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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πŽππ„ 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐃 π“π‡πˆπ‘π“π˜-πŽππ„:

Davon went to visit D'barl, whose condition still remained the same as before. Sometimes, he would be awake, while the other times he would pass out. His condition had not worsened, nor had it gotten better.

D'barl's attending physician told Davon that in fact, as long as his condition wasn't deteriorating, he would be considered stabilized. In addition, he would also be able to slowly regain his health as long as he received treatment.

Davon let out a sigh of relief as he believed that only a matter of time before D'barl woke up, and that would be very soon.

If D'barl were to know about the good news, he would definitely be very happy.

Davon couldn't wait to start preparing for the wedding as he wished to provide Violla and the children a secure and happy home.

Moments later, Johnson called Davon personally as something came up in the company and they needed him to go there and attend to it.

When Davon went back to the company, he was no longer aloof and arrogant as before, but instead, he was rather approachable.

The moment he walked into the office building, the security guards and receptionists stood in two straight rows while greeting him respectfully, "Good morning, Mr. Roman!"

"Good morning everyone!" Davon responded in an unprecedented manner.

Everyone froze on the spot. The high and mighty Davon, who always acted extremely arrogant and never seemed to acknowledge anyone, would never have responded. And now, they were baffled that he actually took the initiative to greet them.

The staffs looked at each other in disbelief and wondered if they had heard wrongly.

'Could it be that Mr. Roman had a change of attitude after not coming to the office for a few days?'

Everyone was confused to see a smile on Davon's lips as he stepped into the elevator.Cruze knew what was going on and he was happy for Davon.

At last, him becoming friendlier was like a huge iceberg that had melted, and the seemingly impossible became possible.

When they arrived at the president's office on level 68, Molly and the rest of the staff, who were already waiting at the entrance of the elevator, bowed and greeted Davon, "Good morning, Mr. Roman!"

"Good morning everyone, you've worked hard. Breakfast is on me today, so go to level 17 and order whatever you like," Davon responded casually.

Everyone was utterly shocked. 'Is this Mr. Roman? The cold, ruthless, high and mighty Mr. Roman?

Davon frowned, "What is everyone standing around for? Didn't you hear what I said?"

"Yes, we heard you." All the secretaries nodded their heads instantly.

"Thank you, Mr. Roman." Molly was the quickest to respond.

"Thank you, Mr. Roman." Everyone followed and thanked Davon.

"Alright, don't let your work be affected. Take turns and go in different groups." He added a word of caution.

"Yes." Everyone uttered and bowed respectfully.

While Davon walked into the office, Molly reported to him some of the company matters that had happened that week. "Mr. Roman, some of the directors are waiting for you in the meeting room."

Davon had been busy with family matters for a few days and didn't go to the company. Even though he had gone through all the documents on a daily basis, a lot of work had piled up nevertheless.

The moment Davon stepped into the meeting room, Mr. Stone and the others stood up immediately and acknowledged, "Mr. Roman!"

"Good morning everyone, please take a seat." Then with a gesture, Davon continued, "None of you have eaten breakfast, right? I haven't had mine either. Shall we?"

The few directors stared at each other while wondering if they had heard wrongly. Or perhaps, was Davon indirectly implying something?

"Cruze," Davon uttered.

"Yes." Cruze stepped forward.

"Please ask level 17 to prepare some breakfast and have them sent here." Davon glanced at his watch and chatted with the directors casually. "I've troubled you these few days. As I was attending to my family matters, you have been taking care of the company."

"No trouble, no trouble at all." The directors were somewhat perplexed as they were more terrified than usual. They wondered what hidden agenda Davon had.

"Mr. Roman, is everything fine at home?" Johnson knew about D'barl's condition and thought that something might have happened to him, hence Davon was trying to seek their help.

"Everything is fine." Speaking of family, Davon couldn't help but utter smilingly, "In a few days, I'll be announcing some good news."

