On Monday morning, Violla sent the kids to kindergarten with Mrs. Blake before she went to Roman's Corporation.

Only one company offered her a job—the legendary Roman's Corporation. It was strange that the small companies didn't want to hire her, but what was even more strange was that the corporate giant in the industry, Roman's Corporation, called her instead.

When she arrived at the HR department, she finally realized whose plan it was. "It's you?" Violla exclaimed.

"Long time no see, Miss!" Isaac greeted her with an evil smile. "You're still pretty after all these years."

"Isaac, my father fired you from Milan Corporation and left orders that you are not to step into this City for the rest of your life. How dare you return?" Violla barked. Violla knew who he was. Isaac used to be the vice president of Milan Corporation. He had tried to take advantage of her, so Gerald fired him. She never thought she would see him again after four long years.

"The Milan family is over the hill. Do you think you're still the rich heiress?" Isaac sneered. "You're nothing. I am the one who gives you this job or not!" he spat.

Giving him a glare, Violla spun on her heels and started walking away. "Violla, this is your final chance. If you walk out of this door, I guarantee you won't find a job in this City, unless you're willing to become a hostess in a bar!" Isaac uttered arrogantly. But Violla stormed out of his office furiously, swearing to herself that she would never give in to someone like him!

When she exited the building, a crowd had formed at the entrance. There was a middle-aged man with gasoline poured all over his body. He was holding a lighter, trying to threaten everyone. "Stay away. I want to meet Davon Roman, now!" he roared.

The staff stayed away while the security guards were on alert. A few higher-ups tried to persuade the man to calm down so they could talk things out.

"Calm down? Do you know what he did to me? I accidentally offended him, and he bankrupted me overnight! How can I calm down?" the man exclaimed.

In his words, Violla was reminded of her father, Gerald, who still couldn't understand how Milan Corporation went bust suddenly. They were doing so well. She didn't even get to see her father before he died. She even wondered if someone sabotaged her father back then.

"Mr. Roman is here!" someone shouted, bringing her out of her thoughts. Violla looked up and saw a Rolls Royce coming to a stop. The security guards swarmed toward the car and cleared a path. Seeing that, the crowd made way for him. The lamenting man rushed to the car and stood in front of it. "Davon Roman, I demand an explanation today!" he shouted. Everyone fell silent and gazed nervously at the black Rolls Royce .

The most horrifying and influential person in the city was in that car! Violla saw a figure in the backseat looking at his phone without a care in the world. His driver and security guard in the passenger seat remained seated, waiting for his instruction. A heavy silence hung in the air. The expressionless man then made a casual gesture, and immediately, the vehicle sped ahead with every intention to hit the wailing man.

The onlookers were dumbfounded, let alone the man who was petrified on the spot in disbelief at the other party's callousness. The car was about to hit him, but then Violla rushed forward and pulled him back.

At that moment, the man in the car looked up and noticed Violla. A complicated look flashed across his gaze at the sight of her. Violla and the man fell onto the ground together, and the crowd gasped in shock.

Violla's arm throbbed painfully after the fall. But when she looked up, the Rolls Royce was long gone. Almost instantly, the security guards rushed over and detained the man.

"Davon Roman, I curse you! You'll die a horrible death!" he yelled desperately. Soon, the guards stuffed a cloth into his mouth to stop him from yelling more and dragged him away like a dead dog. Violla stared after him with sorrow. Her father had told her that the business world was like a battlefield, but at that moment, it looked like hell to her. A careless mistake could cause one to sink into an endless quicksand.

The mysterious man in the Rolls Royce was none other than the man who controlled everyone's fate. Alas, the poor had to work for him even though they were barely surviving.

As soon as Violla left Roman's Corporation's building, she received a text from the bank, informing her of the successful transaction of one hundred and eighty thousand to the kindergarten. Her account balance was now three thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight.

Her bank balance wasn't even enough to buy milk for her children, and she didn't know what else to do. After battling with her own thoughts for a long while, Violla turned and entered Roman's Corporation once again.

It was just Isaac. He wasn't going to do anything in broad daylight, right? The man was right, though. She was no longer the rich heiress. She needed to support her family and her kids. Pride wasn't important right then.

Violla was waiting for the elevator in the lobby when several security guards appeared, escorting a man to the VIP elevator. Everywhere that man went, people would bow and greet him politely. "Good morning, Mr. Roman." She was far away and not tall enough to manage to see what he looked like. But that man was obviously Davon Roman, the president of Roman Corporation. Yet his figure seemed too familiar to her? She shook her head, chiding herself for being awestruck. Cursing herself for being reminded of the escort every time she met a tall and muscular man.

This man here was the president of Roman's Corporation, an influential and wealthy man. There was no way he was an escort at Empire Night!

"Mr. Roman, the one who pulled away the wailing man wasn't just an onlooker—no, she has just registered as our new employee five minutes ago as a secretary on the thirteenth floor. Her name is Violla Milan," reported Cruze.

