Chapter 120. Part. 1

Hi, this theramenlord and I am really sorry for the infrequent uploads this month. There were a lot of problems, I don't really want to go into any details. I just want to let you know that from today onwards, I am back! 1 chapter every days thats a promise.

Also I would like to announce that from now onwards, I have two pages where you can head on to support me. The first is one that you already know - Patr eon. There for $5 dollars you can read all my works, and advanced chapters.

The other is Kofi, this is another site where the prices of membership are a bit lower due to them charging less fees than patr eon. On kofi you can read up to 4 advanced chapters for $4.25. There are other perks as well other than the advanced chapters.

The favourite perk that I can give my patrons is called [Named Character], this perk allows my patrons to basically create their own character in my story.

And based on the tier they are subbed to, this character will either get "mentioned," occasional interactions with other important characters, to finally getting full on PoVs dedicated to them every once in a while.

The first tier is called [Crew Members] and it awards a patron with a Mentioned Character perk, [Department Heads] are awarded with a Named Character perk and finally [Executive Producers] are awarded with a Premium Named Character perk. In the next few chapters you'll see what I'm talking about.

Anyways, lets head on the chapter and I hope you enjoy.


Last time on chapter 119. Part. 2 —

"Lies and deception won't work with a man like him. He is an Ex-CIA, after all, so keep it to half-truths and don't tell him an outright lie."

"Got it, thanks for setting this up, Nic." Mark sincerely thanked his friend, he couldn't even imagine just how many strings he must have had to pull and how many favors he had to call just to arrange this meeting.

"Hey, don't go emotional on me." Nic replied with a teasing smile and took his leave, while Mark pressed on the bell to announce his arrival so they could let him in.

Now Continuing —





Date: 23rd, March, 1991.


Time: 08:13 pm.



Mark once again recalled what he remembered about the man he was going to meet, Jim Simons.

James Harris Simons, born in the 30s, a hedge fund manager, mathematician, and philanthropist. He is the founder of Renaissance Technologies, a quantitative hedge fund based in New York.

He is known to be a legend in Wall Street because of his unmatched rate of return to the investors of his hedge fund he named medallion.

Truth be told, he had no idea what he would say to a man like him, when he actually saw him. He tried a few times to construct an opening statement in his head, but nothing sounded right. Everything just seemed wrong.

He lowered his head, sighing. This was not how he was going to win over Jim Simons. He had to relax, he was a bit mentally tired from the months he had spent working on the Killing Joke.

If it wasn't for peak human body, he was sure that rather than being just tired he would have to be hospitalized.

That's just how hard he had been working on the movie, as Deadpool would say "Maximum effort." But now it was hindering him, he needed to relax, he took a few deep breaths and recalled his objective from meeting Mr. Simons.

I need him to help us in developing mathematical models and algorithms that would apply to the more widespread market rather than just the stocks and bonds.

I want to see if it would be possible to develop algorithms and mathematical models to evaluate—companies, currency exchange fluctuations and their stability, real estate, etc.

It would be the bedrock on which I would build my own hedge fund and asset management company.

He was doing so because his future knowledge only went so far.. 2023.. that's the limit of his knowledge. But it was enough to build a better future for himself and Hollywood, and he was also actively working to create contingencies so that even after his future knowledge would run out his legacy would live on.

After the door opened, he walked in to see Mr. Simons staring out of the open window of the balcony into the scenic beauty of land surrounding his studio. He was nursing a glass of wine in his hand and he turned towards him when he heard him come in.

"Marc?" he asked with narrowed eyes staring at his mask that covered half of his face.

"Hello, Mr. Simons. I'm Marc Spector." He introduced himself as he entered the room and stood before the man.

"Ah, come sit, I've been waiting for you. You've got a beautiful view here. Though even it falls short in front of that spectacular film made you." The man wasn't shy with his compliments.

"Thank you, Mr. Simons, you might not be able to see it through the mask, but your words do make me blush." Mark replied as he chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.

The man chuckled as well at Marc's cheeky reply and said, "Call me, Jim."

"Marc, if you don't mind, can I ask you a few questions about the movie?" He asked as he took a sip of his wine.

"Of course feel free to ask me any thing, but if it's something that can't be said.. then I will have to respectfully decline." Marc said, as he lifted his hand and removed his mask.

It was a calculated move to instill trust between them, because even in the worst case scenario this meeting will end with them being in a cordial relationship.

"It's okay, I understand." His eyes wide and slightly at the show of trust from the young man. He heard how careful Marc was trying to hide his face from the public.

"There are some things that just can't be said in the business world." He had a smile on his face as he said the latter half of his reply.

"Marc, don't you think you are taking too big of a risk to make such a controversial film? Your film features bullying, drug abuse, mental illness, the malpractices of the medical industry, corruption, the syndicate for organized crime and so much more."

"While it's true that the film is a little controversial and may come under fire from the media because of this, it was a necessary evil because it shows the true reality of our world." He replied with conviction, as he truly wanted to show such stuff on the silver screen.

"It's not always rainbows and sunshine and butterflies, after all, it's a cold.. cruel world that we all live in."

