Rank 6: Belphegor

Daryl hits the ground as his eyes are blurry. He shakes his head as he slowly stands. Rubbing his eyes as he turns to look where he is. His eyes widen in shock as a cliff sits in front of him. Looking out on an indoor forest permanently set at night time.

 "A forest of all things? Inside a Tower?" Daryl walks up to the edge looking down at the cliff to the forest.

 "I guess it is an Actual forest then…" He jumps off the cliff and lands in a field surrounded by trees. Walking over and rubbing his hand on one. Ripping the bark off of it.

 "Feels like actual wood" Daryl looks around and starts walking for a bit as the entire tower shakes randomly.

 "Guess some of the others are already fighting…" Daryl peeks beyond a tree at an opening. A large demon resting against a tree. All the other Low rank demons treat him like a king.

 "There he is… He's probably one of the Ranked Demons'' The demon yawns loudly as everything shakes. Then pointing over in Daryl's direction.

 "I know you're hiding behind a tree… Come out and…" The Demon yawns again. His big belly moving like a glob of jello.

 "Fight me… You can't disobey Rank 6 Belphegor forever" Daryl takes a deep breath and steps out from behind the tree.

 "I'm here for your head… Belphegor" The demon laughs.

 "Yeah… And I'm hungry for some flesh" Daryl jumps forward surrounded by lightning. He reels his fist back and punches him. Belphegor is completely unfazed as he blocks the attack. Daryl spins around back-handing Belphegor. A massive explosion erupts into the sky as Belphegor yawns.

 "Done yet?... I'm bored already" Daryl spins further around and full strength punching him. Belphegor caught his hand and dropping him on the ground.

 "...Too lazy to throw you…" Daryle coughs up blood as suddenly Belphegor uses his nail and poking it straight through his chest. Daryl coughs up blood violently. His eyes flutter as he's suddenly surrounded by a ton of lightning. Appearing across the Field from Belphegor. Blood dripped from his chest.

 "Elemental Dive; Luck's edge" Belphegor laughs and slightly lifts his hands. The lower ranked demons turn to look at Daryl.

 "Go get him boys"

 The 4 elves land in a hallway dramatically. Conall looked slightly confused.

 "Do we always have to land in cool, Epic poses?" Nordorin signs and stands up.

 "Yes, because they're cool and epic… It also prevents serious injury… Thus Miss Lily won't have to put in much effort to heal us" Nimel walks over to one of the walls. Faenor struggles to even see in the dark cavern. Nimel Laying his hand on the cold, Rocky wall. Using his pointy ears to increase his hearing.

 "Wind Maho… Shockwave tunnel" A large shockwave booms down the tunnel as Nimel stands at his full height of 5" 4'.

 "It seems to be… A maze this time… A massive one nonetheless… it seemingly goes forever…" Faenor dramatically exhales.

 "Really…? I don't wanna walk… I wanna fight…" The entire Maze violently shakes. A voice echoing in their heads.

 "Welcome… To my Infinite Maze puny humans…" Nordorin shouts back.

 "We're Elves, thank you!" There was another extended silence.

 "You will be playing a personal favorite game of mine… My name is Asmodeus… Rank 5 Demon… You are playing MY game, by MY rules" Faenor and Conall gulp in nervousness as Asmodeus continues.

 "This Maze is nearly Infinite… I… Will be possessing one of the many Low rank demons I have roaming this place… Let's see if you can discover which one I've possessed… And defeat me… Oh… And don't forget about the lurking traps…" They sit there in silence as Faenor lifts his hand.

 "Flame Creation Maho… Light torch" a torch of pure flame forms lighting up the cavern they were in. all starting to walk through the cavern. Nordorin moaning.

 "This is going to be hard… We don't even know what to look for when it comes to differences in behavior" Conall sighs.

 "We must be careful… We don't know what he looks like… but he knows what we look like… Thus knowing how to avoid contact with us" a Break in the path opens beside them. A large, Low rank Demon glaring right at them.

 "If I remember correctly… Their chest is their weakness…" Faenor jumps forward with a seemingly maniacal smile. His fist glows before becoming engulfed in flames. Flames pouring from his eyes.

 "Flaming fist!" He punches the demon creating a massive explosion of flames and smoke. The demon slides back uneffected. Grabbing him by the face and throwing him onto the wall. Nimel jumped forward beside Conall.

 "Wind blade!" Nimel slices the demon across the chest. Conall reeling his fist back with earth and punching him. Sliding along the ground swinging his hands. Capturing it on earth.

 "Go! Faenor!" Faenor stands up and reels his fist back. Punching a fire engulfed hole through the demon's chest. Effectively killing. It. slowly floating to the ground. Landing on a pressure plate as the ground falls from underneath him. Falling down a long tunnel. Nordorin, Conall, and Nimel rushing over.