Franklin seemed to be a little surprised that Violla would call him.

After listening to what she had to say, Franklin replied with a sigh, "When I left the kindergarten that day, I firmly told Leila to return the necklace to you, and she told me that she would. I have been busy with work for the past few days, and I haven't been home much, so I didn't know that she was causing so much trouble. "

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't bother you with this." Violla could hear the weariness in Franklin's voice.

"No, no. I'm not bothered. I'm actually quite happy that you'd call me for help," Franklin replied gently. "Don't worry. I'll take care of this. When they come back, I promise that I'll get the necklace and return it to you."

"When will they be coming back?" Violla asked.

"In ten days, probably. She said that she was taking Titus to spend some time at my winery. " Franklin told him .

"Ten days. " Violla whispered, turning downcast.

Davon only gave her three days to get the necklace. With one day gone, she only had two days to get the necklace back. Otherwise, she would be forced to sign that slave contract.

'What should I do?'

"Were you scolded by Mr. Roman for this?" Franklin asked, sounding concerned. "I'll go explain to him. "

"It's alright." Recalling the time he got seriously injured by Davon, she did not want Franklin to act rashly.

"But… " Franklin sounded worried.

"It's okay. I'll just recount the situation as it is. He won't do anything to me," Violla replied, pretending to be calm.

"Alright then." Franklin smiled bitterly to himself. "The two of you do have a better relationship after all. "

"I… " Violla wanted to explain herself but decided not to. There was no point in doing that. "I'll send you the bracelet tomorrow. Please help me get the ruby necklace back when they return," she said.

"Okay. Don't worry. I'll keep my promise. Also, I think it would be best for you to pass me the bracelet in person. It's an expensive item, after all. If you have time to spare, I can come over to get it from you tomorrow," Franklin replied.

"I… " Violla hesitated for a moment, then said, "Okay. Let's meet outside."

"Alright then. I'll meet you at Blue Pearl tomorrow at six in the evening." Franklin suggested.

"Okay." Hanging up the call, Violla walked out of her room. It seemed like Mrs. Blake had finally fished out the bracelet from the pile of poop in the cage, and she was darting toward the bathroom.

"Mine! Mine!" Finny also flew out of its cage and chased after Mrs. Blake, pecking on her hand non-stop.

"Finny, stop it!" Eliana shouted as she flailed her hands around, trying to shoo the bird away.

"Mrs. Blake, come in! Quick!" Ryan opened the bathroom door for Mrs. Blake immediately shutting the door the moment she got in.

"Finny, you better stop now!"Jason was doing his part by guarding the bathroom door with a broom in his hands.

Finny had no choice but to leave. Even as it flew around in the living room, it was still making the same screeching sound. "Mine! Mine!"

"What a materialistic parrot!" Eliana's face was flushed as she pouted her lips and stomped on the floor.

"From today onward, I'll be giving you a lecture every single day. Hopefully, you'll become an enlightened bird sometime in the future!" Ryan pointed his finger at Finny.

"That's right! It needs to be taught a lesson. Otherwise, what would become of it when it grows up?" Jason exclaimed, trying to sound more adult-like.

As Violla watched her cute kids banter, she chuckled lightly. The sight of everyone having fun was heart-warming, even if there were ups and downs on the way.

"Alright, that's enough. Go have your breakfast! Today is a weekday! Have all of you forgotten about going to school and work? Don't be late!" Mrs. Blake yelled from the bathroom.

"Oh no! It's seven forty." Violla glanced at the clock and hurried to the kitchen to get the breakfasts. "Hey, kids! Time for breakfast!" She called out.

"Okay!" The three little ones washed their hands in the kitchen sink and sat at the dining table, waiting for Violla to get their soup.

However, things took a turn for the worst. A sound echoed in the room before Finny's poop dropped into the cooking pot with their soup.

The family of four simply stared, speechless, for a split second before angry yells filled the air.

"Argh! My precious breakfast!"

"Finny! You're not my friend anymore!"

"Finny! I'll pluck out all your feathers!"

Violla decided that they would have breakfast at a cafe downstairs. After telling Mrs. Blake to take good care of the bracelet, she took the three kids and left.

It was really a waste that the vegetable beef soup that Mrs. Blake had made that morning was completely ruined because of Finny.The three kids were feeling so upset about it that they made a pact to ignore Finny for the next three days.

Just as the kids finished their breakfast at the cafe, their school bus arrived. Violla got them on the bus, waved goodbye, and hurried to the company.

What a morning.

Though she tried her best, she ended up being ten minutes late.

Luckily, Molly could not be bothered to tell her off about it because the product launch event for the company's latest products was to be held that day, and everyone was doing preparation work on the sixty-sixth floor.

On the other hand, Violla, who was just an entry-level Administrative Assistant, was asked to stand by at the reception counter on the sixty-eighth floor.

There were no visitors that day, and Violla had a lot of free time on her hands. She decided to read some documents at the reception counter and learn so that she could become a proper secretary soon.All of a sudden, the doors of the lift opened, and a towering figure emerged from it.

