Something mysterious

General Daryl slides back crashing through a tree. He coughs up blood as one of Haineil's Captains walks towards him.

"It's obvious your going to lose this pipsqueak... Lightning Maho is weak to my earth!" Daryl coughs a bit as he stumbles to stand. He violently swings his hand.

"Lightning blade!" A wave of lightning waves off his hand. Heading straight forward as the Captain knocks it away with a rock covered arm. Daryl's eyes widen as the Captain reaches over and picking him up by the neck. Daryl chokes as his heart races. He furrows his brows as his eyes start bleeding. The Captain slightly shocked.

"Exactly how I thought this would play out." Daryl smirks as he grabs the Captains chest.

"1000 volt gigashock!" Lightning suddenly explodes as a mysterious black aura pours out elsewhere on the field.

Daryl slides back as he wipes the blood from his eyes.

"Who's next...?" Several soldiers run through the trees as Daryl turns to look at them.

"Can't block an attack you can't see!" In an instant he appears behind them surrounded by lightning. Almost all of them collapse to the ground except for one guy.

"Man... That hurt..." Daryl turns around to see someone confidently smirking.

"It's really hard as a general to blend in... Sneak past all the strong guys... But I guess that didn't work out..." Daryl looks at him shocked while thinking to himself.

"Is this guy really the commander...? If so then he probably focuses on speed attacks... Interesting..." The man laughs and appears in front of Daryl. He hits him in the stomach. Daryl slides back and catches himself.

"Finally a worthy opponent!" A thick layer of lightning destroys all the nearby trees as he bolts forward. He appears in front of the general as they exchange blows. An explosion erupts as they both slide back.

"So he uses time Maho... He slows down time to fight at high speeds... This is going to be a pain..." Suddenly the general appears in front of him. He manages to block the punch but slams into the cliff. The general jumps again as Daryl dodges and kicks him into the air. He leans down as lightning surrounds him. In an instant the two fly through the sky at high speeds attacking each other.

Daryl flies back and stretches his hand back.

"Zues' bow!" A massive bow forms from lightning with several arrows. He fires them as the general easily dodges them. He bolts towards Daryl and kicking him in the stomach. Daryl grabs onto the general and spin kicking him into a cliff. Smoke explodes as the general jumps at him again.

"Indra's arrow!" Daryl forms a massive arrow and throws it at the general.

"Spacial swap... Duel!" In an instant the general freezes the thunder arrow. Instantaneously swapping places with Daryl. Hitting Daryl directly. Smoke rises from the ground.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" The general starts smiling and laughing.

"No matter what I do... Your one step ahead" the general lands on the ground shocked Daryl is still conscious.

"You aren't probably aware of this yet... But you're subconsciously holding back because it wouldn't be a fun fight... Right" the smoke slowly rises as lightning sparks. The general's eyes widen.

"Well... Don't worry about it..." The smoke disappears as Daryl is covered in a thick suit of pure lightning.

"Elemental dive... Lucks edge..." The general smirks as time freezes. He reluctantly takes a few steps forward. Suddenly the frozen in time lightning starts sparking again. Daryl's eyes turn to look at the general.

"What the- time is frozen right now... O-only I should be able to move right now" Daryl smirks as he lifts his foot.

"Elemental... Indra's arrow" the generals eyes widen in fear as a massive bow and arrow of lightning appears right in front of him ready to fire.

A massive explosion of lightning waves out destroying an entire mountain as they both fly back. The general in shock as Daryl appears in front of him. The General's eyes widen as Daryl slams his fist into the generals face. He slams into the ground creating a smoke eruption. Daryl floats down to the ground and dramatically stands over top the unconscious general. The lighting coat evaporates as a Haineil Soldier hides behind a tree.

"A suit of pure lightning... Moving faster than a time Maho user... He's stronger than the Commander warned us!"