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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŽππ„ 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐃 π“π–π„ππ“π˜-𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍:

The entire group made their way towards the Neurological ward. The medical superintendent welcomed them personally, and even bowed to the three children, he then politely led them to Mrs. Blake's ward.

A few medical specialists were already there and waited for their orders at any time.

Jason was nervous, clenching the armrests of his wheelchair silently with both his hands.

Meanwhile, Eliana was hugging Finny tightly that she nearly strangled it to death.

Fortunately, Ryan was able to maintain his calmness and said, "Thank you for your hard work, doctors. We are just here to visit Mrs. Blake. We don't know anything about the treatment. I believe Mommy will consult you guys when she's back. Please continue with your work. Don't worry about us."

"Well…" They looked at the medical superintendent.

"Well, we will be waiting outside then. Please let us know if you need anything." The medical superintendent said cautiously.

"There's no need." Ryan bowed gratefully. "All of you have been working hard. There are other patients in the hospital who need you to attend to them. So, you really don't have to waste your time here."

The medical superintendent and the other specialists were slightly stunned. However, they responded politely and left immediately.

After watching them leave, Ryan told the bodyguards, "Could you wait for us outside? Please don't disturb Mrs. Blake's rest time. Thank you!"

"Yes, young sir!" The nine bodyguards bowed and left the room.

Ryan then glanced at the other four subordinates. They immediately bowed and left as well.

There were only their nurses in the room, and also Mrs. Blake with a total puzzled look.

Mrs. Blake had been gaping at those people in utter shock for more than ten minutes. She didn't say a single word, but they could see a thousand questions in her eyes.

Jason and Eliana let out a sigh at the same time.

"Mrs. Blake!" Eliana struggled to crawl into the bed with her short legs. She jumped into her embrace and said affectionately. "Are you alright? I haven't seen you for a long time. I missed you so much!"

"Good girl, Eliana. I miss you too!" Mrs. Blake hugged and kissed her head. She then turned to ask Ryan and Jason. "Who can tell me what is going on?"

"Hmm… I don't know either." One of the nurse's wheeled Jason over to the bedside as he spoke.

Jason furrowed his brows and pulled a long face. "That boss man treated us well all of a sudden. He told many people to take care of us. Everybody is so kind to us. I'm a little… hmm… I'm flattered!"

"Boss man?" Mrs. Blake frowned as she tried to guess who he was referring to.

Jason added, "Mommy's former boss. The bad guy with a fierce look on his face!"

"Bad guy! Bad guy!" Finny followed along and instantly recoiled as if it said something wrong.

"Jason, what did I tell you before?" Ryan put on a solemn look and reminded him in a serious tone.

Jason immediately shook his head and corrected himself. "Oh, no! He is not a bad guy. He is so kind to us now. Last night, he even tugged me and Eliana in bed."

"Uh… " Mrs. Blake didn't understand a word. She had no choice but to gaze at Ryan with a pleading look in her eyes.

"Mrs. Blake, I can't explain to you right now." Ryan shrugged and answered resignedly. "We'll let Mommy explain to you when she's back."

Mrs. Blake asked , "Where did Mommy go? I heard that the elevator in the residential estate broke down a few days ago. Her friend was nearly stuck in the elevator when she went to our place. The property manager sent your Mommy here to receive treatment and dropped by to see me as well. I wanted to go see your mother but she had left. Later on, I tried calling her but I couldn't get through. I'm so worried about her!"

"Don't worry! Mommy will be back tonight." Ryan assured her.

On the other side, Davon was still feeling emotional while looking at the DNA test report.

He felt like he was dreaming for receiving such great surprise all of a sudden.

In fact, God was so generous to him. He had been given all the best things in the world.The three children were like angels coming to his life.

However, he hated himself for not taking the DNA test right away when he learned about the existence of the three children. Instead, he even doubted that the children weren't his. 'I am a bloody fool!'

Thinking about that, Violla must have been extremely sad and disappointed.

She was probably hiding the truth because she was scared.

Davon was so regretful when he thought about the time when he punished Violla in a violent and harsh way. 'Stupid Woman, why don't you tell me?'

He swore to himself that he would do everything he could to make it up to her in the future. He wouldn't ever let her suffer anymore.

Cruze couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. "I can't believe things could take a turn at this point. You don't have to worry about anything now. No matter what Aunt Diana is up to, she can't deny the existence of these three children. You have not only one but three heirs to the family now. Nobody can threaten your position!"

"It doesn't matter." Davon wasn't happy because of the three children could help him maintain his position in the family. He was delighted because they were his flesh and blood!

He was even upset about that in the past. He had finally come to the realization that it was actually a misunderstanding.

"Of course. Most importantly, Miss Milan has never betrayed you." Cruze certainly knew what was on Davon's mind.