Looking up, Violla was greeted by none other than Davon Roman walking toward her with the usual. " Hey beautiful." Though his brows were furrowed deeply, and his expression was dark. Everything about his body language at that moment spelled anger, as if he were trying to burn down the floor that he was stepping on.

Feeling a little uneasy, she greeted back, "Mr. Roman. "

Davon did not even bother to look at her again and walked straight past her as he talked via his Bluetooth earpiece.

"What are you trying to do? I thought that we made a pact not to meddle with each other's operating systems. Why are you hacking into my company's system all of a sudden?"

"Well, that's on him!"

"I don't have the time to argue with you right now. Let me tell you this. Stop whatever you're trying to do, or face the consequences!"

As he ended the call, he kicked a chair that was blocking his way. The chair flew toward the wall and collided with it, leaving a rather visible mark on the wall.Violla shuddered a little, and her heart was pounding fast.

She had never seen Davon that angry before. "Oh my god. If he had been kicking a person and not a chair, the person would have been seriously injured!"

As she looked at the mark on the wall in fear, Cruze came out of the lift and told her, "Get a bucket of ice and bring it into the president's office."

"Okay. " Violla hastily went to the pantry to get the ice.The door of the president's office was left ajar.

As Violla walked closer, she could hear Cruze trying to calm Davon down. "Mr. Roman, the product launch event is in half an hour. We have time to… "

"How could they even have the audacity to do that?" Davon roared. "Ten years ago, our families made the pact before my grandfather to make peace with one another and to never meddle with each other's businesses! How could she break the vow?"

"Mr. Roman, Clyde is already working on it. It should be… " Cruze started.

"Of course, it can be resolved!" Davon growled. "That's a given. But that madwoman is getting on my nerves… "

"Yes, yes. Aunt Diana is in the wrong this time, but perhaps she is doing this to avenge Drew? You almost killed him. "

"Shh! Someone is at the door ." Davon warned.

"Who?" Cruze froze from Davon's chilling tone.

By the door, Violla trembled and dropped the bucket of ice onto the floor. Looking at the mess that she had made, she quickly bent down and gathered the ice cubes.

"What are you doing here?" Davon glared at her when Cruze flung the door open.

"I… I got her to get some ice," Cruze explained as he came over to help Violla. "Go get another bucket. I'll clean this up."

"Okay." Violla left hurriedly, still thinking about the conversation that she had overheard.Though she could not understand much about the business rivalry, she clearly heard them mention the name "Drew".

"Is Drew closely related to Davon? Does he work for him? If so, that would explain a lot. Maybe they look so similar because they are brothers? Or relatives, perhaps?And maybe Davon instructed him to act as an escort to pick her up that day.That means that he's very likely the real "escort In Debt". Violla ruminated.

Violla was feeling more sure about her suspicions by the second. However, there was another question that was bugging her. "If Davon really is an escort then why would he be doing all of this to me?"

All of a sudden, the words that Drew had told her came to mind.

"Have you ever thought about the possibility that maybe I'm no escort at all and you've just misunderstood me? Maybe it's just a mistake, but I think that it's fate, in a way… I've gotten used to living a smooth life. Though there have been no challenges or problems, nothing feels refreshing anymore. Having someone treat me as an escort and extorting money from me feels exhilarating!"

"Oh no. What if he was telling the truth all along?But Drew isn't an escort is he?" Violla wondered.

Without conclusive evidence, she was still feeling rather unsure about the situation. "What if it's just a coincidence? Am I thinking too much?Maybe the Drew that Cruze had said was not the Drew that I knew?I mean, Drew probably wouldn't act as an escort in front of me, would he? Would his ego allow for that?"

Furthermore, thinking back on the times they had spent together, Violla's attitude toward escort was nowhere close to nice." If he were really Davon, he would have beat me up over and over! "

Thinking about that, Violla felt more doubtful than ever. Her head was in a complete mess. Shaking her head, she decided that she should shift her focus away to something else.

However, yet another question began bugging her." I'll be able to tell if Davon is really the Escort by the tattoo on his lower back! Even if everything else has been purely coincidental, there is no way that they can have the same tattoo for no good reason, is there. And Drew had no tattoo?"

Finally coming up with a plan that she was satisfied with, Violla was in high spirits. Taking a deep breath, she carried the bucket of ice to the president's office.

The atmosphere in the office was tense. Davon was doing work on his computer as he formulated his response strategies.

"Get Team Razor to pick up Mr. Trad We need him at the Romans Corporation safe and sound. He is really needed here .We need to get all of our security guards to guard our entrances and exits with utmost caution. Arrest any suspicious personnel. Tell Clyde to do a thorough check on what the media corporations are doing."

"Yes, sir!" Cruze immediately sprang into action. However, after a few moments, he turned to Davon and asked, "Mr. Roman, if we get all eighteen of our people to safeguard Mr. Trad, you won't have anyone around you to… "

"What are you here for then?" Davon said crudely.

"Ok, I understand." Cruze dared not ask more questions and got back to work.Feeling somewhat uncomfortable in the tense atmosphere in the office, Violla put down the ice bucket and was about to make her way out quietly.

