After a while, Violla struggled to leave the bed and dragged herself towards the door. To her dismay, the door was locked from the other side. She knocked on the heavy door frantically and yelled, "Is there anyone outside? Let me out! Let me out!"

There was dead silence outside the room.

Violla twisted the doorknob hard, but to no avail.

She had to give up twisting it and switched to look out of the window. The moment she looked down from the window, she was stunned.

It was indeed a strange building. She was at the height of approximately ten levels from the ground, with concrete walls all around her.

'Oh no! There isn't any furniture for me to step on! No chance at all for me to escape from this window! This looks exactly like a classical castle in fairy tales!'

'If I dare to jump down from this window, I will surely become shattered pieces!'

'Looks like I have no chance to survive at all unless my abductors change their minds and release me! Who is it that has locked me up here?'

Violla turned to look at the various types of sumptuous food served on the crystal dining table — there were dishes of the French Cuisine, red wine and more.

She held the red wine closer to her nose, and her eyes lit up at the fragrance.

'This is undoubtedly the limited edition from the winery that was exclusively produced for women.'

'The abductor is obviously a woman.'

'Is it Laura? No, it's not her! If she was the one, I could've been beaten up by her. It's impossible that I can still be unharmed and savor sumptuous food here!'

Violla glanced around the whole room again, trying to trace any clues.

Based on her judgement, all the oil paintings on the wall were authentic masterpieces. Even the floor vases at the corner were all invaluable antiques.

'My goodness! Even a room used to lock up a hostage is of such a high standard. The owner is clearly a dignified and poised woman. Who is she. Thus is more than Laura?'

Violla knitted her brows, thinking hard if there was any name in her mind which could match the secretive woman. She gave up after quite a while, accepting the fact that she did not have any connections with such people.

Staring at the sumptuous food in front of her, Violla had no appetite at all.

'I'm really worried about my three babies, and Mrs. Blake. I wonder if they're all fine.'

After searching high and low in the room, Violla finally spotted her phone. She was ecstatic and intended to call Davon at once, yet there was totally no signal.

Violla slumped onto the bed in despair, not knowing what she could do.

The room went dead silent again as she continued to gaze aimlessly at the oil paintings on the wall, still holding her phone in her hand.

At the same time, Davon was still trying hard to trace Diana's exact location, but there were no leads.

On the other hand, D'barl's condition was still not stable. He was slipping in and out of consciousness again. The Roman family tried their best to keep it a secret, not leaking the news to anyone.

Everyone of the Tariques family was also feeling uneasy with D'barl's condition. Tarique Junior had cancelled his plan to leave that week right after knowing about what had happened to D'barl. He could only stay at his place in the City, praying hard for D'barl to regain consciousness soon.

Laura was still in a trauma after witnessing what had happened to D'barl that day. She was unusually quiet those few days, waiting for the latest update on D'barl's condition.

Both Davon and Diana were still against each other in the tug of war; none of them would raise their white flag first.

If D'barl regained consciousness before Violla was rescued, Diana would not be able to proceed with her plans. In other words, Davon would be considered defeated if he gave in first before that.

The woman behind the abduction finally engaged Violla on a conversation on the third day after she was abducted.

"I thought Davon was willing to sacrifice anything to save you. Looks like I've overestimated his love for you." All of a sudden, a woman's cold voice broke the dead silence.

Violla's heart skipped a bit instantaneously. She woke up hurriedly from the bed and yelled, "Who are you? Why did you lock me up here?"

"Obviously, you're not as smart as I thought. Do you want to get out of this room?" the woman replied disdainfully.

"Yes, of course." Violla glanced around the room to trace the source of the woman's voice. She finally spotted a surveillance camera at one of the corner of the ceiling.

'So she has been observing me closely these few days?'

"If you really want to go out, you must bear in mind to be good later on." The room was back in silence again after her last sentence. In a split second, the door of the room was opened.

A few masculine men with ferocious eyes entered the room.

Violla was startled and stammered in fear, "W-what do you want?"

They did not say anything and continued to approach her with an ominous grin.

Violla held the vase beside her to smash it on the men, yet one of them grabbed her hand first.

In a blink of an eye, the man pounced towards her.

"Help! Help!" Violla was thrown onto the bed. The man took out his belt and lashed her hard with it.

"Ouch!" Violla shrieked in excruciating pain. She struggled frantically, but another man held her tightly. He tied her hands and feet to the bed, laughing excitedly as if he was well entertained by Violla's painful wails.

There was another man grinning hideously while recording a video of the scene by their side.

The man continued to lash Violla hard with the belt.

violla's dress was torn after a short while. She wailed in pain, yelling for help, yet nobody came to her rescue.

Meanwhile, Diana was sprawling idly on the bed with her eyes closed in another room, enjoying her massage session.

Violla's high-pitched wails was melodious music for her.

Diana's female assistant, Jane, was showing her the video recording of Violla being lashed. Without glancing at it, she ordered placidly, "Send it to Davon Roman."

