"Oh god, you're going to kill him at this rate!" A sudden realization struck Violla, and she began pulling on Davon's arm. "Let him go!"

Drew's eyes had already rolled back, and his hands were drooping down like two lifeless sticks.At last, Davon came to his senses and loosened the grip on his right hand.

Drew immediately fell to the ground, half paralyzed with fear.

Sighing, Davon carried Violla into his car and took off.

As they left the scene, Cruze appeared with his subordinates. As they cleaned the place up, he said, "Send Mr. Wesley to the hospital." Cruze told one of his men.

"Yes sir." He hurried to carry out the orders.

In the car, Davon covered his jacket over Violla to keep her warm. His brows were still furrowed, and the fury in his eyes were not entirely gone.

Violla's dress was torn in pieces ,half of her chest was exposed, and so were her thighs. She was in a complete mess, but there was a striking sexual appeal to it.

Biting her lower lip, Violla was looking down, all quiet. All that she felt at that moment was shame."How could I not have recognized that he's a different person? Am I blind?"

Their car came to a halt at the Romans Hotel.

"Why are we here?" Violla glanced at the hotel entrance, then at Davon, feeling a little panicked. "Don't tell me you want to...…"

"Shut up!" Davon got off the car first.The manager promptly came by to greet them, "Your room is ready. We have also made preparations according to your instructions."

Davon carried Violla out of the car and made his way toward the lift.

"I want to go home!" She protested under her breath.Davon simply gave her a cold glare.The room prepared for them was the presidential suite they had stayed in some days ago.And once again, Davon lowered her into the bathtub.Gasping for air as she sat back up, Violla wiped away the water on her face.

"Clean up," he snarled as he left the bathroom.

Violla's eyes drooped down like a sad puppy as she stared blankly at the bathwater. "Why is he treating me like this?" Feeling upset, she began cleaning herself.

For some reason, she felt obliged to listen to everything he said.After all, disregarding his words always turned out to be a bad decision." It's not like he'll hurt me anyway. He's just really mean."

As she got out of the bathroom after the bath, she realized that the hotel room was in complete darkness. The only hue of light was the faint glow from the emergency lights.

Even when she tried turning on the lights, the switches did not seem to work. Feeling scared, she called out in a shaky voice, "escort. "

"I'm here." His deep voice sounded from the French windows behind her. Violla jumped. As she turned around to face him, she found him sitting on the sofa in a bathrobe, sipping on his wine.

"What happened to the lights? Is there a malfunction?" She asked, making her way toward him.The next thing she knew, she was bumping straight into a table. "Ouch! My knees."

"Are you stupid?" Davon growled.Pouting and whining from the pain in her knees, Violla slowly nudged toward him.

He was not wearing his mask. In the dim lighting, she could make out the outlines of his face. "He looks kind of familiar."

Davon pressed a button on the remote, and the emergency lights were also turned off.

Now that all the lighting in the room was gone, all that Violla could make out was his pair of sparkly eyes.The uneasiness in her heart swelled, and she unconsciously tried to move closer to him but immediately tripped on the sofa. Then, losing her balance, she fell over him, her face landing on his chest.

His skin felt like fire to her touch. She almost felt as if she was getting scalded.She tried to get up, but she could not see what she was grabbing onto and thus, fell back down. This time, her forehead knocked onto his jaw, and the numbing pain instantly brought tears to her eyes.

Feeling her squirm around on his body, Davon could not bear it any longer as he pinned her down with his arms and said coldly, "Stop it!"

"O-okay." She replied softly, looking up at him.

In the darkness, she could not see his face clearly, but she could still feel that striking sense of familiarity.Even the scent on his body was calming and reassuring.She instinctively leaned even closer.

"What's in that head of yours? Do you even have a brain?" Davon asked, giving her head a light knock.

Feeling embarrassed about her actions, Violla explained hastily, "That man looked almost identical to you! And… and he was driving your car, and he even wore the same mask as you, so I thought… "

She paused for a moment and then began bombarding him with questions, "Why was he driving your car? Even the license plates are the same! What is going on? Even if he made a replica of your mask, how could he have… "

"And that's why you got the wrong person?" Davon replied crudely. "You were going to let him f*ck you, weren't you?"

"No… I wasn't… " Violla shook her head frantically. "He didn't even touch me! I...."

"If I hadn't arrived in time… " Davon inhaled deeply. Just thinking about it was infuriating for him. He roughly grabbed her face and kissed her.

"Mmph… "Violla tried pushing him away, but her heart was telling her to give in.

His kiss was intense, like a harsh storm. It felt more like a punishment than a sweet kiss, as if he were trying to claw away all traces of other people from her body, replacing them with his own bite marks.

