#Chapter 53 I’m Claire’s Father

Tanya’s POV

I’m extremely flustered and embarrassed by my daughter’s words, as I glance between her and Marco also appears slightly taken back. Finally, I kneel to my daughter so I’m at her eye level. “Honey, why do you keep calling Marco daddy?”

Almost as if convinced by her conviction, she responds with little hesitation, looking at me with pure childish innocence. “Because he has the same blue eyes as me!” she squeaks, playing with her fingers as if she’s suddenly nervous from all attention paid towards her by the both of us.

Nevertheless, she continues to explain. “And I like Marco, I want him to be my daddy. I feel it in my heart,” she places a hand on her chest, before turning round to face Marco, and running into his arms without question, looking up into his eyes. “And I’m very cute, and Marco is very handsome, so you must be my daddy.”