"Good news?" The directors were extremely shocked to hear that. Not only the company was facing some problems, even D'barl had not been seen for quite some time. 'What good news could it possibly be?'

"You'll know when the time comes." Davon let out a mischievous smile then he began to ask about work-related matters.

The few shareholders immediately highlighted some important events that had happened in the past few days. The most troubling one was after launching the new technological products, some problems started to arise. With more than thirty customers around the world filing complaints at the same time, this problem had become the trending topic that was circulated everywhere.

As a result of that, there was a lot of media attention on that matter. They were afraid that if there wasn't any reasonable explanation given to the public, it would affect their reputation in a bad way.

After Davon had gone through the information regarding that matter, he uttered indifferently, "Recently, I have been using that particular product and there wasn't any problem with it. Go and check if those customers who complained are connected in any way."

At that moment, the shareholders turned their heads and looked at Johnson while he responded, "I also suspected if they were filing complaints deliberately, therefore I have investigated the group of customers. So far, I didn't find anything fishy about them. It may be necessary for you to take action in order to find out the hidden agenda behind this matter."

Davon raised an eyebrow at Clyde and stated, "Did you hear that?"

Clyde nodded and replied, "Understood. We will investigate the matter immediately."

"Allow Public Relations Crisis to deal with the media. I'll come up with a solution when I receive the investigation results from Clyde's team." Davon looked at the dates and asked Clyde, "Will three days be sufficient?"

"Yes. I'll come up with a detailed investigation report in three days," Clyde replied.

"Is everyone satisfied?" Davon looked at the shareholders.

"We are relieved to have Mr. Roman settle this matter." The few shareholders let out a sigh of relief. There was only so much they could do as there were many tricky issues that needed to be sorted out by Davon.

After all, he was a very resourceful man. With power like that, any problem could be solved as long as he was around.

"Are there any other problems?" Davon was sorting out matters one after another.

"The newly developed intelligent products are stuck in a phase." Johnson presented a VR design program on his laptop. "This series of products was originally intended for children's educational purposes. However, there are a few problems now that cannot be solved."

Davon moved the laptop closer to him as he glanced at it carefully, then he frowned, "I've already given my feedback regarding this project before, why hasn't it been solved yet?"

"The R&D department hit a blind spot." Johnson recounted the related technical problem meticulously.

After listening to that, Davon saved all of the information and said, "I'll go back and study these tonight, and give you an answer tomorrow morning."

"Alright, thank you Mr. Roman. That is all from my side." Johnson let out a sigh of relief.

"Alright." Davon nodded and looked at the others. "What about everyone else?"

Trad who was in charge of the market uttered, "Me… Roman's Corporation's market has always been stable, so there aren't any problems generally. However, now we are facing a problem."

"Go on," Davon responded impatiently.

After a moment of consideration, Trad stated cautiously, "I've received news that Landiana Corporation is going to penetrate into the domestic market. I'm afraid that they would become our biggest competitors."

"What? Landiana's Corporation is going to penetrate into the domestic market?" Hearing that, few of the shareholders were panic-stricken.

Over the years, Roman Group had been monopolizing the east , west, north and south nations market and was ranked the top, with Landiana Corporation being their only competitor in the Central Nation. The Roman Corporation also intended on penetrating the Central Nation market.

On the other hand, Landiana Corporation had only been focusing on the Central Nations market previously, and as a result of that, there wasn't any conflict between them and the Roman Group. However, as of then, they were thinking of penetrating into the domestic market too.

The Roman family and the Landiana family had always been each other's greatest rivals, and there was even a feud between both their previous generations.

Furthermore, the legendary Mr. Landiana, who was in charge of Landiana Corporation, was known to be ruthless and would do anything to achieve his goal. Besides that, Landiana Corporation was once involved in the criminal underworld when they first started just like the Roman's. If they were to go against the Roman Group, it would not be easy to deal with them.

