Violla was speechless. The culprit was in a call with her, yet not only could she not question her about the matter, but she was even interrogated by her instead.

Gritting her teeth, she cursed at how useless she was under her breath.

"All right. I'm going to visit Martin in the hospital now. Take care. Goodbye." Right after she bid her farewell politely, Barbra ended the call.

Violla's hand on the phone shook even more vigorously now. 'How well Barbra has hidden her nature. I can't believe I didn't spot it before this. Is Martin's illness a coincidence or was it planned?It'll be terrifying if Barbra has done something to Martin just to set me up.'

However, there was one thing Violla was sure of.

Barbra's family depended on Martin, and that was Violla's only guarantee that Barbra would not truly harm Martin.

'Maybe his fever is because of a mild allergic reaction, and that's why they sent him to the hospital.Then, she'll have the chance to take her phone to Martin . He had always been naive, so it was normal for him not to think too much about anything. As long as he's safe.'

However, now that Martin was not available, Violla could not think of anyone else to help her.Her heart felt as if it was going to escape her chest.

All of the sudden, her phone rang, a loud, piercing sound.

Violla shuddered the shock before she lowered her heart. It was a call from Leila. Quickly picking it up, she said, "Hello?"

"Violla, did you see the news?" Leila's wicked voice traveled into her ears. She smugly continued, "Now you know what the consequences are for crossing me."

"You lunatic! Why did you have to do this?" Violla roared. "Didn't we agree on two days? The time has yet to be up, so why did you upload those information on the internet?"

"Why? Hahaha!" Leila barked out a sinister laugh. "I can't believe you're shamelessly asking me why. The video of you having sex with my husband is all over the internet, and everyone's mocking me. He's even forcing me to get a divorce, but you're asking me why?"

"That isn't what happened. That's not me in the video…"

"Enough!" Leila cut off Violla's words. Gritting her teeth, she cursed, "I'm sick of your pretentious ways. You pretend like you're all noble and better than everyone else, fooling a bunch of men to do everything for you, but you're slyer than everyone else."

"Leila, listen to me. The woman last night really wasn't me. I was with Martin last night." Violla coughed out.

"Stop it. I don't want to hear any more lies from you." Leila could not bear to listen any further. "You promised me you'll do as I say, but you seduced my husband to sleep with you in the next second. You shameless b*tch! I wish I could kill you now!"

"Did you call me to curse at me?" Violla took in a deep breath to calm herself down. "You should be calling to negotiate terms and conditions with me, right?"

"You!" Leila squealed.

"Leila, let me talk to her." Amira then took the phone from Leila's hands. "Violla, I'm telling you this now. The reason we haven't exposed those three bastards of yours is that we're giving you a chance."

"I know. Tell me. What do you want me to do?" Violla knew well that even though her reputation was ruined, the children were yet to be revealed to the public. As long as the Smiths' mother-daughter duo stopped in time and bribed the media to remove the news, the children would not be affected.

She could not care less what happened to her, but she could not let her children be harmed in this.

"Marry that man from East Nation right away and tell everyone about it. Then, migrate to East Nation with those three bastards of yours."

At that, Amira added, "Don't worry. We'll give you an adequate sum of money, and we'll even give you a house in the City. You and your children will live a fantastic life in East Nation."

'Aunt Amira certainly has more wits than Leila .' A bitter smile grew on Violla's lips.

Four years ago, the mother-daughter duo had made her lose everything, but she never thought of taking her revenge. Yet, they had set her up once again.

At the end of the day, everything was because she was too kind and weak. That was why she was always harassed.

However, what was the use for her to think about that now?

She had to protect her children, so she would sacrifice and do anything for them.

"You should have seen the news, right?" Amira continued threatening. "Tens of millions of comments, all cursing at you for being a shameless mistress. There are countless reporters and netizens trying to dig up your unsightly past now. We're both mothers, so I understand you well. You care nothing about what happens to you, but your kids are still so young. Do you have the heart to watch the rest of the world curse at them for being bastards?"

"That's enough!" Violla snarled.

Amira's words were daggers that stabbed into Violla's heart. As she shrieked for the other woman to stop, tears escaped her eyes. She felt she was the most useless person in the world.

She was defenseless as she stepped into the trap of crafty people.She could not do anything in the face of evil.

She was a fish on the board, waiting to be gutted.

"You're running out of time. For every minute that ticks by, the news will spread even faster, and the more they'll find out about your terrible past," Amira sneered as she reminded Violla.

