after 3 years Lautaro got used to his peaceful life, Lautaro were sweeping his backyard when he saw a detective's car stopped in front of him, the detective's name is Jack Hugo who will interrogate Lautaro, Lautaro flee into his house is to lock the door, Jack Hugo kick the door the door opens, Jack Hugo pick up his gun and enter the house but when Lautaro arrives, he flies towards Jack Hugo who lets the gun fall to the ground, the two fight, but Lautaro ends up getting the better of punching Jack Hugo several times leaving him all hurt, Lautaro taking down Jack Hugo is trying to strangle him when Jack Hugo is almost dying, Lautaro stops to strangle is to take your car keys is to flee, leaving Detective Jack Hugo on the floor unconscious.

As Lautaro sped away from his house in his car, he couldn't believe what had just happened. He had just attacked a detective who had come to interrogate him, and he knew that he had to get as far away as possible.

As he drove, Lautaro's mind raced with different thoughts. He knew that he had just made a terrible mistake, but he also knew that he had to protect himself. He couldn't let the police catch him again.

Days turned into weeks, and Lautaro had managed to evade the police. He had changed his appearance and moved to a new city, trying to start a new life once again. However, he knew that he could never truly escape his past.

Lautaro knew that he had to be careful and stay out of trouble. He found a small job and tried to keep a low profile, but he knew that he was always looking over his shoulder.

Months turned into years, and Lautaro had managed to build a new life for himself. He had made new friends and had even fallen in love. He knew that he could never undo his past actions, but he could work towards a better future.

As he looked back at his past, Lautaro knew that he had made a lot of mistakes, but he had also learned a lot from his experiences. He had learned that sometimes the hardest lessons in life are the ones that shape us the most.

Lautaro knew that he could never truly escape his past, but he also knew that he could work towards a better future. He had come a long way from the man who had attacked a detective, and he knew that he had a lot to be proud of. He would never forget his past, but he would also never let it define him.