The few shareholders stared at Davon while waiting for him to respond.

Davon exclaimed furiously, "Do not fear things that have yet to happen. Even if it were to happen, there is always a solution to a problem. We, the Roman family, have nothing to fear!"

"Yes!" Even though their responses were quick, the shareholders couldn't help but worry. Their leader, Davon was a business whiz, who was already running a global business at a young age.

As for Mr. Leon Landiana from Landiana Corporation, even though he had only started gaining power in recent years, his work ethic was known to be vicious and relentless.

People would tremble in fear when they heard his name because he had been involved in a few shocking incidents in the business world.

Moreover, given their current situation, the Roman Group was indeed Landiana Corporation's biggest rival. Those few years when Roman Corporation had just entered the domestic market, and before the company was able to gain stability, Landiana Corporation had already made their move to go against Roman Corporation.

"Mr. Roman is right. As long as Mr. Roman is around, there's no need for us to be worried." Johnson said reassuringly, "We have confidence in Mr. Roman."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Everyone agreed.

"Breakfast has arrived." At that moment, Molly and a few of the level 17 waiters brought over some scrumptious breakfast.

"Please have your breakfast." Davon got up and went to the washroom.After seeing how calm he was, the shareholders felt more reassured.

However, Johnson was still curious as he asked Cruze tentatively, "Mr. Cruze, how is our project with Tarique Group progressing? Do you have any idea?"

"It's in progress," Cruze replied with a smile.

He understood what Johnson was worried about. Even though Tarique's Group wasn't as powerful, they were invested in such a huge project with them. If it were to be terminated due to personal reasons, Roman Corporation would also suffer a heavy loss.

Furthermore, if they were to have a falling out with Tarique Group, they would possibly join forces with Landiana Corporation. That would pose a huge threat to the Roman Corporation.

Having a business partner might not be a big deal, but once the partner joined the rival's side, the consequences could be hefty.

Trad said reassuringly, "Don't worry too much about it, Mr. Johnson. The Tariques have been friends with the Romans for three generations. Furthermore, Mr. Tarique Junior treats old Mr. Roman as family. Even if there are any changes in work matters, it will not affect the relationship between the two families."

"That's good then, that's good," Johnson nodded his head.

Davon returned from the washroom and had breakfast with the shareholders. Johnson started to chat casually with him and told him about the new product development. Recently, he had been working on a new product for infants and was uninspired because he was stuck at the design.

Davon told Johnson to send him the information via email, and he would go over it when he returned home that night.

After the meeting, the few shareholders returned to their work. Davon went back to his office to go through some documents as well.

Cruze prepared him some ice wine and sighed, "As you had expected, Mr. Johnson was worried about your relationship with Miss Laura and fearful that if the project was interrupted, it would affect the cooperation between the two companies, which might lead to greater consequences."

Davon uttered flatly, "For him to have shown such great concern, it means that he's taking his work seriously. Is there anything else?"

"Not really." Cruze handed the ice wine over to him, then he asked worriedly, "Do you want me to go and find out more about Landiana Corporation?"

Davon smiled and replied, "I've already heard the news about them when I went to the washroom . It's true that Landiana Corporation is penetrating the domestic market and the first stop is this City."

Cruze was taken aback. "Huh? Are they doing it on purpose? They know that this City is Roman's Corporation's territory. Are they trying to rob us?"

Davon responded disdainfully, "The Black family is pulling the strings to help them obtain the South sea area. While Franklin joined the Black family, the Blacks joined the Landiana family. In the end, Landiana Corporation benefits from all of that, so they would certainly go for it."

"Why would they want that part of the sea?" Cruze couldn't seem to understand.

"There are many projects that can be developed in that area. Even though huge investments are risky, the returns would be enormous as well." Davon continued, "The reason why I didn't develop the sea area in the first place was because I was thinking of stabilizing other industries before that. My main focus is the technological industry after all."

