The seal revealed!

"Keep your eyes on the battlefield grandson" Nicholas grabs Kiyoko's face and throws him to the ground. The Tower explodes as the floor crumbles under him. Kiyoko slammed through the outer wall of the castle and onto the ground. A massive explosion erupts into the sky with smoke and flames. King Nicholas floats above the Tower.

 "He put up a good fight… My grandson was able to keep up with me… The seal shall be fully open soon enough… And I can take over the world once and for all… Wait a minute…"

 Kiyoko lays on the ground as blood pours from his nose. His arms are covered in burns as his eyes are dull. He slightly coughs a bit before sitting up. The forest around him burned to the ground. The skies filled with smoke as he closed his eyes. 

 "Wind Maho: Transmission" an echo flows across the field as everyone can hear what Kiyoko says through the wind.

 "Good job so far everyone… I bet some of you are severely injured…"

 Frederic falls to his knees but catches himself.

 "And i'm sure some of you are still fighting"

 Liam slams his foot on the ground. The earth shakes as a wall of earth forms to prevent the Tower from falling over.

 "But I just discovered something that could help us achieve victory"

 The 3 remaining elves are surrounded by hungry demons.

 "The demon's increased strength is coming from the Seal… as it's been locked so long it's taking a while for it to return… Use this chance before they get another power boost… and cover up the seal so they don't have access to the power leaking out of it… Reseal the seal and we might have a chance"

 Beelzebub roars in anger as he's engulfed in an immense aura. Emily and Lucas running through the main hall. Beelzebub roars as he swings his hand towards them. Lucas pushes Emily away as she hides behind a wall. Lucas being slammed into the wall.

 "There's gotta be something I can do!" Lucas coughs blood as his lightning evaporates. Beelzebub rushed full speed towards him. Lucas standing up as lightning explodes off of him. He jumps forward punching Beelzebub who stumbles back.

 "I guess Kiyoko was right!... The more the seal re-opens… The stronger these guys get!" Lucas slides back as Beelzebub falls into the wall. Crumbling as it gives out. The giant Beelzebub falling out of the Tower. Emily jumps forward running past Lucas.

 "EMILY!?... WAIT!" time seemingly slows down as Emily smiles.

 "Don't worry… I have a plan…" Emily jumps out of the tower as Shadows pour off of her. A massive suit of shadows forming, making her as big as Beelzebub. Kicking Beelzebub to the ground and punching him Beelzebub grabs his face and throws him to the ground. Emily spins around kicking beelzebub into the tower. Beelzebub shrinks as Emily kicks him against the wall. The giant shadow armor disappears as she falls through the hole in the castle made by them fighting. Lucas smiling as he watches from over the edge.

 "Yes!... She did it!" Lucas smiles for the first time in a while. Suddenly there's an arm through his chest as he vomits up a ton of blood.

 Emily falls into a large cavern-like room. A large circular structure in the middle cracked and shattered.

 That's the-... The Seal!" Floating above her was Elijah. Sword in his hands. Across the room was an enraged Episcopas surrounded by a large blob of poison goop. Elijah's right foot burnt off.

 (A few minutes prior)

 The cavern-like room sits in silence as the Tower shakes. A crack forming in the roof as Elijah slams into the large lake below. Quickly standing up and looking around.

 "What the-... The seal!" The waves rage around him as he rushes standing. Episcopas roared down from the ceiling after him.

 "H-he followed me down here!?... Oh great…" Elijah draws his sword and jumps up.

 "10th form!... JUDGEMENT DAY INFINITE!" Elijah slashes Episcopas several times, instantly decapitating him as he disappears in the goop. Elijah tries to move but can't as his right foot lands in the goop. Melting off the skin, Muscle, and bone from his ankle down. Elijah slashes it with his sword and floats back. His leg was rapidly bleeding. Emily suddenly slams through the outside wall and lands in the lake. Emily looked up at him. Elijah looked down at her.

 "Elijah!?... What happened to your foot!?" Elijah coughs a bit as blood drips from his mouth.

 "Mind helping me defeat this guy?... I can't do it on my own!" Emily nods and stands up. Episcopas roars as several clones of him appear. Emily bolting through and decapitating all of them. Elijah slicing them into several pieces. Elijah bolts toward the only remaining one. Emily punches its head off as Elijah slices it 3 times across the chest. The goop starts evaporating as Elijah and Emily look at each other.

 "There's no way it was that easy…" Emily agrees with Elijah.

 "So… How are we gonna re-seal the seal?" Emily shrugs as suddenly the Seal shakes. A large portion of it collapsed into the water. The poison goop regrowing as Episcopas rises from the ashes.

 "YOU WON'T EVER TOUCH THE SEAL!" Elijah grabs Emily and jumps backwards. The mass of goop and poison effectively covered the seal so they couldn't reach it. Elijah and Emily jump forward. Episcopas grabbing Emily's fist and throwing her into Elijah and into the wall. Elijah's eyes go blank as he falls to the ground unconscious. Emily is scared as Episcopas seemingly keeps getting stronger.

 "Flaming fist!" a massive fireball explodes as the poison starts burning. The room heats up as the water starts evaporating and turning to steam. Episcopas' body burns as Faenor floats backwards.

 "Thought so, your Poison is weak to Fire!" Faenor smiles as Emily's eyes widen. 

 "WHY YOU-!" Episcopas jumps forward and grabbing Faenor's shoulder. He turns into flames and burning Episcopas' hands. Episcopas screaming as he can't regenerate.

 "FLAMING FIST!" Episcopas turns around as Faenor punches him in the face. Episcopas start disintegrating as Faenor floats over to Emily and Elijah who just woke back up.

 "Come on, turn the poison to stone with your Shadow and wind… thus you can close the seal" Elijah stands up as his hand glows. Still struggling to breath as Emily does the same. The three of them turned the poison to stone effectively resealing the seal. There's a slight calm as Faenor sighs.

 "Now we must leave… if we don't hurry, the tower will collapse on top of us!" Elijah nods as Faenor lifts him on his shoulder.

 "Lead the way, Mr. Elf"