"Where's Davon?" Suddenly, Laura's voice came from the outside.

"Umm, Mr. Young Roman is handling some important documents right now." Cruze intercepted her. "He should be done soon. He'll meet you at the conference room."

"He didn't even have lunch." Laura presented a sandwich in her hand and smiled. "I made this myself in the restaurant's kitchen. I wanted him to try it."

"How thoughtful of you, miss Laura." Cruze smiled awkwardly. "You can hand it to me, and I'll pass it to him in a bit. You should get some rest."

"Can't I go in?" Right then, Laura's smile slowly subsided as she stared at the door. It felt as though she could see through it and saw what was happening inside.

"Is Violla inside?" When Laura asked that, she still had a smile on her face, but her eyes were oddly cold.

"Umm…" Cruze was panicking deep down as he clearly did not know how to hold a lie.

"It's okay. Men will always have to put on a show. Am I right? I understand." Laura grinned and gave the sandwich to Cruze. "Remember to tell him I made that myself."

"Okay. I got it." Cruze nodded.

"I'll head over to the conference room first. He can take his time." Laura smiled, gracefully turning around and left.

Cruze let out his breath and wiped the sweat off his forehead. 'This woman is too good!'

After a long while, Davon finally stopped his rampage and turned around to tidy up his outfit.

Violla got dressed and was about to leave.

"You plan on going out like that?" Davon called out with an icy tone. "Go freshen up in the bathroom."

Hearing that, Violla gave him a death stare before walking into the washroom.

She drenched her body in warm water while noticing all the red markings on her pale skin. Those were an indication of how much force Davon had used .

Violla looked into the mirror. Her reflection seemed like a stranger to her. At that moment, she was fed up with it and did not want any more of what was going on.

Davon would always go on a rampage without warning, having his way with her ruthlessly while showing no respect whatsoever. He could not care less about her feelings.Violla felt like she was just a tool.

'But what can I do? There was no way I can escape from him.Maybe it'll all be done once he gets married.'

She let out a deep sigh and tidied up herself before walking out.

Outside, Davon sat quietly on the sofa with a glass of wine.On the coffee table, there was a med kit.

"Treat yourself." Davon knew Violla was out of the washroom without even looking.

Violla went and sat on the sofa, applying disinfectant to her hand. Her expression twisted in pain.

Davon stared at her hand and spoke all of a sudden, "My father and grandfather looked very similar."

Without uttering a single word, Violla looked at him with a cold stare and continued treating her wound.

Her mind, however, worried about how Davon had not treated his wound.

"I look like them too. My aunt, my uncles ,Drew, we all look alike. One glimpse, and you could tell we're from the Roman family."

Davon took a sip from his glass and continued, "We have really dominant genes. As long as one's an offspring of the Roman family, they'll all look very similar!"

His words got Violla thinking. Right then, she suddenly realized what he was going towards. He's talking about Eliana! Eliana doesn't look like him!

This was the reason why Violla could deceive him – the reason Davon never bothered investigating their background.

All along, he had already determined that Eliana was not his child.After all, Eliana should look like him if she was.

Truth be told, Eliana looked more like Violla. Violla figured that her genes might be even more dominant since her father once told her that she looked exactly like her mother.

'Maybe my mom's genes are amazing too.'

"I've had suspicions about those three kids being mine. But when I saw them, I gave up on that idea." Davon sneered at himself. "Grandpa did say they looked like me. I even once thought that there might be something wrong with the genetic inheritance."

"What are you trying to say?" Violla felt tense.

"Let me ask you one last time." Davon gave Violla a profound look. "Are they my children?"

"You've already asked this so many times." Violla knitted her eyebrows.

"Answer the question," Davon demanded.

"No, they're not." Violla looked away deliberately. She would never allow him to take the kids away from her. After all, she could not let the children live with a temperamental monster like him.

"Good." This time, Davon took it very calmly, snickering as he nodded. Then, he finished the remainder of his drink and told Violla, "You can get out now."

With that, Violla immediately stood up and left without the slightest hesitation.

After the door closed behind Violla, Davon raised his head and looked at the door. His lips curled as he sneered.He was actually glad.

Outside the office, there was nobody there besides Elizabeth at the reception.

The press conference would be starting in about another half an hour, so there was a high chance that the others all headed over to help out.

Meanwhile, Violla did not have any appetite, so she opted for a glass of warm milk. However, while she was at the pantry, she accidentally scalded her injured palm on the hot mug. Hence, she retracted her hand subconsciously.The mug fell to the ground and shattered.

Looking at those bits and pieces of porcelain made Violla feel even more terrible than she already was.

