Perhaps, Amira had gone bonkers after learning about Leila's misfortune. Since there were no other ways to take Franklin and Barbra down, she could only expose everything to the world and fight to the death.

After all Leila had gone mad and would not know what was going on anyway.

Violla could not help but feel sorry for the Smiths. If Barbra really was the mastermind behind the assault, then she had gone too far. That was why Violla could somewhat relate to Amira's action.

Nevertheless, Violla believed Amira was no match for Barbra.

Amira might outwit Barbra, but she no longer had the financial means to take the latter down in the long run. On the contrary, Barbra could easily crush Amira at a snap of the finger.

If Amira continued to play with fire, Barbra would take action against her for sure.

"Violla? Hey!" Olympia raised her voice to get Violla's attention.

"Yes?" Violla answered. "I still have to deliver the costumes to Miss Faith today."

"You don't have to send them over anymore. She asked me to tell you," Olympia paused and continued, "Miss Faith said you're a witness of the incident."

"Since you know both the victim and the aggressor, a lot of people even asked about you. Things have somehow spiraled out of control, so she said…" Olympia hesitated.

"What did she say?" Violla urged.

"Miss Faith said she'll have to wait for the buzz to die down before she considers hiring you again. She also wants me to deliver the costumes to her instead," Olympia said sheepishly, "I tried talking to her, but she refused to listen."

"I understand," Violla responded with a wry smile. "Come to my place to collect the costumes when you're free then."

"I'll come over now then. Don't worry, I'll try to find you another job, okay?" Olympia stated.

"Thanks, Olympia." Violla ended the call and continued reading the news on social media.

The scandal had become the talk of the town . Amira must have dumped a lot of money to make the news go viral. She was willing to do everything to tarnish both Franklin and Barbra's reputation.

Everything that had happened recently got Violla emotional, but there was nothing she could do about it. At that point, she knew she had to stay away from the mess.

While Violla was still deep in thought, Jude called. "Hey, Mr. Jude!"

"Hi, Violla. I'm in Yake-view now. The factory is ready to operate tomorrow."

"Glad to hear that!" Violla said, "Everything went well?"

"Yes. We've hired enough workers to start working on two big projects. I wanted to invite you to our opening ceremony tomorrow, but I guess you must be busy." Jude sighed.

"No worries. Go ahead without me," Violla said with a grin, "I'll come over once I'm done with my work."

"Oh, yes. There's something else I wish to discuss with you." Jude said.

"What is it?"

"Smith has three factories, right?" Jude asked, "He initially quoted me a total of seventy million for all the factories and your villa. But since I didn't have that much money, I acquired only one of the factories. They didn't sell off the remaining two."

He continued, "But just a while ago, Smith called. He was willing to sell the two factories to me for ten million provided that the payment is settled at one go."

Hearing that, Violla kept quiet for a moment. 'Amira and Smith are really giving everything up to seek justice for their daughter.'

"This is a good deal. Your uncles are interested in taking up this offer, and they're in the midst of raising money," Jude said, "I just thought I should get your permission before we proceed with the acquisition."

"Go ahead," Violla said without hesitation, "It's great that you all are continuing my father's business. I'll call you again once I think of a way to raise money too."

"All right." After ending the call with Jude, Violla immediately set up a video call with her financial advisor in South Nation. After obtaining her digital thumbprint, the financial advisor activated her bank account.

Violla was pleasantly surprised by how simple the procedures were. She thought they would need her to make a trip to the South Nation to activate her account.

"That would have been the standard procedure four years ago," the financial advisor explained. "But with the advent of technologies, banks can now activate users' accounts through facial recognition, digital thumbprint, and password."

On that very day Violla transferred ten million to Jude.

Jude was surprised when he received the money from her.

Violla did not explain how she got the money but told him to proceed with the acquisition. She did not want people to know she was involved in that deal.

Jude gladly complied.

Deep in Violla's heart, she wanted to buy and rightfully own her villa, but at the same time, she was also afraid that Barbra might think she was doing it to help Amira.

The thought of the endless troubles she might get herself into forced her to give up the idea.

Soon, Olympia arrived with a bag of fruits. She looked around the house in admiration and said, "What a big and beautiful house!"