Violla felt like she was suffocating from the kiss. She lay weakly in his arms, giving him the authority to do whatever he pleased.As they entwined, she felt his breaths become heavy, and she could feel his boner pressing onto her body.Feeling startled, her heart rate soared.

Even as she tried to push him away, he seemed unwilling to let go. Caressing her cheek, he stroked her swollen lips with his thumb, his gaze darkening with desire.

"Promise me that this is the last time. I won't be there to save you if you ever do something like this again! Promise me you will take care of yourself. You will protect yourself." His voice was raspy.

"Yes, yes!" Violla nodded and said, "I'll never do that again!"

It was only then that she realized that even with the same appearance, he had a unique scent on his body different from anyone else. Even his gaze and tone had distinct qualities.

"He's my one and only." She assured herself.

"Little idiot," he said lovingly as he ran his fingers through her hair, pulling her closer.

In his head, he was beginning to doubt his feelings for her. "She's just a troublesome woman who disgusts me, but why am I worrying and thinking about her more and more?What's the matter with me?"

Violla leaned against his body like a puppy trying to keep warm. The sound of his strong, steady heartbeat was oddly reassuring to her ears.The atmosphere of the room became warm and fuzzy, stirring up something in their hearts.Stroking her smooth shoulder lightly, Davon could feel his desire burning from within.

"Escort… " Violla whispered. "Are you really an escort?"

Davon's fingers stiffened a little. Frowning, he said, "What the f*ck are you on about?"

"Oh, how I wish that you're not an escort " Violla sighed inwardly. "If only he weren't an escort, if he likes kids too, then we can be a happy family of seven."

"Who would you wish for me to be then?" It was a question that he had never discussed with her.

"Anyone. Just someone with a regular job, I guess," she replied. "Even if you are a taxi driver, security guard, or some company's employee, I'd be fine with it."

Davon was rendered speechless.His brows furrowed deeper.' It seemed like she hasn't joined the dots yet, about his true identity.'

"But is that really a bad thing? At least I can still keep up the act." He decided.

"Alright then, let's sleep," he said suddenly.Davon sat up and carried Violla to the bed.

While pulling for her blanket, Violla ended up tugging on the bathrobe wrapped around Davon instead. Upon realizing that he was not wearing anything inside, her face turned red as a tomato as she flipped to the other side.

Davon calmly pulled her into his embrace. His long, muscular arms were locked around her. "Stop moving around so much. Else, I don't know if I can control myself."

Violla listened and stayed still.After the rollercoaster of events that occurred that day, Violla was exhausted, and it did not take long before she fell sound asleep, curled up like a kitten in his arms.

On the other hand, Davon's head was still in overdrive, and he was not in the mood to sleep. He frowned as he looked at the woman in his arms.

She had a great physique. Every part of her body seemed to be perfect, and every inch of her skin was silky smooth.And at that particular moment, her body was pressing onto his.

Of course, he was turned on.However, he would not let himself do anything to her.Quietly and carefully, he got off the bed and went to the bathroom. It took him one cold shower and a hundred push-ups to calm his inner beast down. Then, in his bathrobe, he slumped on the sofa and finally fell asleep.

He thought it wouldn't feel as tough if he kept his distance.That night, Violla slept really well despite the scary episode that had occurred. Perhaps, Davon's presence gave her the sense of security that she needed.

The next day, Violla woke up to the sunlight seeping through the curtains by the window.She instinctively reached out for the pillow on her side. "However, no one was there.Where is he?He's gone." Violla was startled.

She quickly sat up and yelled, "escort ! Escort!" There was no response.

Violla wrapped herself in his bathrobe and searched all around the hotel room, but he was nowhere to be found.Stopping by the mirror by the bed, she found a sticky note. It read:

"I'm going first. There are some clothes in the closet for you to wear. For breakfast, you can call for room service, and they'll send it here. After breakfast, the hotel manager will make the preparations to send you off to work!"

He signed off the note with a doodle of a pair of boxers. Violla burst out in laughter. The messy handwriting and his doodle made her feel oddly touched.In her head, she could not help but lament how perfect that man would be if he worked a different job.

But she shook her head and decided that she should stop daydreaming.

She had a more troublesome issue to deal with. Oh my god. "What is that Davon guy thinking? He was forcing me to sign that contract to repay my debts. Millions? Is he trying to make me his slave now?"

Facepalming, Violla was starting to feel distressed."What a devil! He's totally extorting me!"

However, her situation felt somewhat familiar. Thinking back, she did the same to the escort,she made him give half of his salary to her for three whole months.Violla froze.

"Hold on. If Drew is not the escort then that means that Davon is! But that day, I saw Davon get in his car before escort came to pick me up in another car." Recalling the events of the past, she concluded that Drew was the one who picked her up that day.

