Violla grabbed a chicken wing and prepared to head downstairs to meet Davon.

The moment she opened the door, she came face to face with Davon, whose slender figure exuded a mysterious and unapproachable aura under the dim lights.

Violla almost jumped out of her skin and looked over her shoulder in panic. Fortunately, Ryan had gone to the bathroom, so there was no one in the living room.

"Why did you come up?" Violla hissed as she pushed Davon away from the door.

"It's ten!" He pinned her with a cold stare.

"The kids aren't asleep yet." Violla motioned at the house, but realizing that she was still holding the chicken wing in her hand, she hid it awkwardly behind her back.

Davon's brows knitted into a frown as he glowered at her.

"Either you go downstairs and wait for me, or we take a raincheck," Violla said tentatively. "Don't get mad. Just try to think from my point of view. As a mother, I can't just leave my kids and go on a date, right? We have to be responsible."

"Twenty minutes." Davon looked at his watch, then turned and walked into the elevator.

Violla was speechless and had no choice but to comply. Done taking their baths, the triplets were singing happily as they prepared to go to bed.

Violla cleared the leftover food and washed her hands before going to see her children.

Eliana was lying on her bed in her cute strawberry pajamas, holding a milk bottle in one hand and her stuffed alpaca in the other while enjoying the music playing in the background.

Violla went in and kissed her forehead, telling her to go to sleep after finishing her milk.

Eliana nodded obediently. Shortly after, her eyes began to droop.

Meanwhile, Ryan was lying on his bed and reading a book.

Jason was sitting on the wheelchair, allowing the nurses to clean his wound while he played with a Rubik's Cube, his eyes gradually losing focus.

"What is it, Mommy?" Ryan immediately put down his book and looked up at Violla.

"Mommy has to go out for a while but will come back and make breakfast for the three of you tomorrow morning. What do you kids feel like eating?" Violla felt that she had been too busy recently and did not spend enough time with her children. Hence, she couldn't help but feel a little bit guilty toward them.

But bailing on Davon would be even worse as he would no doubt kick up a fuss.

At the mention of food, Jason woke up in a daze and mumbled sleepily, "I want hot cross bunnies."

"I'm okay with anything as long as Mommy makes it." Ryan offered his mother an understanding smile and urged, "You can go now, Mommy. Don't worry about us."

"Yes, we'll be here to watch them," the nurses reassured.

"Alright, then. Sleep tight." Violla bid her children goodnight and went back to her room to have a change of clothes. However, realizing that more than ten minutes had passed, she ditched the idea and rushed downstairs without even changing her slippers.

The residential estate was huge, so after coming out of the elevator, Violla still had to run a long way before arriving at the gate. In her haste, she was almost hit by a car, falling to the ground in fright.

The car driver poked his head out and lambasted her. "Are you crazy? Running like a madwoman!"

Before she could regain her bearings, the car had already driven off.

Violla sat on the ground as she tried to catch her breath. It took her a while to calm her raging heartbeat. After pushing herself off the ground, she spotted Davon standing beside his car while looking at her with a cold gaze.

She trudged toward him even as her muscles screamed in protest. Then, she said to him while panting softly, "Let's go."

With that, she got into his car and slumped into the seat, gasping for air.

"You should watch where you're going," Davon chided as he started the car.

"Well, I'm sorry, but I was in a hurry," Violla retorted sarcastically. "With that temper of yours, I'd probably be strangled to death if I got here late."

Davon kept quiet and continued driving.

"Gosh, I'm so tired." Violla fanned herself. She tried opening a bottle of water, but her hands refused to cooperate, trembling from exhaustion.

"Is your body that weak? You only ran a short distance, but you're panting like it was marathon." Davon frowned at her in annoyance, but still reached out to unscrew the cap for her.

After Violla chugged the water down in one breath, she burped and panted slightly, but finally felt much better.

Just then, Davon's phone rang and he picked up the call. "Speak."

"Didn't I give the orders already? Do I need to repeat myself? Davon was infuriated. "Hold a press conference tomorrow and get Johnson to go."

"That's right…

"I'll solve the other problems. Leave those public appearances to Johnson."

"Just do as I say." With that, Davon hung up the call, but another call came in immediately after. This time, he used the Bluetooth hands-free in his car to answer it. "Speak."

"Mr. Roman, I've looked into the matter. Diana Roman probably wasn't the one behind this,the first one yes but this a big no. Based on the skills of her technical personnel, there is no way they could have hacked into our system."

"Look into Landiana Corporation of the Central Nation." Davon instructed.

"Landiana Corporation?" Clyde was slightly taken aback. "It won't be easy, but I'll try my best."

"Keep me posted."


After he ended this call, his phone lighted up with another one from Laura. Too lazy to entertain her, he immediately declined the call before switching off his phone.

"Why did you insist on seeing me even when you're so busy?" Violla asked softly.

Davon pretended not to hear her, keeping his eyes on the road.

Since he was ignoring her, she stopped talking altogether and reclined against her seat to rest her eyes, drifting off to sleep shortly after.

