D'barl returned to the ward with a few bodyguards in tow bearing various gifts. They placed them all down upon the bed and covered every inch of space on top.

"Grandpa Roman." Eliana ran up to him and threw herself into his arms. "We're so glad that you're back, Grandpa. Hurry and help us find our Mommy."

"I still can't reach Mommy, Grandpa Roman. We may need your help." Ryan approached him and bowed. "Please help us!"

"Don't worry, children. Your parents have already gotten in touch with my grandson through the police," the elderly gentleman said as he held Ryan and Eliana affectionately. "We'll get all of you home very soon."

"Really? That's great!" Eliana clapped her hands and jumped for joy.

"Can I go home too, Grandpa Roman?" Jason asked. "I don't want to stay in the hospital. I want to be with Mommy and Mrs. Blake."

"I've checked in with the doctor and you are good for discharge. You need only return here in a month for a check-up," The old man said kindly. "All of you rest assured that I'll drop in for a visit often in the future."

"Yay!" Jason was so excited that he started chatting up the pretty nurse next to him. "Don't miss me too much when I'm gone, ladies."

"Haha, I think we will for sure," the nurses replied, quite amused.

"You are always welcomed at our home, Grandpa Roman .Mrs. Blake's cooking is yummy." Eliana's brows raised in enthusiasm as she gesticulated. "The buns she makes are this huge. There's also the vegetable beef soup."

"Wow, my mouth's already watering just listening to you describe them." D'barl laughed. "I think I'll definitely need to go give it a try!"

"Yes, you must come, okay. Pinky promise!" Eliana stuck out a plump little finger.

The old man and the little girl interlocked their little fingers and then sealed it with their thumbs before they both broke into laughter.

Ryan watched by the side in silence. He felt something was off. 'Parents? We don't have a father.Could Grandpa have been duped?'

"Mr. Roman, the car's ready," Douglas said.

"Alright." The old man nodded before he said to the three children, "I have to go now. My grandson will send all of you home later. Give me a call when you see your Daddy and Mommy."

With that, he went on to put on the smart watches on the children's wrists himself. "This is what Grandpa got all of you. They have my number in them. Call me whenever you miss me, alright?"

"Understood!" Jason and Eliana replied at once. "Thank you, Grandpa."

"Why are you so quiet, Ryan?" The elderly man patted the older boy's head when he noticed that he seemed to be lost in thought. "Are you missing me already?"

"Does this smartwatch have GPS, Grandpa?" Ryan asked as he raised the watch in his right hand. "Will it send you a message if we are in danger?"

"Does it have this function?" the old man asked Douglas .

"The smartwatch has a built-in GPS, but it isn't that comprehensive," Douglas replied as he shook his head. "Shall we ask Mr. Young Roman to have that feature installed? As Romans Corporation deals in technologies, it shouldn't be that difficult for them to do."

"Romans Corporation?" Ryan's face turned ashen-faced when he heard the name. "Is your grandson's company called…"

"Romans Corporation!" A cold voice rang out and interjected. It was accompanied by the entrance of a slender silhouette and Davon's overbearing presence.

Ryan lifted his gaze to stare right into a pair of domineering eyes. The man curled his lips into an unfriendly smile. "Have you heard of that name, little man?"

The strapping Davon towered over the diminutive Ryan like a massive beast. As they regarded each other, their difference in physical stature culminated in striking contrast.

"It's you?" Ryan's fist tightened against itself as he met Davon's eyes head-on.

"Ah!" Eliana suddenly let out a scream in terror and ducked behind D'barl. She shivered as she held on to his shirt.

"Don't be afraid!" The old man quickly shielded Eliana behind him and coaxed gently, "This is my grandson, Eliana. He's not a bad guy."

He then poked his finger at Davon and snapped at him, "Look what you've done. You've frightened them."

"He's your grandson?" Ryan was shocked.

"He…" The little girl sputtered as she struggled to enunciate her words, and could only hide behind D'barl as she trembled uncontrollably.

"Why? Are you not able to see the resemblance?" The corner of Davon's lips lifted into an exaggerated smile. "You don't have to be afraid of me. Not only will I not hurt you, but I'll also send you home."

"That won't be necessary." Ryan furrowed his brows as he glared at the man.