"I just wanted to show the people about what can happen when a good man is pushed beyond his limits when he is abandoned by a society that should have looked after him."

"I know very well that what I depicted in my film was a very extreme situation, but it's what can happen when the system oppresses good people.. when it abandons them."

"I see.. you seem like somewhat of an idealist Mark, but one who also knows what it's like out in the real world."

He remained silent about that statement, feeling he was leading up to a question he wanted to ask.

"What is it that you wanted out of meeting me, Marc? Also, how do you even know about me? I have kept a very low profile till now." He asked that, which had bugged him while he waited in the private room.

"I wanted to ask you if you could sell me the mathematical model and algorithms that help you in operating the Medallion fund?" Mark asked bluntly, taking a calculated risk.

"You are asking for my life's work, young man." He replied a little incensed but still remained calm enough to hear him out, which he counted as a small win.

"Would you be able to put a price to it, sir?" Mark asked again, but more politely, pushing his luck a little.

"I don't think it's one you will be willing to pay." Simons replied dismissively, brushing him off for even daring to ask a question this rude, no matter how polite his tone was.

"I see.. I'm sorry if I offended you, but I had to ask." Mark let out a sigh as he leaned back and rested on the chair's back. Internally he wasn't worried though as this was within his calculations.

This was just a psychological trick he had, it was simple: you have to ask for something absurd and then be rejected before making your real request. Now it was his chance to shoot his shot and see if the goodwill he had with the man was enough to win him over.

"Then would you help us in creating a model that will help us in evaluating and running our own hedge fund and asset management company?" He sincerely requested it.

"It doesn't need to be as perfect as the model that controls the Medallion fund, but as long as it can maintain a good rate of return, I'll be happy." Mark said, finally laying his cards on the table.

He knew that the request he had just made was also made by top brass of Wall Street.

But the man had refused them all..

"Before I answer that question of yours. Can I ask you this.. Why do you need my help, Marc? The [Crown Ventures] are already maintaining an average of 40% return rate every year."

"We are doing that by investing in a very select few companies. More and more people are joining our company as investors, so we need to expand the scope of our investment options as well."

"We are operating more with the style of an angel investor, which is not a problem, as that was the intent at the beginning."

"But we need a model to measure just how well these companies we invested in are performing, and also to evaluate the foreign currency stability and growth."

The latter half of his statement right here that he just casually glossed over was the major reason he had been constantly asking Nicholas to arrange a meeting with the man.

He had seen just how strangely volatile the history and events of this world can be, and didn't want the opportunity to win big in the Asian currency financial crisis to chance.

If there is any variation then it might even mean that instead of making billions in the financial crisis he would instead lose his investment. And he couldn't afford to let that happen, this was why he was so nervous for the meeting, as a lot was riding on it. If it went through, then it would be his golden ticket.

He would have enough financial power to execute all the plans he had cooked up in his head. Just the rush of excitement at what was at his reach.. almost made him erect, the only reason he wasn't, was because of cumming down Monica's throat just before the screening and because of his supernatural control over his body.

"And you believe I can provide you with this measure.. with these tools?" He asked Mark skeptically.

"Yes, though what we need are actually a few experts with the technical know-how who could teach our people to build it ourselves." Mark explained, hoping to put him a little more at ease.

"And what do I get in return?" He remained silent, thinking to himself for half a minute and then asked, finally looking a bit interested. Maybe it was because he didn't just outright ask for the tools, but rather for the knowledge on how to build the tools himself.

"The exact percentage of commission you'll be receiving can be discussed later, I just want to know if you would be amicable to such a deal." Mark asked back with his fingers crossed, hoping for this deal to go through.

"Well, Marc, thank you for answering my questions. You were pretty smart, you started off with a big ask and then made a reasonable one that was somewhat acceptable to me." Mark just shrugged, playing off that his mind games had been caught. 

It wasn't like he was trying too hard to be subtle, he was just 20 after all. He needed to appear harmless, and making himself look eager and not subtle was a great way to make Jim let his guard down, by reminding him that he was dealing with a young man who was still a bit "green."

"I'm willing to help you create this tool, Marc. But only on the condition that you don't share or sell these tools or even the method of developing them to others." Jim finally said the thing Mark had been waiting to hear throughout this meeting.

"Of course, thank you, Jim, it means a lot." Mark replied with a huge grin, as he took the bottle and poured himself a glass.

"By the way, Marc?" He asked again.

"Yeah?" Mark asked, taking a small sip from his glass, it was a small celebratory drink.

"Do you consider yourself a liberal or conservative?" He asked, feeling curious about this young man he had agreed to have a deal with.

"What?" Mark asked confused as to how things suddenly went to politics, one of the topics he vehemently avoided in his press interviews. He himself didn't have much of an opinion about it and tended to be neutral, but it seemed like he'll have to give some kind of answer.

"I'm asking what side of the political aisle you lean towards?" He was interested in hearing Marc's view of politics, by watching his film and knowing that it was both written and directed by Marc, he felt like the young director was most likely a democrat like him.