Davon drove straight to Romans Hotel's basement parking. The manager, who was already waiting there, informed him that all the necessary arrangements had been made.

Davon carried Violla and made his way upstairs. In the elevator, Violla opened her eyes in a daze to glance briefly at him. Then, she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face into his neck before going back to sleep.

Once in the room, Davon placed her on the bed and noticed the slippers on her feet. Slightly exasperated, he took them off for her and threw them into the trash, then pulled the quilt over her.

After making sure she was snugly tucked in, he went to take a shower. By the time he emerged from the bathroom, Violla was sound asleep, curled up on the bed like a kitten with the quilt wrapped around her body.

Davon sat on the sofa beside the bed, holding a glass of red wine the hotel had prepared in advance. As he sipped on the wine, he watched Violla sleeping with conflicting emotions swirling in his eyes, asking himself the same question she had asked him.

'Why did I insist on seeing her even when I'm so busy?'

He did not know either. All he knew was that he couldn't eat or sleep well if he didn't see her. His heart would feel as though something was missing, and only after seeing her could that void be filled.

Even if he didn't do anything besides quietly watching her, his heart would be content.

Violla was probably dog-tired, sleeping so deeply that she failed to sense Davon's presence beside her and paid him no attention whatsoever.

Soon, there was only a little bit of wine left in the bottle. Davon put down his wine glass, stood up and climbed into bed.

He slipped his arm under Violla's neck and pulled her into his arms, gently pressing her face against his chest before closing his eyes with a content sigh.

Like a sleeping baby, Violla nuzzled against his chest habitually, arching her neck upward to greedily breathe in his scent.

Davon was stirred by her subconscious actions and leaned in to kiss her. However, she shook her head in her sleep and buried her face into his chest, preventing him from kissing her.

Sighing with fond exasperation, he gave up and caressed her back instead, then closed his eyes to sleep.Even though his body felt restless and his desires threatened to take over, he held himself back.

That night, although both of them did nothing but hug each other, they slept soundly.

In the middle of the sleep, Violla jolted awake and turned to her side, fumbling for her phone beside the pillow to check the time.

When she saw that it was still early, she sighed in relief. Peering at Davon who was fast asleep, she surrendered to the urge to gently kiss his eyes. Then, she gingerly took his arm off her body so that she could get up from bed.

"Where are you going?" Davon pulled her back and hugged her tighter in his arms.

"I should go home now." Violla explained softly, "I promised the kids I'd make breakfast for them."

"What about my breakfast?" Davon gazed at her through half-lidded eyes.

"Should I get the manager to send something up?" Violla kissed his forehead, finding him cute in his groggy state.

"No." Davon pinned her arms above her head and pressed down on her. "I want you for breakfast."

"No..." Violla's protests were muffled by Davon's lips.

He had suppressed his desires the whole night. Now that she was awake, he wasn't about to let the opportunity slip through his fingers.

Writhing slightly beneath him, Violla's body gradually went limp and she finally closed her eyes, accepting his kiss.

Her body refused to obey her as though it had fallen under his spell. Every time he teased her, all trace of resistance would fly out the window and she would become his slave.

His heavy pants and her sweet moans filled the room, forming a harmonious melody.

They clung to each other, succumbing to their desires and losing themselves in a haze of passion.

Their lovemaking session lasted a long time. Only when the first rays of dawn streamed in through the French windows and illuminated their entangled bodies was Davon finally sated. He collapsed on top of Violla falling asleep.

Violla took out her phone to check the time. Seeing that it was half past five in the morning, she carefully pushed him away and rolled out of bed.

"Where are you going?" came Davon's voice as he lay sprawled on the bed, even though he was clearly asleep just seconds ago.

"To take a shower." Violla went to the bathroom to clean herself up before hurriedly putting on her clothes. Then, she walked over and pecked Davon on his forehead. "I've gotta go now. I promised to make the kids breakfast. Go back to sleep."

With that, she straightened and was about to leave.

Her arm was grabbed by Davon all of a sudden. "I'll send you home."

"It's fine. Go back to sleep. I'll take a taxi home." She protested.

"Give me ten minutes!" Davon rolled off the bed and strode into the bathroom.

Violla let out a helpless sigh. Even so, there was a warm tingly feeling spreading through her chest.

"He's clearly exhausted, but insists on sending me home.What is this, if not love?'

Violla went into the bathroom while waiting for him, thinking she might as well apply her skin care.

Davon coincidentally reemerged right after she was done, looking all freshened up. He grabbed his car keys before striding toward her. "Let's go."

"Aren't you sleepy?" Violla peered at him, perceiving his bloodshot eyes and surmised that he probably hadn't been sleeping well lately.

"I'm fine." Davon nudged her out of the room and conveniently draped an arm over her shoulders, ruffling her hair affectionately while snickering. "Beautiful."

Violla rolled her eyes at him, but snuggled up to him anyway.

Davon's lips arched into a charming smile. He liked that feeling very much as they resembled an ordinary young couple. 'This feels… nice.'

