining their facial features, hair and skin color.

She asked, "Are there any preferred colors that I should be on the lookout for?"

Mark told her that for Eva, he wanted a green kimono that would match her eyes or a blue one that would complement her hair. As for Anne, he wanted a navy blue or green kimono, as that would go really well with her lovely blue eyes.

Understanding his request, she asked them to follow her and led them to a more secluded corner of the store, with almost no one else in sight.

She politely asked Salma, "Miss, what color would you like your kimono to be?"

"Hmm, navy blue with baby blue as a secondary color." She replied, having already spotted a beautiful kimono that she wanted to try on.

"Ah, I see something that has already caught your eye," she said as she moved behind the stall and took off the piece that was hung on the display.

She held it against her from her shoulder to see if the length was alright or if it would need some quick modifications.

"It's the perfect length; here, let me show you how to put it on." She smiled brightly and showed her a simple way to tie the waist knots and how to layer her dress.

After a few minutes, she told her to look around and see if anything caught her, while she got to find the other stuff Mark had ordered for the other two ladies in his harem.

She turns towards Mark and says in Japanese, "I will try to make sure that no other salesperson or customer comes towards this corner, but I can only give you 30 minutes at best."

"Thanks for going above and beyond. I really appreciate the great service." Mark replied and gave her a wink, while Salma wasn't looking.

"Mark, don't you have anything you want to buy?" she asked, after turning to see him still looking around the women's kimono section.

"Of course, I do, honey. But it's not clothes; that I am looking for; today I was able to successfully acquire 41% of the ownership stake in Studio Ghibli. But that's just the beginning."

"By the time I am done with work here in Japan, I will have spent enough money that by the time I return to America and buy Pixar from Jobs, I'll be broke." He said it with a snicker.

"Why are you happy about it?!" She was confused.

"Well, there are many reasons, actually," he replied slowly, as he took off a red kimono with golden accents from the bamboo racks.

"For starters, I get to pay next to nothing on taxes owed by Eidolon for our first financial year despite earning well over 400 million dollars in gross profit."

He placed the kimono against her chest to see how the color looked on her skin tone and found it to be the perfect color for her skin.

The way her caramel skin just glowed against the red and gold dress in the lighting made his mouth dry. He wanted to have her wear it, just so he could tear it off her later when he ravished her body.

"I will have also almost completed the list of IPs that I want to acquire before the Big Six start coming after me like I owe them money."

"I will have also diversified and horizontally expanded Eidolon into various industries in Japan, like Video games, Animation, Electronics, Publishing, Hospitality and more."

"What's there not to be happy about?" He asked with a chuckle, as he felt like a kid in a candy store, but one who had enough money to buy the entire store.

"Don't you think you're moving a little too fast?" She asked hesitantly, not wanting to hurt his feelings by giving off the impression that she didn't have faith in her man's capabilities.

"It's alright, Sal. If you don't ask me those hard questions, then who will, huh.." He said this with a gentle smile, as he lifted her chin and caressed her cheek lovingly, which put her at ease.

"I don't really have anything to assure you with now; I don't want to give you empty words; instead, I believe in proving myself with my actions."

"The reason I am hurrying is that time waits for no man, nor do your enemies. You'll understand what I mean by this later on, I promise."

"And on that note, I think it's time you tried this one on; I think it will look even better on you, babe." He said, handing the red and gold kimono to her as he took her towards a stall that was at the very back.

She just nodded her head and muttered, "Sure," as she disappeared behind the door of the dressing room.

He looked around, using his Harem King skill and Cloak & Dagger skill simultaneously, trying to spot any hidden cameras or humans.

---------------- [R-18 SCENE STARTS]

"Hmm, looks like it's clear," he murmured when he ascertained that the coast was clear.

He decided to make his move and walked towards the door that Salma had entered just a few moments ago, luckily he found it not closed by the latch.

He smirked as he pushed it open, not even bothering to knock, revealing Salma, who was trying to get out of her skirt, her shirt already on a wide bench that was provided to keep clothes.

He closed the door behind him as he entered, remembering to lock it.

"Let me help you, honey," he said, ignoring her expression of shock as he reached for her back, unhooking her bra with just a caress, showing his experience with the act.

"Mark, you scared me," she said, trembling as his fingers danced over her back. Her arms rose to catch her bra, which, without support, was sliding down, risking revealing her body to his hungry eyes.

He would have stopped her from doing that, but decided to use the opportunity to take a step closer to her, and put his fingers over the zipper that was holding her skirt in place.