"This house doesn't belong to me. I just rented this place." Violla served her a glass of water. "Take a seat. I'll get the costumes."

"All right." Olympia sat on the couch and looked at the family photo. "I've been living alone for many years. You're so blessed to have so many family members."

"You will be able to live with your Mom once she gets better." Violla stacked the costumes nicely and put them into a bag.

"I hope so." Olympia sighed. "This is why I've been working so hard to raise money for her treatment."

"She'll be fine," Violla consoled.

"All right then. I've got to go now. After returning these costumes to Miss Faith, I still have to work the night shift at Empire Night." Olympia stood up and was ready to leave. "Take a good rest. I'll keep you informed if there are any part-time jobs available."

"Thank you." Violla walked Olympia downstairs. All of a sudden, Finny started shrieking, "Bad guy! Bad guy!"

"Wow! This parrot actually speaks?" Olympia was amused.

"Finny has been with us for nearly four years and is as old as my kids. It has also picked up some simple phrases along the way." Violla turned around and looked at the parrot. "Hey, Finny. Meet Olympia!"

"Bad guy! Bad guy!" Finny flapped its wings and shrieked continuously.

"No, Finny. No." Violla pointed her index finger at the parrot. "Olympia is my good friend. She's not a bad guy."

"Bad guy! Bad guy!" Finny squealed non-stop and kept flapping its wings as if it was very agitated.

"What's wrong with you Finny?" Violla knitted her brows. "It usually doesn't behave like this. I'll have to teach this naughty parrot a lesson after this."

"Don't worry about it," Olympia said, "I got to go now. You rest well, okay?"

"All right. Text me once you've passed the costumes to Miss Faith." Violla walked her to the elevator.

Olympia entered the elevator and waved Violla goodbye with a grin.

When Violla was about to return to the house, she heard a loud bang coming from the elevator, followed by Olympia's scream.

Violla was thunderstruck. She ran back to the elevator and realized it had broken down.

"Olympia!" Violla screamed in horror. She immediately gave the property management office a call and ran downstairs.

The elevator plunged from the sixteenth floor. Fortunately, it stopped falling when it reached the third floor.

Violla ran all the way down to the ground floor and went up to the third floor. The security guards and technicians had arrived to open the elevator's door to retrieve Olympia. But she had already passed out.

"Olympia!" Violla wanted to go near Olympia, but the two security guards held her back.

Another two guards carried Olympia out of the elevator. They did not see any injuries on her body.

Soon, the rescue team arrived and took both Olympia and Violla to the hospital.

In the ambulance, Violla held Olympia's hand tightly. 'She'll be fine. I'm sure she'll be fine…' Violla assured herself.

After a thorough checkup at the hospital, the doctor told Violla, "The patient went into shock and fainted. She'll feel better after taking a rest."

Violla and the property manager heaved a sigh of relief.

Violla shot daggers at the manager. "How did this happen, Mr. Manager? My friend would have been dead if the elevator crashed all the way to the ground!"

"I'm so sorry, Miss Milan. Please calm down," the property manager explained, "We inspect our elevators daily, and this has never happened to our property before. There's something amiss about this incident, and we've started investigating."

Suddenly, his phone rang. After talking for a while, his expression changed. "Lodge a police report immediately!"

The manager hung up the phone and turned around to Violla. "Someone sabotaged the elevator. We've reported it to the police."

"Sabotage?" Violla froze. "How about the other elevators? Or do you mean someone sabotaged only that particular elevator?"

"We carried out another round of inspection right after the incident and found all the other elevators are operating properly," the manager explained, "The only elevator with defect is the one in your block."

"They must have come for me then…"

The thought of someone wanting her dead sent shivers down her spine.

'That's why Finny got so agitated earlier. It must have noticed a suspicious person in the building and tried to warn us.Yet, I reprimanded Finny for not respecting Olympia '

"I'm afraid there's such a possibility," the property manager said, "Mr. Roman has bought over the entire block, and only your family lives in the building. Those who occupied the opposite unit are your medical staff, and the unit above you also belongs to your family."