Davon ordered, "Send more men to guard the hospital so that Diana won't have the chance to play any tricks."

"Yes, Mr. Roman!" Their car soon arrived at the entrance of Amelia's Hospital as they spoke.

Douglas didn't wait for them as promised. Instead, he sent somebody over.

"What happened? Has Mr. Old Roman's condition worsened?" Cruze asked anxiously.

"No. It's Mr. Tarique Junior. He came by to visit Mr. Old Roman." the bodyguard answered. "Mr. Douglas greeted him personally. That's why he sent me here."

"Did Mr Tarique Junior come alone?" Davon frowned and asked.

"He came along with Miss Laura. But, Mr. Douglas rejected to meet her as per your instruction. So, he only let Mr. Tarique Junior in," the bodyguard said cautiously.

"Alright." Davon nodded in satisfaction.

"Don't worry. Douglas is always cautious and efficient. He makes no mistakes," Cruze assured him.

Davon quickened his pace. He held the test report tightly in his hands, with a happy glow in his eyes. He couldn't wait to let D'barl know about the good news.

The three children whom he loved the most were actually his great-grandchild. Though he had a feeling that his grandfather already knew.

Davon couldn't imagine how happy D'barl was going to be when he heard that. Or the confirmation.

As soon as they arrived at the ward, Douglas was about to send Tarique Junior off. He acknowledged Davon when they met, "Davon, you're here."

"Yes." Davon nodded in response, "Thanks for coming by to visit grandpa!"

"We're family. It's what I should do." Tarique Junior blurted out those words without any hesitation. He then added, "I'm your father's best friend, as well as Mr. Old Roman's close friend. Based on our relationship, we are more or less a family."

"Yes. Thank you." Davon smiled, "After grandpa recovers, I'll visit you in person to thank you."

In fact, he was going to visit him and break off the engagement.

"It's fine." Tarique Junior smiled and said, "I shall get going."

"I hope you are ok with walking yourself out." Davon nodded politely.

Tarique Junior left quietly. He stopped and turned back to him after walking a few steps. "Davon, do you know Gerald Milan ?"

Davon stopped himself from stepping into the ward and stared at him with a puzzled expression. "Huh?"

"I'm not sure if I should be telling you this… " Tarique Junior seemed to be in a difficult position. He wanted to say something but hesitated, "With regards to Miss Milan, she… "

Davon stopped him mid-sentence. "Since it's something that shouldn't be said, then just leave it. Cruze, send him off."

"Yes, Mr. Young Roman." Cruze replied.

It was a little awkward at that moment. Obviously, Davon was chasing Tarique Junior out.

Tarique Junior heaved a sigh and said no more. He then turned around and left.

Douglas turned to Davon and gazed at him. "I think you should at least let him finish his sentence. Perhaps he was just giving you a gentle reminder."

"I doubt a human would be able to influence my judgement." Davon hated to see anyone speak ill of Violla, including Tarique Junior.

"Mr. Tarique Junior is a righteous man who has a reliable and objective voice. Although he doesn't like to mingle with women because of Miss Laura he won't slander an innocent woman. Perhaps he was going to spill a secret."

Davon was annoyed and he cut him off. "Mr. Douglas! You're overthinking."

"Alright then." Douglas lowered his head and said nothing else.

Davon changed into his isolation gown and entered the ward.

D'barl was still in unconscious and the doctor was checking on him. Seeing Davon, the doctor immediately bowed to greet him.

"How is he doing?" Davon asked softly.

"Mr. Old Roman regains his consciousness from time to time. His head has been seriously injured from the fall. I'm afraid that he would remain in this condition for a period of time," the doctor replied.

Davon furrowed his eyebrows. "How long would that be?"

The doctor answered, "It's hard to say. It could be a week, a month, or perhaps longer. However, he is merely unconscious. He isn't suffering from pain."

Davon fell silent and looked at his grandpa with a complicated expression.

He used to find D'barl annoying back when the latter was being unreasonable and threw tantrums at others. However, Davon couldn't help but feel guilty towards his grandpa as he saw him lying on the bed, unmoving.

Davon was well aware that his grandpa was old and his days were numbered.But he still hoped the day wouldn't come too soon. He wished to spend more time with his grandpa.

"Take your time, Mr. Young Roman. I'll leave first." The doctor bowed to him and left the ward.

Davon sat beside the bed and kept D'barl company in silence.

After a moment, the medical staff came in with a hot towel to wipe D'barl's body. "I'll do it." Davon reached out his hand as he said.

"Alright." The medical staff handed the towel to him respectfully.

Davon actually had no idea how to take care of a patient. He just wanted to do something for D'barl.

