A Laboratory

Myoya stumbles through the trees as the ground shakes. Shioka walks behind him cutting down long branches. Annoyed at how large the leaves are.

"How much longer do we have until we can help my brother and that Galliun guy... I shouldn't be using my Katana on long branches..." Myoya exhales as he starts knocking on the ground. A metal sound echoing.

"Gt over it... and The Galliun guy... Is the one that assigned us to protect the Lab that was close by..." Shioka scoffs as Myoya's muscles bulge. Breaking the door hinges and throwing it into the nearby thick brush.

"Come on... We're heading in to check on the scientists in this place." Shioka sighs and jumps down the ladder. Landing in a small room with a door. The edge covered in yellow and black tape.

"It's about time you made it here... We received notice of your arrival before hand" Shioka is shocked as he was sure no one else was there.

"You were... Waiting for us?" The man looks at Shioka. The old man had hair down his back and a long beard. Myoya landing behind him.

"My name is Marcie Kujo... The principal investigator overseeing this laboratory... Why don't I show you around?" The man turns around and walking into the lab. Shioka reluctantly following. Myoya behind him.

"This was a special bunker built during the world war... But had since been abandoned... When RoeKanaoWorth first became its own country... They found this place and rebuilt it" the group walk past several containers of liquid. One of which holding an unconscious body with strange markings. Myoya squints at it.

"Using it as a laboratory to rediscover the past" Shioka raises an eyebrow.

"Rediscover...? What do you mean by that... I thought the royal families knew everything from the beginning..." The man puts his hand on a scanner. The door opening.

"That's not exactly true... I only know the details... But after the world war the higher-ups decided to eliminate all the evidence we ever used to be an advanced civilization" a large room opens up as a light glows from a center console. Branching from it were 4 pathways leading to doors. They entered in from the south. In the four corners of the room were large Rode's. Bigger than the ones at the royal academy. Looking the part seemingly harder to control.

"The higher... Ups?" Myoya stops as the man keeps walking.

"There's only so much I'm allowed to say... But they are the rulers who have supremacy over every race" Shioka exhales as he catches up with the man. Myoya takes a deep breath.

"Are they the ones who chose to accept Diafthora... A demon from the dark continent into the human world... Risking hundreds of lives?" The man stops walking and doesn't turn to look at Myoya.

"Does anyone know who they are... Were they elected to that position by the people they rule over?" The man stays silent.

"Why did they select Diafthora even with the risks!... How did they... Erase everyone's memory like nothing... Who are they?" The man takes a step forward.

"Diafthora never had a name... It was given to him by my grandfather who used to run this lab... During his time here he was expiremented on... In ways we aren't proud of... Strategies that are unsafe for Expirements nowadays... He was soon rescued by someone from the capital... Diafthora... was my grandfathers passion project he was hiding from the law" there is silence as an alarm goes off. The whole Laboratory shaking. Parts of the roof collapsing over them. The man quickly turns around.

"There's a break in the defenses... Something has broken in from outside!" Shioka bolts off as Myoya sighs.

"Where is it at!?" The man points to the right.

"The right wing!" Myoya jumps off.

He slams through the door as the bright sun shines in his face.

A demon floats in front of the sun. 6 Horns on his head. Several bodies lay on the ground. Their heads bitten clean off. The demon smiles maniacally and laughs as blood drips from his mouth.

"...man... type A has gotta be my favorite... Oh, What's up?... I'm Rank 8 Lamech... And I'm going to eat you!"