Chapter 116. Part 2.

Disclaimer: The story takes place on an Alternate Earth with a slightly different timeline of events. Therefore, people may be born earlier, later, or not at all. This gives me more freedom to write about the characters as I want.

Additionally, the characters in my story are not accurate portrayals of their real-life counterparts. Please remember that this story is just a wish fulfillment tale set in Urban Hollywood with some fantasy elements due to the system's shenanigans, so please don't take it too seriously.




Opening Author's Note: First I would like to say how many I am say that another patron has joined my pat reon page. Thank you ELJ29 for the support. It means a lot.

Anyways I hope you enjoy and if you want to read ahead and enjoy a few extra perks then my patr eon is under the same name.

Just google theramenlord and patre on together (with no spaces) and you'll find me. It'll cost around 5 dollars (could be a bit more or less depending on where your from)

You'll get my eternal gratitude, 3 advanced chapters (for now) of this story, 9 chapters of Naruto Road To Kage, thats my Naruto fanfic due to be released on webnovel soon and 5 chapters of Star Wars Phantom Menace Revised Script.

Anyways on to the chapter and I hope you enjoy.





~ Quote of the chapter ~

Success is the sum of small efforts one puts into their work day in and day out.





Date: 23rd, March, 1991.


Time: 06:19 pm.



The drive to the police station showed them the joker in the backseat, leaning against the window of the car door. He smiled and chuckled as he watched the people go crazy.

There were cars on fire, people breaking into stores, fighting each other, causing mayhem in general.

It looked like a scene taken out of The Purge. It was a scene of complete anarchy and it filled the Joker's heart with joy as you got to witness it.

The police officer driver glanced at the rearview mirror, back at the Joker. He had a look of frustration and anger on his face as he said, "Stop laughing you freak! This isn't funny."

"We've got a whole city going crazy because of what you did."

Joker turned to look at him with a knowing smile, he leaned forward and rested his head against the glass partition. He looked the officer in the eye and smiled as he spoke in a raspy voice.

"I know.. isn't it beautiful." He said, as he started to laugh, but then suddenly the glass windows shattered and the Joker was flung towards the side. The scene cuts back to show an ambulance slam into the side of the police car.

They see the Joker lying unconscious against the broken window, and hands slowly grab him and lift him out of the car. The somber music that accompanied the shot was just perfect, as it created the illusion that the Joker might be dead.

A trio of men gently pull him out through a broken window and lay him on the hood of the police car.

The people rioted and looted around him as he laid there unconscious. It was a top-down wide angle shot that zoomed out slowly to show the carnage and mayhem that the city was experiencing.

They watched a rich couple get shot in a back alley nearby, right in front of their son's eyes giving him enough trauma to last a lifetime.

It was these chaotic jarring sounds that woke him up, the Joker coughed up a little blood and the camera zoomed back in slowly as the somber music kept playing in the background. As he was waking up, more and more people were surrounding him as if waiting for their leader to rise.

And as he was regaining consciousness the people around him started shouting, "come on," "get up," and other expletives to urge him to stand up on his feet.

They clapped and cheered as the Joker slowly got back on his feet, it was a struggle but he managed.

After getting up he looked around at the mob of people cheering him on, he felt an inner sense of joy. There were even a few tears of happiness coming to his eyes as he turned around and looked at the crowd of cheering people, many of whom wore clown masks.

His symbol. He danced a little in joy, and even did a twirl, looking around at all these people he felt like he had finally found his crowd, his audience. People who didn't see as a freak just because of his mental illness, people who got his twisted sense of humor.

As he brought his fingers up to his lips to check the state of injury, he saw his blood, it was a deep crimson red. It looked just like the one that he used to apply on his lips when he used to work as a clown.

He used to detest his work as a clown, but he had realized now that that was his role in life and he finally decided to embrace it fully.

He took both of his hands and spread the blood dripping from his lips, to form a bloody smile on his face while a few tears slid down his eyes.

The Joker spread his arms and turned around towards the crowd as if he was about to bow.

The camera panned out to a wide angle shot that showed the audiences just how many supporters were celebrating the Joker.

The shot continued to zoom out as it went dark and all they heard were the Joker's eerie laughs.

They waited for the next chapter to begin but instead, saw a big white INTERMISSION come on screen and found that the theater lights slowly came back on starting from dim and slowly increasing in brightness so as to not make their eyes feel uncomfortable.

A representative from Eidolon got on stage to address them, it was a familiar face. Ms. Monica Bellucci, she looked as ravishingly beautiful and gorgeous as always.

She thanked them all for coming out to watch their film and told them that it would be a short 15 min break.




"So, what do you think?" An old man asked the woman in her 30s who was sitting next to him.

The woman took a deep breath to calm herself, she adjusted her glasses and checked her notes one last time before she replied. "Sir, from what I've seen and analyzed, my recommendation would be to make contact."

"Hoh, did that young man's work impress you that much?" The old man asked with an intrigue.

