107. The Aftermath, The Regret, The Promise & A Bone Chilling Performance and A New Year.

Disclaimer: The story takes place in an Alternate Earth with a slightly different timeline of events. So people may be born early, some may be born a few years later or maybe not at all.

This gives me more freedom to write characters as I want, also the characters in my story are obviously not an accurate portrayal of their characters.

Please remember that this story is a wish fulfillment story set in Urban Hollywood with some Fantasy elements because of the system's shenanigans so please don't take it too seriously.




Opening Author's Note: I am really happy to upload this chapter guys, as with this chapter we are officially once again 3 chapters ahead of the public release of this book.

If I keep up this pace then it won't be too long when I will be able to create the 2nd tier. After discussing this topic with a patron, I realized I might have set the 1st tier's chapter count too low.

I thought 3 chapters for 5 dollars is okay because the other author's offer 5 chapters for 5 dollars but their chapters are like 2.5k to 3k words. Whereas mine are 5.5 to 6k words minimum.

So for 5 dollars they offer 15k words worth of content, whereas I offer atleast 17k to 18k words worth of content. But if we just compare the chapters 3 (mine) and 5 (other author's) then it does look less.

So I have decided to raise the bar for the 1st tier from 3 chapters to 4 chapters. This way every chapter will be priced at 1.25 dollars. And every higher tier will offer 1 extra chapter than usual.

So now Tier 1 (Ramen Lover) will offer 4 chapters (each priced at $1.25).

The next Tier 2 (Ramen Aficionado) will offer 9 chapters. 4 chapters from 1st tier + 4 chapters from 2nd tier + 1 extra free chapter for 2nd tier.

The 3rd tier (Name pending) following the same pattern will offer 14 chapters. 4 chapters from 1st tier + 4 chapters from 2nd tier + 4 chapters from 3rd tier + 2 extra free chapters for the 3rd tier.

But that's still a few more weeks into the future, so I won't get ahead of myself and start with this chapter.




Recap of the Previous Chapter –

We see the Behind-The-Scenes project that Mark has started, it is done with the intention of training future directors, showing the audiences the effort that goes into creating movies. So they have a better appreciation for the art and to also attract more aspiring artists to the industry.

But the main reason was that it is the counter attack from Mark for the Oscars. Mark then buys the special skill Guiding Light in hopes for River achieving a breakthrough. We also see the first look of the Joker as filming of the Killing Joke officially begins.

The POV then shifts to Macaulay Culkin, the kid is living a better life this time around with Mark looking out for him and his family. He tells how his father was actually trying to sue his mother to gain custody over but thankfully with lawyers appointed by Mark that wasn't gonna be happening and he is glad that he isn't alone.

The scene changes again to Nicole as she tells how life has been going quite well with her shooting for the killing joke almost complete. But then suddenly the building that they were using as their set catches on fire. But Mark doesn't get angry or panicks instead he think on how to maximize the benefit of the current situation.

He comes up with a crazy plan but he doesn't have much time to think. Todd is ordered to gather a small team of camera men, River and a few BG artists. Marc enters the burning building with them along with a few fake dead bodies and shoots an epic scene of the Joker burning down a building, laying waste to his enemies and making an escape.




~ Quote of the Chapter ~

"I used to think that.. my life was a tragedy. Now I realize.. it's a comedy." Arthur spoke in a sad tone, accepting his tragic fate.




~ Micheal Eisner's POV ~

..(The Tyrant of Disney)


Date: 1st December, 1990.


Time: 11:38 am.



"I never imagined that burning down a building would make me so happy." Eisner said to himself as he gleefully read the title of the newspaper on his desk.

"But this.. does put a smile on my face." He said with a devious grin, the newspaper read.

Set burnt down in New York due to negligence from Marc Spector and Eidolon.

(See photos.)

"Excellent." He said to himself, as he read through the first few paragraphs of the newspaper.

It said that Marc and his crew had been banned from shooting in New York for the foreseeable future. Despite the young studio owner issuing an apology and accepting the bill to pay the property damage.