"Are you okay?" She heard a soft and gentle voice and looked up to find Elizabeth, an entry-level Administrative Assistant just like her.

"I grabbed a bun just now as an afternoon snack after lunch. But then I remembered that I was on a diet, so I can't eat it anymore. It's a waste, though. Do you want it?" Elizabeth said as she handed Violla a bun.

"Thank you." Violla smiled and accepted it from her.

"You can warm up another cup of milk. There are new mugs in the cabinet." Elizabeth pointed towards the cabinet under the microwave. Then, she turned to leave cheerfully. Violla smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

"I'll head back to work now," Elizabeth said before hurrying back to the reception.

After she left, Violla took a deep breath and heated another cup of milk for herself. She then sat in the pantry and ate the bun Elizabeth gave her while drinking the milk.

All of a sudden, a bunch of bodyguards appeared outside, followed by Clyde, who was barking out orders. "In ten minutes, shut down the elevator. No one is allowed in or out of the president's office."

"You," he continued. "inform all the secretaries who are still here to head down to level 66 and help out. I don't need anyone on this floor besides the bodyguards."

"Oh okay, I think there's only one left. Let me go get her." Elizabeth hurried over to the pantry. " Violla, come with me! The bodyguards are shutting down the elevator soon."

"Okay." Violla put down her food and wiped her mouth before she left with Elizabeth.

When they passed by the reception, Clyde gave Violla a very slight nod. "The press conference today is important. The security team is going through all the necessary safety procedures, so don't go running around when you guys are on level 66," he reminded.

"Yes, sir!" Elizabeth lowered her head as she was scared to even look at him.

"Thank you!" Violla dragged Elizabeth to the elevator immediately after.

Soon, both the ladies were on level 66. The press conference had already started, and people of their status would never be able to find their way inside. The only thing Violla and Elizabeth could do was provide assistance outside the conference room.

Having said that, the noise inside was clearly audible. People were cheering and applauding, so it was most probably because Davon just appeared.violla tip-toed and stretched her neck out to take a look.

Below the stage, the crowd was excited. All the spotlight was on Davon as the photographers took pictures nonstop and recorded the event. The reporters were vying to ask their questions.

Davon was sitting on the stage, waving at them with a slight grin on his face.

On the other hand, Laura, who was beside him, was more than enthusiastic. Her smile was dazzling as she greeted the media. She could even name quite a few of the reporters, which surprised a lot of people, and it left a good first impression.

No matter how they looked at it, Davon and Laura were the perfect pair.

"Hey, you guys! Don't just stand there." Molly suddenly appeared and hurried over to Violla, Elizabeth, as well as a few other secretaries. "Come inside and help out!"

"Miss Molly, the problem is that we can't get in."

"Follow me," Molly said before guiding them as they squeezed through the crowd. After they got in, Molly gave them some instructions. "We have gifts and souvenirs for everyone. One for each person. I want you guys to sort it out. When the conference is almost over, I'll take you guys with me to distribute them. Got it?"

"Got it!"

The seven secretaries were brought into a small room within the conference room to work. The room they were in was near the stage, so they could see Davon and Laura sitting on it. They could also see their bodyguards and assistants behind them.

While Violla was going about her work, she raised her head to look at Davon.

He was in a white suit with his hair properly styled. Even though he rarely spoke, Davon was certainly still the center of attention.

"Mr. Young Roman is so perfect! His standards for women are probably sky-high. I doubt ordinary people like us would ever catch his eyes,"Elizabeth lamented. "Only someone like Miss Laura would be a good match for him."

"You're right." Violla looked away and quietly continued with the work on hand.

"Hey. It looks like someone else is coming in!" One of the secretaries exclaimed. "There seems to be a commotion outside the conference room."

"Who is it?" The others were curious, stretching their necks to try and see.

"It looks like… It's Miss Laura's father!" One of the secretaries recognized him. "Miss Laura just went up to welcome him and called him daddy!".

"Miss Laura's father is the chairman of Tariques Group! I can't believe he's here! Wow, this press conference really is more important than we could imagine!" Another secretary was excited.

"Nonsense." one of them lowered her voice. "Tariques is the one begging to collaborate with Roman. Of course, the chairman needs to be here."

"I doubt that. As the president, miss Laura is more than enough to be the representative. I don't think Mr. Tarique is here just for the collaboration."

"Could it be… An engagement announcement?"

"You're right… It might actually be!"

The bunch of secretaries was excitedly talking about it while Violla looked towards the stage at Davon, feeling perplexed.

'Are you really getting married? Am I finally going to be free?'

"Oh! Sorry about that, Violla. Did I hurt you?" A secretary accidentally touched Violla's hand.