"What's wrong, Ryan?" D'barl went over to the boy when he sensed something was off. "If you don't want him to send you, then I'll do it instead."

He then turned to Davon reproachfully. "Now, you've scared them. Enough of this. I have to send them back myself."

"But I haven't done anything at all," Davon said with a shrug. "Perhaps I look a little intimidating?"

"Stop it. Get out!" The old man gave Davon a slight shove in annoyance.

"I'm the one who's your own grandson, Grandpa!" Davon was rendered speechless at the old man who had shown favor to someone else's offspring instead.

"Didn't you hear me? Get out," The elderly man said as he raised his crutch over his own head.

"Ryan, Jason, Elaina." Gentle voices accompanied the arrival of the principal ,class teacher, and a teacher from the Kindergarten.

"We are so glad to finally see you. You three have really had us worried."

"Yeah. We've even called the police."

"Madam principal, teacher!" Eliana rushed into her class teacher's arms, nearly bowling the frail lady over. "Boy, am I ever so glad to see you!"

"We've been looking all over for you," The class teacher said as she held the little girl close.

"What brings you here?" When Ryan saw the teachers and the police behind them, his knitted brows seemed to untangle just a little as he felt a lot safer in their presence.

"Miss…" Jason reacted to the teachers as though he had seen family, and tried to get out from the bed.

"No, don't move." Immaculate went forward to pacify the boy. "Don't be afraid now. We're here to take you home."

"What do you think about that?" Davon shrugged at his grandfather. "Now, you may return home with peace of mind. Just leave the rest to me!"

"That's better." The old man gave him a look before he reminded him sternly, "You have to get them back to their parents safely. And you are not to frighten them again."

"That's the mug I was born with. Not much I can do about that," Davon replied.

"Can't you at least learn to smile? Act friendlier, huh?" the old man said. "Always wearing a frown with that poker face of yours. Anyone would be afraid of you!"

"Why should I smile at him? He's not my son," Davon replied.

"You'll be the death of me, you rascal!" The old man said as he spanked the man on the rear with his crutch, "You are as stupid as your father Dante if you can't see what's right Infront of you!"

"I don't even want to know what you are talking about." Davon told D'barl brushing him off.

The children felt safer around those familiar faces from school.

D'barl bade them goodbye before he left. He reminded them to call him whenever they were met with difficulty or danger so that he could protect them.

The three children were deeply moved and held him tightly in gratitude before they saw him off.

The hospital's staff had the kids placed in an ambulance. With a pediatrician alongside a team of three paramedics attached, the kids were sent back together with the teachers.

This arrangement had many of the children staying in other wards quite envious.

With the police car clearing the path in the lead, the ambulance in the middle, followed by Davon's car propping up the rear, the convoy drove towards Uplands Estate in concert.

Meanwhile, Violla had found her phone at home. She wanted to charge it as the battery was flat.

"Bring along your charger and do it in the car. It's not safe here," Martin said as he got her a coat.

"Okay," she replied as she followed him out in a hurry.

The two of them got into the ride and made straight for the Garden Villa.

En route, the familiarity of the streets made her feel overwhelmed. She wanted very much to be reunited with her children as soon as possible, and never be apart from them again.

"Violla." Martin said as he held her hand. "We'll explain everything to old Mr. Roman later. I'm sure he can make Davon give up the children."

"I hope so." Violla breathed in deeply as she turned her attention to switching on the phone.

She failed to notice then that the convoy which ferried the children sped past along the road on the opposite side of the forested area towards home.

The phone records showed several missed calls from an unknown number. There was also a message. " Ryan called several times, but I missed them all."

"When was it?" Martin asked.

"It's all my fault." Violla was filled with self-reproach. "Why didn't I notice them? Ryan must be so worried when he couldn't reach me."

"Let's not talk about that right now. Call him back, and quickly," Martin said.

"Alright." Violla then dialed the nurse's number.


"Hi, I'm Violla , Ryan's mother. May I know if you're from Amelia's Hospital? Are my three children there with you?"

"Yes, Ma'am. We are. The children have been with us the past two days, but they have left about half an hour ago."

"They were taken? By whom?" Violla asked.

"Young Mr Roman," the nurse replied casually. "Weren't they already in contact with you? Aren't you aware?"

