Violla lost the will to struggle herself free. She snuggled in his embrace.

The cold made her circle her arms around his waist as she buried her face in his chest. She closed her eyes and let him take her wherever they were headed.

Their intimate demeanor resembled an adorable couple and would warm the hearts of any onlooker.

A pair of mother-daughter duo entered the elevator. The little girl looked about four or five. Innocently, she pointed at Violla and asked her mother in a low voice, "Mommy, why is that woman sleeping while standing?"

"She's too tired, sweetie." The mother crouched down and told her daughter, "Let's be quiet so that we don't disturb her."

"I thought only kids could fall asleep while being hugged. So big sisters could do it too," the little girl commented naively.

The mother could not help but chuckle at her daughter's innocent remarks. She cast an envious look at the cute couple and smiled. "That big brother protects her like she's a little kid. That's why."

Violla subconsciously lifted her head and met Davon's gaze. She noticed the loving look in his eyes.

Moved by his affectionate look, she tiptoed and gave him a kiss on the lips.

His body stiffened for a moment as he looked at her with a blank expression. Then, his lips slowly curled into an enticing smile. 'This is the first time she's hugging and kissing me in the public.And she's not doing it because she's forced to. It's because she can't hold it in.'

That was the reason he was smitten with the woman.The elevator's door sprung open, and the mother-daughter duo left.

Davon pressed her head against his chest and carried her out of the elevator.

"Let me down. People are watching!" Violla was hot from embarrassment.

"I carried you upstairs like this too yesterday, and I recall that there were no objections." Davon carried her all the way to his car and placed her in the passenger seat. Then, he walked over to the other side and climbed into the driver's seat.

Just after he started the car, Violla's phone rang. She hurriedly answered the call, "Hello, Ryan? Mommy will be back soon, say about half an hour."

"Don't worry, Mommy. You're just too tired from overtime work and slept at your friend's place." Ryan excused her.

"Mommy is not canceling our plans today. I'll get home and make lunch for you guys. Then, we'll head to the hospital and visit Mrs. Blake together. Be good, and wait for mommy at home."

After hanging up the phone, she cast a meek look at Davon. She was afraid that the man might throw tantrums like he used to, especially since he thought the triplets' father was Martin.

He would imagine her body getting intertwined with Martin whenever the his name came up, and in turn get all worked up.

However, things seemed different this time. Not only did he not get angry, but he asked rather calmly, "Don't you have nurses taking care of them? I can arrange for nannies if they're still shorthanded."

"No, no. It's more than enough," she hurriedly added. "It's just that the kids love my cooking. Besides, I've promised to make them lunch today." Violla explained.

"I've never had a taste of your cooking," Davon raised his brow in a displeased manner.

"I will be sure to cook for you in the future," she said with a sweet smile. "Although I'm not sure if you'll enjoy my cooking since you're already used to having gourmet meals."

"Well, I'll give it a try." Davon glanced at his buzzing phone. However, he had no intention of picking it up.

"Why aren't you picking it up…"She swallowed her words at the sight of the caller ID. It was Laura Tarique.

The flickering name on the screen reminded her of a painful fact. 'Laura was now his fiancee. Who am I then, exactly?'

The warm atmosphere turned cold.Violla lowered her head, saying nothing.

"I want to see you tonight." Davon did not notice the change in her demeanor. Instead, he ordered, "I will pick you up at ten tonight."

"Why? So that you can f*ck me?" Violla asked icily. "What are we, exactly? Am I your secret lover? Your mistress?"

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Davon furrowed his brows at her.

Violla said nothing as she glanced at his phone.He traced her gaze, and noticed that his phone was still buzzing and the flashing caller ID screen. He hung up the call and turned his phone off.

Still, Violla said nothing as she kept her head low.He did not seem like he had the intention of explaining things to her and kept driving.

The car reached the Uplands residential estate in no time. Violla removed her seatbelt to get off the car. Davon reminded her again, "Ten o'clock tonight."

She was burning with fury but she tried her best to hold it in. "Noted."

Then, she rushed back home.

Davon sat in the car, watching her silhouette getting further and further away from him. Suddenly, a sense of crisis washed over the man. 'I… am falling more and more in love with this woman.'

Violla rushed back home. The nurses were keeping her triplets company as they played. Eliana dashed in her mother's direction when she noticed the her coming home.She squatted down and greeted Eliana with a warm hug.

"Mommy, you're finally back." Eliana circled her small arms around her mother's neck and pouted. Sobbing, she said, "We thought you don't want us anymore."

"Don't be silly," Violla hurriedly explained herself. "Sorry, no more next time."

"Mommy's had a hard day," Eliana held back her tears and massaged Violla's shoulders. "Let me give you a massage."