"It's alright," Violla replied as she felt a sharp pain coming from her palm. She lowered her head to take a look.At the back of her hand was the scar left by Laura and her high heel. On her palm was the burn mark that Davon gave her that very day.

The scar that Laura gave Violla reminded her to stay away from Davon, while the mark on her palm reminded her of what Davon said. 'Violla Milan, you'll never be able to get away from me. Never!" So what am I supposed to do?'

"Tarique Junior, are you here to sign the deal with Mr. Young Roman personally?" The reporters started asking questions.

"Yes," he answered. Tarique junior was a charming middle-aged man. The moment he got there, he was the one who approached Davon for a handshake. He even hugged Davon before he addressed the reporters.

"This collaboration is of the utmost importance to the Tariques Group, and we are extremely grateful that the Romans Corporation was willing to give us a chance to work together. On top of that, I do want to thank everyone present for coming here to witness our signing. "

Laura was looking at her father with a big smile as her admiration and adoration for him were written all over her face.

Having said that, Davon was constantly looking at his watch, occasionally touching his Bluetooth earpiece like he was in a call with someone.

"Let the signing ceremony begin!" The emcee announced a little while after.

And so, Davon and Tarique junior proceeded to sign the contracts with hundreds of media companies as their witnesses.

After they signed the contracts, they shook hands in front of everyone and exchanged them.

At that exact moment, there was another commotion happening outside the conference room. This one was bigger than when Davon first came out. Davon's expression immediately darkened as he shot a look towards Clyde.

Clyde immediately ran to the entrance to stop whatever was going on, but he was too late. D'barl Roman had already entered the room.

Clyde stopped in his tracks and greeted D'barl hurriedly.

A smug grin lit up D'barl's face as he limped in on his cane.

After spotting him, Tariques junior and Laura hurriedly went over to help him in.

Meanwhile, D'barl's grandson, Davon, sat on the stage and glared at the old man icily.

Behind D'barl were Clyde and two of his bodyguards. Clyde was crestfallen as he trudged in, his gaze fixated on the ground.

Douglas flashed a warm smile. "Mr. Young Roman don't be mad. Clyde is no match for me."

He was implying Davon was no match for D'barl.After all, the older the wiser.

D'barl told Tarique to head there alone so Clyde would let his guard down before he could figure a way in.

Even if Clyde locked down the entire Romans Corporation and left orders that no one was to enter, including D'barl, he managed to sneak in nonetheless.

After all, both Clyde and Cruze learned their skills from Douglas.Thus, the latter could sneak D'barl in easily.

When Violla saw Davon's expression, she immediately realized what was going on.

Davon had always been against an arranged marriage, so he ordered Cruze to seal off Roman Corporation.Alas, he was one step behind. D'barl had managed to outfox him!

'Looks like the wedding announcement will go on as planned tonight.Will Davon resist it till the end? Or will he cave in?'

Violla's heart jump to her throat in panic.

Logically, she wanted Davon to marry someone of his status so he'd have no time for her. That way, he might release her soon.

Strangely, she felt her heart thumping anxiously at the turn of events.Her instinct was telling her she didn't want Davon to marry someone else.

"What do you want?" Davon gritted out.

"Easy," answered D'barl with a grin. "I want a great-grandchild!"

Davon flushed in anger. He tamped down his irritation and offered in a low voice, "I'll get you one. Don't kick up a fuss today."

"No!" D'barl was adamant. "I'm eighty-six years old. How long can I live? I want a great-grandchildren when I'm still alive!"

"You have three!" Davon mentioned the triplets. "Didn't you have fun with them yesterday?"

"Yes, they are indeed adorable. But they weren't carried by Laura," uttered D'barl coolly.

Davon couldn't find any words to retort. "Stop it. I promise you I'll get married soon and give birth to babies. Will that do?"

"If I don't force you, you won't settle down." D'barl was unfazed. "Besides, I might not like your choice of wife!"

With that, his displeased gaze landed on Violla. Violla shivered under his menacing glance and looked down.

Following his grandfather's gaze, Davon realized Douglas was heading toward Violla, with the two bodyguards behind him.

Narrowing his eyes dangerously, he rose to his feet. D'barl told him, "If you want her to stay alive, then listen to me."

Davon balled his hands into fists.

"Be a good boy!" D'barl pulled him back to his seat and whispered in his ear, "As long as you listen to me, I might allow her to stay by your side."

"What do you mean?" Davon furrowed his brows.

"Men can fool around," said D'barl nonchalantly. "As long as you marry Laura, I won't stop you from fooling around with Violla. It's unheard of in our family to cheat but I will make an exception ."