The fire that had burnt down the building he had been renting for as his set, the fire that had been started on his orders had been blamed on Marc due to his negligence and lack of safety and security measures.

Unfortunately he couldn't destroy the film that they had shot as Marc was careful enough to store it in a safe in his own trailer. But what had really irked him was how lightly Marc had taken the matter.

When the media were hounding him for an explanation or trying to get him to make a controversial hot statement like admitting to the fire being started by his enemies.

Marc had instead used them to advertise his new upcoming event. He called it the Marvel-Con and explained jovially how it would celebrate the rebirth of Marvel comics.

The fact that he didn't even seem bothered by the fire and the hundreds of thousands of dollars in property damages bothered him instead. He knew he must be backed by an insurance company but still the delays and having to leave New York must have hurt his ego and pride.

This was just the beginning, as he would do his very best to ensure that Marc and his movie don't win even a single award at the Oscars or other award events like Golden Globes and SAG.




The fire had been bad but it was what came after it that only made it worse. It made her realize just how precarious Marc's situation truly was. He was the nail that was sticking out and that is the nail that got hammered down first.

After recalling that dialogue shared between Marc and Mr. Lucas. She was sure that this fire hadn't just been a coincidence or an accident, as Marc had been claiming to the media.

Her first thoughts were of panic, as she had officially tied herself to Marc's bandwagon. If Marc got taken out then her career would once again be in limbo, but her gut told that it would be okay.

The media attack after the fire had to have been pre-arranged by Hollywood's Big Six, except maybe universal as they were in the same boat as Marc.

They had tried to swarm him, get him off balance, tried to damage his reputation by painting him as irresponsible and careless.

But it had been foiled and Marc had sued each and every one of the newspapers that took it too far by claiming that he might have started the fire himself to shoot his film and is now claiming it to be an accident.

After her scenes for the Killing Joke were done, she moved on to the set of Home Alone in Chicago. Rick, her agent, had advised against doing the movie as it was too small for her and it would be impossible for her to get a fair salary.

But Marc had given her some valuable advice that he had actually given to all his friends who were actors. It was also the answer to how she could both be a star actress and also win awards.

It was to take a cut of the box office of a movie rather than a large sum of money as salary upfront.

It would allow her to be part of both small budget art films that have a better chance at winning awards but also the commercial blockbusters that could make her a star.

Now all she had to do was wait and watch, to see whether her bet on Marc would be right or not. Despite the attack by the media, him being affiliated with Universal did help a lot, as the heat had died down.

While she was here on the set of Home Alone, Marc had continued shooting while indoors in sets that he had complete control over. She just hoped he would complete filming on time and not be hindered by this setback.

Knock ×3

"Ms. Kidman?" She heard her name be called out as there was a knock on her trailer door.

"Yes?" She asked, hoping the scene was ready, as she wanted to be done here as soon as possible.

They were currently shooting in Winnetka, Illinois, even though at first they had planned to go to Canada for the shoot but changed plans as they found a much cheaper option. This way they could spend most of their budget on props and traps that the devilish kevin would be using on the thieves.

She had also taken a reduced salary in lieu of taking a small cut of the box office. It wasn't much, just 3% of the North American box office, but she didn't expect much out of it this was just a small budget comedy movie so how could that even be.

Also, she wasn't doing it for the money, rather to show that she believed in and followed Marc's advice. Despite being labeled as box office poison, she still enjoyed a salary of 2.5 million dollars for each role.

Thankfully, Marc had taken some mercy on her and given her a fair salary for Killing Joke of 3 million dollars. Unlike here where she only got $500,000 upfront on top of small box office share for playing the mother of Kevin McAllister.




It was a nightmare when she had read that her son was making the headlines for torching a building and endangering the lifes of innocent people and employees just so he could film a scene of his new movie.

But it had been something she had steeled her heart about, as the media was infamous for paint Hollywood celebrities in a bad light.

She had immediately called him up, so she could hear the full details of the situation from him. He never really hid anything from her or lied and thankfully he didn't start now.

