Our Mother

"How did you get in with our Maho detector's noticing?" The assassin smiles.

"It's as easy..." He suddenly disappears. He reappears behind Myoya with a knife to his neck. "...As a gust of wind" Nicholas grits his teeth. He draws his sword and points it at the assassin.

"And just to let you know... Your Knights have horrible aim" Nicholas furrows his brows.

"There still in training" The assassin smiles as he starts turning invisible in the cool breeze of the the room.

"Well then... I've gotten all the info I'd ever need" Nicholas swings his sword. An attempted attack. The assassin blowing away in the wind. Nicholas slightly growling as he sheaths his sword. Myoya falling to the floor. Nicholas catches him.

"Something is coming" Myoya shakes his head as he awakes. Nicholas looking down at him. Myoya standing up.

"What was that about??" Nicholas exhales.

"I'm not sure... Let's get back with the rest of the class..." Myoya slowly nods.

Kiyoko jumps forward swinging his Sword back. Dark red flames pouring off of it. Kiyoko hits the Knights shield. the blade whips around hitting them in the back.

"Kiyoko Wins... That's all the matches completed" Nicholas smiles.

"Good job you guys" everyone turns to look at him. "Now go home and get some rest... We'll be coming back here tomorrow" Miss Shiyuya agrees as she forces everyone to leave. Myoya takes a deep breath as Nicholas reassures him.

Kiyoko sits on the balcony railing as the sun approaches the horizon. A beautiful Orange and Yellow hue. Kiyoko sways his legs. He looks out on the grass Courtyard where he can see Shioka laying down.

"Hey Frederic, imma go talk to Shioka!" Frederic sits in the living room on the sofa.

"Okay... Stay safe... And be back before curfew" Kiyoko smiles.

"Right!" Kiyoko leans forward. He stretches a foot off the edge then letting his hands go. He falls to the ground and lands in a bush. He walks over to Shioka who isn't suprised to see him. Kiyoko sits down beside him as a calm chilly breeze blows by. Shioka takes a deep breath.

"Do you... Ever get Dreams about your mom running through the forest... Before tripping... Falling... And screaming your name...?" Kiyoko takes a deep breath.

"Strangely enough... Yeah... I always wondered why she screamed my name..." Shioka lifts his hand to the sky.

"I've asked Grandpops about it many times before... But he never tells me saying I'm not old enough..." There was a Silence as someone stands behind them. Shioka turns around shocked.

"Uncle!" His uncle smiles and plops down sitting with them.

"You guys can ask me instead of ol' gramps... He-... Doesn't like talking about my sister particularly... I only ever saw you two when I found my sister in the bathroom while on a date with her Fiancee... She disappeared with you two shortly after... And I never saw you OR her... Ever again... Until a year or two ago when we found Little Shioka here as a Slave for some Bandits on the east side of the Middle class capital" he reaches down and pats Shioka's head.

"But... I think it's time... I tell you the full story... About your mom... And my younger sister... Anna Oritsu" Kiyoko and Shioka turn to the man.

"She was beautiful... Her long, straight, white hair attracted many boys..." A girl sits in the Royal garden. Her long white hair falling behind the bench.

"She was born with a gold stripe in her hair and beautiful purple eyes... But she stayed quiet and kept to herself... Staying in the garden most of the night... And one of the few nights of the year she would leave... She came back happier... And started leaving more often... One night her dad caught her sneaking out... She was grounded..." She lays in a bed. Her eyes covered by her hair. The lights off as the sun shines through the window.

"That's when I had to leave for Training here at the Academy... But as I was set to leave... Dad... Learned she was expecting... He was furious... But she never told him who did it..." A younger Nicholas screams at her as his wife tries to stop him. He knocks her to the ground.

"One day... I returned from the academy to find out that she was sneaking out again... Dad found out as a guard who was sent to watch her if she snuck out told him..." A guard bursts through the door as Nicholas' eyes widen.

"It turned out the person she was dating was a Demi-Human... Which Dad hated because they had always been a thorn in his side..."

Kiyoko and Shioka are shocked as he continues. Kiyoko falling to his knees.

"He sent Assassin's to bring her home to the castle and kill the Man she was with... No matter if they were dating or not..." Several Assassin's rush out of the castle as a younger Uncle follows.

"I found myself following them... When I arrived... I learned she had gone into labor with you two laying on the floor..." Shioka's eyes widen as he covers his mouth. Tears forming in Kiyoko's eyes.

"The assassin's shot down every man inside that Bar... I tried to defend my sister... But the assassin's found out you were... Rare... Half sheep... Your hair sells for hundreds of Enni... They wanted the money... They brutally murdered your mom in the middle of the woods..." Shioka leans away and coughs a bit as he wipes his eyes. Kiyoko still in shock.

"We searched for years for you two hoping you were still out there..." The uncle's eyes watering.

"And here you two are... Maybe a bit scarred... But your alive" the Uncle smiles before tightly hugging them. Shioka crying into his shoulder. Kiyoko still in shock.

The lights were off as Frederic sits in silence. His head goes down. His hand resting on his leg. He tightly closes his hand as water drips on his clenched hand. Frederic's eyes are dull as water drips from them. Frederic struggling to keep his composure. Memories of Aristol and Oji flash through his mind.

"Don't cry, don't cry... Idiot!... Don't cry!" He clenches his teeth as he wipes his eyes.

"Why am I still alive??... I should've been the one to die!" He tightly closes his eyes as he covers them with his hands.

"I'm so flipping useless!"

The assassin floats in the air using his wind as he watches.

"Ah yes... Family emotions... So useless bloodshed..." Memories of a black haired boy standing in front of his family. They all lay on the ground lifeless as blood covers everything. Blood on the kitchen knife held by the kid.