"Noted. I'll send it now." Jane sent the video to Davon at once.

Within seconds, Diana's phone rang. Jane instantly reported, "It's a call from Mr.Young Roman."

Diana gestured to her; she answered the call and turned on the speaker.

"Daina Roman, I'm going to kill you!" Davon bellowed on the other side of the phone with a murderous intent.

"Sheesh…" Diana said mockingly, "My dear nephew, cool down first. This is just an appetizer. The next video will be even more exciting. "

"How dare you!" Davon roared fiercely, exactly like a lion ready to pounce on its prey.

"Haha…" Diana laughed sarcastically, "We're all from the Roman family. You know pretty well that we have no fear for anything, don't you?"

Davon remained silent just for a while and finally gave in. "Let her go. I'll let you meet Grandpa."

"Ah! That's right." Diana's mouth lifted into a smile as she ordered arrogantly, "Let them stop at once. That woman is our beloved Young Roman's sweetheart. If anything happens to her, I won't let any of you off easily."

"Yes, ma'am." Jane nodded and darted towards the room.

In the room, Violla was in an unsightly state of gory mess. She was sprawling motionless on the bed; her voice croaky and her throat felt sore. The man raised the belt about to hit Violla when Jane kicked the door open and yelled, "Stop it!"

The men were reluctant to stop right away.

"Do you want to provoke Mr. Davon Roman?" Jane warned them, "She's Mr. Roman's woman."

Hearing that, the men were overwhelmed and immediately moved aside.

"Get out of here!" Jane snapped at them.

"Alright! Alright!" They stumbled out of the room hastily.

Violla lifted her head with great difficulty and tried to gaze at the woman standing at the door.

"Lucky you. Mr. Roman gave in at the crucial minute just for you. Diana is really satisfied, so you're safe now," Jane scoffed at her. "Don't worry, I've called the doctor to treat your wounds. We won't let anyone hurt you again."

She left at once after telling Violla that.

Violla sprawled on the bed feebly, too weak to lift any of her fingers. Feeling her eyelids getting heavier gradually, her mind drifted into a total darkness.

Within a while, a female doctor entered the room with two medical staff and tended to Violla's wounds without hesitation.

Davon's expression turned ferocious, almost crushing his phone into pieces.

Cruze hurriedly calmed Davon down. "I believe aunt Diana was just trying to scare you. She is aware of your powers and would never dare challenge you."

Davon gritted his teeth. "That better be the case. I'll kill her if she lays her hand on Violla."

Cruze chose his words carefully. "Calm down. According to Clyde's report, aunt Diana isn't in this City, so she must've taken Miss Milan to other places. It is no wonder we couldn't find Miss Milan."

Davon's phone rang, and he saw it was an incoming call from Diana. "Don't worry. It's only minor abrasions. I've asked the doctor to treat her wounds."

"Diana, you've gotten too far this time!" Davon's tone was murderous. He had a grim expression when he clenched onto his phone.

Diana scoffed, "Wow. You are calling me Diana now...Twice the same day. You no longer regard me as your aunt huh?" After a brief pause she continued. "Is your heart aching for her? You didn't spare Drew when you beat him."

"Let her go!" Davon was reluctant to drag on the conversation, as the only thing he cared for was Violla's safety.

"No problem. Let's meet at the hospital entrance at seven tomorrow night." Diana readily agreed while Davon warned mercilessly, "I won't spare you if anything happens to her."

Diana said indifferently, "Rest assured. I've achieved my goal, so there's no point in making her suffer. However, you'll have to fulfill your promise. Otherwise, I have plenty of methods to torture her."

After she finished her sentence, she hung up the call. Meanwhile, Davon was so angry that his hands were trembling.

It was at that moment Clyde came into the room to report to him. Without warning, Davon gave the Clyde a punch in the face.

Clyde lost his balance and fell to the ground with a loud thud while blood gushed out of his nostrils and mouth.

"Mr. Roman, please calm down. Clyde is doing his best in tracking down Miss Milan's location." Cruze hurriedly advised as he stood in front of Clyde while he slowly got up from the ground and lowered his head silently.

Davon gritted his teeth and growled, "Didn't I tell you to send some men to protect her? Why did she get kidnapped?"

Lowering his head, Clyde said, "I followed your orders and sent your driver and the others to protect Miss Milan in secret. They found out somebody had sabotaged the lift and went to take care of it. They were able to repair it in time, so the lift was stuck on the third floor and didn't fall all the way down to the lowest level."

Looking at his blood dripping on the ground, Clyde continued, "And that was why Miss Milan's friend could escape unscathed. Afterward, the driver and the others were worried that the three kids would be in danger, so they looked into the lift incident to capture the culprit."

Deeply ashamed of himself, Clyde explained everything to Davon and asked for a punishment to ease the guilt in his heart. "Unfortunately, Miss Milan was kidnapped when they had their hands full on the investigation… I have failed you, Mr. Roman. Please punish me."

