"I'll come along with you," said Davon while hinting for Cruze to leave with violla.

"She can't leave." D'barl wasn't foolish enough to forget about Violla. He ordered Douglas, "Carry out my order now!"

"Well…" Douglas trailed off hesitantly as he turned to look at Davon.

"Ignore him!" D'barl declared furiously. "I'm still alive. I call the shots in the Roman family!"

"You're old and hot-tempered," uttered Davon helplessly. "Am I right, Mr. Tarique junior?"

Davon was an arrogant man. He had always been polite but distant to Tarique junior.

'Oh, he wants me to help persuade his grandfather.'

Tarique junior hurriedly chimed in. "Mr. Old Roman, please calm down. You should give Davon some time to figure things out."

"Tarique junior, you don't understand," said D'barl with a frown. "I will never blame someone wrongfully. After the incident, I told Douglas to find out what happened. The evidence showed that woman was the culprit, so I brought her here. She tried to weasel her way out. Obviously, I need to hand her to the police."

"You're right." Tarique junior nodded vehemently. He turned to Violla and questioned, "What did Laura do to make you poison her."

He trailed off in shock the moment he saw Violla's face. It was as though he was staring at a ghost.

"I didn't poison her," Violla reiterated. "If you don't trust me, I'll confront Miss Laura."

"Okay, you can confront her." D'barl waved. "Bring her with us!"

With that, he strode to the lounge next door with his cane in hand.

Tarique junior was still gazing at Violla in disbelief.

"Mr. Tarique junior..... Mr. Tarique junior?" Douglas patted his shoulder.

Snapping back to reality, Tarique junior asked , "Who is that girl?"

" Violla Milan. She's an employee at Romans Corporation," answered Douglas.

"A Milan?" Tarique junior murmured. "How old is she?"

"Well," Douglas paused. "I think she's in her twenties. What is wrong?"

"Nothing." Tarique junior looked away and caught up to D'barl. "Mr. old Roman, mind your step."

Douglas ignored his strange actions and signaled for Violla to come along. "Miss Milan, this way please."

His subordinates released their grips on her.

Violla followed Douglas to the lounge. When she walked past Davon, she cast him a troubled glance.Davon frowned in disappointment.

'What a fool. I had already gained Tarique junior's support . She could've left if I insisted. Then, I'll play things down and dismiss the matter. But she wants to confront Laura instead. Does she have a death wish?'

'Laura hates her. It doesn't matter whether she was the culprit, because Laura will pin this matter on her.

Besides, Laura is lying on the bed weakly. Everyone will side with her. I can't even defend her now.There's no way she'll get to clear her name.'

"Mr. Young Roman, what shall we do?" asked Cruze in a soft voice.

"Just ignore her!" Davon growled. "I tried to save her, but she insisted on seeking death!"

Cruze sighed. He couldn't help but worry for Violla as the young lady was too innocent to believe justice would prevail.In fact, if someone wanted her dead, it didn't matter whether she was the culprit.After all, the winner would get to decide the truth.

There were over twenty medical staff waiting in the lounge—Immaculate and her team, the medical superintendent of Amelia Hospital, and his specialists. Startled, Violla thought Laura was about to die.

When she came closer, she saw Laura lying on the bed weakly. The latter was awake and clear-headed. She didn't look that pale.

'Well, she's different. As an heiress, her life is more valuable. When my father was alive, I used to enjoy such privileges. As he's no longer alive, my life is utterly worthless! 'At that thought, sorrow filled her heart.

"Mr. Old Roman!" the medical staff greeted him with a polite bow.

"How is she doing?" he asked.

"We've examined Miss Laura thoroughly. She suffered from food poisoning. As she received treatment in time, her condition is currently stable," reported Immaculate. "We've pumped her stomach. She's still weak but recuperating well."

"I'm glad to hear that." D'barl heaved a sigh of relief and informed the other medical staff. "Leave us alone. Immaculate can stay."

"Yes." The medical personnel filed out of the room. Soon, the room quietened down.

" Laura, how are you feeling?" D'barl came to her bed and inquired in concern.

"I feel a little unwell, but it's fine," came Laura's weak reply. "Thank you. You must've been so worried for me."