"Thank you, Eliana." Violla planted a kiss on her cheeks.

"Mommy, did that bad boss bully you again?" Jason clenched his fist and asked angrily, "I will beat him up if he bullies you again."

"No, he did not bully me." Violla shook her head, afraid that the triplets might misunderstand Davon further. This would make things awkward when they meet each other in the future.

"Okay, as long as you're fine." Ryan scanned her mother and made sure that she was fine. The boy finally heaved a sigh of relief after confirming.

"Miss Milan, we wanted to make lunch but the triplets insisted to wait for you to come back. We've prepared all the ingredients. Do you think these will do?"

Two nurses came out of the kitchen.

"Thank you for helping out." Violla carried Eliana and headed to the living room, and gave Ryan and Jason a hug. "You guys must be hungry. I will go make lunch right now."

"Thank you, mommy…" She noticed that the nurses had already prepared all the necessary ingredients. There were only a few finishing touches.

Violla thanked the nurses and started cooking.

It did not take her long to finish preparing a scrumptious meal. "Ryan, Jason, Eliana, time for lunch."

Mommy, you have to eat too."

"I still need to work on the lentil soup so that we can take it for Mrs. Blake."

"Right, Ryan and Eliana, please feed Finny too. We're going to take it over to visit Mrs. Blake later. She said it's been too long since she last saw Finny."

"Sure!" Ryan held Eliana's hand as they headed over to the balcony. They stood on a small stool so that they could reach Finny and feed it.

Eliana patted its wings gently and said, "Finny you have to be good. We're taking you to visit Mrs. Blake later."

"Mrs. Blake! Mrs. Blake!" The parrot flapped its wings and chanted animatedly.

As she was working on her soup, Violla was actually checking on her bank account on her phone. She bagged tens of thousands working at Empire Night those few days. Fifty thousand for the hospital fees last time and another fifty thousand today still would not be enough to cover it all.

It was impossible for her to head back to Empire Night after the ruckus yesterday. Davon would have arranged for people to watch if she would go behind his back.

It seemed like the only way out was for her to contact the financial advisor from South Nation so that she could withdraw an amount for emergency use.

Violla threw the thought to the back of her mind, deciding that she would deal with it after she came home that night. Now her focus would be on the lentil soup and accompanying her children for a scrumptious meal.

After lunch, Violla took the soup and her children to the Immaculate's Hospital to visit Mrs. Blake.

In order to prevent the nurses from finding out about her relationship with Davon, she gave the three nurses half-day off. She excused their absence by saying that Mrs. Blake needed quiet rest and that it would be inconvenient for too many people to be present in the ward.

The nurses were worried about her handling all three children alone. However, they could do nothing since Violla was adamant that she could handle it alone.

Violla called for a cab and took her children and Finny to the hospital.

She texted Olympia on the way and reassured her friend that she was doing fine and told her friend to quit worrying about her.

However, Olympia still felt the need to call and confirm. "Violla, what happened last night really scared the wits out of me. Are you really alright?"

"I'm really fine. I'm now heading to the hospital with my kids to visit Mrs. Blake," Violla reassured her friend. "What about you? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, too. Just a bit swollen on the face. I'll put some ice on it." Begrudgingly, she said, "Violla, Fred asked me to tell you not to work at Empire Night anymore."

"I know…" Violla sighed. "Is he alright?"

"He's alright but your boyfriend said he wouldn't be if he ever lets you work at Empire Night again. By the way, your boyfriend is so fierce. Does he harass you?"

"No…" Violla could not bring herself to go into details in front of her children and did not divulge further. "Right, Olympia. I'm with my kids and we're heading to the hospital right now. Let me call you back later."

"Sure." Olympia felt a pang of guilt. "I have some leads on a piano performance gig, and I will watch out for you. I'll introduce you if an opportunity comes up."

"That's great. Thank you, Olympia."

"Don't worry about it. Go get busy. We'll talk later."

"Sure." Violla realized that they had actually arrived at the Immaculate's Hospital after hanging up the phone. The driver stopped the car by the sidewalk.

She carried her children off the car and pushed Jason's wheelchair. Ryan and Eliana tagged along by her side.

Finny was quiet in Jason's embrace. It craned its neck and glanced around curiously.

"Ryan and Eliana you guys have to stick close to mommy." Violla pushed Jason's wheelchair and reminded the other two.

There were some sundries, fruits and lentil soup hanging on Jason's wheelchair.

Onlookers could not help but divert their attention toward the young and charming mother with her triplets and a pet parrot.

Some were thinking that it must have been difficult for the mother to raise the triplets while some were awed by the cute triplets, not to mention the pet parrot.

