Davon carried Violla out from the back exit.

Drew was anxiously waiting on the car. When he saw them he immediately approached Davon and apologized, "I'm so sorry man. I would have never known…"

Davon kicked him aside. "If you weren't my aunt Diana's son, I would have crushed your throat by now!"

Drew face turned pale from the pain, but did not say anything about it. On the contrary, he apologized, "It was all my fault. Is she okay?"

Davon paid him no heed and carried Violla into the Aston Martin. Violla had totally succumbed to the effects of the drug Yulisa gave her. She entangled herself on Davon's body and buried her face into his neck, indulging herself with the familiar smell.

"It's you…" Violla murmured. She wrapped her hands around his neck and gave him an endearing kiss.

"Goddammit!" Davon's forehead creased. "So, you've been drugged.No wonder you just laid there like a fool without even resisting."

Violla continued to shift about in Davon's arms, like a ball of fire trying to light up his desire. He had one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding on to her. He had no choice but to let Violla have her way with his body as he suppressed his sexual urges. He needed to focus on driving.

However, as Violla got even more audacious, her movements were wilder than ever before.

"Take me,take me." Violla writhed.Unable to calm himself down, Davon drove the car to South Hampton shore where he proceed to lay her on the back seat. "You asked for it," he rasped as he bit her earlobe.

He climbed on it and flipped her .The moment her skin touched his , he knew was done for . Davon rolled onto her , and Violla moaned at the feel of his skin on hers after he removed his coat off her and his T-shirt . Davon growled before his lips crashed down on hers hungrily .

His tongue moved between Violla's lips , his tongue brushing against hers , Davon pulled his lips from hers and stared at Violla.He then leaned in on her ,kissing her with more desire , pouring his emotions into the kiss, love,desire , frustration. His hand grabbed her bre*st and he trailed his tongue lower and wrapped his lips around her nipple . At the same time , he fondled the other with his hand making her moan and squirm under him.

Heat as the side effects of the drugs consumed her.Her p*ssy developed a pulse as arousal coated her thighs. The more Davon touched her, the hotter she became. Davon's knee pushed her legs apart. His lips traveled down her ribs. She squirmed as his teeth grazed her sensitive skin.

Her entire body buzzed with the sensory overload as ecstasy rushed everywhere, Davon trailed up her body with his tongue before he tangled his tongue with Violla's and she gripped his hair, kissing him harder as desire coursed through her . He broke the kiss and stared at Violla and she writhed " Have me ,have me . Please I can't take it anymore."

Davon went lower on her he nipped at her hip then she felt his hand push her thighs apart before he settled between her thighs. His hot breath swept over her pu**y and made her shiver and gasp. His tongue parted her lower lips, making her back arch as his tongue ran over her clit before sucking it into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the sensitive nerves, making her cry out.

Davon was driving her to the edge, only to slow down when she was about to push over it. "Like that, I love it. Whatever you're doing don't stop," Violla growled and Davon raised his eyes to watch her face that was heating under his intense, smoldering gaze,his eyes flickered dark with desire. He smiled .

Violla's rocked her hips against his mouth Davon's fingers wrapped around her nipple, teasing them with his fingers before turning to the other one, making it harden to a peak. His mouth on her flesh drove Violla insane as Davon devoured her, his tongue swirling and mouth sucking relentlessly.

She felt her skin prickle with overwhelming heat, arousal saturating her thighs as pleasure washed through her, his fiery tongue licking her heated flesh and flickering fingers on her nipples drove her insane. Flames of desire coursed through every nerve ending, pure bliss yet also pleasurable torture. Her entire body trembled as she gave into the pleasurable feeling Davon was enticing out of her, her moans of ecstasy filled the quiet car and surrounding.

Violla cried out as her climax washed over her in waves, Davon gripped her thighs holding them in place as they trembled, and her hips rocked against his mouth as she rode out the org**m, his tongue lapping at the juices coating his tongue.

Davon kissed her inner thigh. He moved off her and Violla clumped her legs shut. Yet she didn't get the relief she wanted and she was all over Davon again. Davon tried to keep off her but with time he couldn't resist her anymore.