"What a fool." D'barl berated himself. "I didn't protect you well. But don't worry, I'll make sure to give you and your father an explanation!"

He yelled furiously, "Bring her here!"

A bodyguard dragged Violla over and shoved her onto the bed. She tried to straighten her back, but he pinned her to the bed by her shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Violla demanded in fury. "I'm not a criminal. Why are you doing this to me?"

"Shut up!" D'barl glared at her before turning to Laura. " Laura, tell me." His voice softened. "What did you eat today?"

"After my arrival at the airport, I went to Romans Corporation immediately. I've been busy preparing for the press conference since then. The only thing I drank was the cup of coffee."

Suddenly, something clicked. Glaring at Violla, Laura queried, "Did you do something to the coffee?"

"Mm," D'barl nodded. "We've run a test. The coffee was poisoned."

"W-Why did you poison me?" Laura pointed at Violla, totally enraged. "I might be hot-tempered, but I've never harmed you. Why are you so ruthless?"

"Seriously? Look into my eyes and answer me. What does your conscience tell you? Did I poison you for real?" Violla refuted in disbelief. "You were the one who forced me to make you a cup of coffee. How would I get the poison to poison you?"

"Stop coming up with excuses!" Laura was infuriated. "Just because I exposed your relationship with Martin, causing Davon to take action, you held a grudge against me and tried to poison me!"

"That's not it!" Violla tried to defend herself.

"Shut up!" D'barl thundered angrily. "I can't believe something like that happened behind my back. How many more secrets are you keeping from me?"

D'barl sneered. "Hurry, take her away!"

"Hold on!" Both D'barl, who had just walked into the lounge, and Tarique junior, yelled out simultaneously.

However, Davon was too loud and covered Tarique junior's voice. Douglas was the only one in the room who heard Tarique junior yell. As Davon had stood out, Tarique junior fell silent.

"What else do you have to say?" D'barl was so furious he pointed his cane right at Davon. "Laura didn't lie, did she?

Davon came to Violla's defense, "She wasn't the one who poisoned Laura."

"Why are you still siding with her?" Anger welled up in D'barl's's chest. "Let me tell you. No one can save her today. Not even the president of the country! I swear I'll make her pay for what she did!"

"Mr. Old Roman, please calm down," Tarique junior advised. "Let's calm down and talk."

"Take this wicked woman away!" D'barl leaned on his cane and commanded indignantly. "If you dare to stop me, I won't only call the police. I'll deal with her right here!"

"I dare you to do so!" Davon bellowed.

"Try me!" D'barl retorted, breathless with anger.

Violla tensed up and dared not move an inch.

She could sense the murderous intent in D'barl's gaze. 'He's as ruthless as Davon. If this drags on, I might die here.'

"You can't hurt her." Seeing how determined his grandfather was, Davon panicked instantly. D'barl hadn't killed anyone in years, but deep down, he was still a savage man.

"No one has ever stopped me from dealing with someone." D'barl snickered icily. "Including you!"

"You can't touch her, because…" Davon clenched his fists and frowned. He blurted out, "Because she wasn't the culprit. I was the one who poisoned Laura!"

Everyone was astounded at his sudden announcement. Their gazes flitted across Davon, Violla, and Laura in shock.

Laura couldn't believe her ears. She gripped the covers tightly, nearly ripping the fabric apart.

"What did you say?" D'barl was stunned.

"I…" After a brief pause, Davon made up a lie. "I didn't want to be forced into this marriage, so I ordered Cruze to put something into Laura's coffee."

It was Cruze's turn to be caught off guard.

"The poison won't hurt Laura. She'll just suffer from a stomachache," Davon continued. "Perhaps Cruze overdosed the poison, so she spat out blood and fainted."

Cruze's lips trembled silently. 'Mr. Young Roman, how could you drag my name through the mud to save the damsel in distress?'

"According to my plan, the poison would take effect ten minutes earlier. But because she didn't take her lunch, the poison didn't take effect in time, allowing you to announce the engagement dates before she fainted."

Davon's voice got softer before he came to a stop. By now, D'barl was quivering in wrath as he walked slowly to his grandson. He was a savage wolf, aged but still viciously dangerous!