Davon bellowed, "Scram!"

Clyde lowered his head and left the room without making any noise.

Cruze wanted to say something, but he didn't have the courage to do so.

Right then, a maid came into the room with a bottle of red wine and a glass. When she saw Davon's grim expression, her body started trembling and she almost knocked over the wine bottle.

Davon frowned, and when he was about to lash out at the maid, his phone rang. Looking at the screen, it was Douglas.

Suppressing his anger, Davon answered the call and said, "Hello?"

Douglas said, "Mr. Roman, sorry to disturb you. The kids want to know about Miss Milan whereabouts. After the lift incident that day, their mother went missing and I've sent men to look for her, but there is no news of her."

He continued after looking at the three kids, who were looking back at him. "The kids are staying with Mr. Old Roman. Although they are safe and have no problems living comfortably, they are too worried about their mother that they could not eat and sleep well. Eliana was weeping bitterly, so Ryan asked me to contact you."

Douglas chose his words carefully because he knew Davon was in a foul mood. Initially, he didn't want to make that call, but he couldn't turn a blind eye to the kids' pleas, so he could only brace himself and did it for them.

Davon lowered his voice and replied, "Tell them that their Mommy's doing fine and she will be back after two days."

"Yes…" Before Douglas could finish his words, a kid's voice sounded from the other end of the call. "Mr. Douglas, please let me talk to him."

"I…" Douglas was troubled as he didn't know what to do, so he asked, "Mr. Young Roman, Ryan wants to speak to you. Is that okay?"

"What is there to talk with a three-year-old…" Davon was obviously reluctant, but before he could express his disdain, a childish yet polite voice interrupted him. "Hello, good day to you!"

Davon replied subconsciously, "Hello!"

"I am Ryan, Violla's eldest son. Regarding my Mommy's matter, I would like to have a talk with you." Although Ryan's voice sounded childish, he had an imposing aura that made him sound like an adult.

"Ha! You and I?" A laugh escaped Davon's lips listening to Ryan's voice. He would have to give credit to the child for extinguishing the flames of fury burning in his heart.

'He's only three and a half years old, and he wants to have a talk with me? Let's see what he'll say.'

"Yes. You and I." Ryan was calm and poised.

Suddenly, Jason added, "And me. Ryan, I want to go too!"

"M-Me too…" Eliana's cute voice sounded through the phone.

Listening to her sweet voice, an image of her hugging the milk bottle flashed across Davon's mind.

"Don't cause trouble." Putting the phone away, Ryan reprimanded his siblings softly before putting the phone beside his ear and said, "Sorry about that. Jason and Eliana ,are just worried about Mommy. How about 8 p.m.?"

"Fine by me. I'll tell Douglas to bring you here." Davon agreed as he was curious about the things a three-year-old would talk to him about.

"Thank you." Ryan handed Douglas the phone and said, "Mr. Young Roman has something to tell you."

Douglas took the phone over while Davon instructed, "Douglas, bring that child here tonight at eight."

"Alright. I'll make the arrangements." After hanging up, Douglas immediately turned to Ryan and said, "Ryan, I'll get the nurse to change your clothes. See you downstairs in thirty minutes."

Ryan replied, "Alright."

Meanwhile, Davon's fury was doused out by the voices of the kids.

'Diana wants to fight for the inheritance, but I'm in control here, so she won't dare to do anything to Violla.'

'I'll have to send Violla and her kids to safety first after getting her back from Diana. Only then can I finish that crazy woman.'

Bearing those thoughts in mind, Davon immediately ordered Cruze to make the arrangements.

A few moments later, Ryan appeared alongside Douglas at the door.

The child looked petite in his black suit. Walking in with his back upright and his head held high, he had a calm expression on.

The design and decorations in the spacious study were of cold colors, and it made the air somber.

Crossing his legs as he sat on the sofa, Davon's heart stirred at the sight of the small child sitting in front of him. Memories of the past flooded his mind. When he was a teen, he did the same thing as Ryan when he negotiated with D'barl.

That night, D'barl decided to pass the right of inheritance to him just after having a ten-minute conversation with him.

Now that he was the one negotiating with a three-year-old, a surge of warmth coursed through his heart.

Cruze asked, "Little boy, what would you like for a drink?"

He remembered the time when they were at the kindergarten, Ryan's words made him speechless.

"You can call me by my name. I'm Ryan Milan!" Ryan lifted his head to look at the man politely, but there was a hint of domineering and boldness that resembled Davon coming from his gaze.

Cruze's face reddened with embarrassment as he hurriedly changed the way he called Ryan. "Alright… Mr. Ryan, what would you like for a drink?"

"No need." Ryan turned to look at Davon as he was speaking to Cruze. "Can you give us some space? I would like to have a one-on-one talk with Mr. Roman in private."

"I…" Cruze turned to look at Davon, while the latter smiled and nodded slightly.