Heart stopping

Kiyoko takes a deep breath as he lifts his suitcase. His once skinny arms now have some bulk behind them. He looks around the room. The fireplace opposite the door. A bed against the wall on the right, two windows on the left.

"Feeling nostalgic Kiyoko...?" Frederic walks over beside Kiyoko.

"Yeah... But there isn't anything I can do about it..." Frederic sorrowfully smiles.

"Well... Me and Dad are already about to leave... Come on... So you aren't split into another carriage..." Kiyoko takes a deep breath. He turns around and walking past Frederic. Frederic smirking as he runs to catch up.

They all situate themselves inside the carriage. Frederic sitting beside Aristol. Kiyoko beside Galliun.

"How are you fairing Kiyoko?" Kiyoko looks at Aristol.

"Everything is going by so fast... I don't have time to process it all..." Frederic looks at Kiyoko.

"So the best thing I can do... Is live day by day... Too much to process to be living in the past... We must move forward" Frederic smiles calmly realizing Kiyoko may soon surpass him.

Everyone lays down asleep as Aristol watches out the window at the midnight sky. Seemingly thinking of something.

"Something on your mind Sir?" Aristol looks at Galliun who had just awoken. Aristol taking a deep breath. Aristol resting his hand on his chest.

"It's nothing too big Galliun..." Galliun yawns.

"You can tell me Aristol" Aristol moves his hand over his eyes and forehead.

"Something tells me... That the Court of Appeals is planning something... That they have I'll intent..." Galliun nods as a sleeping Kiyoko tightly closes his eyes. A slight shiver.

"M-mom..." Galliun looks at Kiyoko.

"Go back to sleep Galliun... You deserve some rest..." Galliun grabs out a blanket and covering Kiyoko. Then grabbing the shaking, asleep Kiyoko and forcing him to lean on Galliun's shoulder.

"Yes sir" Galliun closes his eyes as Aristol returns to looking out the window.

Frederic's eyes slowly open as he sits up rubbing his eyes. He glances around noticing Aristol was still awake. The sun rising outside.

"You stayed awake all night dad?" Aristol turns to Frederic with bags under his eyes.

"I can't sleep in moving carriages... Sorry if I scared you..." Frederic sighs.

"You should really get some rest dad... It's unhealthy not sleeping all night..." Aristol turns away.

"Yeah... I know... Wake Kiyoko and Galliun up... We're almost at the hotel" Aristol looks out the window as Frederic seems saddened. He turns to Kiyoko and Galliun. He lifts his hand. A cold aura surrounds his hand. Suddenly Kiyoko jolts awake sweating. His breath heavy. Galliun awaking as well.

"Sir Kiyoko... Are you okay...?" Galliun uncovers Kiyoko from he blanket.

"J-just... A bad... Dream..." Galliun exhales but is shocked as he watches Frederic quickly hug Kiyoko. Kiyoko is slightly shocked but returning the hug. Aristol shaking off a headache as he smiles.

"Come on you two... We've made it to the hotel... The court hearing is early tomorrow..." Galliun quickly stands and opens the door. A red carpet stretches from the carriage to the hotel doors. Maid workers along the side. The edges of the carpet starting to fray. Galliun holds open the carriage door as Aristol walks out.

"You guys didn't have to do this..." One of the maids bows.

"It's only fair for royalty your highness... Sorry if it's not to your standards sire" Aristol rubs his head.

"It's the thought that counts ya know... Thanks" Frederic smiles and jokingly punches Kiyoko's shoulder. The head Maid guiding them to their room.

They were given two rooms with a door connecting them. Frederic and Kiyoko in one, Galliun and Aristol in the other. A large window on the outside wall. Kiyoko runs over to the beds and plops his luggage down. Falling face first the bed. Galliun laughing as Aristol slowly sits on his bed. Frederic walking over and opening the window. The cool breeze blows in as Frederic looks out. He squints his eyes when he sees someone who looks like Oji, but with Red hair. And walking down the road with a hooded girl.

"Is that... Oji-" before another word comes out of his mouth, Frederic's eyes widen as Kiyoko Vaults out the window with a determined look.

"Sir Kiyoko!" Galliun runs over and also jumps out the window after him. Frederic stunned.

"Kiyoko has become Determined... He's seen bad and wants to fight for the good" Frederic smiles and turns around.

"Yeah... That's for sure..." There was a Silence as Frederic sits down. Aristol clenching his fist tightly on his chest. Frederic turns to Aristol.

"Dad...? Are you okay? Your being very quiet... Dad?" Aristol clenches his teeth as he starts breathing heavy. Frederic's eyes widen in fear. He watches in slow motion as Aristol falls to the floor.

"DAD!!?" Frederic rushes over and shakes his dad. He wasn't responding.

"S-someone help me! Please!!" Frederic lays his dad on his back. Tears flow down his cheeks. The door the room slams open as the Maid from earlier rushes in.

"H-he just... Fell to the ground and... And..." The maid stretches her hands out as they glow green. Frederic's eyes widen as a green aura surrounds Aristol.

"Dad..." Frederic wipes his eyes as Aristol returns to normal and slowly sitting up. The maid shocked.

"Take it slow sir... We don't want you hurting yourself more..." The maid with the help of of Frederic lays Aristol in his bed. Frederic hugging him.

"I'm so glad your okay Dad... I couldn't take loosing you too" Aristol lightly pats his back as the Maid leaves and Galliun and Kiyoko. Galliun holding food.

"We bought take-out-" Galliun drops the food and runs over to Aristol. In seemingly an instant Kiyoko catches the food before it hits the ground.

"What happened!?" Frederic stands up.

"Don't worry... I just got a bit dizzy..." Galliun instantly recognizing it as a lie but not asking further. Kiyoko setting down the bags and handing the food out. Kiyoko and Frederic eating in their room, Galliun and Aristol in there's. The door in between closed. Frederic takes a bite out of his food then looking at the wall.

"I think... I'm being left behind..." Kiyoko looks at him with food in his mouth.

"What do you mean by that...?" Frederic sighs.

"Oji was always better than me... I couldn't ever get the upper hand... And now you... Your braver... You understand basic concepts easier... And you were blessed with The Center Maho type... And here I am... Crying over Oji's disappearance..." Kiyoko swallows his food.

"I mean... Emotions are a normal human experience... It's impossible to live without them..." Frederic sighs.

"Yeah but..." Kiyoko dramatically exhales.

"Yeah but what...? Being left behind by your friends... Should only convince you to become stronger yourself... Both me and Prince Oji have grown stronger... What's stopping you?" Frederic looks at Kiyoko then at his slightly shaking hand.

The early morning sun was breaching the horizon as Frederic and Kiyoko are the last ones to climb into the carriage. They sit down as Galliun closes the door. Aristol looking at Kiyoko and Frederic.

"Are you nervous...?" Kiyoko jumps a bit as Frederic stays silent.

"Hey... Think of it like this... Nerves are natural... It means you're ready to face a challenge and perform...." The carriage starts rolling.

"Nerves and excitement are the same feeling... Negative and positive... So stop saying your nervous... And start saying your excited!" Frederic smiles. Kiyoko in awe.


The air is tense as a bright colosseum like structure sits outside the carriage. The sun rising on the horizon. Guards line a long red and gold carpet. The Royal Castle in the background. Galliun opens the door and steps out. Aristol the first to confidently stand on the red carpet.