He gently cleaned D'barl's limbs with the hot towel. Looking at the wrinkled skin all over his body, Davon realized that his grandpa was already an aged man.

D'barl Roman, who was once the legendary hegemon of the corporate world, was nearing the end of his life.

Right then, Davon had mixed feelings. On one hand, he was thrilled to be the biological father of the triplets. On the other hand, he was depressed to see his grandpa being sick and unconscious. Life comes and goes. 'Is there nothing else I can do?'

"Mr. Young Roman." Douglas whisper broke his train of thoughts.

Davon regained his composure and turned to Douglas. "Yes?"

"It's time for Mr. Old Roman to take his medicine." Douglas brought over a glass of warm water and D'barl's medicine.

"I'll do it." Davon took the medicine over and carefully fed it to D'barl.

Douglas uttered softly, "Mr. Old Roman has been muttering your name in the past few days. It's always you whom he misses the most. He's always thinking of you."

Davon remained silent but his eyes were filled with sorrow.

Douglas approached Davon and whispered in his ear, "The doctor said that Mr. Old Roman's days are numbered even if he regains his consciousness. Please don't provoke him anymore."

"I understand." Davon gazed at D'barl and smiled. "After he recovers his consciousness, I have some good news for him."

"Good news? That's great! If he's in a good mood, he'll recover even sooner," Douglas cheerfully said.

"Yes. He'll be on cloud nine when he hears that." Davon could imagine the pleasant scene already.

D'barl had taken a liking to the kids. He would be over the moon if he confirmed the triplets were his great-grandchildren.

"I can't wait to know!" Douglas was excited.

Right then, the medical staff came in to help D'barl get changed, so Davon left the ward .

"Mr. Young Roman, everything is ready," Cruze reported while panting. "You didn't sleep a wink last night. You should get some rest."

"Mr. Young Roman, did you stay up all night?" Douglas overheard Cruze when he walked out of the ward.

"He was too busy taking care of the kids," said Cruze with a smirk.

"I never thought Mr. Young Roman could get along with the kids. I was worried that you might get into a fight," Douglas said with a smile of relief.

Davon had a speechless expression on his face. "Am I a man-child to you, Mr. Douglas? Do you think I'll fight with three-year-old kids?"

Douglas giggled, then he said, "You never liked kids. I was worried that they might offend you by accident, and your temper… Well, you know that Mr. Old Roman adores the triplets. If anything happens to them, I can't answer to Mr. Old Roman."

"Don't worry. They're fine." Davon curled his lips upwards as he answered.

"Are they still in the hospital? How's Ryan?" Douglas asked in concern.

"He had a food allergy. He's recovering after getting an injection. Don't worry. Everything is fine," replied Cruze.

"Glad to know that." Douglas heaved a sigh of relief, then continued, "I'll take the kids home and settle them down, then I'll come back again."

Davon immediately said, "It's alright. Don't worry about it. I've asked Immaculate to make arrangements. She'll take the kids over to my house. They are staying there with me."

Douglas was shocked to hear what he said. "Are you sure, Mr. Young Roman? You always prefer a quiet environment. If they stay there with you, they might cause disturbance to you."

"No, they won't. They're adorable." Davon said that with a soft smile on his face.

Right then, the medical superintendent reported to Davon personally, "Mr. Young Roman, the room is ready."

"Alright." Davon left with the medical superintendent. He planned to get some rest to prepare himself for what was coming later at night.

Douglas couldn't believe his eyes. "What… What's going on with Mr. Young Roman? Why did he change so suddenly?" he asked Cruze.

"There are more surprises coming soon. You'll definitely drop your jaw." Cruze cast a mysterious smile at him.

Douglas was puzzled by Cruze's reply.

"Don't worry. It's good news." Cruze bowed to Douglas with a smiling face, then he went after Davon.

Douglas was lost in his thoughts, pondering over Cruze's words. Right then, the medical staff called him, so he didn't think further and quickly went into the ward to take care of D'barl.

Lying on the bed, Davon took a look at his watch. It was already eleven o'clock in the morning.

'There are eight hours more till the appointed time. Where could Diana be now? Right now, she should be on her way back to the City with Violla.'

'Clyde will have his eyes on them as soon as they set their foot in this City. Diana wouldn't be able to play tricks anymore.'

Violla sprawled on the bed, dozing off. Suddenly, someone opened the door. A tall, slender figure made its entrance, followed by a group of bodyguards.

"You're injured badly." Diana took a seat on the sofa and sized Violla up.

Awakened by the noise, Violla tried to move her body but her back was aching so much that she couldn't do it by herself.

Diana made a gesture.

Jane walked towards Violla and pulled her up with force.

Violla's body was trembling with pain. Her hair was in disarray, covering her pale face.