He told her that he had an idea who did it and that he even knew that something like that was gonna happen and it had been a pill that was hard to swallow for her. Upon further explanation, she found out that he knew that something was coming but not exactly what.

Though he admitted that he got blindsided and losing shooting privileges in New York wasn't something he had foreseen. It was when he told her about his actions when he saw the fire that she really started shouting at him.

And why wouldn't she, just because he was built like Superman from the comic books didn't mean that he actually was. His stunt about heading into the burning building while shouldering a camera was idiotic and he needed someone to say it to his face.

Unfortunately Eva was unavailable as she was busy stopping the media from ripping him to shreds. So she had to be the one to do it.

Even, his father decided to stepped in, usually he took a very supportive and hands off approach to dealing with Mark but this one really hit a nerve with him as well.

"Mark, son.. you've got to understand that it was just an unnecessary risk that you were taking."

"You put not only yourself but also the lives of your crew in danger and as a man and a leader this is your biggest failing till date."




Mark didn't say anything in return, but just silently nodded in acceptance as he looked down at the floor, ashamed of even meeting his father's eyes because he knew his father was correct.

What he had done might have allowed him to film a scene that was impossible to replicate or recreate because of its authenticity and realism.

But it had also unnecessarily put himself and his own people at risk. Maybe in the heat of the moment it might have felt like a good idea.

But he didn't stop to think for a single moment what if the fire had compromised the structural support of the building, what if the floor had collapsed on him or his crew mates.

Their deaths, their blood would have been on his hands, it was a thought that felt like shoving his head in a tub of ice water.

After leaving home, he issued a public apology to the crew members that were involved in the scene and promised he would never put their lives at risk for a scene.

They didn't mind though, and immediately forgave, citing that he himself had been with them in the middle of the danger. But he shook his head and said, "it still doesn't make it right. You aren't soldiers, you guys are artists."

It warmed their hearts to see their boss care so much about them and feeling remorseful. After the fire they only took a break for 2 weeks to gather their wits and regroup.

They then started shooting again, this time in Chicago, there had been a few issues with getting the permits but money really went a long way when you know whom to pay and just how much.

They shot the subway riot scene, the bank robbery scene, the scene where Arthur dies and Joker is born, the iconic stairway dance scene and now they were suiting up. The next scene would be their last for some time now because their boss would be leaving for an event.

He wanted to wrap it up before he had to leave for Marvel-Con. The advertisements for the event were already being done through his comics and newly released books like Pokemon and Ben 10: Ultimatrix War.

He even talked about it to the reporters whenever they would ask him stupid questions.

"Boss, the scene is ready." He hears QT say from behind him.

"Yeah, let's do it. Is River ready?" He asked while getting up from his chair to inspect the set for himself.

"Well he is getting a little jittery but he said will be fine. Though he wanted me to ask you if he could go off the script here." Tarantino asked nervously waiting for Marc to say no, as River went unhinged sometimes playing the Joker.

"Hmm, tell him he's got the stage." Marc replied leaving for the set, where the party was all set with the BG artists.

"Will do." He heard QT mutter behind him.




"Action!" He shouted announcing the start of the scene.

A loud "bang" echoes through the elegant hall as the doors burst open, sending splinters flying.

The Joker strides in, his purple coat billowing behind him, a shotgun casually slung over his shoulder.

Chaos instantly erupts as partygoers scream and cower in panic, their smiling faces now filled with terror.

The Joker's crazed laughter fills the room as he surveys the chaos he's unleashed. With a manic gleam in his eye, he scans the crowd, searching for one person in particular: Harvey Trent.

The man who has been trying to show the people that this cursed city can be saved. He will put an end to this foolish endeavor of his, but he won't do so by killing him.

No, that would just make him a martyr, what he wanted to do was.. break him. Turn him into the very monster he was trying to protect this city from. Now, that would be a sight that would make him laugh for real.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen." He said, enjoying the chaos around him, as he prowled through the crowd, his eyes ablaze with manic intensity.