"Mr. Old Roman, please calm down." Tarique held him back gingerly. "Laura is alright now, so there's no need to pursue the matter."

He hinted at Laura, who immediately chimed in, "Yes, yes. I'm fine. My stomach isn't hurting anymore, so forget it."

Laura pulled back her covers in distraught, about to get off the bed. Yet, she was too late.

"You unfilial b*stard!" D'barl had raised his hand to give Davon a resounding slap. It was a loud slap that rang in everyone's ears.

Immaculate, Cruze, Clyde, and the rest of the Romans family's employees shivered fearfully and took a step back before dropping their heads.

Violla froze, appalled at the sight. Davon turned his head to one side and knitted his brows silently.

Soon, a red mark appeared on his cheek.

"I've never slapped you before," said D'barl in a menacing voice. "You were smart, obedient, and never disappointed me. But today..."

"I'm not your puppet!" Davon interrupted rudely. "You can't use me to reverse the mistake!"

"What do you mean?" D'barl's voice wobbled.

"Am I wrong?" Davon sneered. "Back then, my father and uncle loved the same woman. And when Cassandra gave birth to the babies ,it was later confirmed they weren't my father's , causing my father to burn the house down with everyone in it. Out of rage. "

"Hence, you placed all your hopes on me and exercised total control over my life. I must gain your approval before I date or marry anyone. You even interfered when I tried to make friends. You are so scared of me falling in love or marrying someone I love. You are so scared, that I might meet the same fate as my father ,if I love for real. Well grandpa you are a little too late. Because I have already fallen in love. And the woman isn't your darling Laura.And no I don't share the same fate as my father." Davon spat.

"DAVON ROMAN! " D'barl roared.

"What's wrong? Is one slap not enough?" Davon raised his chin defiantly. "Go on. Slap me more. I'll think of it as repaying you for bringing me up."

"Y-You rascal!" D'barl was shaking in anger as he raised his hand, about to give him another slap.

"Mr. Old Roman!" Tarique junior rushed over to stop him. "Please calm down, calm down."

"I'm sorry. It was all my fault," uttered Laura as she made her way over to D'barl. Grabbing his sleeves, she pleaded, "Please stop hitting Davon. Please!"

Closing his eyes in annoyance, Davon spun on his heels.

"Stand right there!" D'barl shouted.

Davon ignored his shouts and left.

"Mr. Young Roman!" Cruze scurried after him. The rest had their heads down and dared not make any sound.

Violla gazed in the direction where Davon had just left, at a loss for words.

She couldn't believe Davon went against D'barl just to defend her and even took the blame for her, causing the old man to slap him out of anger.

Davon was a proud man who'd punish those who were impolite to him, so he would never allow anyone to hit him.But that day, D'barl had slapped him in public.

Getting slapped was nothing big. However, his pride and honor were wounded.

"Vixen!" D'barl cursed, about to explode with rage.

Violla looked down silently.

"Mr. Old Roman, forget it," advised Tarique junior. "You heard what Davon said. I don't think she was involved in the poisoning incident. There must be a misunderstanding. Please do me a favor, and forget about this."

Tarique junior then signaled at Laura.

At once, Laura burst out crying. "I won't pursue this matter. Please don't let this come between you and Davon. I don't want him to hate me. Please!"

"You would've been dead meat if they didn't ask me to let you off," threatened D'barl as he pointed at Violla. "Get lost! Don't let me see you again!"

Violla scrambled up and left with her head down.

Immaculate signaled one of her medical staff, who immediately went after Violla and helped her out.

"Mr. Old Roman, don't be mad." Tarique junior consoled him. "We can't stay for long in Davon's company. I'll leave with Laura now."

"Okay." D'barl patted the back of his hand to comfort him. "That brat needs some discipline. I'm sorry for what you had to go through today. I promise I'll deal with him back home."

"Please don't say that." Tarique junior might have been in his fifties, but he was still a mild-mannered man. "The kids are grown up and have their own ideas. That's normal. Don't be mad at him. I'll find time to talk to him in private. And he loves Violla, let them be . You might think you are mending the past mistakes ,when you could actually be making it worse. "