"Sorry, honey," he replied, grinning with a mock apologetic tone, aware that his expression didn't match his words at all.

Not that Salma looked like she was paying attention to that, distracted by the implications of him being there and the slow clicks that filled the room as he dragged her zipper down in a deliberate slowness.

"Since you are not familiar with this Japanese-style of clothing, I thought you might appreciate my help." His fingers dragged over her skin that was hidden under her skirt, while the said piece of cloth slid to its freedom and pooled around her feet.

"No-no, of course not," she stammered in a hurry, quick to inform him about the lack of her objection.

But the quickening of her breath and aroused gaze told him enough, they told him of how excited she felt even when she was filled with the fear of getting caught.

"Good," he said as his fingers hooked around her panties and pulled them down slowly.

"Mark?" she called out to him in confusion, looking at his fingers as he continued dragging her panties down her tantalizing thighs.

She looked like she wanted to say something, to prevent this, but he had taught her better than directly interfering with his actions.

"Umm, why are you removing my panties, Mark?" she asked hesitantly, as she felt her core heat up and the pressure build up.

"To make sure the dress fits better on you, of course," he answered confidently.

"You don't want any ugly lines from your underwear to disrupt the beautiful sight this dress would provide; do you think they had underwear back in the 760s?" he added on as he expertly spouted some BS that would explain his actions.

"Probably not," she said in a manner that she doubtlessly thought was one of resignation, but from the reflection, he could see her slit dripping with arousal, telling him that her words were nothing more than a vain attempt to hide her excitement.

"I didn't think so; now let's get rid of this bra as well." He smirked as brought his hand over her chest, and pulled the bra from between her unresisting fingers, a move that left his arm wrapped around her big soft yet firm tits as she just stood directly in front of him in her birthday suit.

Never one to miss such an opportunity, he pushed his hips forward until his erect cock was nicely burrowed between her cheeks. Feeling them both engulf his shaft in their warmth even through the clothes as they massaged his clothed shaft was just heavenly.

It was so tempting to just push her forward until her tits were smashed against the mirror, impaling her mercilessly, on his thick cock, and having her wailing for the entire shop full of people to hear would definitely satisfy his inner sadist. But he held back for now. Not wanting to ruin his perfect plan.

Instead, he whispered into her ear. "Look in the mirror, darling."

She did, watching him be captivated by the view of her naked beauty, his muscular body pressing against her from behind, his thick cock nestled in between her huge globes of her ass in a promise that begged to be fulfilled.

A promise he was quite tempted to fulfill, enticed by the idea of taking the upcoming star actress Salma Hayek in the changing room of a clothing store like a horny slut, but he didn't want to be too hasty in his approach.

"Raise your arms," he gruffly ordered, shaking his hips slowly as he dragged his thick shaft up and down the crack of her bubbly ass. He could hear her panting as he leaned down and picked up the red kimono, gently draping it across her body.

She did so, her arms parallel to the ground, and he gently slid in the arms of the kimono as he caressed and groped her caramel skin.

"Good girl." It was a real test of willpower, to not do anything overly sexual other than an occasional grab or caress as he gently pulled the dress on her.

"You look so gorgeous." He whispered in her ears as he draped the kimono across her form, making sure to keep it loose and ensuring a good amount of cleavage for show.

"Thanks, Mark," she murmured, a bit stunned at her own reflection and surprised by how good the Asian dress looked on her.

It was a justified response, he thought as he licked his lips, as his mouth felt dry at just the sight of her in that beautiful red-gold kimono.

The elegant red dress wrapped around her beautifully to reveal her toned body for his gaze. Due to the way he had draped it on her and tied the knots, it had left a thin but deep cleavage out front, going until just a few inches above her belly, revealing the inner side of her breasts.

The back of her dress was even better, in his opinion, as the way he tightly wrapped the kimono over her bubbly ass made it look so enticing. The lack of any imprints was just enough to hint the absence of her panties.

On top of all that, the silky fabric of the kimono was quite thin, so it didn't do much to hide neither her erect nipples nor her rising arousal down at the lower lips if he pulled the dress close to her nub, which was now engorged.

Meanwhile, his mouth was busy kissing and gently biting her neck as he slowly left his mark all over his submissive pet for everyone to see.

"Mark, please stop; we're in public. What if someone hears us?!" she whispered the last bit as she desperately tried to rein in her lust.

"Stop?.. heh, this is just the beginning, babe; I hope you are ready for a wild ride." He spoke as he gently lifted her and placed her on the wide bench.

He kneeled down as he swiftly undid the central knot and hiked up the dress so he could access her cunt, which was already dripping wet with arousal.