Davon rolled on her and pushed his knee between her thighs before settling his weight down above her. Violla tugged at his vest, wanting it off.

Using one hand, Davon pulled it off, and her lips went to his chest. Her tongue swirled around the bar running through his nipple. Davon growled and his other hand moved to his c*ck. Davon wrapped his fingers around him, running his hand up and down the length of him. Davon groaned, her hand going to his hair. She tugged his head back, her lips hungrily devouring his, and he thrusted into his hand.

Removing his hand from his penis, Violla rolled her hips against Davon, his c*ck gliding against her wet lips before he moved a hand between their bodies and positioned himself before sheathing himself into her. Violla gasped at the feel of his hard c**k gliding and brushing her inner walls.

Davon nipped at her jaw, working his way back to her lips. He groaned against her lips as he kissed her, and Violla tugged on his hip, letting him know he could move faster as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He did, picking up his pace. Her stomach tightened as her skin heated when he suddenly rolled, pulling her on top of him as he sat.

Violla sat up his length, pressing in deeper, and she moaned at the feeling as she rolled her hips against him. His hand went to her breast and he squeezed it.

Violla felt his fingers prod around her entrance. He slid his finger inside alongside his cock that was buried deep inside her, his fingers stretching her further while his tongue invaded every inch of her mouth. Her inner walls squeezed his fingers as he gently slid them in and out. As he continued to stretch her . He watched his fingers in her with his thrusts and Violla felt full.

"F*ck, that feels tight," Davon growled before slipping his fingers from her completely, and putting the fingers in her mouth so she could taste herself. She moaned when his wet fingers trailed down to her nipples and he toyed with them.

Davon thrusted up in her rhythmically and she gasped when Davon's hand moved between her thighs and he pinched her clit before rubbing it. with his fingers, letting her orgasm build. She felt overly full; as Davon worked in her and rubbed on her clit.

She moved her hips and wrapped her hands around Davon's neck meeting his thrusts, her toes curling as she built up friction.

Her inner walls squeezed his hard length as she moved, chasing her orgasm. Her breathing became heavy, and she cried out as she was thrown over the edge, her nails digging into his shoulders as her pussy pulsated.

Davon's grip on her hips tightened as he thrusted in slowly, letting her ride out the rippling waves before he chased his own orgasm. Violla saw him as he stretched out his hand to the trunk ,she heard him rummage through something and he pulled out wet wipes. He thrusted into her some more before suddenly pulling her off her and covered his c**k with the wet wipes , groaning as rode his orgasm before wiping himself clean. He then pulled Violla on him and she collapsed onto his chest.

Davon rummaged through the back of the car again .He kissed the side of her mouth and she felt cold wer wipes move between her legs. Her eyes lazily fluttered open to see Davon cleaning her.

"Love you, get some rest," Davon said against her lips as her eyes fluttered closed.

That night they had each other over and over again under the alluring moonlight that sipped through the windows, their silhouettes intertwined.It was a passionate night filled with ecstasy.

In the morning, Violla was awakened by the sunlight in her eyes. She was still a bit woozy when she opened her eyes and saw a familiar figure.

Davon was sitting on the hood of the car with cigar in his hand. His hair shifted as the wind blew. His white shirt was unbuttoned and danced in the wind, revealing his cobra head tattoo on the waist from time to time.

Violla looked at him in shock and looked at herself. She was naked with only Davon's long trench coat covering her. Moreover, she felt an intense soreness in the groin area.

Her mind went blank for quite a while before realizing what happened and her heart rate skyrocketed.

"Ahhh!" Violla walked out of the car tugging herself with the coat tightly around her body. Davon smiled when she saw her and quickly pulled her to him. Tugging her hair that was blowing with the wind behind. "Good morning ! " He greeted in a raspy voice.

Davon leaned in to kiss her and his face was met with a hot slap on his face. Violla's terrified scream pierced through the calm of morning.

Davon knitted his brows and put out the weed. He went and got two bottles of water from the trunk, uncapped one and passed it to Violla without saying a word.

"What's all this?" Violla grabbed his arm as she was at a loss for words. "What happened last night? We, you and me… What did you do to me?"

"What do you mean by that? You're the one that kept latching on to me," Davon spoke in a stern manner. "Be grateful that I had the decency to help you out."