His boss said nothing as he scrawled his signature on a document. The man only replied with a grunt after he was done with his work. "Mmmh!."

Violla was going to be paid eight thousand monthly during her probation period, including basic insurance. Her salary would increase to ten thousand once she passed probation.

After going through the entry procedures, Violla silently counted whether her salary was enough for her family's expenses. She needed to spend eight thousand every month on the kids' milk alone, not including other expenses. She was deeply worried when a few other employees came to welcome her. "Hello, Violla. Welcome to the administration department!" they said.

"Oh, thank you," she said, appreciating the warm handshake from her new colleagues. This was her first official job, and she knew how important it was to build a good rapport with them.

"As usual, we'll have a welcome party for you. Is that okay?" one of them asked.

"Of course. Dinner is on me!" she replied, knowing the drill.

"Haha! I like how smart you are. We'll leave right after work," one of her colleagues said. She nodded in agreement.

When it was time to leave work, Violla had some unfinished tasks, so her colleagues left and waited for her downstairs. After finishing the paperwork, she grabbed her bag and headed to the elevator. But before she could reach it, the doors closed right in front of her. At the same time, the doors to the VIP elevator opened. She hurriedly stepped in without hesitation.

"This is the president's private elevator. Please leave right away," the security guard reprimanded her.

"Huh?" she exclaimed.

Before Violla could react, the mysterious man in the elevator made a gesture. His security guard received his order and stopped trying to remove her. Violla looked back but immediately turned away. It was Davon Roman, the man himself. All of a sudden, it felt like the surrounding temperature had dropped a few degrees. He was tall and looked like a god, standing imposingly behind her and exuding an intimidating aura.

Violla bit her lip hard, subconsciously holding her breath. Through the reflection of the elevator mirror, she saw Davon gazing at her sharply, resembling a lion fixating on its prey. ''Hurry, hurry,'' she thought, wishing for the elevator to go faster.

She gazed at the numbers flashing on the elevator screen, hoping to quickly escape that suffocating place. Thirteen, twelve, eleven, ten... She silently counted the numbers, her heart thumping furiously. Unbeknownst to her, Davon was inching closer.

The elevator chimed as it reached the ground floor. Once the doors opened, she scurried out. In her hurry, she tripped and fell face-first like a frog.

Everyone outside gasped in shock. A few employees who had just exited the regular elevator covered their mouths and sniggered. Violla felt so ashamed that she wanted to dig a hole and hide in it. She clumsily scrambled to her feet and ran out, covering her face.

Behind her, the man looked at her retreating figure as a smirk flitted across his lips. Violla had thought the welcome party would be a dinner in a restaurant, but it turned out to be a drinking session at Empire Night. To her surprise, Isaac was also there. She wondered why someone from the HR department was present at the administration department's gathering. Violla wasn't happy about it, but since her colleagues were present, she didn't want to chase him out rudely.

Isaac had already introduced himself to her colleagues and ordered bottles of expensive liquor, which were currently placed around the table. A male colleague spoke up, "Mr. Isaac, this liquor costs over eight thousand. We shouldn't be doing this to our new colleague."

"You don't know?" Isaac grinned. "Violla is an heiress. She's rich. She can pay for everyone's drinks here in Empire Night. These are nothing to her."

"Oh? Seriously?" A few female colleagues got curious. They surrounded Violla and bombarded her with questions. "Violla, you're an heiress? How unexpected!" one of her colleagues squealed.

"No..." She started.

"Of course, you are." Isaac cut her off rudely and snickered. "The only daughter of the richest man in South Nation, Gerald Milan. You've heard of him, right?"

"Gerald Milan? The one who jumped off a building four years ago?" a man uttered. "No wonder the surname Milan sounded really familiar to me."

"I think I read the news. The Stanleys called off their son's engagement to Milan, and then she came to Empire Night and spent the night with a transvestite escort. Uh, was that true?" another one uttered. Her colleagues stared at her, their gazes a mixture of curiosity, excitement, and amazement as they waited for her reply. Violla felt suffocated by them. Refusing to take it anymore, she stood up to leave.

The manager of the administration department stopped her and chided the rest. "What are you all doing? Is this how you treat our new colleague? We are going to work together in the future, so please stop teasing her."

"Okay, sorry," they apologized to her at once.

The moment Violla met Isaac's amused gaze, she escaped from the private room without a word. She wanted to escape the past and start her life afresh, but the past kept haunting her. For a minute, she thought she could never get rid of it. She took a deep breath to calm down.

"What's wrong? Was that so unbearable?" Isaac came after her and sneered. "How will you survive, huh?"

"You did it on purpose," Violla glowered at him. "You deliberately hired me and made me treat my colleagues to dinner so I would be humiliated. You're doing this to take revenge on me!"

"That's right," Isaac answered, nodding with a grin. "I ordered food and drinks worth a few hundred thousand all on you."