A disgrace

A younger Lucas is dragged on the ground. Being dragged painfully by his bright blonde hair. Being thrown into a dark room. The door slamming behind him.

"Stay in there and never return!... You're a disgrace to his family Lucas!" Lucas' eyes widen in shock as the man walks away. Lucas falls to the ground as his eyes water up.

"D-don't cry… Please… Don't cry… Not now…" His brother slams his fist on the door.

"QUIET!!" Lucas tries to stop himself from crying but struggles. Tears streaming down his face as he wipes his eyes.

"Why can't they… Accept me?"

Lucas sniffles a bit at the table. A bowl of cereal in front of him. Struggling to eat from the bowl. His brothers were sitting beside him laughing.

"Oh look at the little brat!... He's crying… Why?... Is your food too spicy?" his younger sister watching, unable to help.

"Well, don't wanna waste food now do we?" his brother spills the bowl of food over his head.

"W-why… Do you hate me…?" His older brother laughs. Standing up to walk out of the room.

"You're a disgrace… Lightning Maho is the weakest BY FAR!... So it's only fair you're treated as your Maho type… Just like me" His brother smiles maniacally as he holds up his hand. Orange flames poured from his palm. Lucas clenching his fist as his brother laughs.

"Just try me… Baby" His brother walks out as Lucas' younger sister comes running over.

"Big brother!... are you okay…??" Lucas tries to smile but it looks scary.

"Yeah… I'm fine… Don't mind me… I will… Prove my worth to Derek one of these days!" His younger sister gulps as she hugs her brother. Shocking Lucas.

"Thanks for the hug, Lily" Lucas lightly smiles as he returns the hug.


Lily sits on a log in the middle of the woods. Swinging her feet as she hums. Birds chirping as frogs croak.

"Wonder where Derek is… He said he wanted to play out in the woods today… Did I go to the wrong location… Pretty sure this is where the map says to go though…" There was silence as the beautiful sunset painted a beautiful picture beyond the trees.

"Good afternoon Lily…" Lily's face lights up with a bright smile as she turns and stands. Derek standing there. A mask over his mouth.

"Good afternoon… Brother…?" Derek exhales as he leans on a tree. Flames exploding onto the tree and into the air. The flames quickly spread.

"You love your pesky brother… It's infuriating that you're able to even breathe in the same room as him!" Lily's eyes widen as fear overcomes her. The forest around them is now fully engulfed in flames.

"It was bad when that Runt started running around… But now you have grown to him… You should be disposed of just as much as he should be!" Derek disappears into the fire leaving Lily to fend for herself.


Lucas' eyes open as an orange light pours into the room. He stands up and looks out his window. The forest beside his house was engulfed in flames. He quickly opens the window and jumps out. Running up to the flames and trying to stop them. His Lightning Maho is not doing anything.

"H-he was right… I can't do anything…" Lucas' eyes widen as he punches the wall. Blood poured from his knuckles.

"Hey!... what are you doing?" Derek runs over as Lucas falls to the ground in fear.

"Where is Lily!?... last time I saw her she went into the woods to play!" several citizens run over to the two. One of them notices the blood covering Lucas' fists.

"His hands are covered in blood… He must have Killed her then set the forest up in flames to discard the body!... Officers!" Two guards run from behind the crowd. Picking Lucas up off the floor and cuffing him. Derek smirks maniacally as Lucas walks past.

It was a several story court building with arches. A large dome roof on top. The Court of Appeals. A building he read about in books. But it was much scarier in person. On top of that, the court was in disarray with the recent rebellion and attack on a festival in the Middle Class. But the first time he would ever enter the Court building was as a convicted felon.

"We will now hear the testimony from the accused Lucas Baker" Lucas gulps as he looks up.

"I was sleeping when I woke up to a light in my room… I looked out the window to find the forest on fire… I tried to stop the fire but I couldn't do anything to stop it so I punched the wall…" The court judge sighs.

"That wouldn't be a liable story… It's already been proven that your brother has Lightning Maho… And you're the one with fire" Lucas' eyes widen in shock as Derek smiles.

"But-" Lucas' attorney takes off Lucas' gloves. Lucas' eyes widening in shock as on his palm in a fire symbol and not a Lightning symbol. Derek lifts his hand revealing a lightning Maho symbol. Lucas looks up at the crowd and notices a man with glowing eyes. Seemingly using Illusion Maho. A type of Dark Maho which is considered illegal.

"There we have it… The only evidence we need to end this case… Lucas Baker… Is… Guilty on all charges of Arson… First Degree Murder…and Reckless Endangerment… 71 years in RoeKanoeWorth County Jail '' The guards rush over and pick Lucas up and forcibly drag him out of the room.