CH 186 ~ The Opening Dance

[A/N: Diana and Rosette's picture has been added to the character profile, make sure to check it out!!!!]

As the band started to play music, Cathain fixed his clothes and took a deep breath before he walked towards Eleanora and extended his hands. 

"May I invite you to the opening dance, Princess?" 



Cathain's lips twitched up as he heard someone saying the same thing in unison and saw another hand extended towards her, as Eleanora stared at both hands with a troubled look on her face. 

'Who dares to invite my empress-'


Cathain stares at the emperor in shock, who side-eyed him before he slaps away his son's extended hands. 

"So, may I, princess?" 

Eleanora gives Cathain a look as she hesitantly extends her hands towards the emperor.