And River immediately went off the rails with his improvisation. As goons behind him started grabbing and shoving people to make space. He walked up to a table as a plate clattered on the ground, its noise echoing in the hall.

He looked back for a second to see where the sound came from but dismissed it as he continued on his way to the table, "We are tonight's entertainment." He said grabbing a seafood satay but only ate a small bite.

Chewing quickly, he spoke casually, "I only have one question." He threw the satay back on the plate as he moved to the center.

"Where. Is. Harvey Trent?" He asked as he moved closer to a young woman who genuinely felt terrified by the look in River's eyes.

She trembled as the Joker drew closer. He waved the shotgun in front of her face and grabbed the drink out of her hands, spilling most of it on the floor as she whimpered in fear and took a step back.

Uncaring he still drank it and then slammed the glass on the table, breaking it and making them flinch away.

"Do you know where Harvey is?" He asked nonchalantly, smacking the back of a woman's head. Though it looked like a smack he was careful enough to reign it in and not make actual contact.

"Do you know who he is?" He interrogated the guests, demanding to know the whereabouts of Harvey Trent, his voice a chilling mix of amusement and menace.

"Do you know where I can find Harvey, I need to talk to him about something." He said,. grabbing the mouth of a balding man who looked too afraid to even say a word in front of the crazed clown.

"Just a little.. huh.. No." He said to himself, looking at the man in disappointment as he smacked him one last time and moved on.

"You know I'll even settle for his loved one's." He said to an old man, who was actually the former mayor of Chicago. The man was a huge fan of Marc's works and when he heard that Marc was looking for a place to shoot.

He called in and asked if Marc would be interested in their city. It had been a lucky coincidence and it worked out really well for him as the city even had a subway where they were able to shoot one of their important scenes in.

"We're not intimidated by thugs like you." the old man replied, courageous, standing up to the villain.

Joker looked at the man questioningly and then said, "You know, you remind me of my father."

And as soon as he finished the sentence, he grabbed his both from the back of the neck and his jaw leaving him completely unable to move as he brought the knife closer to his lips.

"And I hated my father," The Joker growled, his voice filled with hatred.

The scene was supposed to end there but the Joker wasn't letting go, Marc understood that River was still in the mood for improv. So he decided to roll with it and the old man also hadn't used the safe word that he had been provided with.

It was made with intent that as soon as any of the background artists used it the scene would end. It was to ensure that River never crossed any boundaries.

But someone else stood up, she couldn't watch the old man be harassed by River like that. Even though she felt scared, she still stepped forward, she was playing the role of Rachel Dawn.

She was Harvey's new girlfriend and the woman playing her character, the one who couldn't see the old man like that was Jennifer Connelly. She had an audition with Marc after the charity event and easily landed the role.

"Okay, stop." She called out to River, wanting to stop the scene.

River turned sideways and looked in her direction as she walked out and stopped a few meters away. He grinned a sadistic grin, as he shoved the man towards his goons and made his way towards her.

"Well, hello, beautiful." He said in a suave manner, as he swiped back his hair and made his way closer.

Jenny felt her hair rise, she wanted it to stop. But she gathered her courage and crossed her arms, in a show of defiance.

Joker moved forward with his grin still in place, he pointed at her with his knife as he said, "You must be Harvey's new squeeze."

"And you are beautiful." He said with little theatrics as he moved around her in a circle, like a predator hunting its prey.

Mark whispered towards QT as he watched River giving a breakout performance, "Tell Simmons to get ready, he is to go in at my signal with the team.

"But this was in the next scene and he has completely gone off script." QT asked back, questioning the scene.

"Sometimes we've got to improvise. Learn to think on your feet, now be quick." Mark replied not taking his eyes off of River's performance for even a second.

He nodded and raced over to Simmons, who was playing the role of James Gordon. Thankfully he was already decked out in his police uniform with a bullet proof vest and all, as was the rest of his team.

"Simmons you are to head in at Mark's signal. We know it's no–

"It's fine, QT, that mad man over there is creating art on camera. I can feel it, this.. is his breakout performance and It's beautiful." Simmons spoke in a tone filled with respect and sincerity.