When the car pulled up at the entrance of Uplands Estate's residential estate, it was only six in the morning.

Davon rubbed the space between his brows and yawned. "Did you really have to come back this early?"

Violla paused and drank the sight of him in. 'How can a guy look this good while yawning? How is that possible?'

"I'm gonna make hot cross bunnies ,mac and cheese for the kids, then cook some soup for Mrs. Blake ,so all of this will take some time. Go home and get some sleep. You look tired." Violla stated.

"I'm hungry." Davon leaned closer to caress her face. "You've never cooked anything for me."

Violla giggled and dodged his touch. "Maybe next time."

Davon's mouth turned downward, but he didn't argue.

"I'll get going then." Violla unbuckled her seatbelt.

Before Davon could kiss her goodbye, she had already gotten out of the car.

Davon stiffened with a speechless look on his face.

Violla, on the other hand, was completely oblivious, even waving at him before running into the residential estate.

Davon stared after her until the lights on the sixteenth floor came on, driving away only after making sure she was safely home. Then, he switched on his phone and called Cruze.

Violla tiptoed into her home and put on her apron before getting to work in the kitchen.

She had to make breakfast for the triplets and also send some lentil soup to Mrs. Blake after everything was done.

Mrs. Blake was a big fan of soup, but due to Violla's hectic schedule recently, she wasn't able to cook that for her. Since she woke up early that morning she had enough time.

The doorbell rang slightly past seven. Ryan was about to answer it when he heard the noise in the kitchen. He ran over and exclaimed in surprise, "Mommy!"

"Good morning, Ryan!" Violla offered her eldest son a sweet smile. "Go let the nurses in first. Mommy is almost done making breakfast."

"Okay!" Ryan ran to the door and opened it for the three nurses. They walked in and wanted to prepare breakfast for the triplets when Ryan proudly announced, "My mommy is making breakfast for us. It's almost ready."

"Your mommy works until late at night but gets up so early. It must be tiring." The nurses sympathized with Violla. "We'll go give her a hand."

"It's okay. Mommy is almost done anyway, but Jason and Eliana still need help to wash up and get dressed." Ryan sounded every bit the older brother he was.


After Jason and Eliana woke up and were told that Violla had made their favorite food, their faces brightened with joy.

Both of them washed up faster than usual and sat at the table, bubbling with excitement as they waited for their mommy to serve breakfast.

Violla learned everything she knew about cooking from Mrs. Blake, but Violla rarely stepped into the kitchen because Mrs Blake had always been around . Now that Mrs. Blake was sick, she took it upon herself to find her way in the kitchen again.

"Oh no, Mommy's hot cross bunnies aren't as pretty as the ones Mrs. Blake makes." Violla placed the hot cross bunnies on the table with an embarrassed look on her face. "They look slightly out of shape."

"Yeah, some of the bunnies have missing ears." Eliana looked at the hot cross bunnies in shock before smiling stiffly. "They're earless bunnies."

Violla failed to stifle her laughter. "Okay, okay. Mommy's sorry. Mommy will practice more from now on and next time, you'll have perfect and cute little hot cross bunnies."

"It's okay. They still look cute to me." Jason picked up one hot cross bunny and bit into it, but coughed immediately after.

"How is it? Does it taste good?" Violla asked.

"It's so salty." Jason spat it out and gulped down his glass of milk. "Mommy, did you accidentally put salt instead of sugar?"

"What?" Violla took a bite as well and flushed a crimson red. "I think so."

"It's okay! We can eat the mac and cheese." Ryan quickly came to her rescue. "C'mon, Mommy made it herself."

Under her brother's urging, Eliana quickly spooned up some mac and cheese before putting it into her mouth. Almost instantly, her features contorted. "Mommy, the mac and cheese is so hard."

"What? Really?" Violla leaned forward and saw that the mac and cheese was indeed undercooked.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'll go cook it for a little bit longer." One of the nurses hurriedly took it back to the kitchen.

"I'll make some oatmeal! Oatmeal is easy." Violla hastily made some instant oatmeal and served it to them.

"Mm, it's yummy." Finally having some decent food, Eliana slurped on it happily. "Yum yum!"

"Yeah, it's perfect. It's not salty, and it's cooked!" Jason added solemnly.

Violla covered her face, wishing the ground would open up and swallow her whole.

"There isn't enough nutrition in oatmeal alone. I'll go cook some eggs," another nurse suggested.

The third nurse chimed in, "I can make pancakes. I'll make them right away since there's still time." With that, the three of them started whipping up a meal in the kitchen.

"Thank you, nurses." The triplets were very well-mannered.

Eliana even put on a serious expression as she comforted her mother. "It's okay, Mommy. You've gotten much better at this. Last time, you couldn't even cook oatmeal, remember Mommy?"

"It's because it's instant oatmeal, so it's a lot easier to make." Jason took a bite of his oatmeal before adding, "Mommy, you should cook your best dishes next time, just to be safe."