"Honestly, sir?" She asked, to which he only nodded.

Letting out the sigh and seeing the go ahead to speak her mind from her boss she decided to lay out. If she got fired for it, hopefully a competing business would be smart enough to hire her before her savings dried up.

"It did, sir." She said in an earnest tone, "But it's more than that, the numbers themselves don't lie."

"I understand that we've been in a close relationship with Disney in the past decade."

"It's even longer than that." The old man butted in to remind her of their history.

She nodded in understanding and continued, "Still.. sir, in the last year, Eidolon had only produced one film. But that one film alone made us over 50 million dollars from just its box office share."

"If we add in profits from the food and bev then we are looking at an even bigger number."

"I remember Disney earning us over 90 million from the box office share last year."

"It did sir. But that earning was spread throughout the year, they released 17 movies out of which - 6 flopped, 8 were moderate successes and only 3 could be said to be a box office success."

"Our cost of operations make that 90 to 50 difference quite low, but I agree Disney still earned us a bigger profit, that is a fact." The old man nodded with a smile, happy that she could see the truth and didn't question his decision.

But maybe he was a little too quick to make that assessment because the next thing she said instantly soured his mood.

"But it would be business done in bad faith to our investors if we shun away a new customer just to appease an old one."

"Disney might be a legend in animation but when it comes to live action films they rarely hit the mark. And while Disney did earn us more profits than Eidolon, it also cannot be overlooked that they are highly inefficient."

"I understand sir that we need more movies to fill up our screening list but the quality of the film's need to be maintained as well so that we have more repeat customers."

"And last year these repeat customers were brought in by Knives Out where people who have already watched the movie just kept coming back because of just how much they love the movie and the one who made it."

The old man sighed seeing that the women wouldn't budge so easily on this topic. She was a really competent employee of his, who had made them millions of dollars with her smart business decisions.

It was why she was his top business analyst despite being a woman and he didn't want to reprimand her too much. As even he knew deep down that what she said was true.

It was a very risky bet she was asking him to make, before coming here he had thought about accepting Disney's request to give less screens to Marc's new film.

But now he was really torn whether to stick with the old or go in with the new.

"You've pushed the agenda to have a better relationship with Marc and his company, tell me what you see in him." He asked her and seriously thought about both the options.

"Sir, I know it might sound like I'm biased towards him. But it's an objective fact that Marc has created a huge fan following behind his name and brand." He nodded at that statement.

"When I got to meet him before the screening, I had a short conversation with him." This made him interested as they had gone their separate ways and only got back together when it was time to enter this private booth.

"I asked how he felt about the huge box office of Knives Out. His reply was surprising, he said that he didn't think it would reach that high of a number and that he is grateful to the fans."

"His estimates for the film were around 350 mils for NA and 200 for international."

"So, it surpassed his expectations by 300." The man asked with interest as he leaned forward and stretched his back, at his age it was one of biggest problems in life.

"Yeah, and when I asked him about it."

"He was quite frank in his admission that he knew his movie earned way more than it deserved but he wasn't complaining about it. And was very grateful for the fan's showing their love and support."

"He said that it was because of this support and that he was now doing his best to increase the variety of the movies they produce. It's so that they can target the different demographics of cinema goers and within his own fan base." She told him about the reasoning he gave about making three films of such different genres.

"That young man definitely knows how to do business sir." He finally said, with a nod and gestured for her to continue.

"When I pushed the topic of fostering better relationships with Marc Spector and Eidolon at the company."

"The push back I received was that they were a small studio that only made one film and that it could all be just beginners' luck."

"You asked me what I see in him, sir. I see you, you didn't get lucky with [General Cinema Corporation]. Mr. Smith, you made your own luck, and nobody can refute that." She said, trying to butter him up. After all it didn't cost her anything to kiss her bosses ass, but it sure did reflect well on her yearly evaluations.

"This year, Marc has expanded his operations, he made the Killing Joke which is an old school noir crime drama film. Then there's Beauty and the Beast, an animated kids friendly movie. And finally he has a Christmas special with Home Alone."

"He is making all this films while still trying his best to maintain the quality of the films they produce."

"And how is he going to do that?" He asked feeling skeptical and also that Marc might be running himself too thin.

"He serves as the director of The Killing Joke, the co-director of Beauty and the Beast and also the executive producer of Home Alone."

"I think we can both attest that the quality of the Killing Joke is definitely up to the mark." He nodded in agreement.

"And he said that if the other movies aren't up to his desired standard he won't be releasing them."

She took a deep breath and gathered all her courage for what she was about to say next. "Sir I know this is not my place but you need to look at this objectively, it's true that last year Eidolon lost out to Disney in terms of aggregate box office."

"But it was only due to him releasing just 1 movie compared to Disney's 17 but this year he is releasing 3. Many people who oppose me have said that the box office of Knives Out was a fluke."