"If you don't believe in me, you can check the internet yourself. Someone has already found out your identity, including who your father is. Your father was a good and perfect man. I'm sure he won't be able to rest in peace if someone were to slander him even after he's gone. As his daughter, you were having fun with an escort in Empire Night when he was in his toughest times. You didn't even get to see him in his last moments. Now that you're the cause for his reputation to suffer in death, I pity him for having you as his daughter. " Amira said.

"That's enough." Violla could not bear listening to her anymore. In a trembling voice, she mumbled, "I'll say yes to anything you say."

She then cleared her notifications.By now, even her apps were sending tons of notifications of news on the scandal; the media had found out more about her identity, and even her father's.

Now, they were cursing at her father alongside her.

Every single word and comments they made were knives that stabbed her heart, leaving it tattered.

Amira was right. Her father was a good man when he was alive, and no one had a bad impression of him.

When he passed away back then, she was not by his side. If she were to disrupt his peace even after he had passed on, she would be the worst daughter in the world.

"That's right," Amira crowed. "The smart one is the one who knows how to adapt to the situation."

"Mom, stop wasting your breath on her." Leila grabbed the phone back as she ordered, "I'm going to send someone along with Kevin to pick you up. Come with your identity card. The two of you are going to the Civil Affairs Bureau right away."

"I understand." There was nothing else for Violla to do but to listen to them.

"Don't you dare mess with me," Amira warned. "I know your three bastards are with Mrs. Blake at her hometown . If you dare to pull any tricks on me, I'll cease being courteous with you."

Her words sent a chill down her spine. She knew Amira was capable of doing anything, but she had no idea it was that bad.

She actually found Mrs. Blake's address in her hometown.

'If I don't heed her words, I'm afraid my kids will really be in danger.'

"Pack your documents and wait downstairs in fifteen minutes," Amira commanded.

"Y-You know my new address?" Violla stuttered.

"If found Mrs. Blake's address in her hometown. What makes you think I won't be able to find your new address?" Amira scoffed. "My daughter's naive, so she can't win against you, but that's not the case for me."

"Yes, Aunt Amira, you're truly amazing." Violla was sarcastic.

"Thank you. Do as I say now." Amira barked.

After ending the call, Violla swore to herself that she had to grow stronger. That way, she would be able to be the one in control in the future.

After washing up, Violla packed her documents into her bag and went downstairs with her phone.

'Regardless, I have to settle this before I can think of doing anything else. I'll have to find a way to get away from that man from East Nation and take the kids to live in another nation.'

Meanwhile, the Smiths' car had already arrived, and Amira had personally come to pick Violla up with her bodyguards.

The man from East Nation was trembling as he sat in the backseat; it was as if he was a frightened chick who dared not even make a noise.

When the bodyguards saw Violla, they immediately pushed her into the car before they sped off.

When Violla finally raised her head, she froze when she saw Smith.

Unlike his usual gentle demeanor, Smith's brows were furrowed as he reprimanded, "Violla, I always thought of you as a good kid. I can't believe you did something as shameless as this. Although Franklin was in a relationship with you in the past, he's now Leila's husband and Titus' dad. How can you...."

"What your daughter did was even more shameless. Have you ever scolded her for that?" Violla retorted.

"You....." Smith started.

"Shut up!" Amira yelled as she slapped Violla. Jabbing a finger in her face, she seethed, "If not for your father, I'd have killed you!"

"Haha!" A laugh escaped Violla. "You make it sound as if you actually thought of my father like your brother. Were you not the ones who set my father up back then?"

"What rubbish are you talking about?" Smith bellowed. "Gerald has done so much for me. How can I possibly set him up?"

Staring at him, Violla realized that his agitation seemed genuine.

"Just ignore her." On the other hand, Amira was averting her eyes away from Violla. However, her tone remained indignant. "She's just a shameless b*tch. Since her plans to seduce Franklin have failed, she's now trying to ruin our reputation."

"The one who killed your father was...." Smith started.

Amira interrupted when Smith started to speak, "Shut it. Why are you wasting your breath on her?"

She then shot him a look, and he quickly fell silent as he hung his head.

"Stop spouting nonsense." Amira dragged Violla closer and warned, "I'd advise you to do as I say. If you do that, I'll spare you. If not, you're dead meat."

Violla was silent, but hundreds of thoughts were rushing past her mind.

From how they were behaving, it seemed like they had little to do with her father's death. At most, they must have gotten some money after his death.

However, Violla was sure that they knew who her father's murderer was.In fact, the murderer was someone mighty.