Violla was shaken to the bone when she heard that Davon had taken them. And it happened just half an hour before.

"Hello, Ma'am? Are you still there?"

Violla was trembling so badly that she could not hear the nurse hailing her. She hung up outright before she called Davon directly.

"Please, Violla." Martin wanted to end the call but it had already gotten through.

"Look who's calling." Davon said coldly.

"Davon, you are insane!" Violla screamed into the phone. "Why did you take my children? Why?"

On the other end, her heightened pitch nearly hurt his eardrums. His phone was then switched to hands-free. "Keep hollering if you never want to see your kids again!"

Then he hung up.

"You…" Before Violla could speak, she heard the dead tone repeated itself. She was losing her mind as the phone trembled in her hand.

"Violla, calm down," coaxed Martin ."The children are in his hands. Have you thought about the consequences of acting so rashly?"

"What should we do, then? What the heck should we do?" Violla's shoulders trembled as she sobbed. "I can't do anything about him. He's a nutcase!"

"Take a deep breath and calm down." Martin consoled as he grabbed her shoulders reassuringly. "Call him and ask him what he wants. As long as he doesn't harm the children, we are open for negotiation."

Like what he told her to, Violla took a deep breath and called Davon.

However, the ringing tone ensued for a long time without anyone picking up.

Violla's heart raced as she waited .

After a long while, the call finally got through. However, Davon stayed silent.

"I'm begging you. Please release my child." Violla's voice quivered as she choked up. For the sake of her children, she had already tossed all pride away to beg him.

"That's the right attitude," Davon smirked.

"What do you want?" demanded Violla through her sobs. "As long as you release my children, I'll agree to any requests."

"Very good." Davon smiled in satisfaction. "Martin's beside you, right? Turn your phone to speaker mode."

She obediently did as instructed.

"Tell him that he must stop being so nosy in the future," commanded Davon. "Also, he mustn't intervene or interfere between you and me anymore."

Violla raised her head and gazed at Martin, tears brimming in her eyes. "Did you hear that, Martin? I'm begging you, stop poking your nose into my business in the future."

"Violla." He was so furious that he gritted his teeth. However, for the children's safety, he had no choice but to nod. "Understood."

"Now, swear on your children's life…" Davon instructed yet again, "You'll obey the rules of our debt repayment contract. Also, you're not allowed to defy, betray or resist me!"

"Davon, you're crossing the line!" Martin yelled furiously, seething with anger. "Karma will get you soon!"

"Tsk…" He mocked coldly, "You agreed to stop nosing in others' business, but you're going against your word within barely a minute, huh? Looks like you don't care about the children's safety at all."

As he spoke, he shot Cruze a look, signaling him to play the recording he had secretly taken at the hospital. Eliana's wails rang out. "Mommy, Mommy! I want my Mommy."

"Eliana!" Violla was in so much anguish that it felt like her heart was shattering into pieces. She yelled agitatedly, "I promise you, I promise you! I promise you anything!"

As she spoke, she raised her hand to swear.

"I swear that I'll obey the conditions stated in the debt repayment contract and never defy, betray or resist Davon. If I go against my word, I'll be struck by lightning and suffer a horrible death!"

"I want you to swear on your children's life," emphasized Davon.

"I'm begging you, Davon. Please… I…" Violla was so agitated that she could hardly breathe, with the world around her spinning so fast that she almost fainted.


"Fine!" In a "magnanimous" display, he finally relented. "Go back and wait for my updates."

With that, he ended the call.

"Davon…" shrieked Violla agitatedly, but the only response she got was the busy tone of the phone.

Gripping the phone tightly, she broke down into tears.

"Don't be agitated, Violla. Your children will be fine," Martin quickly consoled her. "I'll help you. I'll look for old Mr. Roman now."

"It's useless." Violla quickly tugged him back and shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "The more I resist, the more danger the children will be in. Davon's a devil. We can't defeat him."

She finally understood that the only way to protect her family was to obey him.

From the start, she should not have resisted or doubted him, nor should she have escaped from the hospital and get involved with Martin.

If she remained obedient, at least Mrs. Blake and her children would be safe.

She had finally arrived at the grim conclusion that she couldn't escape from Davon's grasp. All she could do was accept her fate.