*And that Marc won't be able to replicate, but he doesn't need to sir. He is releasing three movies this year, not just one. And I can bet my salary that the total box office of the three movies he will be releasing this year will definitely surpass the box office of Knives Out."

"And as for Knives Out being a fluke. I had my doubts as well about that after all Marc is just 20 years. Maybe it was beginner's luck at work."

"But after watching the first half of the Killing Joke, my doubts have been quelled. I am certain that the quality and the success wasn't a fluke but rather a combination of planning, hard work and sheer talent."

The old man looked thoughtful after hearing her assessment of Marc Spector and Eidolon. But most of her indirect way of telling him of its potential to maybe surpass Disney in the future.

"Hmm, you've given me a lot to think about. Let me know about your thoughts on this movie at the end, whether it will be a profitable pick or not."

"Thank you, sir." She said as straightened herself and got up to visit the washroom, there were a few more minutes before the movie began.

On the way back from there she ran into a familiar face, she couldn't help but smile, as she saw one of her old time friend and rivals.

"Are you following me, Jerry?" She asked with a teasing smile.

"Nope." He replied with a smirk.

Looking at her at the deadpan look she gave him, he knew he wasn't fooling her into thinking that this was a chance encounter.

"Okay, maybe.. I see you're trying to sell Eidolon to your boss as well." He said with a knowing smile.

"What the f***, Jerry! Did you tape our booth?!" She exclaimed as she got in face poked his chest with a stern expression.

He just chuckled and replied, "Nah, where do you think this is?"

"They even searched us for any recording equipment we could have snuck in. The security here makes me feel like we're at the White House or something."

"Shut your rambling, and tell me. How. Did. You. Find. Out?!" She took a step forward with each as she demanded he reveal how he found out her

"Only if you agree to go out for dinner with me." He blurted out in slight nervousness due to their closeness.

"Arghh, fine." She grumbled under her breath but finally relented and agreed, though it came with a condition. "But it can't be out in public."

He nodded in acceptance and then revealed the method he used with smirk, knowing that it would annoy the shit out of her. "I used the trusted cup on the wall."

"Fu**!" She exclaimed, and let out an exasperated sigh which he ignored.

"Though the walls of the booths here are damn thick, that I couldn't really make out exactly what you are talking about."

"But I did get enough to understand it was about Eidolon and Marc. The rest was just simple guess work because I know how you think." He said with a pleased smirk.

"So what?! I know you are trying to do the same." She replied with upturned eyebrows.

"I am but I would recommend you not to do it. You don't know how deep the waters are in Disneyland, you might just drown if you're not careful." He said cryptically, trying to warn.

Seeing that there was noone else nearby, he whispered to her, "AMC doesn't have that closing relationship with Disney so we are free to swoop in and get a better deal with Eidolon."

"But if you stick your neck out too much, it might be you whose on the chopping block next season."

"I know, it's a calculated risk. Don't worry about me, I've already made my plans." She replied trying to wave off his concerns but she herself didn't feel that confident.

"Well, they better be some good ones because Eisner is hungry and he's looking to bite a pound flesh out of Marc Spector this time." He whispered carefully paying attention to his surroundings.

"What did he do?" She asked intrigued wanting to hear some secrets and rumors.

"You didn't hear it from me," he whispered trying his best to be not overheard, "but he approached our head and offered him quite the sum and promises to keep Marc's film out of the theatres."

"Currently it's just Disney that's doing this, but I can't wait to if the other studio's also jump in on this and try to supress Marc together." He said finally with an excited smile on his face, he loved a good old dog fight.

"What did your boss say?" She asked hoping that he would reveal something more.

"Not much, he'll decide after watching the film." He replied nonchalantly as he brushed her off.

"Hmm, it seems quite a lot is riding on this film for Marc." She said with a nod finally understanding a bit more of the big picture.

"It does." He said flicked her forehead to grab her attention.

"You remember where I live right? Come by tonight, I'll make you something good. You can't just live on take out alone, it's not good for your health."

"I know I already used up most of my paycheck. So I'm living off of dumplings and noodles from Ichirakus currently, a friend recommended it." She replied with a smirk, that friend was he himself.

"See ya later." She said as she waved her hand and left.

— To be continued…

In the next episode of Naruto: Road To Kage.

*Cough* *Cough*

I meant in the next chapter of Hollywood: Head-Hunting System.


Word Count: 3017 words (after excluding the disclaimer, opening Author's Note and the closing Author's Note.)


{Closing Author's Note: Sorry for not being able to upload this chapter all at once, I hope liked the chapter. Again the chapter doesn't have a name, so please do give some suggestions. It will be much appreciated.

Also if you like Marvel and Show business or Hollywood, then I got a book to recommend. It's being written my a friend his name is rilik

Anyways his book is called Monarch of Entertainment and each chapter is atleast 2k words. It's for those that like a wish fulfilment, Marvel + Entertainment Empire building style of story with an interesting system.

PS. If you would like to support me and read ahead then head to my patr.eon link is in the Author's Thoughts section right below 👇}