With that thought in mind, Davon's eyebrows furrowed as his grip on his whiskey glass tightened.

After a brief hesitation, he finished his drink at one go. Putting on his bathrobe, he quickly headed out.

Next door, Violla was covering her mouth as she spoke softly, "Alright, once I'm done, I will come pick you up."

"Don't worry, I'm someplace safe and so is Finny. All of you must be good and listen to Mrs. Blake. Safety is of utmost importance."

"Ryan and Jason, you have to take of Eliana. I love you…"

Just before she could finish, the door suddenly swung open and a figure stormed in.

Violla was given such a fright that she swallowed the word "all" back. She quickly changed her words. "That's all for now. You should go home and rest. Bye."

"Who were you talking to?" Davon approached her slowly. His expression looked sullen under the dim light of the room.

"I…" Violla wanted to lie but she was too intimidated by his presence. Hence, she told the truth unwittingly, "Mrs. Blake!"

"Hmm?" Davon raised his eyebrow curiously.

"She is my maid who has been taking care of me since I was little…" Violla explained truthfully. "Since I received the Delivery from Hell today, I felt my home was no longer safe. So, I sent her back to her village. She just reached and called to inform me that she's safe."

Other than hiding the children's existence, everything she told him was true.

When Davon saw that she seemed to be telling the truth, he didn't question her any further. "Rest early. Good night."

"Good night," Violla replied.

Davon took his time leaving. When she didn't ask him to stay despite him already being at the door, he couldn't help but feel upset. Turning around, he asked her coldly, "Is there anything else you want to say?"

"Huh?" Stunned for a moment, Violla carefully asked, "Is there anything to eat? I haven't had dinner."

David was dumbfounded at the way Violla's brain functioned.

Half an hour later, a maid brought some supper and filled the table with it.

Violla couldn't help but gulp when she saw the food. She started off restrained but was quickly wolfing them down in no time.

Meanwhile, Davon watched her eat with his legs crossed on the couch. "No one is going to believe you when you claim your family used to be rich. You're eating as if you have never eaten your whole life."

"You have never gone hungry before, so how would you know how terrible hunger feels?" Violla rolled her eyes at him. "You have never had to suffer and don't know what it feels like."

"In that case, are you so poor that you can't afford basic food?" Davon was curious as to how her life was over the last few years. "Even if your dad went broke, the personal assets he left behind would still be enough to feed and clothe you for life."

"When my dad got into trouble, the only things I had left were my clothes and a piece of jewelry. Nothing else…"The moment Violla was reminded of what happened to her dad, her mood was dampened.

"I sold my jewelry for some money and survived for a few years. Two months ago, it finally ran out. Hence, I started desperately looking for a job. She explained.

"That can't be." Davon was doubtful. "Although your father's company was declared bankrupt, his personal assets were left untouched. His properties, investments, and cars would be worth at least hundreds of millions combined. How is it that you didn't get a penny and had to sell your jewelry for survival?"

Violla was stunned when she heard his words. She looked up and asked, "Is that true? Then why did Uncle Smith say that my dad's personal assets were also seized?"

"Who is Uncle Smith?" Davon asked.

"Smith Milan, Leila's father." The moment she spoke, her expression changed drastically. "Did they take my dad's assets?"

"Obviously." Davon gave her a sympathetic look. "Your father was someone exceptional and yet you didn't inherit any of his capabilities. How can you not know something as simple as that?"

"I'll get to the bottom of this." Violla clenched her fists. Having been cheated of the money aside, Violla suspected that there might have been a conspiracy against her dad.

"Good luck." Davon stood up to leave.

"Hey!" Violla called out to him, "Can't you help me with this?"

"Since you're not mine, why should I help you?" Davon coolly replied. "If you were, I would definitely resolve it for you, no matter what it takes."

"Jeez!" Violla rolled her eyes at him. "I'll just look for a lawyer myself."

"Up to you." Davon turned to leave. Without looking back, he remarked, "After all, at nine-thirty tomorrow, you will be mine anyway if you can't produce the necklace."

Only then did Violla remember the debt repayment agreement and the deadline was nine-thirty at night.

'What am I to do? The necklace has been taken by Leila . I definitely can't get it back.'

That night, Violla kept turning on her bed and couldn't sleep. One moment, she would think about the Delivery from Hell. Another moment, she thought about Davon and escort's identity. And then she thought about her father's matter.

She felt as if her brain was going to explode.

Shaking her head, she reminded herself to stop overthinking and to take things step-by-step.

