We've returned!

The door opens by two guards as Kiyoko runs in. The Queen takes care of her plants. She turns to look at Kiyoko.

"Oh… Your back earlier than expected Kiyoko" Kiyoko looks down, saddened then looking up at her concern.

"How's Kiyatana doing?… I heard he was injured during the battle" The Queen sorrowfully nods.

"Yes… And it's to the point he will permanently be disabled… That leaves the Chief of War position open" Kiyoko nods sorrowfully as Frederic walks in. Quickly followed by Myoya, Elijah, and Lucas.

"You all are just in time…" The queen rises standing and taking a deep breath.

"Kiyoko Oritsu… I declare you the new chief of war… Frederic… You shall be the New Chief of Exploration in Kiyoko's place" Kiyoko nods as Frederic takes a deep breath.

"Yes Ma'am…" The Queen nods.

"Now… Can someone help me with these flowers please?... I found a pretty sapling in the forest beside the Low Class Castle…" Frederic looks at the plant which seemed to be a small tree. But the bark was strangely near black and the leaves were blue. Frederic walking over.

"Sure… Let me help" 


Walking down the halls trying to figure out the maze, Kiyoko stops and looks out to a training field. A tall muscular man standing there. He had short gray hair with a beard. Using a cane to stay standing and covered in scars. Walking out onto the field where the man stood.

"Hey… uh… Could I ask you something?" The man turns around and bows down to Kiyoko.

"What could I get for you Sir Oritsu?" Kiyoko nervously laughs and waves his hand.

"You can call me Kiyoko… And… I want… Can you please train me?... In a recent battle I felt like I wasn't able to do much… And I was just promoted to Chief of War… And I feel like I'm not strong enough for that title… Can you help me?" The man smirks.

"Ask no further… I'm the man for the job… I may be 80 years old but I'm still kicking!..." Kiyoko chuckles slightly.

"So… What's your name sir?" The man looks down at Kiyoko.

"My name is Amakute Seijitsu… But you can call me Amak" Kiyoko nods.

"Ok Mr. Amak" Kiyoko smiles.

"You'll have to join my Guard class as it's my only other training session open…" Kiyoko nervously nods.

"But before that, fight me without weapons and i'll see what level of training to start you at." Kiyoko falls to the ground, slightly shocking Amak. Kiyoko attempted to kick out his legs. Amak chuckles and jumps. Kicking Kiyoko straight in the stomach. Kiyoko coughs up blood as his hair flashes gold. He grabs Amak's leg. A massive wall of ice freezes them both. Kiyoko jumped through the ground outside the ice pillar.

"That was close…" the ice shatters as Amak bolts towards him. Kioyko dodges the punch and grabs his arm. Throwing him over his shoulder. Amak lands on the ground and grabs Kiyoko's arm tightly. Jumping off the ground and violently spinning Kiyoko in the air before slamming him into the ground. Kiyoko catches himself and kicks Amak in the stomach. Amak slides back and falls to one knee.

"Why is your kick so strong?... Imma have to consider that in your training!"

"Elemental Dive: Ice Prince!" Kiyoko bolts forward with an armor of ice. Amak smirks as Kiyoko reels his fist back.

"Wind Maho: Screech!" Amak takes a deep breath and releases a loud, high pitch screech. Kiyoko stops moving forward and sliding back. Using an ice wall to catch himself. The nearby trees are blowing in the wind.

"That's some strength!" Kiyoko takes a deep breath.

"LET'S GO!!"


Frederic sits at his desk reading the Bible. His hand on his chin as he intensely focuses. Several ideas come to mind as shivers are sent down his spine. He looks up and opens his bedroom window. Looking out at the capitol. His glare was calm as his breathing slow.

"...something's coming…" Frederic stands up and leaves his Bible open. Walking over to his bedroom door and out of the room.


The Queen sits in the throne room. King Nicholas' throne is empty. She sighs as she looks out at the kingdom.

"What happened to my husband?..." There was silence as she looked at a picture of Shioka and Kiyoko.

"Kiyo Carmin…" The door opens shortly later as Miss Carmin walks into the room.

"You called for me, my lady?" The Queen slowly nods.

"Gather the highest ranking knights… Along with Kiyoko… I Must talk to them before my time runs out" Miss Carmin seems confused but bows anyways.

"Yes ma'am" Miss Carmin walks out of the room as the Queen sighs again. A strand of Grey hair appeared.