"I already know about your take on religion, and I personally think it's one of the more peaceful and accepting ways of looking at God and religion I've seen till date." He said, with a pleased smile.

"I assume you might be leaning towards the left, but I'm curious as to what it actually is."

"Hmm, politics isn't something I'm comfortable talking about.. but if it's just my ideology, you want to know.." Mark started off slowly, rapidly coming up with an answer that's both and would be acceptable to a democrat.

"To be honest, I'm actually neither, there are things about the left that I think are important, but there are also things about the right I think are important." And this was actually his honest take, he felt glad to be able to give somewhat of an honest reply to the man.

"I think what we need is a balance."

"What are the things you find important to yourself, Marc?" The man asked leaning forward, looking at him intently.

"Hmm, for me, it would be: freedom, equality, rights, constant progress both economically and socially. But so are: order, lawfulness, traditionalism, and nationalism." Mark leaned back as he finished answering.

"What do you identify as then? A capitalist? But I also see you doing a lot of charity work.. So a socialist?"

"That's more than one question." Mark teased with a chuckle, lightening the mood.

"Ah yes." Jim also smiled and leaned back.

"But I don't mind answering that." Hearing that, he looked at Mark again, focusing on his words.

"I identify as a capitalist but an ethical one, I would never knowingly harm my customers, or the environment, or the economy. As I believe in the long term sustainable development of both my business and people."

"Jim, which side do you lean on?" It was Mark's turn to see if history was intact.

"I am a democrat." He replied easily.

"Oh." He said with a nod, just like in his previous life, he noted.


"Well, Marc, thank you for answering my questions, I know it can be a bit uncomfortable for people to talk about their political beliefs." Mark just shrugged and waved it off like it was no big deal.

"By the way, Marc?" He asked again.

"Yeah?" Mark asked, taking a small sip from his glass.

"Are you going to do any new charity events this year as well?" He was interested in wanting to know what the young man was up to, as he himself was interested in philanthropy as well.

"Oh yes! Absolutely." Mark replied with a big smile.

"But it's a ground level and very machinery and labor-intensive task, so even though I'll be donating the money for it this year. It won't be ready till the next year to properly start its operations."

"What's it going to be?" Jim couldn't help but ask, wanting to sate his curiosity.

"Oh, come on now Jim, if I tell you now, it's going to ruin the surprise. Just know that it's going to be helping millions of people around the world in a few years."

"Thats amazing Marc, you're really scaling up the size of you charity work huh?" He said with hint of admiration.

"Absolutely, this year I'm planning on doubling my donation from last year, so around 50 million dollars."

"Most of it, is going towards that certain project I just mentioned and the rest will be going towards setting up our own homeless shelters, soup kitchens and Foster homes."

"Foster homes?" He asked because he had heard that before, he knew what the foster care system was sadly even a hundred years later he couldn't say that they were working as they should have been.

"It's a new thing we came up it. After the orphanages were closed up, the government has been trying to make sure that every child is adopted in their fostercare program."

"Sadly there just aren't enough people who care, or they just don't have the money to spare or the worse case scenario the foster parent abuses or neglects the child and their is nobody to help the poor kid."

"So we'll take on that burden, the plan is to have families or mother's whom we pay to raise kids. Obviously they will constantly visited by our social workers to see if the children are mistreated in any shape or form."

"All the expenses of the children like food, clothing, education and medical expenses will be borne by us. All they need to do is provide a their care and their home to these little one's who have no one else."

"Currently the two biggest problem we are facing is getting this approved by the local government. And also the just the fact that we'll need to hire to a huge number of social work—"







"No, thank you, $75 million is way too risky and impractical." The man said, crushing his hopes.

"But, Peter, this is a sequel, the original was already successful. It's a guarantee that won't lose money on this deal." James said, in a desperate attempt to make him reconsider.

He was talking to Peter, a high level executive producer in Fox, who just sighed at him. Peter decided to give it straight to James, who had been pestering him for the past few minutes, while he only wanted to flirt with the hot actresses in the crowd.

"That's only if everything goes to plan, and I don't care about your guarantees that I won't lose money on this deal, what I want is a guarantee that I'll be making money on it." Hearing that really hurt his pride and ego, but James still reigned in his anger and didn't lash out.

"We are done here, Mr. Cameron. Thank you for the offer. If you have a more reasonable one, then we can meet again later." Peter said dismissively as he waved off James and walk away, not knowing that this rude dismissal of his would cost Fox studios hundreds of millions of dollars in the future.

– To be continued..


Word Count: 3.1k words.


{Closing Author's Note: Once again I apologise for the lack of uploads, also I would like to announce that I will be releasing a new fanfic. It's called Naruto: Road To Kage. Please add it to your library if you like Naruto fanfics. It's first 3 chapters are available for free on my patreon, and it will be updated every 2 to 3 days.

On my patr eon you can read up to 4 advanced chapters of Hollywood Head-Hunting System. 13 chapters of Naruto: Road To Kage and also the rest of my stories that are still in development.

My patr eon and discord link will be in the author's thoughts section at the bottom of the chapter. The next part will be uploaded in an hour and I hope you all have a beautiful day.