Soon, it was daybreak and Violla could finally get some sleep. However, her phone suddenly rang and she answered it in a daze. It was Leila screaming from the other end of the line. "Violla, you b*tch! Franklin is going to divorce me just because of you!"

Violla hadn't slept for the whole night. Yet, the moment she closed her eyes, she heard a furious voice cursing and swearing away. For a while, she didn't realize what was going on.

"It was obviously your children who lost my bracelet. Since you had no money to pay for it, you gave me your necklace as collateral. And yet, you play the victim card in front of my husband? He has just called me and ordered me to send the necklace back. Or else, he is going to divorce me." Leila squealed.

"Let me explain." said Violla but before she could, she heard Amira's voice berating her in the background.

"Violla, that agreement was written in black and white. You signed it in front of the teachers and we didn't force you to do it. But now you went to Franklin and complained about us?"

"You b*tch! You really know how to act all innocent. Despite pretending to be the victim, you have the vilest heart of all. I'm warning you, don't try and seduce Franklin while Leila is away. You despicable vixen, Franklin will never be serious about you."

"Are you done yet?" Violla couldn't take it anymore and retorted, "We agreed to exchange the bracelet with the necklace within seven days. Instead, you left the country with it. It's obvious you are trying to delay the necklace's return."

"I will go wherever I want. How dare you restrict my personal freedom." Leila yelled.

"Then, you should stay there and not return," Violla interrupted her and provoked her on purpose. "Frank has asked me to meet him tonight. We will reminisce about the past happily together."

"You, how dare…" Leila snarled.

"Don't worry. Since you're not around, I will have a good time with him." With that, Violla ended the call.

'I have to show that despicable mother-daughter duo who's boss. Or else, they will keep climbing over my head.'

Just when she was thinking about it, her phone rang and it was Franklin

"Hello." Violla started.

"Violla, I've instructed Leila to return to the City immediately and return the necklace to you." Franklin coughed .

"Didn't you say they wanted to tour for ten days? What's with the sudden rush?" Violla asked .

"I was worried that Mr. Roman made things difficult for you and purposely explained it to him. He told me that you have a three-day deadline until tonight at nine."

Franklin sounded extremely nervous "Don't worry. Leila has booked the tickets for the return flight. She will arrive at the City airport at eight where I will be waiting for her. I will definitely return the necklace to you."

Violla had mixed emotions when she heard Franklin's words. Franklin was on extremely bad terms with Davon to the extent Davon hurt him. However, he still set aside his pride to plead with Davon on her behalf.

"Veeh, did you hear what I say?" Franklin's voice disrupted Violla's train of thought.

"I'm listening," Violla softly replied. "Frank, thank you!"

"You don't have to thank me, I owe you…" Franklin continued in a depressing tone, "Now, I strongly regret not protecting you by standing up against my family."

"Let bygones be bygones…" Violla said.

"Hey beautiful, it's time for breakfast!" Suddenly, a voice rang out and interrupted Violla.

At the other end of the line, Franklin was shocked and felt as if the signal had gone bad.

Covering her phone with her hands, Violla frowned at Davon, "Why do you never knock?"

"This is my home," Davon replied coldly and left.

Violla rolled her eyes and carefully asked Franklin, "Are you still there?"

"Are you both together?" Franklin asked, trying hard to suppress his emotions.

"No..." Violla didn't know how to explain.

Franklin took a deep breath and tried his best to maintain his composure. "Veeh, let's meet now at the Blue Pearl. I'll see you there."

"Frank…" Before Violla could say anything, Franklin ended the call.Violla didn't want to go but she was worried that he would just continue to wait there.

Holding that thought, she quickly bathed and got changed. With the bracelet in her hand, she headed out to see Franklin.

However, the moment she left the room and went downstairs, the maids bowed and greeted her politely.

Violla was shocked by the attention and quickly responded with a smile.

"Miss Milan, Mr.Roman is waiting for you at the garden," the maid informed politely. "I'll take you to him."

"No, no." Violla waved her hands. "Please let him know that I'm going out instead and not having breakfast."

"Alright, do you need the car? I'll arrange it for you." One maid offered.

"Thanks and sorry for the trouble." Violla appreciated.

As the villa was huge, Violla had to walk for a few minutes before she could get out.At the entrance, there was a Mercedes Maybach waiting for her. The driver opened the door for her as she approached.

"The Blue Pearl restaurant please." Violla rushed into the car and urged the driver, "Please hurry."

"Will do, Miss Milan." The driver started the engine and began to drive.

As Violla looked out the window, she could see the garden from afar. Davon was sitting under a parasol having breakfast and the maid seemed to be informing him of her plans. After that, he turned to look in her direction.

