


What does it mean to be human?

A question that has been my life's purpose. A question which made me who I am today…

I quite liked my mother. A kind and gentle person who would even in the most difficult situations smile like the sun.

But she died. She died a death unworthy of her.

My father, a drunk one day, killed her in a rage over a small matter. That was the moment when I had shed out of my childhood and started pondering the question 'what does it mean to be human?'

My father who had killed my mother was considered 'human' so what sets him apart from animals?

I don't know.

So I set out and went on a journey to find the answer.

How long has it been since then? I don't know nor do I care.

Along the way I met a group of people.

Three people to be exact.

Each of them are quite strange.

One is a girl. A girl who ran away from her house in order to be traveling with another within the group. Quite a romantic story is it not?

Another the 'leader' of the group. She is quite… insane? No… insanity is more precise… more… more… measurable. She is… how do I define it with words…

She is the blackness of the world. The small splotches that infect human society. The seven deadly sins within people's hearts, the damage they have done to the world and all else formed and stuffed to the brim into a 'human'.

Yes… That would be the best to describe her.

She is just like me in some ways. Her goal is also to 'find meaning in humans'. I made her my idol. Something to look up to for guidance. She was close to her answer I know…

Her eyes are like those of a cat. Quite fitting of her personality. Yes… a pitch black cat… that is what she would represent. If her facade is that of a pitch black cat then her shadow would be the darkness of the world. She is also the lover of the girl I mentioned before. Once again. Quite romantic.

The last and final original member is a middle aged old man (?). A scientist. A very eccentric scientist.

He did most of the tasks until I came along. Now he has more time to research about his field of study. Cells.

He is so good with cells that he could connect different people's body parts together without any visible stitches. A god-like power granted. Using his knowledge of cells he could be immortal.

I once saw him changing his gender and even regressing his age back to that of a little girl. He is truly the closest human to a 'god'.

Now there is me.

I am a normal person just like the girl who ran away. I am not some mad scientist I was just someone who wanted answers…

But, if there is one thing that sets me apart from the group is my camera.

It was a polaroid one. A gift from my mother when I turned five-years-old. Only a couple of days before my father killed her…

My camera is nothing special. I just take photos of anything and everything. From our adventures to the scenery around us. I have quite a few different albums each focusing on different things.

Time has passed and now, that leads us to the present…




The night was bright with a full moon lighting the world for all to see.

Within a dilapidated house, a house you would imagine when you think of one in the slums was a boy basking in red.

"Hah… Hah…"

Sniff… Sniff…


A small boy. So small and fragile yet has to endure the cruelness of the world.

"P-please wake up…"


"P-please… wake up…"

A small child in a small world full of red.


A small child caressing his dead mother.


An empty child with an empty… empty…




Just another day…

Another day of the world and another day of life…