Violla was already used to those curious glances. She smiled as she acknowledged them all before she headed toward the elevator.

She was beyond grateful that they were at a private hospital, and the crowd was not too overwhelming. If they were at a public hospital, there would be a real concern about her losing her children.

The little family soon arrived at Mrs. Blake's ward.

The woman was on the drip. As she heard the children's voices, she almost fell from her bed. "Ryan, Eliana and Jason! Is it really you guys?"

"Mrs. Blake!" Ryan and Eliana ran toward her.

"You guys are really here," Mrs. Blake was excited at their presence.

"Mrs. Blake!" Ryan grabbed her by the hand and caressed her wrinkled face. "You've gotten thinner."

"Haha, yes! I've lost over thirty pounds," Mrs. Blake burst into a laugh. "I've tried so hard to lose weight in the past but it took hospitalization for me to finally lose all those weight."

"Mrs. Blake is it painful?" Eliana asked as she looked at the woman's hands pierced with a myriad of needles. Gently, she blew on it. "Let Eliana blow on it so that it doesn't hurt."

"Good girl, Eliana." Mrs. Blake was moved to tears with a glad smile on her face.

"Mrs. Blake, Mommy brewed you lentil soup," Jason placed the thermal flask on the table and said casually, "Mommy's cooking skills have really improved ever since you were admitted in the hospital. This soup smells so good but she wouldn't allow us to have a taste, and insisted to keep it all for you!"

Mrs. Blake chuckled aloud. "Miss, have you really improved your cooking?"

"Oh, yes I have." Violla shifted in unease. "I'll be sure to cook for you every day once you're good to go home."

"That's great…" Mrs. Blake heaved a sigh of relief and smiled. "You're going to be able to take good care of yourself and the kids when I'm gone."

"Nonsense!" Violla's eyes brimmed with tears. "How could you say that? Your condition is nothing serious and you'll recover in no time."

"Mrs. Blake…" Ryan cradled her hands, his voice getting croaky, "You will always be around, always.

"Yes, Mrs. Blake. You're going to live a long and healthy life." Tears welled up in Eliana's eyes as the girl pouted.

"Mrs. Blake, you have to watch me get married." Jason's eyes were also brimming with tears but he cracked a joke in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere.

"Married! Married!" Finny flapped its wings and chirped.

"Haha! That's right… I have to watch my three babies get married and be happy!" Mrs. Blake smiled as she hugged the triplets one by one. Every single one of them was her precious little baby.She earnestly wished for speedy recovery so that she could go back and take care of the triplets.

Finny flew to her side and rubbed its furry little head against Mrs. Blake's face. It was as if it was using its own way to comfort her.

Tears streamed down Mrs. Blake's cheeks but she wiped it away in a swift motion. She put on smile and said, "The tears just come when you're old like I am… I've promised not to cry but I just can't help it when I see you guys."

"We will come to visit you more often," Violla said as she wiped away the tears on Mrs. Blake's face. "A lot of things happened recently. Plus, Jason is undergoing treatment. We really haven't been spending much time with you."

"Mrs. Blake we promise to come visit you after school in the future," Ryan hurriedly said. "I'll bring you an iPad so that you can send us videos when we're not around."

"Yes, that's right." Jason rolled his wheelchair closer. "Mrs. Blake, I will bring you your favorite green pea tartlets next time I come to visit you."

Raising her little chubby hand, Eliana chimed in, "I'll bring my little pink comb and wash your hair."

"Alright, my good babies." Mrs. Blake hugged the triplets and grinned from ear to ear.

Violla was overwhelmed by feelings at the heartwarming sight. She wished that Mrs. Blake would recover soon and that they could live together as a family like they used to.

"Miss Milan." Immaculate did not wish to disturb the children reuniting with Mrs. Blake, and merely beckoned at Violla by the door.

She followed Immaculate out into the hallway. Immaculate explained Mrs. Blake's condition to her. Fortunately, her condition was looking good because she had received proper treatment in time.

However, the treatment was a long journey, and the results would not be immediate. Even after Mrs. Blake had been discharged, she would have to go back for appointments every now and then.

Violla then hurriedly told Immaculate that she would spare no expense for the treatment. As long as Mrs. Blake could fully recover, it did not matter how much time or money it would take.

Then, she mentioned that she had brought along fifty thousand to pay for the hospital bills, and that the rest of the bill will be paid for by the end of the month.

Immaculate was stumped. "What hospital bills? I've signed for all invoices involved for Mrs. Blake's treatment this morning. No bill should ever be issued to you. Did someone ask you to foot the bill?"

"No, you shouldn't sign the invoice. I will pay for any expenses incurred for the treatment. " Violla offered.

" It has been taken care of. Relax." Immaculate suggested.