She was so frightened that she ducked, worried that he would order the car to stop.

However, he did no such thing and the car smoothly drove out of the villa.

Violla heaved a sigh of relief. 'Luckily, the Devil isn't that crazy to restrict my freedom.'

Violla rushed towards the Blue Pearl.

Franklin had booked the whole restaurant and was waiting for her by the window. His lonely silhouette looked especially forlorn.Taking a deep breath, Violla mentally prepared herself and walked in.

"You're here!" Franklin shifted his attention from the window towards her. His tone was incredibly gentle.

"Is your wound better?" Violla sat down and asked in concern.

"Much better." Franklin stated. Staring at the red mark on her neck, Franklin's grip on the coffee cup tensed up.

Violla didn't notice the change in him as she took out the bracelet from her bag. "Here, I'm returning it to you."

"Actually, the bracelet was meant for you." When Franklin saw the bracelet, he couldn't help but lament the past. "This is the Stanley family's heirloom,it is for their daughters-in-laws."

"Then you should give it to Leila because she is their daughter-in-law." Violla smiled faintly.

Franklin fell silent in response. After a brief moment, he asked in a solemn tone, "Violla, if Leila and I were to get divorced, would you give me another chance?"

"It's better if we stay friends." Violla nipped his idea in the bud.

"Why?" Franklin frowned. "Is it because of Mr. Roman?

"It has nothing to do with anyone else." Violla smiled wryly. "Sometimes, there's nothing we can do to change the past. We should look ahead instead."

Franklin clenched his fists in silence.

"Call me when you get the necklace." Violla stood up to leave. "I'm going now. You take care."

"Don't you ever wonder about why your father died?" Franklin exclaimed softly.

Violla stopped in her tracts and sat down. "Franklin, do you know something?"

"You should ask Davon when you get back." Franklin's voice was grim.

"What do you mean?" Violla inquired anxiously. "Are you saying that Davon has something to do with my dad's death?"

Franklin had a troubled look on his face. After a long silence, he changed topics. "Forget it, your life is peaceful now. I don't want you to get into trouble."

"Does he really have something to do with it?" Violla widened her eyes in shock. "Impossible. It can't be true."

"Do you trust him that much?" Franklin furrowed his eyebrows.

"You're not telling me everything." Violla grew desperate. "What do you know? Spit it out."

After some hesitation, Franklin replied softly, "It was Romans Group's hostile takeover that caused the Milan's Corporation to go bankrupt in three days. And your father couldn't accept it."

"What?" Violla felt as if her mind was blown by the news.

She remembered the first day she went for an interview at Romans Corporation. She met a wailing man who doused himself with Petrol and wanted to die together with Davon.

At that time, the wailing man said that he had offended Davon,who caused him to go bankrupt.

When she saw him then, he reminded her of her father. 'Come to think of it now, did Dad and the wailing man meet the same fate?'

"I didn't want to tell you at first because there's nothing you can do to change the past. In fact, if you knew the truth, it might put you in danger. However, when I saw how close you are getting to Davon, I felt the need to remind you." Franklin said.

"I have to get to the bottom of this." Violla clenched her fists and declared emotionally, "If someone was responsible for my father's death, I will definitely avenge him."

"Revenge?" Franklin grabbed onto Violla's hand by impulse. "Veeh, the Roman family is a lot more powerful than you can imagine. You shouldn't think about revenge. All you should do is stay away from Davon."

"I know what I'm doing." Violla retracted her hand and raised her gaze at Franklin, "Frank, let me ask you this, does Smith and Amira have anything to do with my dad's death?"

Franklin was dumbfounded. "Why do you ask?"

"I found out that although my dad's company got into trouble, his personal assets were not seized. However, one of my uncle's and the other shareholders told me that everything my dad had was taken while Smith and his wife avoided seeing me."

Violla looked at Franklin intently, "Do you know about this?"

"Not really." Franklin responded calmly. "I don't know much about the Smiths."

"In that case, can you tell me why you married Leila then?" Violla felt that all these were part of the mother-daughter duo's plans.

"I…" Franklin hesitated and lowered his head. "After I saw the news about what happened to you at Empire Night, I was devastated and had too much to drink. Then, I made a mistake…"

After a brief pause, he let out a sigh. "I wanted to compensate her financially. But, a month later, Leila was pregnant and both mother and daughter came to see my parents. At that time, your family was the talk of the town. Even my family was badly affected. Hence, my parents were extremely angry and wanted me to get married to stop the rumors. Therefore, I did…"

They both felt silent.