False accusations.

Mi: afternoon


It was afternoon, blazing hot and Aryabella was at the back of the house watering flowers while humming a tune.

". After the rain goes... there are rainbows ,I will find my rainbows soon,lah...lah...lah..-

Suddenly, her music was interupted by Anna who just exited the house with imaginary smoke coming out of her imaginary green dragon nose.

"Arya!.". She yelled wondering where our good-for-nothing sister was.

Ignoring her Insult though Aryabelle looked at her elder sister and kindly asked " sister... you called what happened?"

That pretty flared Annabella up though because she couldn't find a way to twist her older sister's words, so as to frame how with it. She sized her up and asked angrily.

". Who on earth is your sister?. And why haven't you done my laundry yet ? ".

Arya blinked in realization. ".Oh that? I was sent by mom to water the flowers,make dinner and-".

"And how's that any of my business huh? You ingrate!. Scheming baboon!." She yelled interrupting Arya's speech.

". Why all the insults?.". Arya asked with a frown.

". huh?. Asking the obvious?. Aren't you a scheming baboon?. You knew I'd wear that yellow dress mom bought for me to meet someone, and you knew it was dirty yet you decided to delay the laundry in other to delay my outing!. And now you are using mom as an excuse!"

Arya's eyes widened in disbelief... she didn't do any of those at all!. ".What ? Those are all false accusations and I didn't use mom as an excuse!"

Anna gasped dramatically, hands on her lips she asked. ".What? Now you're talking back at me and even calling me a liar?. You little imp!. Wait till mom and dad comes back!"

Arya visibly paled from her words as she hurried to say, ."I didn't call you a liar... It's all false accusations... I didn't do something like tha-".

But it was too late, as zainie walked in from the gate with their parents.

". mom...Dad?". Annabelle called ... A smile blooming in her heart.

". Girls, how are you?". Crystabelle inquired with a soft smile.

"We're fine mom". Arya replied , chomping her lips. "Ah, that's good". Kazimni quipped.

"hey ? Aren't I part of the family anymore?" Zainie whined on getting excluded from pleasantries exchange.

A smile finally made an appearance on Arya's face as she went to hug the tall baby. ."zaen..". She giggled. ".we didn't forget you".

Zainie smiled in response ."good girl! ". He praised then turned to Anna. " Annabella how are you? Won't you hug me too ?"

Annabella scoffed ."tsk. Now you remember me? But no I'd pass I'm not a kid anymore to be jumping on people!" glancing at aryabella she mocked.

Kazimni frowned at Anna's words. "Arya can't you behave like your sister?" He asked. "get of your brother this instant!"

."dad, Anna, I didn't complain!". .'really how can dad be this unfair?'. He wondered, tightening his grip on the slipping Arya.

Aryabella lowered her head. Sighing she muttered, ."it's okay.. I'm used to being treated this way in my own alien colonized family anyway... "."

"Arya ? What was the commotion about before we entered the house?". Kazimni finally inquired much to Arya's dread. She thought they had forgotten but who was she kidding though?...

Annabella replied immediately with so much enthusiasm Arya wanted to slap her . ".dad it was all arya's fault! She had been wasting time since morning and only started her work two hours ago!. And she didn't do the laundry!. Plus, in the laundry was an important dress I want to use, when I confronted her about it, she called me a liar and talked back at me! ".

With a look of disbelief on her face Arya refuted. ".what?!. you are posing false accusations against me!"

Zainie frowned. "from your story anna, you're at fault because you own more than fifty dresses and I don't believe Arya can call you a liar".

"how would you believe it when you're sensible?. you always believe this brat you're the one spoiling her!" Annabelle rebuked miffed while pointing at zainie.

The words made zainie's countenance turn cold "what did you just say?". He asked.

."Enough! Arya let's hear your version of the story. Shall we?." Kazimni interupted before his eldest son could kill someone.

Anna scoffed, her fear dying down. Ha her brother should keep defending the brat.

Arya sighed and willed back her tears to explain. "I was given chores by mom which I failed to start earlier because I've been busy with people's dresses, for which I'm very sorry. I started it two hours thirty minutes ago that was when Anna came. I didn't know she'd be using a dress and neither did I call her a liar ".

Annabella gasped "liar!!!". '.I feel like clawing her face !'.

".Enough now. Anna to your room. Zainie you too and arya leave". Kazimnni interupted, for the umpteenth time.

."Arya do not disobey your elderly it's bad!. Don't disgrace this family. And also until you're done with your chores no postponing. You're not allowed to come inside this house! And no food either". Cryst said, turning to Arya who died do anything wrong at all.

."yes mother... ". She replied slowly.

."Abandon everything else first and make dinner". She added and Arya nodded in reply.

Zainie was getting pissed at his mother by the minute. ."mother this is not fair. What about Annabella?. And why shouldn't she eat?. Why can't she postpone her chores?. Don't you know outside briaton at night isn't safe? ". He asked.

Kazimni eyed his son suspiciously. ".zainie who called you on this matter?". He asked.

Zainie replied firmly. ."with all due respect father I'm not done!. Annabella! Aren't you going to help out Arya... or are you crippled?".

Annabella gasped in despair. "Ha.... Oh my God... B-brother!.....". She yelled. ".He's calling me crippled...". Then she folded her hands and raised her chin. ". What's even wrong with me not having enough strength to assist her?".

Crystabella seconded her claim. ."zainie!. my child is not crippled she simply doesn't have enough strength!".

The younger male scoffed in disbelief. ."Oh?. only Anna you care about huh?. What if Arya doesn't have enough strength?. What if she gets killed at night while working?".

Arya fidgeted uncomfortably when the argument wouldn't seize... She didn't want to get her brother in trouble... This argument was unnecessary, she was used to their treatments. ".zaen it's okay let me go and start now don't-".

."shut up". Zainie interrupted, sending her a glare that clamped her lips. "Now follow me.". He said and made his way towards the house to get equipments.

But crystabelle was displeased. ."zainie where are you going?. Come back here you are spoiling that child!". She chided, but zainie didn't spare her another glance.

". Parents, I'm helping my sister with her chores tonight.. Lock the both of us outside".he bodly said instead.

Annabella scoffed. ."Suit yourself!". Then she walked away.

Kazimni stared at his son for a while before saying to his fuming wife. ."Okay then... let's go and rest honey?".

Crystabella gritted out ."let's go".

Together they went in.