"Has he been pretending to be the Escort since that day?But if Davon is the real escort, then why would he let Drew pretend to be him?" Violla's head was in a complete mess. Things simply did not add up.

However, her intuition told her that Davon was the real escort.Not only were the two of them similar in appearance, their eyes, the way they talked, and many little details in the way they behave were very much the same.

She knew that she had to figure out escort's true identity soon, or he would continue to mess around with her.However, getting back her precious ruby necklace was a more urgent matter.

"Or I'll have to sign that slave contract and never live to see the sun again!" Violla quickly cleaned up , got changed and got ready to set off for work.Her phone started ringing. It was Mrs. Blake. "Miss, I found the bracelet!"

"Really? Where?" Violla shouted over the phone.

"Well, about that. You'll see when you come back." Violla glanced at the clock. "Six thirty. I'll make it."

The moment she stepped into her home, Eliana came running into her arms. "Mommy… " She cried, pointing to the balcony. "Finny is the… the worst!"

Eliana looked so emotional that her face was completely red. Her big eyes were all serious as she pouted, and she seemed to be on the brink of tears.

"What happened with Finny?" Violla carried Eliana over to Finny's cage.

"Mommy, look!"Jason was standing on top of a wooden bench. Leaning forward a little, he was poking something in the cage with a stick.

Standing opposite him, Ryan was making a scary face at Finny. "Finny If you don't cooperate, we'll pluck out all your feathers!"

"What in the world is going on?" Violla exclaimed. As she took a closer look, she gasped.

The Smiths family's missing bracelet laid there, on top of a pile of bird poop in Finny's cage.Furthermore, Finny was using its wings to guard the bracelet.

When Jason tried to extract the bracelet using a stick, Finny would peck on his stick agitatedly.

"I found it this morning when I was trying to clean up Finny's cage… " Mrs. Blake said exasperatedly."The bracelet itself is also covered in bird poop. It's pretty hard to notice," she added with a forced smile.

"Urgh! I knew it! Why else would it have gone missing? I kept it safe that day in my pencil case," Eliana smirked with her hands on her hips.

"So it's you!" She pointed angrily at Finny.

"Dumb Finny! The last time, you ate a chip, now a bracelet? Stealing is a crime, you know?" Ryan joined in on the reprimand.

"Well, Finny seems to like shiny, sparkly things." Jason said, opening the cage to get the bracelet out.

Sensing danger, Finny began flapping its wings in protest. "Mine! Mine!" It screeched.

"It's not yours!" Eliana was seriously feeling angry at her pet. "Do you even know what you have done? You got us in so much trouble! And Mommy had to pay so much money!"

"Mine! Mine!" Unfortunately, Finny did not seem to understand the message. Instead, it began to protect the poop-covered bracelet even more aggressively than before.

"Finny, you can't do this! Give it back!"

"Finny, it's not yours! You can't take it!"

"Finny, I'll really be mad at you if you keep this up!" The three kids began chiding the little parrot with the worst accusations that they could think of.Standing by their side, Mrs. Blake was at a loss for what to do.

Meanwhile, Violla ran back to her room and called Leila. Now that she had found the bracelet, she wanted to contact the Smiths to get her ruby necklace back.

However, none of her calls went through.Violla then tried to call Amira, but to no avail.

When Violla tried calling Smith the call finally got through. "Violla… "

"Hi Uncle Smith, do you know where Aunt Amira and Leila are? I need to talk to them about something ." Violla asked anxiously.

"Oh, they actually left for West Nation this morning! Along with Titus." Smith replied.

"What?" Violla was absolutely stunned. "But… but it's not even seven yet, so maybe they are still on the way? Can you contact them for me? I'll… "

"They have already left," Smith cut her off. "Their flight was at seven-thirty in the morning. They called me ten minutes ago, telling me that they have already boarded the plane. They should be taking off soon."

"But… but I found the bracelet!" Violla said in distress. "Is the ruby necklace still at home? I'll bring you the bracelet. "

"Leila took the ruby necklace along with her," Smith added hastily. "Violla, I'll be going to the company soon, so I'll end the call here. Do bring the kids for a meal at my house when you have the time."

"Uncle Smith… " Before she could finish her sentence, Smith hung up the call on her.

Holding onto her phone, Violla clenched her teeth in rage. " I should have known better. It wouldn't be easy to get the ruby necklace back now that the Smith's have their hands on it.But I'll have to get it back, or I'll be signing that slave contract with Davon."

No matter how hard it was to deal with the Smiths, Davon still felt far scarier to her.After moments of hesitation, Violla dialed for Franklin Stanley.