"They must have known I'm the only person left in the building today," Violla analyzed, "And they knew I don't normally have guests in my house. Had Olympia not visited today, I would have been the victim of today's incident."

Violla was absolutely terrified. "Nope. Not just me. They also target my kids. Had Olympia not visited and I did not leave the house today, the kids would have got into the elevator instead."

Violla instantly gave Ryan a call but to no avail.

She panicked and called Jason and Eliana .None of them answered their phones too.

She even dialed the medical staff's numbers, but they did not pick up her call as well.Her legs went weak and almost fell on the ground.

"Are you all right, Miss Milan?" the manager immediately held her up.

"Take care of my friend, please." Violla

ran out of the ward like a lunatic and hailed a cab. She wanted to get to the Dates Kindergarten as soon as possible.

But at that point, a van drove up to her. Two men who were dressed in black covered her mouth and pulled her into the car.

Violla struggled and tried to escape, but upon smelling a sharp odor, she instantly passed out.

In the hospital the kids who had picked from the school were worried especially Ryan.

"Why isn't there any signal here? I want to give Mommy a call, Mr. Douglas." Ryan lifted his head and gave Douglas a serious look.

"All the signals have to be turned off, young sir Ryan, as we're in a special ward," Douglas explained in a gentle voice.

"What's a special ward?" Jason looked around and became nervous when he realized there were bodyguards everywhere.

"It's a special ward for Mr old Roman," Douglas explained with a grin, "Don't worry, all these uncles are Mr old Roman's bodyguards. They'll not hurt you."

"Is grandpa Roman sick? How is he?'' Eliana tilted her head and asked, "Did the doctor give grandpa Roman a jab?"

"Yes, the doctor did that this morning young ma'am." Douglas smiled. "Grandpa Roman woke up this morning. He knew all of you are worried about him, so he asked me to bring you here."

"So grandpa Roman is okay?" Ryan heaved a sigh of relief, and he seemed a little more relaxed now.

"Can we see grandpa Roman soon?" Eliana pouted and fidgeted.

"Grandpa Roman must be very tired. I must not ask him to take us out anymore." Jason felt guilty.

"Grandpa Roman loves spending time with all of you,young sir Jason." Douglas ruffed the back of Jason's head and said, "All right, kids. Before entering the ward, let's put on the isolation gown first."

"Okay, Mr. Douglas." With the help of the nurses, they put on the isolation gown, and each of them wore a mask. They then followed Douglas into the ward.

The moment the children saw a tall man standing beside the bed, they froze.

Seeing the children, Davon knitted his brows. "Why did you bring them here?"

"Mr. Old Roman missed them very much. He asked me to bring them here," Douglas whispered.

"I guess he loves these kids more than his own grandson," Davon said aloofly and was ready to walk out of the ward.

The three children stepped aside when he walked past them as they were terrified of him.

"Am I a monster?" Davon said with a deadpan expression.

Eliana let out a cold snort, made a face, and hid behind Douglas.

"This is how you express your gratitude after I've taken the trouble to piggyback you?" Davon stood beside her and gently pulled her pigtail.

"Don't touch my sister." Jason balled his tiny fingers to a fist and was ready to fight him.

Davon let out a mirthless laugh and looked at Ryan, who, surprisingly, gave him a calm but sullen glare.

"Please don't frighten the kids, Mr. Young Roman." Douglas could not help but step in. "They're afraid of you."

Davon lifted a corner of his mouth and walked out of the ward.

A few specialists, who had been waiting outside the ward, greeted Davon with a bow when he left. They then went to an office to discuss D'barl's health.

Meanwhile, Douglas took the children to the bed. "The kids are here, Mr. Old Roman. Mr. Old Roman?"

D'barl gradually opened his eyes and looked at the little ones.

"Grandpa Roman…" Tears welled up in Eliana's ears. "Grandpa Roman, I'm Eliana! Can you see me?"

"I'm Jason, grandpa Roman." Jason, too, was about to burst into tears, but he tried to control his emotions. "Are you okay, Grandpa Roman?"

"I'm Ryan, grandpa Roman…" Ryan grabbed D'barl's hand and tried to speak steadily, "You promise to play soccer with us, so you must get well soon!"