"You're lying! You filthy scum!" Violla raised her hand to hit him again but Davon caught it. "So you're attacking people now after the enjoyment? That's not right!"

"Don't you mock me with your slander, I'm not that type of person!" Violla roared in rage, her chest heaving from the heavy breathing, a seductive sight to behold.

Davon stared at her smooth and perky breasts, his c*k twitched in his pants . However, he did not do anything besides pulling her into the car and turned on the onboard recorder's monitor.

"Take a look for yourself!" Davon growled .

"Take me…" A moan came from the screen. The resolution was not good, but Violla was able to recognize herself, riding on Davon while kissing and hugging his face. It was even more intense than the movies!

"I…" Violla was flabbergasted. She could not believe what she was seeing." How? Why? How did I become like this? This isn't like me at all!" She thought

"Still can't remember anything?" Davon asked. "Even what happened at Empire Night?"

"What happened at Empire Night?" Violla's head was aching, trying to recall what happened. "I remember you coming to pick me up, my colleagues coaxing me, asking for you to treat them. And then we went to Empire Night for drinks…"

At this point, Violla suddenly realized something. "You bastard! You took advantage of me when I was drunk!"

"Look at it again! " Davon roared tapping on the screen. "Who's actually the one being taken advantage of here and don't forget I am an escort. My task is to deliver when ask for it"

"Damn it,take a look! " Davon snarled again.On the screen, Violla was tugging off his vest and kissed him non-stop.

"Shut it off." Violla covered her eyes. "This really isn't me. Why would I do this?"

"You were drugged, you idiot." Davon blurted out

Davon turned off the recorder and deleted the footage.

"Drugged?" Violla gave it some thought, and noticed that things in fact, did not add up. Even though she was not good at drinking, two glasses should not have been able to almost knock her out like that.

"Wait. I was already quite feverish in the afternoon. The liquor at night only made it worse. And it felt just like how it was four years ago…" Violla said.

"Figured it out?" Davon continued to remind her. "Your condition last night was way worse than four years ago. That's because you took double the dosage. If I hadn't slept with you,you couldn't even had made it to the hospital, before you died of heart attack. I saved your stupid ass ."

"No way! Who would do something like this?" Davon's words had sent shivers down Violla's spine. "I don't think I did anything to anyone."

"Just listen."Davon played the recording that Cruze sent him on his phone. It was the conversation between Yulisa and the three men.

"I'll pay you guys a hundred thousand to defile someone for me."

"You're asking us to do that for a mere hundred thousand? What if we get caught? The punishment is really heavy for crimes like these."

"Don't worry. I'll handle everything. You guys just have to gang up on her when I send her over."

"Hehehe… That woman must be ugly. That's why you actually need to pay money for her to get laid."

"On the contrary, she's actually more beautiful than you can imagine. You'll see."

Violla was gob smacked. "Oh boy! Is that Yulisa?"

Yulisa had a unique voice that was soft and slow. Even when talking about such sinister deeds, her tone remained the same.

"You understand now?" Davon shook his head in exasperation. "The juice you drank yesterday afternoon was spiked. Same goes for the water she gave you last night. She was out to get you, but you treated her like your best friend. If it weren't for me…"

Davon did not finish his sentence. If those men even touched Violla he would have blamed himself for the rest of his life.

"I should never have let Drew impersonate me! All I wanted was to clear Violla's suspicions; who would have known Drew was that playful,and wouldn't be attentive to her .Thank goodness I got there in time." Davon thought .

"This is horrifying." Violla got goosebumps from the thought of last night. "T-the men, did… d-did they…"

"Of course not." Davon pulled her into his arms. "I would never let anyone hurt you."

She could feel the beating of his powerful heart, and it gave her a firm sense of security, just like a guardian angel looking after her.

"Wait!" She screamed . "How did you know about the juice. Another question suddenly popped into her head. She instantly pushed Davon away, and Violla snapped, "You stupid escort! Tell me, did you use a condom last night?"

Davon went silent. He was stumped, and it dawned on him that he put his mask on last night when he got in the car.At the moment, he was escort In Debt. For a split second he had forgotten that.