Cruze furrowed his brows as his face was filled with concern. "There was a deep feud between the previous generations of the Landiana family and the Romans family. Even though the current generations are minding their own businesses, if both families were to go against each other and bring up the past, I'm worried the situation would be out of control."

"We will not attack unless we are attacked. However, if they do attack us…" Davon closed his eyes and uttered furiously, "I will definitely destroy them."

After he left the company in the afternoon, Davon headed straight to the Hospital.

Violla was already feeling much better that day. After a whole day of slumber, her body felt weak and her face was utterly pale.

She did not have an episode that day, hence her mood was quite calm .Arriving at her ward, Davon saw Violla standing next to the window while she quietly gazed at the rain outside the window.He walked towards her sneakily and hugged her from behind.

Being startled, her reaction was huge as she swung her hand, her fist landed on his head. A muffled sound traveled across the room.

"Uh…" The moment Violla saw it was Davon, she instantly held his face in her hands and apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you. Is it painful?"

"It's a good thing you're not holding a knife, otherwise I'll be stained by blood." Davon pinched her cheeks while ignoring the pain.

"I'm sorry." Violla felt extremely guilty as she gently rubbed his red and swollen forehead. All of a sudden, she noticed there was a deep bite mark around his neck. The wound was seemingly tender and everywhere around it was bruised.

"Oh God, what happened here? How did you get bitten like that? Who bit you?" Violla asked frantically.

Davon remained silent as he smirked at her.

"Was it me? Are you serious?" Violla's eyes widened in horror.

"I thought you had turned into a vampire yesterday. You sucked quite a bit of blood out of me!" Davon brushed her lips with his finger.

"I'm sorry." Violla was so guilt-ridden that her eyes reddened instantly. Biting and bruising his neck like that, and even giving him a swollen bump on his forehead , she didn't realize how scary she was being in that mad state.

If this had been before, he would have strangled her.

'Why is he so kind and gentle now?:

"So, how should you be punished? Hm?" Davon said with a straight face and pretended to sound stern.

"I…" Violla panicked a little and looked at him with puppy eyes. "It was my fault!"

Right after, she closed her eyes and stretched her neck while uttering, "Go ahead and bite me!"

She remembered that he was vindictive and he would never let things slide easily.

"Alright…" Davon moved over slowly and nibbled her neck with his teeth. A soft tingle had her feeling like a feather was caressing gently against her neck, then accompanied by a burst of electricity spreading throughout her body.

Violla waited for some time but Davon didn't bite her for real. He teasingly kissed her from the neck to her cheeks, ears, shoulders and collar bone instead.

Violla tilted her head and panted breathlessly while she allowed herself to be consumed by his fiery kiss.

She trembled slightly as she puckered her red lips and kissed him back.

The temperature in the room instantly rose as the atmosphere became hot and fiery. It was as if the passion had erupted into a burning blaze.

Outside the ward, Cruze turned to driver who was stationed to guard at the door and uttered, "Do you know what to do?"

"Yes, I won't let anyone disturb Mr. Roman." The driver had become accustomed to such a scene and he wouldn't blush like he used to.

The temperature in the room increased as the warmth emanated from both their bodies. While being in a space where only the two of them existed, they hugged each other tightly as their souls entwined.

In a moment of ecstasy, Davon nibbled Violla's ear and ordered, "Hug me tightly!"

Violla clung to his waist while she gazed at him dreamily. She could feel his hot, burning emotions exuding around her as she stared into his intense yet loving eyes.

Suddenly, a tear rolled down her face as she felt very happy and contented. However, she tried to cover it with a passionate kiss.

Davon kissed her and whispered in her ear, "Silly girl… We will be very happy together."

He knew that she was insecure, apprehensive about a lot of things and a constant worrier. Therefore, he only wanted to give her the best of everything.

Love, marriage and a home…

As long as it was something she hoped for, he would give it to her.