True History

Kiyoko awkwardly sits at his desk. Myoya and Shioka looking at him.

"What's up with the eye patch?" Frederic looks at them.

"We aren't sure why... But we woke up this morning to his eye bleeding..." Myoya looks at Shioka.

"Strange... Haven't ever heard of that happening before" Liam looks over.

"Grandpa told me stories about it... Apparently his eyes started bleeding when he was younger because of a broken blood vessel" Kiyoko looks at Frederic as Myoya continues.

"Probably due to stress" Kiyoko looks at his hand.

"But... I don't think I'm stressed..." There was a Silence as the door opens.

"Who wants to tell me what they know about how RoeKanaoWorth came to be?" Miss Shiyuya stands at the front of the room. Elijah looking up.

"It was a while ago... I didn't know how to read all that well... But from what I remember... It was something to due with... A war... With other species... I think...?" Miss Shiyuya nods.

"That was the World War... But we're going further back... To a time not mentioned in every day history books... The original... Planet Inka" a planet almost exactly the same as earth floats in space. 12 different continents spread across it's surface.

"Planet Inka thrived Millions of years ago... Where only humans thrived... But it wasn't a time of peace as you might think..." The once beautiful Inka that once thrived in bushes, trees, and nature. It was now covered in broken rotten buildings. The sky covered in smog.

"Survival was difficult... The world government looked to science for a solution... but it turned out... Planet Inka was on it's last legs... It's internal structure was collapsing" Several large volcanoes collapse and explode across the planet. Lava covering most of the surface. Almost all the water evaporated.

Frederic raises his hand.

"Hey uh... What does this have to do with us?" Miss Shiyuya smiles.

"We'll get their Frederic... The scientists went to work and developed what was called a Dyson sphere back then... Remember, this is over a few million years ago... Those who remained constructed the massive Dyson sphere around one of the planets two suns... Due to the rotation of the two suns... Plants started growing and an Ecosystem started growing..." Beautiful red, green, and blue fantasy flowers grow. Trees following as Mountains grow.

"While the structure was growing a ecosystem... The many countries of Inka elected 100 citizens of the many cultures to inhabit the new hand made planet..." People work together to gather materials and construct prerennaiscance style homes.

"But it wasn't long until they watched Inka explode in the night sky..." Myoya is shocked.

"They watched their home explode in front of them..." Elijah comforts Emily.

"That must have been heart breaking..." Their was silence as Miss Shiyuya writes on the board.

"Those who lived on the Dyson sphere had now tripled in population... They named there new home... Inka 2" Frederic is shocked.

"So that means -..." Miss Shiyuya nods.

"But that's not all... Since a Dyson sphere is built around a sun" Miss Shiyuya demonstrates by drawing on the board.

"But a Sun gives off Radiation... Which the new inhabitants found themselves being born as Demi-Humans" Kiyoko's ears perk up a bit.

"Lizard Folk" a Marshy like landscape covered in Large trees. A deep, murky, shallow, and water covering most of the ground.

"Elves" tall trees in a thick rainforest with tree house built into the trees.

"Orcs" a harsh wasteland with very few trees and large boulders.

"Humans" miss Shiyuya looks at the class except for Kiyoko and Shioka.

"And Demons" a large perfectly circular lake surrounded by tall mountains. A large seat like structure in the middle of the lake. This grabbing everyone's attention.

"That's all for today... We are currently out of time... We won't continue this lesson until... Probably a few days from now... Mainly because of a school event..." The bell rings as everyone stands.

"Have a good afternoon... You are dismissed" Kiyoko gets up and walks out. Suddenly getting stopped. Kiyoko turns to look at Frederic.

"Why don't we go train?" Kiyoko turns around. Miss Shiyuya smiling.

"The training fields are individual for the dorm... Yours is behind your building... Have fun!" Frederic has a sort of intensity to his smile. Kiyoko gulps.

"So... You just received your new weapon... Kiyoko?" Kiyoko looks at Frederic in Training clothes. Kiyoko slightly nervous.

"Yeah... It's still in design stages... But the weapon designers here are really sweet... It's only made of test wood... So it's gonna break easy to break... You get yours?" Frederic smiles calmly.

"Yeah... The best part... We have no idea how well these wooden tools will work..." Kiyoko gulps as Frederic pulls out a large wooden battle axe with a chain attached to a large long sword with a hearty chain.

"This should be fun..." Kiyoko Draws a curved long sword from a makeshift cloth scabbard. Kiyoko bolts forward. He swings the blade far back and straight at Frederic. Frederic swings his battle axe around his arm using the chain and blocking Kiyoko's Sword. A chunk of wood chips off the Axe. Kiyoko swings the blade the opposite way. It suddenly splits into several large parts like a wip. Frederic reacts quickly and stopping the wip blade with the long sword opposite the battle axe. Suddenly getting hit in the back of the neck completely forget it was a wip blade.

"Ouch... You seem a costumed to your long sword already... I'm still getting used to mine... This is going to be a heavy tool" Kiyoko sheaths his long sword.

"I just used it like a normal sword... Imma have to ask how to activate when it does and doesn't activate as a wip... As for yours... When you learn how to swing that battle axe... That's gonna pack a punch" Kiyoko smiles brightly.

"Let's go again!" Frederic swings his wooden battle axe around heftily.

"For sure"