"Just tell me when I need to join in." He expressed his earnest desire to be part of that scene that he felt would win River an Oscar.

Back at the scene, Joker suddenly grabbed her while he was behind her causing her to flinch. Again he moved in front of her, while still holding onto her arm as he questioned her.

"Well, you look nervous.. Is it the scars?"

He drew even closer, getting into her personal space. She desperately wanted to use the safe word Mark had told her but she held out when she remembered Mark hadn't called out cut.

"You wanna know how I got 'em?" He asked, as he did a little nod to reassure her.

But he wasn't sure if she understood as he said, " Come here," and took hold of her face.

"Hey." He whispered, she tried to glance towards Mark as if to ask if the camera was still rolling or that maybe they should stop.

But before she could even utter the safe word, there was a knife on her cheek. "Look at me," said that deranged man.

And even though she knew it was just a prop knife with no real edge. She really felt like she was gonna die, that all of this was real.

It was this crippling fear that shut down her fight or flight response, as she felt helpless and couldn't even open her mouth to say the safe word.

He was rubbing her cheeks with his gloved fingers as he caressed his knife on her face.

The entire crew was just drawn in by River's performance as he had a breakthrough, in their hearts they knew the coming year this madman will win the Oscars.

"You know? I once had a wife. Beautiful just like you."

"Who tells me I worry too much.. who tells me I ought to smile more."

"Who gambles and gets in deep with the sharks."

"Hey." He called out to her once again when he noticed that she was trying to look away from him.

"One day they carve her face."

"But we've got no money for surgeries and she can't take it."

"I just wanted to see her smile again. Hmm. I just wanted her to know that I don't care about the scars."

"So.. I stick a razor in my mouth and do this.. to myself." she imitates the motion of swiping his cheeks with the razor to give himself scars.

"And you know what?!" He raised his voice his anger rising with it.

"She can't stand the sight of me." he finally growled out, angry at remembering his wife's betrayal.

"She leaves.. now I see the funny side."

"Now I am always smiling."

"Ughh" He groaned as he got kicked near the nuts, but he still kept that disturbing grin

"You've got a little fight in you. I like that."

"Now." Mark muttered under his breath as he gave the signal for Simmons to head.




~ A few weeks later on the New Year Eve party at Eidolon HQ ~

He had decided to take a backseat at this event, he wasn't the EMC and was just strolling around the hall with his friends, enjoying the moment before the New Year.

That task had been handed over to Monica who had been doing a great task winning over the guests and the fellow employees with her beautiful smile and sunny personality.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, it's the New Year, I'm your host Monica and we at Eidolon like to celebrate things with a bang."

"No, we aren't getting a performance from the boss."

"Maybe next year. He had been working himself to the bone and he of all people deserved a day off."

"Now, a special thanks to the team of Nirvana Pictures and everyone that worked on the production and marketing of Knives Out."

"It might have been our first movie but it has undoubtedly earned itself the crown of the movie of the year."

"Praised by both critics and fans alike, it has risen above all the bogus media controversies and proved them false."

"Becoming the biggest blockbuster of the year with a North American box office collection of 501.4 million dollars and an international box office collection of 324 million dollars for a grand total of 825.4 million dollars."

"And all of this on just a production budget of 30 million dollars, it's the most profitable movie of the year."

"And we are proud to announce our partnership with the Crown Consortium's latest offering to the public - an investment company named [Angel Studios]."

"They are funding all three of our currently in production movies that will be out next year. And you can be a part of it too by entrusting you money with Angel Studio's and proudly say to you kids or friends, "you see that movie I helped produce it." Now that is an honour that doesn't come easy."

"Our three new offerings for 1991 are -

1. Home Alone, a comedy movie from [Loving Hearth Studios.]

2. The Beauty and the beast which is an animated movie from [Eidolon Animations] and last but not the least at

3. Is The Killing Joke from [Monarch] the new studio that our boss is personally in-charge of."

"We have got the entire production crews and their families here that are working on these beautiful movies. So please give them a round of applause."