It had to be, or else a witty woman like Amira would not fear to cross them.

However, this was not the right time to think about this; she had to solve the current problem first.

Soon, they reached the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Amira had put on a pair of sunglasses and scarf, fearing someone would recognize her, before she left the car with two bodyguards, Kevin, and Violla

On the other hand, Smith and the driver remained in the car.

Amira was a woman who was meticulous with her plans,she had already gotten someone to queue for her.

Hence, the moment they reached, they could head straight for the registration.

As they walked over, Amira had one hand holding onto her scarf around her head as she clamped her other hand on Violla's shoulder, afraid that the she would try to escape.

When they reached, the two bodyguards held Kevin down on the chair, and he did not even dare to squeak at the rough actions.

"You are…" the staff trailed off, finding their behavior odd.

"We're a family." Amira flashed the staff a smile. "I'm her mother, and I'm here with my daughter and son-in-law for their registration. These two men are her brothers."

In her heart, Violla cursed, 'If I have a mother like you, I'd rather die and reincarnate.'

"Please hand me your documents," the staff member said without asking more questions.

Violla and Kevin then took out their documents.

When the staff member took them, she raised her brows to look at Violla meaningfully. "Oh my, the lead of the news headlines."

Violla's brows knitted together. 'Has someone revealed my identity online?'

'Hold on. What if I marry Kevin, but Amira goes back on her words? What if she refuses to get rid of the headlines and news? Now that things have turned out this way, it would cost a fortune to get rid of all the news.Do the Smith's even have that much money?'

"Violla, are you marrying Mr. Kevin out of your own free will?" the staff member asked.

"Nonsense. Of course she's here willingly," Amira huffed. "How can someone force another to marry?"

"I'm asking her, not you." said the staff, who was a woman in her fifties. She was wearing a pair of thick spectacles, and she was the type who was very serious in her work.

For a moment, Amira was rendered speechless by the woman.

"I'm asking you," the staff repeated as she turned to Violla.

"Please give me five minutes," Violla answered as she took back her documents, towed Amira and walked outside.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to go back on your words at a time like this?" Amira growled.

"Even the Civil Affairs Bureau's staff member can recognize me. That means the news is still spreading, and you obviously have no plans to get rid of the news," Violla pointed out.

"Leila is contacting the media companies. We've already spent thirty million to get rid of the news. Don't you know that time is needed before things take effect? It's not as if you can get rid of it right away." Amira explained.

"Thirty million to remove the news?" Violla was quick to notice something wrong with her words. "Amira, do you take me for a fool?"

"I told you we've spent thirty million. We're still paying more," Amira nervously explained. "We can't possibly dump all our money at once. There are so many media companies, and we have to contact them one by one."

"I don't care. You have to remove the news before I marry him." Violla was not going to step right into the trap now that she saw through it. "There'll be no way for me to change things once I marry him, so you've got to show me how efficient you are, right?"

"Fine. Drag it on then," Amira sneered. "The longer you take, the more secrets of yours will be exposed to the public. Eventually, the whole world will know about your three bastards, and there'll be no point in you trying to remove the news."

"You!" At that, Violla was at a loss for words. Amira was right. News on the internet spread much quicker than viruses could.

Even a minute could change someone's life, not to mention an hour or a day.

Right then, Amira sighed, changing to a softer approach. "Both of us want to settle this as quickly as possible. After all, it won't look good for either of us if this continues. If your issue with Franklin wasn't on the news last night, I wouldn't have revealed your matter with Kevin. After all, having the trump card in my hands is much better than using it now. You only have yourself to blame for how rash you acted; you thought we would be scared of you after you told everyone that you slept with Franklin. Did you know that he still listens to his parents? Do you really think he will defend you at a time like this? You won't even see any sign of him around now that you're in hot water."

"Let me tell you this one last time. I'm not the woman in the video, and I'm not the one who leaked the video." By now, Violla was sick of repeating herself. "All of you keep coming after me, but you're all targeting the wrong person!"

"How can that be?" Amira scoffed in disbelief. "If not for you, who can it be?"

"It's…" Violla trailed off, realizing that Amira would not believe her even if she did tell her who it was. In fact, Amira would not even let her go.

It was already tough for her to go up against the mother and daughter duo. If she were to cross Barbra as well, hell would be waiting for her.

"You can't come up with anyone, can you?" Amira snarled. "I can't believe you're still trying to fool me now. Believe it or not, I'll tell Leila to expose those three bastards right now."

With that said, she moved her hand into her bag, about to take out her phone.