"Miss Milan… " Cruze talked to her softly. "There are some puddles on the floor from all the ice cubes earlier on. Please clean it up."

"Okay," Violla replied, getting a rag to clean up.

"What are you doing?" Davon looked up from his computer screen and stared at her intently.

Violla found herself stumped momentarily and then replied, "Wi-wiping the floor."

"Who asked you to do that?" Davon said, raising an eyebrow. Violla turned to look at Cruze, still shaking a little.

"I got her to do it… " Cruze explained. "Because of the… "

"Why can't you do it yourself?" Davon gave him a glare.

Cruze blinked. He quickly stood up and did a ninety-degree bow to Violla, saying, "Miss Milan I'm terribly sorry."

The next thing she knew, Cruze was grabbing the rag from her hands and wiping the floor.Violla was at a loss for words. "What? What is going on?''

"Get out," Davon ordered.

"Okay sir." Violla left the office, feeling jittery.

Just as she got out, she realized that she left the tray for the ice bucket in the office. Walking back, she overheard Davon's yelling. "Who gave you the courage to order her around. She is my woman?"

"I'm sorry. I was terribly mistaken. Please forgive me!" Cruze apologized profusely.

"Don't let it happen again, you accord her the same respect you do to me." Davon warned.

"Yes, yes! It'll never happen again!" Cruze's voice was cracking.Listening to them by the door, Violla had mixed feelings.Personally, she felt that it was normal for a higher-up like Cruze to order her around.

"Why was Davon so angry at him? Furthermore, why would he even bother about me when he's that busy? He said was his woman?" Violla could not help but purse her lips into a smile at the thought of that. Having such a dependable man be so protective of her was giving her butterflies in her stomach.

"Hold on.I need to calm down!That man is the Devil! The Devil!" Violla sighed deeply, reminding herself that she should not be feeling attracted to Davon .

"Even the most ferocious beasts can have their heroic moments, but if I'm not careful about it, I'll become his prey! I mustn't let my guard down." She told herself .

"Hey! Violla!" Molly's frantic calls pulled her back to reality. "Come along."

"Miss Molly, where are we going?" Violla said, following her into the lift.

"The product launch event is about to begin, but our company's system got hacked. Mr. Roman is working on it right now, so Mr. Trad has to be the one to hold the conference," Molly explained.

"Mr. Trad and Mr. Roman are not really on good terms with one another. Mr. Trad has also been feeling a little unwell lately. I'm concerned that he may get emotional later on, so I hope that you can help. You've saved his life once. He'll listen to you," she added.

"Got it." Violla nodded firmly.Staring at the floor numbers on the display panel of the lift, Molly frowned as she said, "Today's product launch event is extremely important to the Romans Corporation. If you do your part well, you'll be able to work as a proper secretary."

"Really? That's great!" Violla was absolutely delighted at the prospects of working as a proper secretary. That would mean a monthly salary of thirty thousand.

Molly's phone rang. She quickly answered the call.


"What?" Molly's face turned aghast. She immediately pressed the lift panel for the forty-fourth floor and got out immediately, still answering the call.

"What happened?" Violla asked, following closely behind her.

"Mr. Trad.... Mr. Trad is in trouble." In the surveillance room, Molly turned on the high-tech equipment that resembled a telescope and began sifting through the surveillance footage of the streets in the area.The high-resolution, real-time footage of the roads was immediately displayed on the computer screen.On the screen, a Phantom could be seen speeding toward the building of the Roman Corporation.

A few Rolls-Royces were tailing dangerously closely behind, almost colliding into the Phantom at times.Evidently, they were trying to get rid of whoever was sitting in that Phantom!

"Is Mr. Trad in that Phantom?" Violla could tell at first sight that it was Davon's car.

"Yes," Molly replied, frowning. "Someone is trying to ruin our product launch event. First the hack, and now someone trying to bring harm to Mr. Trad."

"What should we do?" Violla was very concerned about the situation.

"There is nothing that we can do about that. Mr. Cruze and Mr. Clyde will take care of it." Molly continued sifting through the footage, her expression grim. "The product launch event is starting in seven minutes. "

"What is that?" Violla exclaimed suddenly, pointing to the Hummers that were cutting lanes to block off the Rolls-Royces from the Phantom.

"Mr. Roman probably dispatched them." Molly heaved a sigh of relief upon seeing the Hummers. "So this is why the eighteen bodyguards who have always been by his side disappeared. They were all dispatched to protect Mr. Trad."

"Mr. Roman has everything under his control!" Molly added.

Violla recalled what Davon was asking Cruze to do back at the office. She finally understood what he meant. What a well-calculated strategy!

"It seems like there's nothing more for us to do here." As Molly talked, she received another call. Turning on speaker mode, she answered the call. "Mr. Clyde!"

"A few suspicious individuals disguising as staff from media corporations have infiltrated the building. They pose a risk to us. Return to the sixty-sixth floor immediately and supervise the team of secretaries of the president's office. Keep the important documents safe! No mistakes will be condoned!"