"As for the bang that we've promised, it is the behind-the-scenes of our production works that I have just talked about."

"I hope seeing the hard work that's put in by our creatives ignites a new appreciation in you towards our works."

"Thank you for coming in tonight and spending this beautiful night with us at Eidolon. We hope to make it a memorable one."

With that she left the stage as the lights dimmed and the projector at the back started playing.

In the quaint town of Winnetka, Illinois, Janet Lynn and Chris Kepler embarked on an unforgettable journey, directing their debut film, "Home Alone," in 1990. With wide-eyed enthusiasm, they dove into the world of Kevin's mischief, infusing each scene with their creative flair and personal touch.

Behind the scenes, Janet and Chris poured their hearts into every prank, envisioning Kevin's antics with a twinkle in their eyes. They spent countless hours brainstorming, laughing, and perfecting each gag, determined to capture the essence of childhood mischief on screen.

Guiding the young actor playing Kevin, they became mentors, nurturing his talent and encouraging him to embrace the mischievous spirit of his character. They encouraged his prankster persona while still teaching him about boundaries, appropriate behavior and respect for elders.

Amidst the chaos of production, Janet and Chris remained steadfast, their passion fueling them through long days and late nights. They savored every moment, cherishing the camaraderie of their cast and crew as they brought Kevin's world to life.

With each carefully orchestrated prank, Janet and Chris wove magic into the film, bringing Mark's script to life. Doing their very best to create a film that would be a classic for Christmas for audiences around the world.

As the narrator's voice over came to an end the video stopped as well. It was a collage of short interviews, pranks and brainstorming sessions to bring the story of Home Alone to life.

Meanwhile Marc had already left the party, he had greeted all those he had to and was now on his way to spend the evening with Jess. Showing her the behind the scenes to movies, reading her the new stories he had been working on.

Even though his night was pretty packed as well, as Eva and Anne had decided to make his night special with a threesome. Though Anne was still hesitant about being in the same room as his other lovers so it would be one at a time, not that he was complaining.

As he left the behind the scenes of beauty and the beast started playing with a voice over.

In the enchanted world of Eidolon's, "Beauty and the Beast," the creative geniuses behind the scenes are tirelessly crafting a timeless masterpiece.

For the past two months, a team of animators, led by directors Gary Trousdale and Kirk Wise, had embarked on a magical journey to bring this fairy tale to life.

Amidst the newly built, bustling halls of Eidolon Animation Studios, artists gathered from both Hannah Barbera and Pixar were meticulously sketching and painting each frame.

Doing their utmost to infuse every character and scene with depth and emotion. With dedication and passion, they had been pouring their hearts into capturing the enchanting romance between Belle and the Beast.

Gary and Kirk, the visionary directors, were steering the ship, guiding the team with their keen eye for detail and their unwavering commitment to storytelling.

Together, they were breathing life into the enchanted castle, filling it with lively household objects and a colorful cast of characters.

Behind the scenes, animators are studying real-life references, from majestic castles to delicate rose petals, ensuring that every detail is infused with authenticity and charm.

They are experimenting with innovative animation techniques brought over from Pixar's Renderman. Using it to recreate the background of the panels where only minimal animation was needed.

They were pushing the boundaries of what is possible in animation when the world's of traditional hand-drawn animation collide with technologically advanced computer generated animations.

As the scenes unfolded on screen, they saw the composers Alan Menken and Howard Ashman composing a breathtaking score, weaving together melodies that would resonate for generations to come.

Their music added depth and emotion to each scene, working in conjunction with the breathtakingly beautiful animation to transport audiences to a world where love conquered all.

Through countless hours of dedication and collaboration, the team behind "Beauty and the Beast" was hard at work doing their very best to redefine animation and craft a cinematic masterpiece that would captivate audiences around the world.

With its stunning animation, unforgettable characters, and timeless message of love, this Eidolon classic will hopefully become a shining example of the magic of animation that we are trying to create here at Eidolon.

As the behind the scenes of beauty and the beast came to an end Monica came back on stage.