After undoing the knots, he didn't wait to hear any more of her half-hearted "protests" and leaned in to place a kiss on her right thigh.

He placed both of his hands on her knees, but didn't even have to part them, despite her denials and reservations.

Salma felt like a seasoned slut who just wanted her master to give her the promised sweet release and didn't really care even if Mark decided to fuck the living daylights out of her right there in public.

She would happily accept it if he did and enjoy it, as it was the dynamic in their relationship. Also, it's not like the thought of doing it in public, no matter how concealed, didn't excite her.

She could already feel her sex dripping with arousal; if she had still worn her panties, they would be already soaked through.

In a sense, she was glad Mark had removed them earlier, as after their tryst here, she might still get to wear them if Mark felt generous enough.

Mark didn't waste a single moment, as he knew he was on a time crunch. He rubbed his fingers on her quim to rev up her engines and get her even more excited.

Bringing his nose to the dripping hot sex box, he could easily smell her arousal; he could tell his bitch was in heat. The taboo of public sex was getting her even more excited than usual.

He grinned a malicious smile that promised both pain and pleasure, and just seeing that smile made jolts of electricity run down her spine.

It was because she remembered that smile; she had seen it right before he had fucked her so well that she had blacked out time from pleasure overload.

He leaned forward, placing a chaste kiss on her drooling sex, as he then dragged his tongue from the bottom of her slit to the very top that hid her nub.

He gently tongued it for a few seconds as she kept whimpering against the palm of her hands, trying to stop any noises from escaping her mouth.

The slick, sliding feeling of Mark's tongue probing against her soaked cunt was sending shocks of energy that coursed through her body as she struggled to keep her voice down.

She, oh, so, desperately wanted to voice her pleasure, but the faint sound of people walking in the distance told her that doing so would make sure that the establishment would know about their activities in minutes.

This was all she could think of as she whimpered and moaned while trying to keep her voice down. When suddenly his tongue pressed roughly against the side of her clit that she knew, he knew, was one of her sensitive pleasure spots.

Salma scrambled to put her hands over her mouth. There was no pause or hesitation from her love as he expertly flicked at the tender bead of sex until she was about to scream out her pleasure.

He probably didn't care who found out, as he would just pay them off to keep their mouths shut. It was this power play and dominance that she loved about him; he could be the most tender and caring man in the world.

But also the most domineering and powerful man in her life, who just knew how to play with her body to bring the utmost pleasure. She trusted him to take care of the situation no matter what happened and just gave into the pleasure of his god tongue.

Mark was absolutely relentless in his pursuit of Salma's undoing, and it arrived swiftly, in the form of a shuddering, all-consuming, hip-rolling climax that he refused to let her finish until he had brought out every last drop of pleasure from her swollen, pulsing clit.

Even when he pulled away, he carefully pursed his lips and sucked at her soft, pliant flesh until it was released with a wet 'pop' and a high-pitched moan burst from Salma as her most sensitive part was pulled on as she climaxed once again.

Mark leaned in and lapped it up, not wanting to leave behind any evidence of their deviant tryst. He got up and held her up from behind, making her stand on her quaking legs, steadying her as she panted, her legs shaking like a newborn fawn.

Salma slumped back onto her man; she hadn't expected it to be so intense. Even though he had only used his tongue, the pleasure was great; it had blown her mind.

Maybe it was the combination of him just finding the perfect spot and their sexual compatibility being through the roof that made her feel like she was floating on the clouds.

She raised her head as she peered up at the love of her life, who was still glancing at them in the mirror.

He took a moment to take it all in, to sate his ego as he looked at the beautiful work of art he created. He couldn't help but grin, as he groped her soft yet firm tits, molding her back to his chest.

Leaning down to place a kiss on the back of her neck, he said, "You know, sal.. I don't know how, but you just keep growing more and more beautiful every time that I see you."

He kissed her right ear and nibbled on it as he whispered his honeyed words. "Even now with your hair disheveled, your clothes messy, sweat dripping from your brow, your body so soft, so submissive, perfectly molded to my own."

He pinched and twisted her right nipple as he finished that sentence, meanwhile stroking her clit as her eyes begged for another release despite cumming just a few moments ago.

"In my eyes, you've never looked more perfect, more beautiful, and I feel so happy to have you in my life. Now cum for me, mi amor." He squished her breasts, as if massaging them.

The fingers of his other hand penetrated her sex and found her right spot, causing her to almost blank out.

Thankfully, he sealed her mouth in a kiss, so no one could hear her muffled screams and moans as she went delirious with pleasure.

Mark said, as he tasted her juices on his fingers, and offered her to have a taste as well. "Here, taste yourself; you're so fucking delicious, mi amor."

"Mark.. *Auhnn* Me has hecho la mujer más feliz del mundo – You've made me the happiest woman in the world." There was so much more that she wanted to say, but she was still not all there, as her head was still floating in the clouds.

She turned, wrapping her arms around his neck, and gazed into his eyes. She stood up on her toes and drew him in for another kiss, in which she put in all her love and affection for the man who had stolen her heart.

As they broke the kiss, Mark kissed on the cheek lovingly and whispered, "The attendant must be coming in a few more minutes. Get yourself together, honey, and tie up the knots like she showed, okay.. not like how I did it before."

"What abou–?" she asked petulantly, but Mark didn't even let her finish, wanting to be gone as soon as possible.

"Don't worry about it; I will tell her to bag those up, as you've decided to wear the kimono on our date." He replied, with a winning smile, as he took out the room freshener spray from her bag.

"Okay," she muttered in reply, blushing in embarrassment, because doing so would indirectly let her know of their deeds in the stall if she hadn't already figured it out.

"Wait, you brought that along." He just gave her a roguish grin as he sprayed it across the room and sniffed to check its effectiveness.

"Hmm, pretty good." He said that, dodging her question.

She gave him a mock glare as she pulled him in for another kiss. Seeing him, she let out a sigh of regret and sat down on her haunches, massaging her thighs, trying to get some life back into them.

Her thighs had gone completely numb from the pleasure Mark had given her with that godlike tongue of his, but she still felt a bit sad that he hadn't fucked her in the changing room.

She nearly fainted from the sensory overload, but thankfully Mark had noticed and pinched her nipples; the sharp mix of pain and pleasure had kept her awake.

Even now, she could still feel his fingers on her nips as they throbbed in excitement as the aftershocks of their deviant act coursed through her body, causing goosebumps to erupt on her skin.

She had barely managed to push through the border of being presentable before the saleswoman arrived. But with her flushed cheeks and still somewhat messy hair, he knew there wasn't a chance that the saleswoman would miss what they had been doing in her absence.

However, thankfully, she did the smart thing and acted completely obvious, ensuring to receive a generous tip from him. None of them spoke much, as she just showed Mark her picks and then helped them bag up their stuff.

They weren't because of the thick air of awkwardness in the room, and he wasn't because he was busy enjoying her panic, even as his fingers roamed over her lower back and bubbly ass.

He just loved the way it jiggled as he groped and spanked them to his heart's delight — so soft and pliable yet at the same time it was so perfectly rounded and firm.

All her hard work exercising and religiously following her diet had sculpted her body into that of a fertile goddess. One that he was free to play around with as he pleased to his heart's desire.

This power and this authority had been one of the reasons he had worked so hard for the past decade and would continue to do so in the future as well, for the grind never stops.

Because it was his power that attracted her to him — power that he knew he would need to grow to newer heights if he was to attain his goals.

------------- [R-18 SCENE ENDS]

[Kinks explored: Semi-Public Sex]




— To be continued…

In the next episode of Highschool D–

*Cough* *Cough*

I meant in the next chapter of Hollywood: Head-Hunting System.


Important Author's Note: Hello, my reader's and fellow men of culture, we meet again. I'm sorry for the delay in updating this chapter. If you guys want to know why I couldn't upload, well, I just watched Marvel's *cough* I meant Disney's new TV show.

Yes, I watched Echo. I don't think I have to say what I thought about it, as the vast majority of the internet has already given their verdict. So, I won't piss on an already dead show. But the reason why I couldn't upload was because... I couldn't stop thinking about the show.

Echo had my favorite Marvel villain to date in it, Wilson Fisk – The Kingpin. But they completely ruined his character and made a mockery of him. As I was trying to come to terms and write this chapter, all I could think in my head was m***erf***** I could have done a better job at writing this hot pile of garbage.

Fk.. Sorry, I couldn't stop myself from ranting about Echo. Anyways if you guys have reached this part of the note, thank you for being patient with me and reading. I have a small favor to ask your kind reader who is still reading.

You see, I have rewritten the first half of my first chapter and even renamed it so it fits better with the new first chapter. So please, if you could, I would really appreciate it if you could go read the first chapter once again.

It's now called — 1. A Life Cut Short & Unfulfilled Dreams. (RW)

The (RW) signifies that the chapter has been rewritten. I know the chapter isn't great, but I feel it's definitely better than the one I wrote because I feel like I have certainly grown as a writer.