"I hope you liked our little show. Now the production of The Killing Joke isn't over yet but we have prepared a small teaser for you all that Mr. Spector has cut himself."

"It can be bit unnerving so please steel your hearts." With that ominous warning she left the stage.

The lights dimmed down slowly as the picture came on.

The trailer began with haunting music playing in the background as the screen fades in from black. Scenes of a gritty cityscape flash across the screen, setting a dark and ominous tone.

This music was another melody Mark and Hans cooked up together for the Joker it was inspired from his own creation – The Final Dance.

The narrator's voice comes on, "In a city consumed by chaos and corruption.."

The screen cut to a close-up of Arthur Fleck, played by River Phoenix, as he struggles to smile, his eyes reflecting pain and desperation.

He stretches the corners of his mouth with his fingers trying to get himself to smile but all it does is bring a tear to his eye.

Meanwhile the narrator speaks out again, "Meet Arthur Fleck, a man searching for his place in a world that rejects him."

Mark incorporates quick cuts to reveal glimpses of Arthur's troubled life: working as a clown, facing ridicule and violence, and caring for his ailing mother.

Then they hear Arthur speak for the first time in the teaser.

"My mother always tells me, to smile and put on a happy face."

"She told me I had a purpose. To bring laughter and joy to the world."

As the tension builds, the screen fills with flashes of Arthur's transformation into the iconic figure of the Joker, his face contorted in a maniacal grin.

"But behind the mask, lies a fractured mind... a mind on the brink of madness."

"From director Marc Spector comes a bold new vision of a madman inspired from one of the most iconic villains of all time." They hear the narrator's voice again.

As scenes of chaos and destruction unfold, with the Joker in police car laughing as he witnessed the mayhem.

"Coming this summer, witness the birth of a legend, the rise of the Joker in The Killing Joke."

As the trailer seemingly comes to an end with the Joker's chilling laughter echoing as the screen fades to black, leaving viewers with a sense of unease and anticipation.

But suddenly the hear a similar laugh echoing through the hall, the spotlight falls on thr stage a tall man garbbed in a red suit is seen. The light shifted the shadows covering his face is lifted as they were able to see the man clearly.

It was River, decked out in the outfit of the Joker. He had a mic in his hand, ready to deliver the last lines of the trailer line live on scene.

"I used to think that.. my life was a tragedy. Now I realize.. it's a comedy." He spoke sadly as if accepting his tragic fate, as he bowed to the audiences.

But then suddenly his persona did a complete shift as all the signs of pain, sadness, anguish melted away from his features and it morphed into a sadistic ugly grin that strectch arcoss his face.

And he all of a sudden devolved into that chilling manic laugh of his that they had heard in the teaser before. As it echoed throughout the hall it gave goosebumps to almost everyone that heard it.

— To be continued…

In the next episode of X̶-̶M̶e̶n̶ '9̶7̶

*Cough* *Cough*

I meant in the next chapter of Hollywood: Head-Hunting System.


Word Count: 5623 words (after excluding the disclaimer, opening Author's Note and the closing Author's Note.)


{Closing Author's Note: Sorry for being over a day late with the upload of this chapter. I was wrapped up in some emergency situation that needed my full focus so I couldn't write properly. But I am back now.

if you guys want to support me or read ahead then I would recommend you guys to head over to my Pat. Reon and subscribe it will allow you to read 3 advanced chapters of this Hollywood fanfic as well as 4 exclusive chapters of my Naruto fanfic that I have been working on over on Pat. Reon.

The link to my pat. Reon will be in the Authors Thoughts section at the bottom of the chapter or you can add my discord username – theramenlord and I will send you the link to my Pat. Reon in the message.

Also if you guys haven't seen X-Men 97 which is a new animated X-Men TV show released by Marvel. Then I would definitely recommend you to give it a try, as it is really good. With one of the best depictions of cyclops that I have seen outside of the comics. It truly puts respect to the name of cyclops as the leader of X-Men and character.

I hope you all have a beautiful day.}